Cho Yon Soo
"the Only person I have to beat is the person I was yesterday."
( whenwelove / Erin / 8/10 / イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : Cho Yon Soo/ oliver cho
( nicknames ) : 
• oliver /he has an english name, but his birth name is his korean one. / his canadian friends and his siblings call him this. he doesn't have a preference for either. it just changes based on how easy it is for people to pronounce.
( gender ) : male
( dob / age ) : 20 • 10 • 1993 (22)
( birthplace ) : Toronto, Canada
( hometown ) : toronto, canada
( ethnicity ) : korean
( languages ) : 

• English / he was born and raised in canada. / fluent

• french / french was required in school, but after he went to south Korea he was more focused on studying korean so he stopped studying french. / conversational

• korean / he learned some korean at home, and he studied hard when he moved to south korea to become an idol. / fluent

( height ) : 176 cm
( weight ) : 64 kg
( appearance ) : He tends to be blonde most of the time, but he's fine with anything as long as it doesn't damage his hair. He also has a mole on his right arm that he thinks is cute for some reason.
the face
( faceclaim ) : Jung Ilhoon (btob)
( backup faceclaim ) : lee jeongmin (boyfriend)
( intro ) : "For the most part I don't think I'm hard to understand. I just want to make people happy, but not at the cost of my happiness and dreams. I'm not ashamed of who I am, but I do get scared that everything will be taken away from me for being honest. The world can be a confusing place. it's not always a bad place though."
( style ) : yon soo has a more formal style. he likes suits, but they're not as practicle for every day. He likes to wear a combination of button downs, sweaters, and jackets. he has discovered a love for hats since coming to korea so his collection has grown steadily.
( extra? ) : He has a tattoo on his left shoulder blade of a crown above the words "better than the day before".
the deep end
"I just love a happy ending."
( persona ) : Prince charming
( personality traits ) :
     positive :Adventurous, irresistable, caring, sarcastic and confident.
     negitive : lavish, indecisive, sarcastic, quiet, and vague.
( elaboration ) : Yon Soo grew up as a quiet, obedient child. He had always been content to do what made others happy instead of what made him happy. After a while he decided that he was tired of being walked all over. He forced himself to appear confident until he actually felt confident in himself. People started to notice him as he became more confident. He started to shine and people found that they were easily charmed by him. He could flash a smile and fans would melt. He was unaware of this new trait so he was unable to abuse it. While he was more interested in his own well being than before he still tended to put others first. He tended to be rather caring and he often looked out for those he was close to and sometimes he even went out of his way to help strangers. He has always been the kind of guy that will help old ladies cross the street and parents tend to love him.

He has become more sarcastic over time and upon first meeting people tend to notice them about him. They assume that he'll be a lot more cruel than he really is. In reality it's more a style of humor that he's acquired from hanging out with his sister so much and he tries to make sure people know that he doesn't have malicious intent, but it can still get him into trouble. It also doesn't help that he's still rather quiet. He might be more confident, but he still prefers to let others talk first. He doesn't have the need to fill every silence and so people that don't like silence become grumpy because he will sit and enjoy their company instead of filling the silence. It can also put people off when the first thing that comes out of his mouth is sarcasm. It can be a rather off putting combination.

He tends to have trouble when it comes to being open with strangers or during interviews. He's often more vague with his answers than other people. He wants to open with people about his experiences and share the lessons he's learned, but he doesn't want to get people into trouble. After his departure from SM entertainment he has come to fear what can happen when people disagree with certain things. He also has trouble making decisions. He spends too much time weighing each option and trying to decide which will best. Even then he can still find it difficult to come to a decision. Even though something sounds logically good his feelings for one option can get in the way. He will eventually come to a decision, but it takes a little longer than most people. At least it can be said that his decision has been given plenty of thought and he's spent a great deal of time picking the best option.

Yon Soo has always had a more adventurous spirit. Whenever he had the opportunity to go somewhere new and experience something different he jumped at the chance. He would eagerly agree to go with his sister when she wanted to travel around Canada. Once he moved to South Korea he made it a goal to go to as many interesting places as possible. He indulged in a few more touristy destination with other trainees from other countries. Unfortunately he has to strictly budget himself. He has the tendency to become caught up with things that are too fancy to be justified. He has always been fascinated by pretty things. The intricate designs of fancy things has always entranced him. He has tried to learn to trick himself into thrift shopping to keep him from over spending and sometimes it works. Other times he finds himself buying a model of a cool looking bicycle.

( background ) : jun sang and eunji cho moved to Canada shortly after their marriage to run the canadian branch of the cho business. A year after they had their first child. Yon soo was their third child and he tended to be overshadowed by his older siblings. His sister was rebellious and active while his brother was business minded and ambitious. Yon soo was more quiet and obedient. He did his best to get good grades and stay out of trouble. This caused him to be overlooked by his parents. They were more concerned with his sister's rebellion. For the most part this didn't bother him and he focused more on his life outside of home. He found at an early age that he liked to act and so he tried out for all the plays he could. He liked that he could be anyone on stage and that people would take notice of him. It wasn't until he tried out for his first musical and discovered another passion. He became absorbed in music as well and he dedicated his free time to learning all he could about music. his parents agreed to let him take piano lessons as well if that would get him to leave them alone. His sister, victoria, was all too happy to take him to practices and concerts so she could get out of the house.She was happy that she could help her brother pursue his passions. his brother aiden was more focused on learning about the family business. victoria was the one that introduced him to kpop and she was also the one that supported him when he decided to submit an audition for sm's global audition. he managed to pass the audition and his parents agreed to let him travel to south korea if he agreed to check in with his grandparents as often as possible.
life in sm was all yon soo expected it to be. He had spoken korean a little bit at home, but not enough to prepare him to live in south korea. he also had to attend high school there as well so he had to study korean on top of his class work and training. sm overworked him at any chance possible. After almost three years of training his was rumored to be debuting with Sm's new boy group exo. That was until a scandal cropped up involving him and another member. Yon soo agreed to be the one to leave the company if that meant the other man involved in the scandal would be able to stay. He was able to keep the company from blalck listing him with a peaceful resolution. If he got in trouble later it would reflect badly on him or another company and not on them. He stayed away from the idol world for the next year or so while he finished high school. exo became very popular in that time and his partner in the scandal refused to have anything do with him to prevent further scandals that might ruin his career. yon soo was frustrated by the direction his life had taken so he decided to make a change. he was no longer going to be someone that could be walked all over. After he started at university he decided to try out for another company. Jellyfish was the only company that seemed to be interested in giving him a chance.
( trivia ) : 
       ✯ Yon soo has an intense love for bicycles. He has read up on them as much as possible and he tends to collect little models.
       ✯ he had a dating scandal with exo's park chanyeol and since then they haven't spoken much if at all.
       ✯ he's gay.
      ✯ the crown from his tattoo is attributed to the greek goddess Nike and it's loosly tied to his sister victoria.
       ✯ he talks to his sister often, but he's still distant from the rest of his family in Canada. he talks to his relatives in korea occasionaly.
        ✯ he's fairly close to n from vixx.
( likes/dislikes/habits/hobbies ) :
likes -
  ✯ romantic movies
  ✯ traveling
  ✯ korean food
  ✯ bike riding
  ✯ reading
dislikes -
  ✯ being taken advantage of
  ✯ horror movies
  ✯ bees
habits -
  ✯ he tends to talk to himself when he's deep in thought
  ✯ he starts to hum when he's stressed
  ✯ he often complains in English so he won't bother others.
hobbies - at least 3
  ✯ playing piano
  ✯ acting
  ✯ singing
the interview
"there's always one door open and if there isn't build your own." 
What made you join jellyfish ent? : "I was looking for another chance, and they were willing to give me one. I don't think I could be more grateful."
desired position? : "I've always wanted to be a vocalist. I would be thrilled if I could be the main vocalist, but I'm also fine with being a vocalist and rapper."
how well do you get along with others? : "I get along well enough with others. I try to treat them with respect even if they're not all that nice to me. Am I perfect? no, but I'm easy enough to deal with."
who is your favorite sunbae? : "From the company? I think that N hyung if my favorite. He's always been nice to me and he's so dedicated to his art. he always treats me like an equal and I love that. If you mean over all I might pick xiah junsu-ssi. he's so passionate about making music and he goes to great lengths to make art. I wish I could create such beautiful things some day. if I ever met him I don't know what I'd do."
how many years have you trained? : "well I trained with sm for about three years. then I've been with jellyfish for the past three years. I feel kind of old saying that kekeke."
how's your aegyo? : "I want to say I'm far too manly for good aegyo, but that's probably not true."
can you write lyrics/compose? : "I can to some extent. I learned a fair amount about composing music on my time off from sm and I find that writing lyrics is a good way to express my feelings. I just wish I was as good as some other writers."
the romance
( love interest ) : Min Yoongi/ suga
( backup ) : Wang, jackson
( gender ) : male
( personality ) : Yoongi tends to be quiet and sometimes people think his personality is a little rough. he does his best to take care of the people he cares about and he often wants to be there for others even if he can't turn into a cute, fluffy person. He is passionate about what he loves and the people he loves. he doesn't give up on what he cares about.
( meeting ) : Yon soo and yoongi meet during an awards ceremony. the didn't hit it off right away, but yoongi did catch yon soo's eye. the next time they met he decided maybe they were meant to know each other.
( interactions ) : Yoongi has never really thought that gender mattered when it came to love, so he wasn't surprised when he fell for another man. They tend to spend time in silence when they're together. They just enjoy their time together even when yon soo gets a little more cuddly. they often trade jokes and people sometimes wonder how they get along so well when all they seem to do is pick on each other. They just seem to understand each other in a way they didn't expect.
( relationship ) : At this point they don't know each other yet.
( status ) : when yon sook decided to pursue yoongi they were both single.
the goodbye
( comments ) : I hope everything makes sense and is fairly realistic.
( questions ) : None
( concerns ) : I hope the love interests I chose isn't a problem. there aren't really any openly gay stars to choose from.
( scene suggestions ) : 
anything kind of cheesy is fine with me. it's not very specific, sorry >.<
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet ) — ( source code )


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