S7N's Lead Vocalist, Dancer Ren


Go Yong Nam

WhenWeLove • Erin • 7/10


the basics.

name » Go Yong Nam

nickname(s) »
Nom- his youngest brother accidentally called him Nom instead of Nam. It's often used as slang for eating so it stuck. It's used among his family and some of his fans. Fans also use NomNom.

birthplace & birthday » Busan, South Korea March 23, 1988

hometown » Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language(s) » 
—Korean/ Native/ He was born and raised in South Korea. He still has a bit of a Busan accent. It mostly comes out when he's really tired or frustrated. He might even bring it out when he's trying to be cute.

face claim » Lee Sungjun/ Wei (Up10tion)

backup face claim » Shin Hoseok/ Wonho (Monsta X)


appearance » Yong Nam stands at 185cm and 73kg. He has three piercings in total. The first two are in his ear lobes. The third one? It's located in his right . He wanted to show off for a crush and the crush decided a ring would be the perfect way to go about it. Now Yong Nam rarely takes his shirt off because he doesn't want people to see it. When it comes to his hair he loves to get it done even if it's just a haircut. He loves crazy colors, but dark hair suits him the most.

style » Yong Nam has been labeled a "fashion terrorist" by many. He loves bright colors and he seldom matches. If he thinks the pattern is cute or interesting he'll wear it regardless of if it goes with anything. Even when a stylist gets their hands on him he'll try to sneak in his own crazy socks to keep it interesting.

" I'm pretty sure three meals is just a suggestion. "

" Hey baby, want to come back to my place and watch Spirited Away? :D "


here i am.

Traits » +Sociable, Energetic, Accessible, Daring, Resourceful, Romantic -Clumsy, Tough, Competitive, Impulsive, Gullible, Single-minded
personality » Yong Nam is a person that likes other people. He thrives off of meeting new people and getting to know them. No matter where he goes he'll find someone to talk to. He'll find random workers to talk to. He'll talk to random people in line for coffee. It's hard to go anywhere in Seoul without running into someone that knows him. Even when he ventures outside of Seoul it's possible to meet a person that he's met before. He's the type of person that feels well rested after hanging out with friends or family. On top of wanting to interact with people he's also rather accessible. He is easy to talk to. He listens intently to others and will bring up things from the last conversation that some would consider unimportant. He greets everyone like old friends no matter how many times he's actually talked to them. He seems to understand the importance of each relationship no matter what kind. He's good with names and faces so he always seems to remember people even though he knows everyone. 


He also likes to take risks. He's never been afraid to try something new. He's willing to eat at that sketchy restaurant a block over. He will ride roller coasters and laugh. He's not afraid of going after something that seems like fun. He's the same way with people. He makes friends without fear. He's also impulsive. He tends to jump into things without much thought. He'll agree to plans or crazy adventures without thinking or planning much. Most of the time he tries to just wing things instead of planning everything out. He's good at rolling with the unexpected, but sometimes things could be avoided if he just thought about it a little more. He'll agree to a party only to remember partway through that he was to get up for a schedule the next morning. He's bound to cause a scandal or two simply because he didn't think before he acted. He's trying to improve this, but it's always good for him to be teamed up with someone more prepared.


Resourcefulness is something that he's always prided himself on. He is good at finding a way to solve problems. He is able to roll with the unexpected. He's good at getting himself out of trouble usually after getting himself into trouble. It helps when he always seems to know someone that has the tools they need. He never stays lost for long. He can be single-minded when it comes to things. When he wants or needs to do something he can focus on that and work towards it. Most of the time he just gets caught up in his head. He might focus so intently on something that he fails to see the consequences of actually doing it. At times he can get caught up in the bad situations because it's all he can see. It helps when he can focus on the positive things instead of the negative, but that's not always possible. He also has a bit of a competitive streak. He likes to win and show that he's good at things. This probably comes from growing up with three brothers. They would compete all the time. Sometimes it was for the attention of others or just because they could. Now he often takes games to another level. He mostly gets competitive over silly things likes games or challenges. Sometimes he'll feel the need to stake his claim for attention, but it's one of the things he won't let get too far. He doesn't need to be the best enough to step on other people.



It's not much of a surprise that Yong Nam tends to be full of energy. He always seems to be ready to tackle the day even if he's up before the sun. Even in the middle of the night he's full of energy. It's seem unnatural for someone to be able to keep going all the time. Even when he's exhausted he refuses to acknowledge that he's running on empty. At times coffee is all that keeps him from hurting people. His boundless energy and the fact that he's mostly all limbs team up to make him rather clumsy. He often trips over his own two feet or nothing at all. He also tends to drop things or accidentally break objects. He can be a little whirlwind of destruction at times. He cuts himself on random boxes and falls out of bed far too often. The only place he seems to keep accidents to a minimum is in the kitchen. When he cooks he manages to keep from cutting or injuring himself. Unfortunately, he can't cook all the time. While he's physically clumsy he can also be a little clumsy when it comes to people. He's a gullible person. He wants to see the best in people no matter how many times it seems to bite him. He can be convinced to buy meals, do chores, and consider getting random products from infomercials. He probably wouldn't be convinced to do anything too crazy, but just in case he refuses to loan people money. 

Yong Nam is a tough person in many ways. He has encountered many challenges on his path through life. He's survived them all even if he's not always proud of the way he handled them. Some might argue that such is the price of life. A person has to overcome obstacles to grow. He can also be a bit rough. He was a delinquent for most of his childhood and his instinctual reaction is to pick a fight with people even when he knows it won't fix anything. It seems to be the opposite of everything he usually portrays. The cold, ruthless Yong Nam that would rather break faces then work things out is one that he doesn't like to admit to. It also rarely comes out. It takes a great deal to bring it out of him, but when there's someone he needs to defend he's not afraid to bring out a little toughness because above all he's a romantic. He wants to believe the best of people and the world in general. He sometimes sees things more the way he wants to than the way they truly are. This leads to him being easily taken advantage. He gives his all to every relationship and romance is no exception. He wants to be able to make things special for a partner no matter how small. He doesn't need large gestures to show that he cares. He just needs to have them understand his sincerity. He knows that he's a flawed person, and he can't erase those faults. Still, he tries to grow and learn from his mistakes. For now that's all he can do.

trivias » 
– Coffee
– Cooking
– Makeup
– Skinship
– Animated Shows/Movies
– Plushies, mostly he collects cute stuffed toys based on anime or animated movies.
– People play with his hair
–  Yong Nam dislikes when people ask about his "real" parents. His adoptive parents (the Gos) are his real parents as fare as he's concerned.
– He doesn't like to take his shirt off. It's mostly because of his piercing. He's not ashamed exactly. He just doesn't want to show it off.
– Diets, he likes to eat and doesn't like to exercise besides dancing. So something that asks him to eat less and work out more is the worst in his book.
– Sad endings
– Homophobia, not that anyone really likes homophobia. 
– Working out, it can seem strange that he likes to dance but won't do any kind of exercise unless forced. 
– When he's stressed he cooks a lot. Baked goods are usually a sign of extreeme anxiety.
– He plays with the hair of s or friends. It'll happen at the most random times, but he finds the act soothing.
– He snores.
– Drawing
– Cooking
– Watching anime
– His favorite movie is Spirited Away.
– The only sport he can tolerate to watch or play for any amount of time is Soccer.
– He's biual but homoromantic.
– The kpop group he most wants to meet is Jewelry.
– People tend to think he's an innocent little cinnamon roll, but he's not inexperienced either romantically or ually.
– He's trying to go to University on top of training and idol life, but he wants to go to a culinay school and that can't really be done online. 




Stage name » Ren
POSITION » Lead Vocalist, Dancer
Singing » N (VIXX)
Dancing » Hojoon (Topp Dogg)
Backup TALENT TWIN(S) » 
Singing » Youngjae (GOT7)
Dancing » Jin (BTS)

SIN/VIRTUE » Gluttony
Persona » Yong Nam plays up his personality a bit when the cameras turn to him. He always seems to be smiling or eating. He is friendly and helpful towards others. He acts closer to his bandmates than he likely is off camera. He's wlling to embarass himself with silly challenges or dancing to girl groups' songs. Basically his whole stage persona is that he's not afraid to make a fool of himself. He likes to make people laugh even when it's directed at him. Cameras always seem to be around when he's hungry...okay that might be all the time, so they often catch him eating. He simply uses it to express his love for food.
backup sin/virtue » Wrath
persona » The persona taps into Yong Nam's inner delinquent. He always seems to be quietly judging. He always seems to want things persect no matter wha they're doing. It can be annoying but ignored easily enough. He only seems to open up when he's challenged to do something. Unfortunately, he's also the first one ready to argue or fight with another member. It might not get physical, but it always seems two seconds away from it.


Trainee years »2 years at Cube, 3 months at Woollim, and 5 months at CKS. 2 years and 8 moths in total

Trainee Life » Being a trainee was different at each company. Yong Nam hated training at Cube. He didn''t get along with other trainees or the instructors. They played favorites and he felt as if he wasn't learning as much as other trainees. They gave more attention to who they likes instead of who needed it. He was secretly relieved to leave the company. The focused on training him for vocals, but he felt like other areas got neglected. He liked Woollim much better. He got along with some of the trainees and instructors. They allowed him to focus on his dancing more. He wasn't there long enough for it to leave much of an impact though. CKS was his favorite by far. He was able to make friends and grow even more as a performer. He was able to put up with the more difficult trainees. They also seemed to be more concerned with making him well rounded. They even tried to work on his rap skills. Maybe if he'd been there longer he would have found talent there as it is he's content to sing and dance his way into the hearts of fans.


Predebut experience » None

Future Scandals »
"Is S7N's Ren a bully?" Yong Nam should have known his delinquent past would cath up with him. Of course it would run away from him and cause their fans to doubt him causing many to call his character into question. If he was mean to others before he's probably mean to his groupmates as well, right?

"Is S7N's Ren gay?" It might have started with a misunderstanding. His said something that didn't sound quite the way he wanted it to and it kind of ran from their. While it's not wrong a lot of damage control had to be done because of it.


home is where your heart is.

background » The Go family had always been considered to be a bit unusual by their neighbors. Go Deok Su and Myung Soon met shortly after University. They eloped shortly after and settled in their home town of Busan. They focused on their careers and didn't have children even when a majority of their classmates had started families. They traveled when they could, and they lived adventurously. Eventually they decided to start a family. Over time they adopted four boys.


Yong Nam was the second oldest of the four. He was always the most outgoing. He was easy to get along with and full of curiosity. He also tended to get into the most trouble. He ran with a less than favorable crowd. They would cut class and get into fights. He was also a favorite among his female classmates. It wasn't unusual for him to be seen with one or more of them hanging off his arm. Myung Soon and Deok Su were worried about their son. He didn't seem interested in school and he always seemed to be in trouble. He hadn't really found his place yet. He was content to sit and draw at home and cause trouble at school. It wasn't something they were thrilled about especially since they were waiting for their forth child to join their family. When the school suggested that Yong Nam should help out another club to keep him out of trouble the Gos were more than happy to agree. He agreed to join the school's choir. He'd always been interested in music, and it sounded like more fun than some of the other clubs. They managed to keep him busy at least. Between practices and helping prepare for performances he didn't have as much time to get into trouble. He couldn't leave his friends behind completely, but he couldn't help himself from making new friends in the choir. They were different from the friends he was used to. They seemed to see potential in him. It was an unusual experience. The only people that had ever believed in him were the Gos. They had different interests, and he felt himself wanting to learn about new things. Aside from music the girls got him interested in makeup, and cooking shows. It wasn't something that he associated with men, but he found that he liked it. None of the other boys seemed to care either way. He knew he wasn't the only boy in the group to like either thing. His old group of friends for it, but they never kicked him out. He was never really sure of the reason, but they seemed to want to hold onto him. Around this time Kwang Sik joined the Go family. Kwang Sik was scared of basically everything and everyone. The Gos did their best to make him feel welcome. Kwang Sik took a liking to Yong Nam almost right away, and he was attached to his new brother's side whenever they were both home together. Instead of being annoyed Yong Nam found himself coming home right after his after school activities. He would go out of his way to spend time with his brother. He found himself wanting to be a better person for his brother even though he'd begun to grow and change before Kwang Sik had joined them. He had even more motivation now.


Right before Yong Nam's first year in high school Myung Soon was offered a new job opportunity in Seoul. She accepted and the family moved to Seoul. It was hard to leave their lives behind, but Yong Nam was excited to see what Seoul had to offer. His new school was similar in most ways, but it tended to be more competitive. He had to fight more for a spot in the choir. If he wanted to join the dance club he had to fight for a spot there as well. Everything seemed to be a competition. Instead of fighting with his fists he was fighting with his hard work. It was hard to get into trouble when he was trying to continue doing things he enjoyed. It was also the time when he was expected to start thinking about what he wanted to do in the future. He was torn between his options until he heard one of his classmates talking about going to an audition for JYP Entertainment. It sounded like something he would be good at. He liked to sing and dance and people seemed to like him. Surely he was made for this. With tentative permission from his parents he started to audition for entertainment companies. After many auditions he was accepted by Cube. They were still fairly new at the time. Still, they weren't immune to the troubles of the industry. Being a trainee wasn't exactly what Yong Nam expected. They worked him hard with no guarantee that it would do any good. He didn't get along with many of the other trainees and even some of the instructors. He got into fights with other trainees often. He felt like he was in junior high all over again. The difference was that he had people on his side back then.


Yong Nam experienced more than just fights at Cube. It was there that he fell for a boy for the first time. He met a fellow trainee named Min Seok and he couldn't help but fall for him. Min Seok was shy and sweet. It was a mystery to Yong Nam why Min Seok wasn't well liked by the other trainees. They became friends quickly. They were able to connect through their lack of popularity. They drifted towards each other when it came to needing a friend. Yong Nam found himself falling more and more for the other trainee. Unfortunately, Min Seok was very deep in the closet. It was hard for him to admit that he liked another boy even if it was just to the boy he liked. Yong Nam said he understood and that they could keep their relationship a secret. Yong Nam had big dreams when it came to romance. He wanted to be able to show off the person he was dating. He wanted to take his boyfriend to all those cliché places like amusement parks or nice restaurants. It wouldn't have been weird with the girls he dated in the past, but now that he was dating a boy it was different. He had to make changes to the way he did things for Min Seok's comfort and their safety. Yong Nam never really understood that this could lead to trouble. After a while the other trainees started to notice the change in Min Seok and he steadily became more popular. Yong Nam was getting left behind and he tried to cling to Min Seok which the other trainees didn't fail to notice. In the end Min Seok accidentally threw Yong Nam under the buss so to speak. While Yong Nam had been his only friend Min Seok was quick to tear him down to get the others to like him. His relationship with the other trainees only got worse. Eventually the got into a fight that was unlike any they had before. It ended with Yong Nam bloodied and bruised. He needed help just to get up. Min Seok helped him see a doctor and shortly after suggested they break up. On top of that Cube asked him to leave the company willingly after the fight. They claimed it was due to him being a troublemaker, but it felt like more than that to Yong Nam. Surely they didn't know the truth about his and Min Seok's relationship. He would have been kicked out long before that if they had.


All at once he was hurt without his dream and without a partner. He entered a short period of depression. It was hard to pick himself up when everything was suddenly gone. The Gos refused to let him give up. Kwang Sik was there to look after his brother and Myung Soon and Deok Su encouraged him to start University. If he couldn't be an idol he could still do something else with his future. He still had many options before him. He agreed to their request and started school. After a while he stopped feeling like he was just going through the motions. He started to think that he didn't want to give up on his dream. So he started to look around for another company. He attended several auditions before Woollim Entertainment gave him a chance. He was there for a few months before he was asked to leave once more. He didn't get a beating this time at least. They claimed it was because they were still a fairly new company and his reputation wasn't something they wanted. After that he tried again, but it seemed like no company wanted to take him on. It wasn't until he went to an audition for SM that he heard some random employee gossiping about how some company called CKS was ballsy enough to take on SM in a law suit. It was old news but it grabbed Yong Nam's interest. He asked the employee to tell him everything she knew about the company. From there he hunted down every bit of information he could. Once he found the company he made his way their to plead for an audition. CKS was really ballsy and that's what Yong Nam needed in his life. It was his best chance to follow his dreams and he had to take it.


family »
Father | Go Deok Su | 52| Real Estate Agent | Deok Su tends to be the more level headed of the Gos. It's not hard when they're all a little out there. He seems to have infinite patience when it comes to people. He deals with them every day all day. He rarely raises his voice and never gives up on a situation. His wife often helps bring him out of his shell and he keeps her from getting too out of hand. He's the parent that reassures his children that there is always a way to achieve their dreams no matter how unlikely it seems. They just have to work hard and they can do anything.| Yong Nam loves poth of his parents equaly. He respects them, and he knows that they've put up with a lot while raising him. He can always turn to Deok Su even if they don't have many of the same interests. Yong Nam doesn't mind sitting with his father to watch a game if it means they can spend time together.

Mother | Go Myung Soon | 52| Photographer | Myung Soon is a person that likes to do the unexpected whether it be with her art or her life. She's always wanted a family, but it wasn't something that needed to happen right away. She took to parenthood well. She is understanding to a fault, and she understands how important it is for children to express themselves. She encourages their passions even if they're not similar to her own. She encourages adventures and learning. She's usual in the lead when it comes to these. While she's usually sweet and caring when her children are threaten she'll turn into a protective mother bear. She's not afraid to challenge people even when her sons can take equal blame. She wouldn't let them get away with anything, but she won't let them get walked over.|Yong Nam gets along well with Myung Soon. They're both more artistically inclined and she's always encouraged his dreams. They connect over art, and she might be the most excited to see him debut. He always offers to cook for her when he's home to show that his grateful for her putting up with him.

Older Brother | Go Chang Woo | 23| Med Student | Chang Woo was always the naturally smart one. He was interested in reading and studying when his brothers were out getting into trouble. He also wanted to take care of his brothers when he could. They could be a handful to say the least. He was the type of sibling to help with studying. He would take care of them when their parents couldn't. He eventually learned that he wanted to help people on a larger scale. He's dedicated himself to studying medicine so he can help take care of the world. |Chang Woo tends to understand Yong Nam when it comes to their age or the fact that they were both adopted later in the childhood. They were in the realm of too old for adoptors. They're able to be honest with each otherand they feel free to talk about their deepest thoughts with each other. Chang Woo always wants to take care of Yong Nam even when he insists that he doesn't need to be looked after. When they have free time (which is basically never) they meet for coffee and they talk about life.

Younger Brother | Go Byung Joo | 18| Student | Byung Joo has always been a fiery person. He never got in fights like Yong Nam, instead taking his agression out on the field. He's full of determination and passion. He pours every bit of himself into the things he does and the people he cares about. He never wants to say that he didn't give it his all. He wants to go on top impact the world of sports. He's not sure if he's going to try to play baseball professionally or something else, but whatever he does he won't give up if there's a chance no matter how small. | Byung Joo and Yong Nam have always been the type of brothers that fight and argue all the time, but as soon as someone tries to hurt their brother they step in ready for a fight. They compete often even if it's for stupid things like doing the dishes. Sometimes they understand each other the best. Byung Joo yells at Yong Nam when he gets too lost in his head. He reminds him to never give up.

Younger Brother | Go Kwang Sik | 17| Student | Kwang Sik was once scared of the world due to the life he lived with his birth parents. Once he entered the Go family he started to open up and be more carefree. He tends to be the most reckless of the brothers. He follows his heart to whereever it leads him. He isn't afraid to try new things or date people just because he likes them. He is also a little ball of sass. He says what he wants to even if he gets in trouble for it. He can seem insensitive at times because of this. On top of being a student he's also a popular YouTuber. He talks about movies and in the future he wants to do something with movies. Directing? Criticism? He's not sure. He just wants to do something with it. | Kwang Sik has always been close to Yong Nam. At first he was the only person he was close to. They tend to try to have fun together. They'll play games, go see movies, or whatever else they can think of. It's a little harder now that Yong Nam isn't living at home, but they do their best to hang out. He's also not afraid to tell Yong Nam that he's being stupid. He tries to be understanding, but in the end he's always honest


friends/rivals »
Best Friend | Ahn Ji Yeon | 21 | Student | They met during Yong Nam's short time at Woollim. They only really met after he was outed. She wanted Yong Nam to know he had support even if they hadn't talked much before then. They grew close after he left and remained friends even when she quit training to go to school instead.| Ji Yeon is the type of person that can come up with witty combacks to almost anything. She doesn't like to back down or watch people get bullied. She's protective of strangers as well as her friends. | Ji Yeon and Yong Nam tend to do all of their crazy adventure type things together. She's always willing to spend her Friday nights at a gay bar or helping him sneak out of the dorms. She's not much of a cook, so she can often be found asking Yong Nam to feed her. 

Future Friend | Nam Woohyun | 17 (1991) | Infinite Member | They met during one of their comeback stages. Yong Nam kept up with what Woollim was up to, and to put it simply Woohyun was pretty hot. | Woohyun is one of those guys that mothers ask why their kids aren't more like him. He's charming, close with his mother, and a good cook. What more could a person want? |Woohyun is one of Yong Nam's best guys friends and he's always been grateful for the other's friendship. They often cook together or meet up for food. Woohyun also tries to drag Yong Nam to the gym because it's good for him. In return Yong Nam tries to help Woohyun experience new things. There was a time early on in their friendship where Woohyun was totally fine with sneaking off to make out with Yong Nam. They never got too serious and Yong Nam can't imagine doing something like that with him now.

Friends | Kim Miran | 29 | Half her job is fixing the hot mess that is Go Yong Nam. | They work together. Yong Nam bumped into her one day and she gaped in horror at the horrible fashion the trainee displayed. She demanded that they fix it. It didn't last long, but they hit it off through her attempts to help him. | Miran is able to make people feel at ease no matter how hard their day is. She has a great deal of passion for her job and what she wants to do for the world of fashion. She's a hard person to dislike. | Miran and Yong Nam are the type of friends that want to teach each other things. They share makeup tips and talk about the latest trends. Miran has tried to do the same with fashion, but it doesn't seem to have changed much. They spend a great deal of time hanging out without actually talking. They can work beside each other and feel refreshed at the end. He always invites her out.


the one (?) and only.

love interest » No Daehyun


personality » Kind, Honest, Sensitive, Presumptive, Introverted
No Daehyun is not a people person. He's never been one, and it's unlikely that he ever will be one. His job doesn't really require him to be one either. One of the more unfortunate sides of this is that he tends to assume things about people without knowing all that much about them. If he only interacts with them for a short time then that might be the only impression he ever gets. But when one spends their days watching the way people are portrayed on screen it's not hard to see why someone would have to think of them a certain way. While he might have the tendency to make assumptions or kick people out of his workspace for messing with things; he doesn't set out to dislike people. Once someone is able to worm their way into his heart he'll slowly start to reveal his inner layers. To those he's closer to know that he's actually more of the sweet cinnamon roll at heart. He cares deeply about them and tends to be able to see their needs a little better. He's as honest as he can be with people. It's no secret that he's gay, and many people admire him for his honesty in an industry that tends to punish just that.


love story » Yong Nam never had much reason to go into the editing room at the beginning. He wasn't very tech savvy or important in their videos, so he didn't see much need to be there. Then people started to ask him to run their editing room errands for them. It was usually people who had made Daehyun mad that asked him for the favor. Since Yong Nam tends to know everyone they felt he would be able to stay on Daehyun's good side. After that caught on it seemed like he was in the editing room all the time. He wasn't immune to Daehyun's wrath. In fact he was kicked out of the editing room often. Then as soon as he ban was lifted he was back in between training and on breaks. Most people weren't sure why he went back when he got kicked out just as often, but that didn't stop them from asking for his help. Miran only gave him knowing looks when he mentioned the matter.


Daehyun just didn't understand Yong Nam in the least. At first he only saw him through a screen. On screen Yong Nam looked cool ad put together. He danced boldly and portrayed confidence from every pore. In real life he was a walking disaster. At least with other people when they broke stuff it was because they touched things they shouldn't. With Yong Nam it seemed like no matter where he was he seemed to find a way to knock things over or trip into random things. He was a big pile of destruction and noise, and Daehyun didn't know how to deal with him. After a while Yong Nam seemed to understand the way to approach Daehyun's space. He started to spend time quietly in the editing room, and he was overly careful around the equipment. He couldn't afford to fix it if he broke it. The accidents lessened and Daehyun found that he didn't mind Yong Nam's presence as much. They were still opposites in many ways, but they could coexist for a few minutes.


Their relationship continued on like that for a while. Yong Nam would appear in the editing room at odd times and sometimes they would actually talk and get to know each other. Even as S7N became more popular he still managed to appear in the editing room fairly often. That was until an incident involving Yong Nam getting kicked out of the editing room again took place. The difference was that this time he didn't come back. Instead people he hadn't seen in months started to appear to do their own errands. It wasn't until this that Daehyun realized how much he had come to actually enjoy Yong Nam's presence. Somehow he was fond of that walking disaster. He was everything that Daehyun didn't usually like in his space, but somehow when it came to Yong Nam he didn't seem to mind as much. Daehyun wondered if he was simply overreacting to it. Yong Nam didn't have to be there all the time. They hadn't even exchanged phone numbers at that point. Then one day Yong Nam reappeared in the editing room. He confessed that he really liked Daehyun, and he didn't want them to be any misunderstandings between them. So he told him about what happened at Cube and that he was a little scared to be open about his uality again. But, he didn't want that to stop him. He couldn't fully enjoy his life if he was letting those things stop him. Daehyun was able to accept the big idiot's apology and agreed to a date. They were both aware that dating a coworker would could be dangerous, but Yong Nam promised Daehyun and himself that they wouldn't regret it no matter what happened.



SECOND love interest » Applicant


personality » N/A


love story » Surprise me


last words.

comments/suggestions » So, I borrowed Daehyun's traits from Monkey's app. I hope that's okay. Also Hojoon might be a bit too talented for Yong Nam. If so let me knows.

Backup Occupation » Makeup assistant- could be a coordinator though he can barely dress himself

scene requests » Nothing right now.

password » None


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