Where We Stand: Chev Reviews CH 34: Save

Chapter 34: Save
(click the title to go to the chapter itself)


Pete and Earn are reclined in bed together looking up at the constellations on Pete’s ceiling. Pete has his guitar across his stomach but his lower half is covered by blankets, while Earn is outside the covers. After placing his phone on Pete’s bare chest Earn starts slapping out a rhythm on his bare thighs, leaving us to only imagine that they are both completely . Pete starts strumming to the rhythm and sings the lyrics displayed on Earn’s phone; an angsty love ballad on the search for the love of that special heart. (Follow the link – it’s a good one.) At the conclusion, Pete assures Earn that he already has his love before they share a deep kiss, and then Earn wants to have another round of . Declaring he’s exhausted, Pete can’t understand where Earn is gets all his energy, but Earn tells him it’s easy to conserve energy when you’re on your back or on all fours most of the time. This leads into Earn trying to talk Pete into bottoming for him, but Pete embarrassingly suggests that he needs more time to “open up” before trying again. After Earn quips that he can help out with that process, Pete suggests they shower and call it a night. As Earn drags Pete toward the bathroom, he comments that they should get to practicing over Pete’s half-articulated objections. So into the shower they go for some soapy y fun which as usual, I won’t spoil. Suffice it to say they work on their goal, with limited success. It’s a half-full, half-empty scenario (sorry – you got to read it for yourselves). The big takeaway, in my opinion, is Pete’s desire to please Earn and Earn’s supportive emotional reaction in response, played on a background of underlying humor.

The lead-in to the chapter describes it as a mostly feel good chapter, which rings pretty true. The opening with the boys sharing time in bed together is a sweet scene, and the set-up of Pete trying to bottom for Earn introduces a new theme into their developing relationship. I applaud this theme because it is not only a realistic issue for many young males in same- relationships as they attempt to figure out what they enjoy ually, but also for explaining the mechanics employed in addressing the issue. Do readers really need to know the “nuts and bolts” (aka gory details) of what happens in this regard? Can’t the story just let us use our imaginations? It could, but I appreciate how this story approaches these issues head-on and addresses them in a completely frank and candid fashion. I think it grounds the story with a directness that renders it quite real. On the psychological side, the issues of ual roles and the desire for pleasing a partner are addressed, as well as the mutual emotional support of partners in a ual relationship. Of course all of this transpires in the context of Pete and Earn finding their way forward together after becoming a couple, and it’s told with openness, honesty and intimacy with a good dose of humor thrown in; making for a solidly engaging read.

We spring forward to the next morning as the boys finish their morning exercises. Referring to their just completed routine Pete declares that one day Earn is going to kill him. When Pete asks him where he gets all his energy, Earn tells him from the power of love and makes the ‘I Love You” hand sign. They share a laugh after Pete calls him a weirdo and reminds him to conserve his energy for a full day of practice ahead of them. When Earn asks Pete if that is why he only did half of his sit-ups this morning, Pete reminds him of the reason why (**cough**) but Earn seems concerned that Pete’s backside is still aching. Pete deadpans that he’ll just take a painkiller which seems to ease Earn’s concerns somewhat. As they remove their shoes and head into Pete’s house, Earn suggests they just keep practicing, and then comments that there are other ways for Pete to get used his girth. Pete jokingly retorts that he’ll buy a cucumber, but is thrown for a loop when his mom overhears the remark and asks if the boys need cucumbers. Pete quickly recovers by claiming that they want to add them to their drinking water as part of their health regime while Earn blushes red; at which point Pete’s mom obliviously says she’ll have them added to the grocery list. After Earn greets Pete’s mom and they seat themselves at the breakfast table, she comments that Earn has been sleeping over so much lately it reminds her of the previous year when they were preparing for the Soccer Event. Earn subtly adds that some things have changed for the better, while slyly asking for Pete’s concurrence. Pete wholeheartedly agrees with a pounding heart in response to Earn’s wide smile. After reminding Earn that there will be no sleepover tonight, she suddenly grabs Pete’s wrist and shouts Earn’s name aloud causing him almost jump out of his seat. Suddenly Earn is being scolded for letting Pete get a little tan from the sun during Cheer practice and Pete’s mom explains the virtues of having pale skin and how Pete comes from a family with a long history for having fair skin. Pete downplays the concern and tries to make a stand for his own autonomy and independence, but he’s out matched when Earn jumps in on his mom’s side vowing to protect him from the sun’s rays with a flex of his biceps. Appealing to his dad offers Pete only fleeting victory as his father quickly realizes that yielding to his wife’s position is the smart thing to do.

As breakfast continues, Pete reflects to himself how great his life is going since he and Earm got together (small quarrels aside). When the housekeeper, P’Kwanjai, enters the house from outside, events take a scary turn. First, Earn makes the faux pas of greeting her as P’Kwan, a handle she rejects completely by threatening to take it out on Earn’s laundry. After getting an apology from Earn, she announces plans to collect the trashcans in each room which sends a rush of panic through Pete and Earn and causes Pete to jump up to block her from her task. As Pete tries to dissuade her with weak reasons and offers of assistance, P’Kwanjai dismisses him with pleas to sit and enjoy his breakfast. Overcome by panic and out of ideas, Pete can only insist on helping her in the meekest fashion before Earn suggests they split the duties between upstairs and downstairs to save time. This offer gets her bewildered assent along with nodding approval from Pete’s parents so Pete races to the bathroom to flush the incriminating evidence down the toilet. Crisis averted, the boys shower and head off to school for practice.

This happy slice of life we’ve just read is the fulfillment of the feel good introduction and it is punctuated with an appropriately scaled dose of humor akin to a sitcom presentation without going overboard. The events are real enough and the humor brightens the events playing out without tarnishing them or making them seem contrived.

Walking alone along the soccer field with Earn’s arm around his shoulder, the boys discuss the close call over the condoms at Pete’s house with a future pledge not to just toss them in the trash. Earn makes a crude joke and then teases Pete about how he would have fumbled to explain them had they been discovered, but Pete dead pans that he could have simply come clean with the truth that he’d been ing Earn constantly over the past few days with a smirk. After telling Pete to shut up and calling him a er, a label Pete readily accepts, Earn quickly puts him in a headlock and messes up his hair. Pete fires the ‘er” label back at Earn as he escapes the headlock, to which Earn playfully responds “Not yet” making a joking reference to the other “practice” of opening Pete up to bottom for Earn. After meeting up with Card, Por and the others, practice begins and the morning passes quickly and it seems that progress is made as lessons learned are retained. During the lunch break Card departs over some family business and as the sun begins to set they call it a day. With Pete’s parents wanting a break from the constant sleepovers, the pair go their separate ways. As Pete drives home alone he remains hyped up over his date with Earn the following day, although they text each other randomly late into the night. In spite of facing an empty bed, Pete manages to get some rest with a pillow substituting for his absent ball of muscles. 

Nothing earth shattering so far, just scenes of life moving forward. What we are treated to is a picture of how comfortable the boys are becoming with each other as well as how close and supportive they are as the relationship continues to deepen. 

On their date the next day Earn grouses about how hard it is to sleep without Pete, and while Pete reminds him that they don’t live together, he’s secretly pleased knowing that the longing he felt the previous night wasn’t one-sided. The site Earn picked for their date is a mall less travelled, and in asking why he made the choice, it becomes clear that Earn is thinking toward Valentine’s Day and scheming to get Pete to tip him off for present buying. After a bit of teasing over this, they embark on their date with happy enthusiasm and a sense of joy at being together. They have a typical couples shopping experience, of spotting new finds and encouraging each other to try on clothes, except that for them, this is all new, and therefore anything but typical. Pete realizes through this experience that he has fallen for Earn for his personality and the way he makes him feel; but seeing him dressed, dapper and handsome adds an extra layer as he falls for how attractive Earn looks. At one point they pass a store that prompts Earn to suggest Pete try on some jock straps, but Pete has no intention of dressing up as Earn’s Valentine’s Day present and swats the notion down. Time passes and they walk with their purchases in tow. Earn suggests yet another shop but Pete quips that Earn’s breaking the bank. When Earn responds he’ll pay for whatever Pete wants, Pete intones that he’s not gold digger and makes his way to a nearby bench to sit and rest. They joke over a future domestic scenario, but decide neither one of them is cutout to be a housewife to the other.


Suddenly there’s the shout of a familiar voice and Por is upon them with Josie in tow. As Por greets them he asks what they are up to since he thought they both had errands to run. Pete quickly explains that they happened to run into each other and decided to shop together (a rehearsed response, Pete tells us, for just such a chance encounter). Josie soon joins in asking Por for an introduction to Earn since they’ve not met before. After a pleasantly mutual exchange between them, Josie turns to graciously greet Pete and they too have a warmly casual exchange which sort of puzzles Por and Earn. In the course of conversation Josie brings up Pete and Earn running into Ody and the band, Prompting Por to ask when Pete first met Ody and the boys. Josie explains it was back when Pete was dating Lhew, but clarifies that she’s talking about the recent concert event which riles up Por when he realizes that they went somewhere without inviting him and Josie along and barrages Pete and Earn with a slew of probing questions. As Earn stammers to explain, Pete jumps in and provides an explanation that seems to satisfy Por, just barely. When Josie casually mentions they came to this mall so that Por could learn how to ice skate, Earn and Pete are so incredulous that he doesn’t already know how, Por turns flushes bright red and pouts at Josie for spilling the beans. This quickly escalates into Earn and Por challenging each other to a race, but Pete points out to Earn he’s wearing flips so he doesn’t have any socks. As Por claims a victory by forfeit, Josie lays down the law insisting they excuse themselves to eat. As they say their goodbyes, Earn refers to Por as his idiot friend, but Josie defends Por declaring he’s not an idiot, but a cutie that she plans to take care of while winking toward Earn. 

Pete and Earn breathe a sigh of relief feeling they just had a close call regarding the premature discovery of their relationship. Earn explains that he was excited to finally meet Josie and that he was surprised Pete was so friendly with her. Pete starts to explain how they met, but stops himself to avoid mentioning Lhew. Earn however already knows what he is trying to avoid saying and tells Pete it makes sense, pointing out that Josie even mentioned Lhew earlier. Pete apologizes, but Earn assures him he’s done nothing wrong and does not need to apologize. Pete goes on to explain that he just doesn’t want Earn to feel uncomfortable, but that she’s really the one who led Pete to him. Earn acknowledges her role, and then suggests they go out to eat, his treat. As Pete bickers over having his own money, Earn gets him to give in, but not after some joking about Pete purposely choosing expensive restaurants followed by Earn jumping up to returns gifts he’s purchased for Pete to able to pay the food bills. They end up having a pleasant meal and thoroughly enjoying a movie together afterward.

The story has progressed through routine life events evenly and consistently without any drama. They boys continue to show us their intimate interactions and the ease with which they engage with each other. So far so good, but a little bit of spice is coming to brighten up their lives and test their relationship.

As they exit the closing mall after the movie they power up their phones. Pete informs Earn that they need head home and to be without any fooling around tonight because they’ve got a lot to do the next day. Earn laments they won’t get any late night practice in to get Pete “ready” but Pete asks if Earn ever stops thinking dirty thoughts. Pete’s phone starts vibrating in his pocket, but they continue talking, with Earn assuring Pete that although he’s really tired he can lay on his back the whole time making a joke about Pete “feeding” him. After Pete calls Earn a total , Earn tells him to answer the phone that continues to vibrate like mad in Pete’s pocket. Card is on the line urgently asking Pete where he is and quickly explaining that Lhew is bar hoping and headed for trouble. It seems Card and Lhew have struck up a friendship of sorts since Pete and Lhew stopped dating. Earlier in evening Por and Josie met up with Lhew in a bar, mentioned Earn and Pete, and then later Lhew ran into some of her school friends who pretty badly, all setting her off on a drinking spree. Josie had to leave with a drunk Por in tow and Lhew’s since then been texting Card, but he’s currently too far outside the city to get to her. Pete has Card send him the address of the bar where Lhew’s drinking and Pete gingerly explains the situation to Earn who reacts with genuine concern, stating that she’s a friend in trouble and he needs help. Pete thanks his Panda and gets a “No problem, Penguin” in return.

They rush to Lhew’s whereabouts and split up in search of her. The place is crowded and chaotic and the search goes slowly and without initial success. Pete tries to get above the dancefloor to get a better view and is suddenly bumped into by someone who turns out to be Lhew herself. After they mutually recognize one another and Pete exclaims he’s been searching for her everywhere, she bolts past him down the stairs leaving Pete chasing after her. They make it outside and Pete has to run to catch her telling her to stop so he can take her home. She demands he release her and wants to know why he’s there and how he found her in an angry tone. He explains Card’s role in finding her and tells her she shouldn’t be drinking alone under such circumstances, but she snaps back at him saying he shouldn’t tell her what to do since he drank and wandered all of the time when he had problems. He implores that he is worried about her, but she only wants to know why he had to come back, since she was doing fine without him, turning to face him with tears welling up in her eyes and declaring she was fine after their fight. At this point Pete tells her that he couldn’t move on without apologizing as he pulls her closer to him, and tells her that hurting someone so important to him was the last thing he wanted to do. She admits that she tried hard to hate him after their fight, but then asks aloud why she feels so angry with herself. Referring to Card, she asks Pete if that blabbermouth told him about her friends, and then admits that she’s a victim of her fears which all seemed to converge on her today, and further admits that the first person she thought of when she realized this was Pete because he was right in telling her to let go of those fears and enjoy who she really is. She then apologizes for putting pressure on him to pursue Earn, explaining that she was really hurt after their break up and really wanted their relationship to mean something because her own life at that time felt so still that without a positive outcome she felt she would have nothing to look forward to. Pete is reassuring and notes that since their fight they’ve both had some cooling off time and come to see things differently, and he takes the opportunity to sincerely apologize to her again.

As they stand hand-in-hand silently, Pete feels a great sense of relief and believes they both finally understand how badly they messed up and how ashamed they feel as well. Finally Lhew asks where they go from here, and Pete answers heavily that he doesn’t really know as he notices Lhew still wearing the bracelet he’d previously given her. Suddenly Earn’s voice sounds from behind Pete telling them that they should make up and be friends again. He acknowledges that he might be horning in a little, but explains that after hearing them both apologize and lay everything out, he can’t see what’s stopping them. After a cautious reaction from Pete, Earn gets them to acknowledge that they both still care about each other, and asks them why they can’t put the incident behind them and move on. So Pete asks Lhew if she would still like to be friends, to which he gets a positive reply, and Earn announces the matter settled and that he and Pete will take her home. Besides, he adds, stress is bad for the skin. Lhew tells him not to lecture, because she’s still worried over school tomorrow. Pete assures her that he’ll be there to help her out if she needs him to be. Earn finally declares enough is enough and moves between them placing his arm around Pete’s shoulder telling Lhew that he’s only helping because Pete considers her a great friend and he’s worried about her. Earn adds that he’s not helping because he likes her. Lhew snaps back to form firing off that he better get used to her company at least. Earn and Lhew continue the playful tit-for-tat all the way back to Lhew’s house where Pete once again reassures her that he is always a phone call or text message away.

So finally we have closure on the Pete-Lhew fight and learn a little about what was transpiring for Lhew after the break up and why she didn’t really want to speak to Pete when he contacted her by text. Pete sums up the time in between their last meeting well when he notes that they’ve each had some cooling off time and a chance to see things in a different light. The shared confession of feelings and fears along with Pete being the kind and compassionate person he’s been throughout this story has brought them to a new starting spot (thanks to a little push by Earn). This is great news and invites a compelling character back into the story (I hope). The big win here is Earn’s supportive reaction toward helping Lhew followed by his encouragement toward them becoming friends again. He seems to have matured and now feels secure in Pete’s affection, at least as far as Lhew is concerned. (Don’t forget Oil folks.) This is a huge step forward for Earn and for their relationship. ^__^

Following Lhew’s departure Earn gets out of the backseat and sits in the front passenger seat next to Pete. On the drive home Pete muses to himself how amazing earn was today. They had a great date and Earn reacted to the whole situation with Lhew better than Pete could have expected. Although Pete believes Earn had every right to upset or jealous he was complete supportive. This realization prompts Pete to tell Earn what he’s thinking, and he tells him he’s an awesome boyfriend. After getting an “I know” in response, Pete recants and tells Earn he’s obnoxious. Earn explains that in a way he’s kind of jealous of Lhew based upon the look Pete had on his face when he heard she was in trouble, and didn’t give it a second thought when he said he’d go to rescue her. Pete reassures him that he’d do the same for him or worse, reminding him that he’d done the same thing when Earn disappeared last year. Earn remains silent as they arrive at Pete’s house and Pete turns Earn’s head toward him gently by the chin and tells him to never forget that he loves him. Earn returns the declaration to Pete with a wide smile. As he unbuckles his seatbelt Pete tells Earn to bring everything in while he gets ready, but when Earn whines for help with the bags, Pete explains he intends to get ready for more practice. Earn responds in a rush by planting a furious kiss on Pete followed by a hurried demand for Pete to open the trunk. Pete reminds him not to forget that it’s only practice. Pete enters his room and cranks on the A/C and while removing his clothes ponders how well their relationship is blooming, noting that Earn being there and supporting him lets him know that Earn loves him unconditionally. As Pete lays on the bed Earn kicks open the door, drops the bags, locks the door and quickly jumps onto the bed. Pete knows this means it’ll be a long night and he’ll tired the next day, but if he’s going live through it with anyone, Earn is his first choice.

Thank you for another good read and a purely positive chapter accented with humor and love.


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