Jo Ahreum is ordering Park Jimin

Jo Ahreum
+ JoJo- her sister became a fan of the American singer JoJo and so she started to call Ahreum  this and it caught on so most of her friends call her this as well.
BIRTHDAY : April, 29, 1992 (25)
BIRTHPLACE : Inchon, South Korea
HOMETOWN : Inchon, South Korea
LANGUAGES : Korean| Fluent| She was born and raised in South Korea
English| Conversational | She studied it intently in school and took more classes in University to improve. She mostly wanted liked the challenge of learning such a different language.
OCCUPATION : Fashion Merchandiser
this is me
FACECLAIM : Alice (Hello Venus)
BACKUP : Gayoung (Stellar)
HEIGHT : 179cm
WEIGHT : 60 kg
"People who say blondes don't have more fun have clearly never been blonde."
Ahreum enjoys being blonde and she's careful to take care of it. She has one piercing in the lobes of both of her ears. She has a bellybutton ring from her a more adventurous days in University. 
" Pant suits were created by someone that hates happiness."
Ahreum has to look like she knows what she's doing for her job so she tends to dress in more pant suits than she'd like. She prefers dresses and tries to wear more of them than the boring pant suit. When she's alone or with friends she breaks out the stranger things in her closet. She likes things that are quirky and have their own special style. They usually don't exactly look good so she doesn't wear them to work. She's competent in any kind of shoe so she tries to switch it up.
all about you
" We can't give up now...I've already had way too much coffee."
 (+ Optimistic, Hardworking, Adventurous, Kind, and Honest.) (- Shy, Obvious, Clumsy, Impatient, and Oblivious. )
Ahreum is the kind of girl that's really easy to understand. She's very obvious in her intentions meaning that she's rather straight forward. Her feelings are usually displayed on her face for everyone to see. This makes difficult since she's unable to keep a secret. This has led to her being a more honest person.Since she can't keep secrets she will often tell people her thoughts so they don't have to read it on her face. It can be nice at times and frustrating at others.
She also happens to be a rather hardworking person. She gives her all to things and she'll give her full attention to the person or project she's working on. People can see that she genuinly wants to help them and know that they're going to be okay.
Unfortunately she's rather clumsy as well. She runs into things often and she trips over her own two feet often. She never really adapted to her height and so she tends to be more clumsy than most. She drops things so she has learned to invest in that really thick phone case or padding for things around the house.
She has trouble when it comes to meeting new people since she's rather shy. It's made a little easier when people realize that she has a kind nature and she wants the best for others even if they don't always deserve it.
She tends to be more optimistic about things and people. She tends to think that if a person does their best then everything will work out in the end. People often assume that she would be easy to trick with this mindset, but she's a little more cynical than they realize. Her relationship with her mother has shown her that the world isn't all sunshine, but she'd like to believe that the good wins out a majority of the time.
While she's not easily persuaded she can be a little oblivious. She doesn't always read people as easily as people can read her. People have to directly tell her something or she'll miss it. This makes it hard for her to enter into relationships since she can't tell when people are flirting with her.
She can sometimes be impatient since she can't read the signs from other people. She wants things to stay on a schedule and get done when they are supposed to. This can cause some trouble at work, but she tries to reign it in there. She would be more upset to lose her job than to have to take things a little slower.
Ahreum has always been filled with a sense of adventure. She always wants to experience new things and to see new things. She enjoys the tourist areas of Seoul as well even if most people that live there avoide them.
" If he was any sweeter I would have to go to the dentist."
Ahreum was born the third daughter of a struggling director. Her mother's movies had started to fall on hard times. They wouldn't make money and often people wouldn't get paid. This was even harder on her since she had three children to support. She started to take her anger out on her children. Ahreum would go to school with bruises and and at one point a broken arm. She did her best to stay involved so she wouldn't have to go home and she threw herself into her studies hoping that it would make her mother happy. In reality it didn't really change the problem if any thing it only made people worried about her. She had started to lose weight and she had trouble staying awake in class. Finally a teacher grew concerned and sat her down to talk about it. Ahreum finally confessed what her mother was doing. It hadn't gotten much better when the movies started to do well again. In fact it was almost unbearable after her sisters left for college. They came home as little as possible. Once her oldest sister graduated she insisted on having Ahreum come live with her and she faught her mother for it. She eventually won and Ahreum moved to Seoul.
Ahreum was relieved when she was finally out of the house. She blosomed away from her mother. She was able to take things at a more moderate pace. She didn't join as many clubs as possible and she allowed herself more room when it came to her studies. A few years later she started University under a scholarship. The timing couldn't have been better because her sister had started to date a nice young man and they needed some time together.
In University she was able to meet more people and she learned more about herself. She learned that she had a passion for fashion and design. She was able to follow her new passion with people who shared her passion.
+ She has a strange habit of making castles out of her books around her cat Ted. He is usually not impressed by this.
+ When she has a lot of work to do she'll drink far too much coffee and have far too much energy especially since she doesn't drink much coffee usually.
+ She dislikes pant suits with a passion.
+ She hasn't had very many boyfriends since she's very oblivious. She's had maybe two or three that have lasted a longer length of time.

+ "There's nothing wrong with failing sometimes."

+ Mother | Jo Hye Bin| 53 | Director | She tends to be very intense and she isn't agraid to tell people what to do.| They don't get along well. Hye Bin will deny that she ever hurt any of her daughters even though they all know better.
+ Sister | Bang Min Ji| 28 | Animator | Min Ji is the more motherly of the three and she likes to look out for her family. She's full of campassion for others and she helps whenever she can. | Min Ji and Ahreum are close because of their time spent living together. Ahreum sometimes visits to babysit her sister's young daughter.
+ Sister | Nam Ye Ji| 27 | Engineer | Ye Ji is the more bold of the siblings. She goes for what she wants and she's determind to make a name for herself in a mostly male dominated field. | Ye Jin and Ahreum get along well and they'll sometimes go see a movie together just to get away from things.
+ Best Friend | Dae In Hye | 23 | Stylist | In Hye is a woman that's full of sass and she isn't afraid to speak her mind. She tends to be more outgoing than her friend, Ahreum. | In Hye and Ahreum have been friends since University and they meet up for coffee or a movie often. They compliment each other well since they tend to be opposites. They bring out the best in each other for the most part.
+ Close Friend | Kim Min Seok | 25 | Physical Trainer | Min Seok has trouble being serious at times. He's a fairly nice guy and he does his best to let people know he means no harm. | Min Seok and Ahreum go sight seeing together and they can often be found looking for new places to experience. He was the one that suggest she apply for a pocket Bangtan.
+ Cat | Ted | 8 | Resident old cat | Ted is a fairly chill cat, but he usually hisses at strange visitors and demands to be able to sleep on the bed. | Ye Ji gave Ahreum her cat when she moved and they get along well enough even though they mostly ignore each other. Ted turns out to be surprisingly fond of the pocket Bangtan and become his little gardian of a sort.
+ Rival | Gi Seung Ho | 25 | Fashion Merchandiser | Seung Ho tends to be competitive and he's full of barbed comments.| Ahreum tries to avoid Seung Ho when she can since he only seems to want to beat her when it comes to work. He is full of insults and she mostly ignores him.
+ " I applied for a pocket Bangtan because I need some more companionship in my life. It can get kind of lonely being on your own."
+ "What wouldn't I do with a pocket Bangtan? Wait...that sounds weird. I'd be able to spend time with him and on occasions he could probably come to work with me. I'd be able to experience new things with him I suppose."
+ "For starters I would feed him and make sure he's comfortable and loved. He'd never be lonely. I'd love to go on adventures with him like a picnic to the river or to go on a hike."
+ pjm-101395 Park Jimin
Park Jimin
BACKUP : Kim Minseok
PERSONALITY : (+ Curious, Adventurous, Caring, and Energetic.) (- Sensitive, Provacative, Impulsive, and Uninhibited. )
 Jimin tends to seem like a very pure soul. He's full of curiousity and a sense of adventure. He wants to explore new things and he'll poke around anything he can. This sometimes gets him into trouble, but for the most part it's rather endearing. 
Unfortunately he can be a bit impulsive. He jumps into things without giving it as much thought as he probably should. He's always ready for a new adventure, but sometimes he just gets into trouble. He also tends to be full of energy and it can seem intimidating at times. Lazier people find it difficult to keep up with, but for the most part it's appreciated because he's always up for any adventure whether he's thought it through all the way more not.
He tends to be unintentionally provacative at times. It's not about being irritating because who could be irritated with this cutie? But he sometimes does things that are generally considered ual without him really thinking about it. Since he's also rather uninhibited. He's not afraid to do things or say things that others don't really think about doing. He puts himself out there and for the most part it works for him.
He can also be sensitive at times. He's worse at accepting negative comments than others and he often feels hurt if people don't approach him in the right way. It's mostly about the approach with this one and it's better to approach him tactfully because it's not unusual for him to cry until he can't cry any more resulting in sickness at times. It's best to be gentle with him.
Overall Jimin is a caring individual. He cares about other people and wants the best for them. He wants them to have the same joy that he finds. He just wants the world to be a better place and he'll do what he can to do that for himself and for others.
INTERACTIONS : Ahreum and Jimin get along fairly well since they both have a more sunny disposition. They both have a sense of adventure that they can indulge together. Ahreum will even do her best to create a little more adventure for Jimin when she can. She might build a castle out of books or to make bridges or ladders to help him get around her apartment. She feels more safe taking him places with her as long as he doesn't wander off. They can also watch movies together or play games. As long as they do something together they have some fun. He was also able to win Ted over easily and that was the one thing Ahreum worried about when she considered applying for a pocket Bangtan.
+ Ahreum likes to make little hats for him.
+ She sometimes calls him her little "Minnie" but not when he can hear it.
+ He may or may not have tried to ride the cat before. It may or may not have gone well.
last words
COMMENTS : My other app decided it wanted to be possessed and delete all its stuff ;~;
QUESTIONS : None really.
CONCERNS : Maybe too much Ted. I got carried away with the Ted...maybe.
SUGGESTIONS : Pretty sure Ted would make this story a million times better. All praise Ted... kidding. I'm kidding. But Jimin being besties with a grumpy cat is so cute.
+ Hmm it might be cute to see Jimin sititng in a little book castle.
+ Or Jimin riding Ted could be cute too.


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