Is Abortion Murder??

Is Abortion murder??

This is a question I've wondered for the longest. I discussed it countless of times with my friends and people on the internet. I actually know people personally who had an abortion. Are they murders? Should they go to jail?

My stance: Abortion Should Be Legal.

As a female in the modern world of medicine, I shouldn't feel forced to carry a baby. I want children to feel loved and welcomed. I wouldn't want a child feeling like a burden. I think making a decision to get an abortion isn't easy and should be a personal choice. It should be discussed between family rather than the governement. I think that there should be limited restrictions. Of course there should be a cut off point, but the doctor shouldn't lie about the risks or tell me to go home and wait a few weeks. Women will get abortion regardless. Let's make it safe so that it doesn't hurt the women.

Is a fetus a person? The question at the center of it all. 

My stance: No. It's ridiculous that people are comparing a quarter size bundle of nerves and cells (because that's what it is at 2 months) to a living, breathing baby. If any living thing inside some is considered alive and a person, that would mean a tumor or is alive as well.

I could write a whole paper on why abortions should be legal, however I will keep this short.


Let's not be hypocrites now. We all know "prolifers" don't give a about anyone. Once the baby is born, they won't care. Let's mind our own business. And if we do get involved let's fight for child abuse and neglect for the actual humans who can feel pain.

If you have an abortion you aren't a murderer and you aren't going to hell. This topic heats me up so much...

Comments welcomed. Be polite :)


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It isn't legal where you live yet? Here it's been legal for so long that nobody talks about it anymore...
Sweetly_Lavender #2
Whoooooo, a very harsh topic to bring up. And probably an impossible one to answer in these critical times. I guess the only answer is that there is no answer. EVERY pregnancy is different. No woman feels the same - and that's what it actually comes down to. Feeling. Whether there's scientific evidence or not, nothing can really overpower a woman's - a mother's feelings.

Anyone can say at one point they're prochoice, but when they're in that situation, its a whole different ball game. Its not something you can willy nilly decide. Even a woman who was would make this decision with difficulty.

I'm 7 months pregnant right now. So personally, it hurts - as much as I want to be unbiased - to just accept the mere possibility of doing away with a 28 day old 'piece of flesh.' To me, it doesn't 'feel' right, as much as I'd like to say 'To each his own'. So I'll stick to the 'no answer' answer, and I don't think there will ever be one.
the bundle of nerves and cells has a heartbeat at three to four weeks. i guess i'm part of the minority who is against it. i believe there should be no ideology or belief above taking a life. perhaps if it's a life and death situation for the mom and baby... otherwise, for me, it's murder. but even if i consider it wrong, i don't have the right to condemn others or tell them how to live their lives. it's a choice; their decision to make, their risk to take. no condemnation, but there's always consequences. just saying.
i believe women should have an abortion if its , will hurt the mother, or if the baby is not completely healthy. other than that adoption is a choice right? there r many families who would be willing to adopt that baby
I feel it's all subjective. I may be in the minority but I believe every uni/multi cellular organism has life (viruses not included sorry viruses). Perhaps not as humans generally understand it. But none the less from the microscopic mite to the larger than life humpback whale life is as it is. However is abortion murder. No. Not in the classic sense. Personally I agree that each womb owner should be able to do what she wants. But I find occasionally people who think this will at the same time nag out about a person who has multiple children that in others opinion they shouldn't have had. I feel like we need to be equal on both ends mind your own fully. No worries about what next girl has or doesn't have in her person. * shrug not sure if that made sense*
abortion should be legal. I'm pro-choice too and in my opinion, women should be allowed to get abortions up to a certain point in the pregnancy... I don't remember the exact point when the fetus is considered more living rather than a bundle of cells, but up until that point, women should be allowed to get abortions... not all cases are because the girl had and then suddenly decided that for whatever reason, she didn't want it, and there's financial issues, health issues, and other factors behind the decision she makes.
Of course abortions aren't murders. Sure, Denmark has had free abortion for all my life, I don't know when it came but ~
There's the biological difference between human being and human person and I did a lot of research but I don't remember all of it. It's very technical lol.
Either way, abortion isn't murder.
It should be legal and religious people of all people should stay out of it. It's not between a woman and God, it's between a woman and whoever she wants to bring into this issue.
haha i'm pro-choice as well and like you, have always thought of a fetus as nerves and cell so no i don't think it's murder. i just feel like women should be able to have control of their own bodies and make their own decisions.