The Lover Has Something to Confess...

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Praesent venenatis, ipsum sed accumsan efficitur, mauris tortor ornare lacus, eget commodo ante est nec ligula. Nulla ac blandit metus. Phasellus fermentum, est a scelerisque convallis, quam dui auctor augue, eget laoreet urna augue volutpat metus. Integer est dui, lobortis non quam sit amet, lacinia faucibus lorem. Nunc a suscipit sem. Pellentesque odio est, ullamcorper vitae euismod non, ultricies sit amet odio. Pellentesque vel sapien nec risus semper vehicula. Donec sodales, justo vel posuere varius, nulla lorem malesuada enim, in pulvinar purus libero et lacus. Ut ac neque id velit vehicula finibus.
The Lover {Pt. 2}
"Love knows no language."

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Tachibana Mikio+
+ Mickey / His sister decided that he reminded her of the cartoon mouse of the same name. It caught on with the rest of his family and some of his friends.

BIRTHDATE + AGE — 12/03/1998
BIRTHPLACE — Nagoya, Japan

ETHNICITY — Japanese
HOMETOWN — Tokyo, Japan

+ Fluent / Japanese / He was born in Japan and he spent most of his childhood there.
+ Fluent / English / He learned English in school and then lived in primarily English speaking countries through high school. 
+ Conversational / Korean / He started to study it when he found out he was moving to Korea. It has similarities to Japanese so it was easier to pick up in a shorter time.

HEIGHT — 175cm
WEIGHT — 63kg
ONE OF A KIND + "Art and nice clothes...not my best idea."
FACE CLAIM —  Yamazaki Kento

APPEARANCE — Mikio has a love for piercings. He has two in each lobe and two more in the cartilage of his right ear. He has one in his left inner ear and another on his chest. He doesn't have any tattoos even though he wants one.

FASHION STYLE He prefers a simple look. He likes to look nice, but he doesn't need to stand out. His wardrobe is mostly made up of button downs and nice pants. He loves winter because he's able to layer up. Scarves are one of his favorite things to wear.
Casual 1 2 3
Formal 1 2 3

I'M DIFFERENT + "I...forgot...again."

POSITIVE TRAITS — Adventerous, Observant, Considerate, Decisive, and Optimistic
NEGATIVE TRAITS — Calculating, Obvious, Willful, Single-minded, and Forgetful

PERSONALITY — Tachibana Mikio was a child that always loved adventure. He would convince his sister to play a damsel in distress so he could save her. They'd even convince their mother to play a dragon sometimes. He grew up and kept the sense of adventure with him just without slaying dragons or rescuing damsels. He always wants to try new things and go new places. He loves to try new food, take challenging classes, and traveling. While his studies are the priority he tries to add a little action in his life. He has learned that at times making a new friend is its own kind of adventure. They're ones that change life suddenly but permanently. Just don't tell anyone he thinks that. He'd never hear the end of it.

He also tended to be rather observant. He would always be the first to compliment someone of their new haircut. As he started to interact more with others he found that it was easier to read them and get the reaction he wanted. There were times when he could charm the socks right off of a teacher and still there are others when he couldn't charm his way out of a paper bag. Just because he notices a certain reaction doesn't mean he knows how to fix it. This can cause trouble because he tends to get stuck in his own head. He's always calculating the best way to do things. He thinks about the best way to get projects done or the best way to interact with people. His mind is always working. Sometimes he gets too caught up in the way to do things that he doesn't actually get them done, but when he does it's thoroughly thought out. It's always helpful to have someone that will help him remember that things are happening around him.

He tries to put others before himself. He's always been rather considerate. Since he's able to read people and calculate what they need it can be easy to see when to step in and help out. He finds it difficult to sit back and watch as people go through their problems alone even if they aren't close. He's just not sure if they always want his help. He's the weird foreign student that just wandered into their lives at the beginning of the year. He can't just step in and offer advice to The Victim. He tends to be rather obvious about how he feels. It's clear how earnest and eager to help he is, but it's also clear when he doesn't like people. It's not hard to gauge his reaction to things by simply looking at his face. One doesn't have to look too hard to know how he feels. It can get him into trouble especially when he has to deal with Ms. Min. If only he could use what he's learned from observing other people and apply it to himself.

He also tends to be willful. He doesn't like to be told what to do. He's usually easy going until people push. Then his stubbornness starts to show. He will push back against someone pushing their views on him even if it gets him into trouble. This isn't a big problem for him in daily life. It only arises in regards to his father and Song Academy's counselor Ms. Min. They have their own agendas when it comes to dealing with him. Mr. Tachibana has his company in mind while Ms. Min has her own plan in mind. If only she would keep him out of it. It's hard enough to watch her go after his classmates. When she involves him it's hard to keep his mouth shut.

He's always found it easy to make up his mind. He is able to weigh the choices quickly before making a decision. Sometimes it's as easy as picky the option he's never tried before. He's rather decisive and it takes a rather good reason to change his mind. He wants to listen to the other point of view, but when it's something he cares deeply about it's hard for him to back down. Unfortunately, he also tends to be single-minded as well. When he's made a decision he focuses on that. At times he focuses solely on it. The problem arises when he's unable to focus on anything else. He gets lost in his project without any thought for anything else. He's used to a more studious lifestyle so it's hard for him to remember that social obligations still exist.

When he's so focused on one task he tends to forget everything else around him. He's one of those people that never remembers birthdays or special events. He's never been more grateful that he can store things on a digital calender. Still he'll forget supplies for his classes, his umbrella, and anything else he could misplace. Packing always takes him several tries. He's also bad at last minute plan changes. He often needs to be reminded so he doesn't try to carry out the previous plan.

Mikio is optimistic despite some of his personality traits and his secrets. He pushes himself to believe the best in people and the world. He knows that there are bad things and people in the world, but he chooses to believe that the good outweighs the bad. What he has to offer matters. What others have to offer matters. In the end a person is able to decide what outcome they have on the world.

BACKGROUND — Yori had always been the type of person that wanted to help others. She chose to go pursue teaching instead of simply becoming part of her family's business. Her family didn't object much since she had older brothers to take over the family business, but her parents wanted to make sure that she met a nice man and was able to have a respectable family. They insisted on setting up blind dates for her and she agreed most of the time. She hadn't expected to fall for any of them but Genzo Tachibana caught her eye. They hit it off and married not long after. They seemed to have the perfect life. Genzo and Yori had jobs that they loved and they later had two fairly well behaved children. Everything was great until Genzo was caught with his mistress.

Yori gave her husband the chance to explain himself, but after he made it clear he would choose his mistress over her Yori decided to divorce him. She let him keep most of their stuff and he didn't fight very hard for the children. She moved herself and their two children to Tokyo to stay with her family for a while. Mikio was just entering middle school when his half sister was born. Her appearance put even further strain on the family. Not only had their father found a new wife, but he was starting a new family as well. Gossip and rumors seemed to follow them even in Tokyo. Even when that started to quiet down they were confronted with Mikio's secret as well. Yori decided that it would best for her family if they start over somewhere further from home. She took a temporary teaching position in England and the family moved there not long after.

England was a chance for recovery and growth. On top of receiving therapy Mikio threw himself into his English studies. He had studied English intently due to his mothers profession, but it didn't quite prepare him for living in an English speaking country. Being surrounded by another language helped him master is a little faster. These changes helped him open up in a way he hadn't expected. He was able to interact with people more freely. He wasn't simply an observer any more. He was able to interact with people with the confidence his father had always wanted him to have. He was able to embrace new opportunities and experiences. He attended his first concert and developed a love for baking. If only his pastries would taste as good as one bought in a bakery.

The next year Risa went off to University in China while Mikio and Yori went to America. Mikio hadn't realized how much he relied on his sister up until then. She understood him and their situation better than anyone else. It was hard to be without her even though they emailed constantly. It was a year of smaller adventures, but Mikio made sure to go out of his way to find them. He continued to go to therapy and he tried to grow as a person. For a year abroad it was fairly unexciting. Their stay in America only lasted a year before they were ready to move on again. Yori decided that she wanted her son to be able to focus more on his studies since he needed to get into a good university so she accepted a job in South Korea. After Yori made the announcement Mikio dedicated his free time to studying Korean. Once he got the hang of it he found himself studying every free moment. It was a new challenge to focus on, and he certainly didn't want to make a fool of himself when he got there. It wasn't long before they packed up and moved on to their biggest adventure yet.

Mikio was excited to see what South Korea had in store for him, but he should have known that Yori wasn't kidding when she said she wanted him to focus on his studies. He had expected the language to be the biggest complication, but Yori had him try to get into Song Academy. Their reputation alone made Mikio sure he wouldn't get in, but to his surprise they accepted him. That wasn't the only surprise the academy had in store for him. Now he has to share a single room with a boy he barely knows surrounded by people that have know each other for years. He's still not sure why Ms. Go didn't seem all that sorry about the housing mix up, but that's the least of his worries.

Mikio has settled in fairly well. He's managed to find a spot amongst his new peers and he's also joined the art club as well. At times he feels like he's intruding on his roommate's territory, but he tries to be friendly. At this point he knows how long to pause to give the other time to answer, but not seem like he's expecting one. He'll try to leave peace offerings in the form of pastries. He probably spends too much time in the art room or floating around the language department. He wants to be able to master the Korean language. Maybe he'll be able to find the right thing to say to his roommate, but...probably not. No amount of Korean can make him less awkward. While his roommate is shy Mikio is...a dork. His flirting comes in the form of really bad jokes. It doesn't help that he thinks Junsu is cute when he blushes. He might be in a bit of trouble.


+ Bad Jokes
+ Horor Movies
+ Hugs
+ Piercings
+ Takoyaki
+ Traveling
+ Warm Showers & Bath Houses (He likes to feel like a steamed dumpling).
+ All Nighters
+ Being far away from his sister
+ Kitchen Fires
+ Sweating
+ Quitting
+ Baking
+ Drawing
+ Language Studies
+ Reading
+ Watching Movies
+ Hugging people he's close to just because.
+ He tends to swear in Japanese.
+ He sometimes cuddles in his sleep.
+ Failing out of school and disappointing his mother.
+ Losing contact with his sister.
+ He owns way too many joke books.
+ He's already planned all of the tattoos he wants to have. He's torn between his desire for tattoos and his love for bathhouses in Japan since they don't allow tattoos.
+ He has a small collection of architetural figurines from the places he's visited.
+ Gym is his least favorite class. He doesn't really like sweating and exercising. He only does it so he can eat what he wants to.
+ He's taken to drawing his roommate at times just don't tell Junsu.
+ He wants to study French after he gets the hand of Korean.
+ His favorite kpop group is Orange Caramel.
LONG TIME NO SEE + "What kind of dinosaur has the biggest vocabulary?"
+ Mother — Tachibana Yori / 44 / Teacher / Caring, Intelligent, and Impulsive / Yori cares deeply about others. She's great at educating and guiding, but she's not always great at taking care of them. They take care of each other, but Mikio worries about her. He's worried that she'll have trouble with him not being there to look after her.
+ Sister Tachibana Risa / 20 / University Student / Hardworking, Patient, and Sarcastic / Risa isn't the smartest member of her family, but she's worked hard to get everything she wants. She and Mikio talk often because they are very close. They understand each other when no one else seems to.
+ Father Tachibana Genzo / 46 / Ceo / Critical, Manipulative, and Dedicated / The relationship between Mikio and his father is strained. Mikio feels like he's been replaced and he finds himself resenting his father at times. Genzo isn't able to admit he's done something wrong. He wanted Mikio to be involved in the life of his half-sister, but it isn't always easy.

+ Best-Friend — Laura Lee / 17 /Sudent / Adventurous, Helpful, and Perfectionistic / Laura is an England born Korean. She helped Mikio in his English studies and he helped with her Korean. She's one of the only people that knows about his secret. They communicate by email mostly now. Before they tried to go on adventures together. He's always appreciated her ability to find the best places to eat.
+ Foreign Exchange Manager — Ms. Jang/ Mikio spends a fair amount of time around Ms. Jang. She's one of the few people he can complain to about his confusions in Korea. It's also nice that she is multi-lingual.
I AM THE BEST + "A Thesaurus!"
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TALENT/SKILL —  Linguistics
ADDITIONAL — Art (Drawing mostly)

+ CHARISMA — 6/10

This is the interviews section of the application. Answer in any POV, remember this is one of the most important sections that I review. This interview is done when your character is still 14 or 15 unless you are The Lover Pt.2 plotline, it will happen when you are 16 or 17.

What do you believe you would contribute to the school?

"Well I can offer a fresh perspective. I'm sure things can get tense when you see the same people every day for a few years. I want to offer something new. I want to bring some adventure to this class....I mean adventure in a good way. "

Over hundreds of kids your age apply for Song Academy. What makes you stand out from them?

"Communication" Mikio smiled brightly at the interviewer. "I'm good at communicating with people not only with words but with body language as well. The language doesn't matter. When I need to connect with someone I will. It doesn't matter how different we are."

What inspires you?

"Women." He blushed at the look on the interviewer's face. "The women in my family that is. They've given up  lot for me. I've seen them spend a lot of time worrying about others and not themselves. I don't know if I can measure up to them." 

How would you grow in Song Academy?

"It's hard to think of a way that I wouldn't grow here. It's a completely new experience for me. I know I have a lot to learn from others. The education would be good from the teachers and my classmates. I really want to continue to grow. I want to be able to form a connection with my classmates like I haven't been able to. I want to feel a sense of community here." He blushed darkly as he made eye contact with the interviewer.

Pick anyone of your favorite quotes. Tell me, what does it make you feel and why do you like it?

"How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

"At times it's easy to forget that what we do matters. There's always a chance for us to change and help the world change along with us. Nothing is hopeless. I want to continue to grow and try to make the world a better place even if it's in a little way."

CONFESSION TIME + "Just let me surprise you."
SECRET When Mikio entered junior high he started to write papers for older students. He didn't really need the money, and the popularity wasn't appealing at the time. He needed a challenge. He wanted a way to exercise his mind more. It was around this time that trouble cropped up at home. He was writing papers for several third year students when he met Kyungho. He was full of charm and Mikio found himself falling for the elder. He was surprised when Kyungho approached him and asked him out. As they grew closer Kyungho's influence on Mikio's paper writing business grew as well. Eventually Mikio did a lot more work while not really getting any rewards. As the business put more and more stress on Mikio the couple started to fight a lot. At first it was arguing and shouting. Then it got physical. Arguments often ended in Mikio crying and nursing a new bruise. It continued on like that for months on top of the Tachibana family drama. Mikio didn't notice how out of hand it was even when he found himself with a broken arm. It might have gone on like that until a female classmate turned Kyungho in for abusing her as well. As it turned out he had been dating a few girls on top of dating Mikio. He'd been hurting them too. It was this that pushed him to admit that they had a problem. He stood up and backed up the claims of the girl. Unfortunately, what Mikio had been doing was against school rules and he would be lucky not to be expelled for that. The accusations took away his credibility and it wound up encouraging Yori to accept a job out of the country. 

SELF REACTION — Mikio was horrified when his secret was revealed. It was one thing to accept it about himself, but it was another for others to know what he had done. He curled into himself and cried. He didn't want to see the looks on the faces on those around him. After a while he pulled himself up and bowed his head. He confirmed everything with shame heavy on his shoulders.

PEERS REACTION — The reactions to his secret vary. Some understand while others are disgusted by him. There are some that can't look at him without seeing the person he was. Mr. Kim acts like he understands, but Mikio is afraid he's secretly disgusted by him. He wasn't really surprised when he got a request or two to write a paper for someone else.

ENDING — Mikio is able to handle the negative attention after a while. The experience inspires him to try to follow his heart more intently. He wants to make up with his dad while he's back in Japan for University. Perhaps he can convince Junsu to go on an adventure with him.
ALTERNATIVE ENDING — If you did a good ending then do a bad and vice versa. Just in case... Mikio is crushed by the reactions of his clssmates. He finds it hard to interact with people openly. He pulls back from his classmates and leaves school to travel on his own. He wants to make a difference for people who have gone through a similar situation. It's been a while since his mother's heard from him. She's not really sure what he's up to now.
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+ Song Junsu 
+ Junnie / The girls think it's a cute name for him, and Mikio agrees.

POSITIVE TRAITS — Smart, Observant, Kind, and Patient.
NEGATIVE TRAITS — Unsocial, Quiet, Awkward, and Easily flustered.

PERSONALITY — (I feel like you know him better than I do.)

RELATIONSHIP —Mikio never expected to find romance at Song Academy. His roommate situation was a bit unusual, but he figured he'd just make a friend out of it. At first he wasn't sure how to approach the other. He seemed so quiet and disinterested most of the time. Mikio felt as if he was encroaching on the other's space. He did his best to be considerate and try to learn to read Junsu. As they slowly started to spend more time together Mikio found that Junsu was actually really cute. He blushed so easily and Mikio was entranced. He found himself watching Junsu even more. He knew he couldn't push his way in, so he'd have to find another way. He started to gently ease Junsu into adventures. When it comes to their interactions Mikio tends to want to adapt to make Junsu happy. He enjoys spending time with him even if they don't talk. He also tends to make awkward jokes to see Junsu blush. He doesn't want to push things too far. He tries to be gentle and understanding. The complete opposite of his only other relationship is his goal.
IT'S OVER + "Oh no...oh no...crap."

COMMENTS — I hope everything is understandable and fairly realistic. His language skills might be a little unrealistic. Let me know if you want me to change it.
+ I can't think of anything besides Mikio asking if Junsu wants to see his favorite piercing. OTL I'm sorry.

PASSWWORD — "Second chances are a gift. We don't always think we deserve them, so we have to make the best out of every moment of it."


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OMO Kento! I hope I don't come off as rude but i think you have an error in your height, that or please make sure to state he's overweight in the appearance. I thought it was better I asked instead of marking against you.