↳ FORGOTTEN LEGENDS – Dionysus – Cato An。

Cato An

WhenWeLove — Erin — 8/10

Heal Me

name — An Bae Soo

nickname(s) —Cato- his English name was inspired by Moscato wine because his father was a wine salesman.
Godly counterpart — Dionysus

birthday & age — September 05, 1993 (22 )

birthplace — Helen, Georgia

ethnicity — Half Korean Half Slavic

language(s) — English | Native | He was born and raised in America.

Czech | Conversational | His mother insisted that he learn her native language, but her family are the only people he speaks to in it.

Korean | Conversational | His step-father did his best to teach Cato Korean and help him be in touch with the other half of his heritage.

face claim & backupJung Daehyun (B.A. P) or Lee Hongbin (VIXX)

me, me, and me. 

appearance — He has one piercing in each of his ear lobes and one in the cartilage of his right ear. He doesn't have any tattoos at the moment, but he wants to get one or two. He has had several different styles, but it's become more natural since he can't aford to get it taken care of at the moment. He stands at 185 cm and 71 kg. He is slightly underweight due to his substance abuse.

style — Cato tends to like a more casual style. He likes to throw on a jacket or a sweat shirt and call it good. He tends to wear a lot of layers and scarves since he gets cold easily. He can still look nice by throwing a warm sweater on over a button down.


Traits — (+ Outgoing, Joyful, Creative, Adventurous, and Caring. ) (/ Carfree and Laidback) (- Reckless, Secretive, Two-faced, Escapist, and Moody.)


personality — 
(+) Outgoing

Cato tends to make friends easily. He's never had trouble meeting new people and gaining new friends. Sometimes he has more people that hang out with him for convenience rather than because they care deeply about him. This doesn't stop him from wanting to meet new people. He just knows that he'll eventually meet someone that he connects with.
(+) Joyful and (-) Moody

When he's sober Cato is usually a happy person. He finds happiness in little things and wants to share his joy with others. When he's in this mood he's more likely to throw himself into things and help others in any way possible. He's not in this mood much since he started to abuse alcohol. It's usually what helps draw people to him. Unfortunately when he's drunk, which is most of the time now, he tends to be far less happy. He will get sad and he no longer wants to help people with their problems. He just wants to sit in his own misery for a while. The problem is he isn't very good at pulling himself out of it. This has led to many people not knowing how to interact with him any more since it's such a difference from how he usually was.
(+) Creative and (+) Adventurous

He enjoys being involved in creative activities. He loves to act, but even when he's not acting he'll help with the backstage work. He'll help paint sets or sew costumes. He wants to help make the show great wherever he can. He doesn't always have to be the center of attention. He just wants people to enjoy the things he helps create. Because of this he tends to hear the different stories that people have to tell. It might be during a conversation or through a play, but the different experiences of people makes him want to go out and explore more of life and the world. He wants to know other things and experience his own stories.
(+) Caring

Cato is a person that will dedicate himself to people he cares about. He can usually be counted on to listen when he can and be there when he is needed. When he was growing up he often helped take care of his younger sister. He would help her with homework or walk her home from school just to make sure she was doing well. He would spend as much time as possible with her so that she would know he cared about her. Since he began drinking he isn't as good about this since he mostly wants someone to be there to care for him for once.
(/) Carefree

When he's sober Cato tends to go through his days without worrying about much. He throws himself into things and he doesn't really stress about them. He's usually confident in his ability to get things done by the due date. The problem comes when he doesn't. It's not that he doesn't have any responsibilities. It's that he doesn't have the proper worry attached to the responsibilities that he does have. People often grow frustrated by the fact that he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get things done.
(/) Laidback

He tends to be fairly easy to get along with because he doesn't worry too much about things, and he doesn't stress people out. This only becomes a problem when people expect him to be far more worked up about an issue or situation. Since he doesn't get angry very easy he also isn't easily excitable. It takes a lot to get him to fly off the handle, and some people find this disturbing while others find it refreshing.
(-) Reckless

He often jumps into things without really thinking about them. He tends to get himself into trouble because of this. He'll end up in a bad situation or he'll have stuck his head into something he shouldn't have. He will even load himself up with tasks he needs to complete even though he doesn't always have the time or resources to do them. He tends to take on way too much and he forgets that he can get worn out because of it.
(-) Secretive

While Cato is fairly outgoing and easy to get along with it can be hard to get to know him too deeply. He doesn't like to open up about himself and share his problems. It's mostly because he doesn't want to make other people worry about it. He doesn't want them to get involved, so he tends to push them away. This made it all too easy for him to develop a huge problem without anyone really noticing. When he started to drink he pulled away from people and refused to tell anyone even though someone could have helped him get through it. He just wasn't sure which person would be willing to listen and believe him. No he's warry of no on believing him after he tries to open up.
(-) Two-faced

Sometimes it seems like Cato has two different sides. When he's sober he's a happy person that wants to be involved and help others. When he's drunk he wants to lash out and convey his pain in some way. He'll often push away people he was very close to when he was sober. The drunk him seems to want to live a different life from the one he had and since he's rarely sober the drunk him often gets his way.
(-) Escapist

When it comes to problems Cato usually withdraws and dries to drown the problems out instead of seeking help. He'll drink or abuse drugs instead of trying to get help. He'll try to escape into his own world where things can't hurt him, but it doesn't usually last very long and he has to keep chasing another cure.



  • Acting
  • Rainy days
  • Comedies
  • Creating- he enjoys making things like painting, playing the flute, or sewing.
  • Fruits
  • Music- he enjoys many types of music from classical to hip hop. He isn't a big fan of country music but he respects the taste of the people that do.


  • Domestic abusers
  • Winter weather
  • Fanatical fans- he's not a popular enough actor to have a group of fans, but he has this strange dislike of people that get too into something. If they're willing to hurt someone for it it's too far.
  • Losing friends
  • Giving up- he feels like he's quit on many things he's worked hard to achieve in favor of erasing his pain with alcohol. He often thinks about quitting, but it often seems like he's the only one it matters to.


  • Acting
  • Helping in the theater department
  • Playing the flute
  • Sewing


  • He tends to feel the desire to play his flute when it rains.
  • He has the bad habit of leaving things to the last minute and rushing to get it done.
  • He often taps his fingers on the nearest surface when he's deep in thought.


  • His family learning of his secrets and blaming him for them.
  • He fears that no woman will want him because of his past.


  • He tends to talk with a southern accent even though he's lived in New York for a while now.
  • He's actually rather bad when it comes to learning languages. If his parents hadn't insisted he learned their native tongues he probably would have given up on them.
  • He likes more floral colors even though he refuses to wear them.

home is where the heart is. 

background — Kalina came to America for University from the Czech Republic. In her last few years she met a Korean American man and fell in love with him. He was a few years older and had a job selling wines and some other alcoholic drinks. Not long after she graduated they decided to have their first child. Around that time her husband started to drink often. His drinking only got more out of control as Cato grew older. One day her husband left and just never came back. They were worried about his disappearance, but they were also a little relieved that his alcohol abuse couldn't affect them any more. A few years later Kalina met another man and they got married. Cato was happy to take his step-father's last name.

After high school Cato left Georgia to go to New York to pursue acting. He enrolled in school there and got a job to help get by. He met an older student and became enamored with her. They dated for over a year and at first she was mysterious and alluring. He was captivated by her and he let basically call all of the shots. He did as she asked and he followed her like a lost puppy. It wasn't until they got into a fight over him going to see his family that she started to get violent. She tore him down emotionally and even started to physically hurt him. This continued with no one really catching on. It wasn't until her abuse started to get into the ual territory that he went to the campus police. No one seemed to believe him and many of the people acted as though it was impossible for a girl to abuse her boyfriend. At this point he started to pull away from his friends at University.

He started to hang out with a group of people that mostly got together to drink. He would meet them every weekend and after a while their visits got more and more frequent. He wanted to chase away the pain and the only thing that seemed to help was alcohol. And when that stopped being enough he started to turn to drugs as well. It seemed like he always needed something new to keep the pain away. Because of this he lost his job and his school career is hanging by a thread. It's surprising how well he can pass through his usual life with no one really noticing how far he's sunk.


family — 

Kalina An | Mother | Kalina is optimistic and hardworking. She does her best to make the world a better place for her family and she tries to see the best in people. | Kalina and Cato have always gotten along well. She encourages him and he brings joy to her life. He wants to be honest with her, but he doesn't want her to be ashamed of him.

Dong Geun An | Step-father | Don Geun is level headed and he can sometimes seem strict. He looks out for others and make sure that they don't stray too far from the path. | It wasn't difficult for Dong Geun to become part of the family. He was kind to Cato and he taught the boy things that father's were expected to teach their sons.

Nadia An | Younger Half-Sister | Nadia tends to be sweet and kind to everyone. She throws herself into everything she does and tries to do her best. | Cato has always looked out for his sister because she seems like such a pure soul. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to her and he wouldn't give up seeing her for anything in the world. He wished he could confide in her, but he doesn't want to burden her.


relationships —

Rachel Cooper| Ex-girlfriend | She tends to be a very dominant person that isn't afraid to tell people what to do. | Cato tries to stay as far away from her as possible.She refuses to awknowledge what she did to him.

Aiden Park/ Hephaestus | Ex-friend | He tends to be a good person who works hard and is friendly to all. | They were good friends for a time, but as Cato started to pull away Aiden started to pull away as well. Cato didn't want to lose his friend, but he couldn't pull himself out of his feelings of anger and hurt. It's possible that they could rebuild their friendship, but they'd have to actually talk to each other first.

Seraphina Choi/ Hestia | Child hood friend | Seraphina doesn't like to get into fights and she does her best to be kind and help others even if she doesn't always like everything involved. | Their relationship can be strained at times. She wants to push him out of his funk while he is sometimes reluctant to be pushed. She doesn't want to hurt him, but she has trouble keeping her opinions to herself when it comes to someone she's know for her entire childhood.
Ryan Lee | Friend and Roommate | Ryan is full of sass but he's also kind when it comes to the people he cares about. | They get along well and he's probably the biggest reason Cato hasn't been kicked out or hit rock bottom.

the one and only.

love interesT + FC — Choi Jin Ri/ Sulli (f(x))
*english name — Seraphina

backup(s)  — Park Minha (Nine Muses)
birthday — December 01, 1993 (22)

personalitY TRAITS — (+ Caring, Kind, Patient, and Passionate. ) (/ Non-confrontational and Unassertive ) (- Reserved,  erse, Secretly Opinionated, and Hesitant. )

Seraphina can seem like a very innocent and submissive person upon a first glance. People often assume that because she is full of patience and doesn't fight that she's easy to manipulate. They couldn't be more wrong. She's not innocent instead choosing to lean more on her good qualities to help people. She keeps her opinions to herself to keep from hurting other people or starting a fight. She can be surprisingly erted at times, but she keeps it to herself. No everyone wants to be told that they nice in those pants. Overall she's a nice woman with a hidden fire.


  • She's good friends with (Hera plotline). Even though she doesn't have a kid that the other needs to baby sit. They met randomly at a coffee shop on campus and clicked.
  • She has a tattoo of a cute pig on her right shoulder blade.
  • She enjoys warm weather, reading, and cooking. But she doesn't like being lied to or people underestimating her.


background  — Seraphina had just moved to Helen when she met a little boy named Cato. The little boy was all smiles when he came up to her on her first day of school. He offered to be her friend and she happily agreed. His energy and constant smiles grew on her and she decided that she really did like him. They two stayed good friends up until high school. That was when she formed a crush on one of their classmates. Cato warned her that the guy was no good, but the boy had never seemed that way to her. So when she started to date him Cato started to pull away. He threw himself into helping with the theater productions and she was too wrapped up in the new boyfriend to notice. The relationship ended badly as Cato had predicted with the boyfriend cheating on her. By that time it was too late to make up with Cato. He was off for New York before she knew it. Seraphina stayed in Georgia for another few years before she packed up and headed for New York as well. She transfered schools and wound up working from her home as a travel agent. She wanted to one day go to the locations she helped people plan trips to. One day she was coming home from the store and she ran into Cato throwing out his recyling. She was surprised to see him, but she was even more surprised to see what a mess he was. She couldn't have kept walking, but she found that she couldn't let her old friend fall apart when there was something she could do about it.

interactions  — They tend to compliment each other. Cato is more outgoing and full of outer energy. Seraphina is more patient and inwardly full of fire. She tries to gently push him towards improving and he's a little reluctant to change because he's afraid of how things will become if he does. She finds it hard to be as gentle and patient with him as she can be with other people. She's know him for far longer and they have some unsettled business from their falling out. She didn't realize that perhaps he was pulling away because of feelings towards him. They still get along and they tend to get along well when they have adventures together even if they are small. Expecially if she keeps the alcohol away from him.

endgame  —I would like to think that they have a happy ending. Lovers would be nice, but I'm fine with them having a friendship that kind of implies that they'll be together eventually even if it doesn't happen in the story. But it's up to you. However you want to end it is fine. 

last messages.

comments/suggestions — For some reason I feel like I'm forgetting something. Let me know if you need me to fix something. ^^ Also I'm not sure if the password is correct so.

scene request — Nothing really.

Anything else? — Password ish

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