「 IZUMI 」 : Jin U Wook : Member Five


  Jin U wook
    WhenWeLove / activity rate (7/10). 
birth name 」Jin U Wook
other names 」None
nicknames 」
— Jin / all of his American friends call him this since it's easier to pronounce than his full name.
age 」19
birthdate 」06, 29, 1996.
birthplace 」Seoul, South Korea
hometown 」Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity 」Korean
nationality 」Korean
languages 」
—Korean (fluent)
— English (conversational)

  the visuals.
    no one cares about the looks. 
face claim 」Ray (C-Clown)
back up face claim 」Shin (Cross Gene)
height & weight 」185 cm and 72kg.
bloodtype 」O+
appearance 」 He has a tatoo of little birds taking flight on his upper, inner left arm. Both ears have one piercing in the lobe.
  the personality.
    you've got a blackened heart. 
personality traits 」
— : Secretive, Cunning, Single-minded, Crude, Untrusting
+ : Ambitious, Charming, Loyal, Compassionate, Hardworking
personality 」

U Wook grew up acting like some rich boy in a kdrama. He was ambitious and cunning. He would find something he wanted and then he wouldn't let anything stand in the way of him getting whatever it was. He was fine with sneaking around with other rich boys to have fun. They wouldn't tell anyone because it would disgrace their families if anyone knew. If anyone did decide they didn't like the way he behaved he would lie his way out of it or find a way to keep them silent. He was good at getting people to fall for him and he took advantage of that. When his family went to America that aspect only got worse. He had enough variety that he didn't have the chance to get bored. Then he met Andy. After Andy nothing was the same.

U Wook avoided relationships back home because in would involve him telling them all about what had happened and why he now had to make trips to the doctor often and to take medication. He turned his attention to pursuing his new dream. New sides of his personality slowly started to poke through. He used the same ambition to push him into training and he worked as hard as possible to catch up to the other trainees so he could be considered for debut eventually. Even when he started to become exhausted easily he would hide it and tell everyone that it was fine. He wasn't used to people worrying about him so why start now?

He eventually realized that he was far more compassionate than he had ever imagined. As he got close to people he couldn't help but want them to have the happiest life they could. Instead of thinking how hard life was he decided he wanted to do everything he could to make life a little better for other people. Sometimes they just needed to know someone was there for them and at times that's all he wanted as well. He rarely used his cunning nature unless someone truly deserved it. His behavior in the past caused him to have a hard time trusting people. He knew that they weren't always what the appeared to be and he refused to let those people get away with hurting the people he cared about. This led to him becoming rather crude. He would tell people exactly what he thought of them and if they didn't get the hint to leave he would resort to making them leave. He was also unafraid to talk to people about basically anything that they could thing of. He didn't skip around the subject of physical relationships. He realized that it could be dangerous to not have anyone to advise you on these subjects.

U Wook was rather single minded and this could help when it led to him focusing on improving his life, but for the most part it caused him to be distant from people because he was too busy focusing on working. It was hard for him to bond with people because he couldn't take his mind off of improvement so he seemed unapproachable. It did contribute to his unending loyalty. He would do anything for a friend if they were in need and he wouldn't let them suffer alone. He did his best to stay out of friendships with people that weren't at all interested in him to some extent.

He wanted to be able to be more open with people and to be honest about everything, but he couldn't bring himself to tell others about his HIV. He couldn't handle the thought of others judging him for the choices he made. He didn't think there was anything wrong with fooling around with people as long as no one got hurt. But the thing was, he did get hurt. He was punished for one bad decision with a disease that would never really go away. He was stuck with this reminder for the rest of his life. He couldn't enter into relationships lightly because he would have to tell them and worry about their health. He wouldn't be able to stand himself if he gave HIV to someone he loved. So he tends to be secretive about himself. He keeps certain things hidden especially his visits to the doctor. He can't bring himself to be open about it yet so he hides his pills in areas that he figures no one will like in so they won't ask him about it.

When he steps on stage he lets his inner charm shine through. He loves to interact with the fans and to give them a good show. He's been known to help them down the stage or to put on a little extra aegyo if they request it. He shines in front of strangers since he's fairly good at getting people to see what they want to see. He has no problem with saying that the fans are his girl friend or saying his ideal type is someone who loves him. Anything that gives them a little more hope. He wants them to get a feeling of love from him even if they just meet him for a few minutes.

  the stage.
    i've got the stage presence. 
stage name 」W
stage persona 」Prince Charming
fandom name & color 」Royals #ffff66

singing twin 」Sungjae (BTOB)
dancing twin 」N (VIXX)
rapping twin 」Ilhoon (BTOB)
backup singing twin 」Hyuk (VIXX)
backup dancing twin 」Zelo (B.A.P)
backup rapping twin 」Junhyung (Beast)
training duration 」1.5 years
predebut experience 」U Wook didn't have a very memorable trainee experience. He worked hard to catch up to the trainees that ad been there much longer. He trained hard and only rested to make trips to the doctor. He didn't want to get passed over and pushed to the side.
role model 」Bang Yong Guk, he fell in love with the other's style the first time he saw him perform. He has a confidence that is stunning and his performance is no joke. He also worked hard in the underground rap scene before he became an idol.
ideal type 」U Wook used to like the bad boy type, but over time he has broadened his preferences. He just wants someone that he can be cheesey with and that won't hate him when they learn of his past.
  the connections.
    the fire blazing in the soul. 
siblings 」
— Jin Dae Wook / 22 / University student / Dae Wook and U Wook don't get along well. Dae Wook pretends his brother doesn't exist for the most part. He cares for his brother, but he resents his easy life and his bad choices.
friends 」
— Best Friend / Carter Brown / 19 / University Student/ Outgoing, Enthusiastic, and Empathetic / Carter is U Wook's best friend from his short time in America. She is a future nurse and they tell each other everything. She's the only one that knows about U Wook's HIV. They support each other any way they can even from such a distance.
— Close Friend / Kato Ayami / 21 / Trainee / Optimistic, Loving, and Determind / Kato is a fellow trainee that was one of the first to get close to U Wook. Even though they're busy with training they make time to have fun together. They enjoy doing touristy things.
—Close Friend / Taeha /22 / SPEED member / Mysterious, Blunt, and Adventurous / Taeha and U Wook met randomly when U Wook auditioned for Core. Taeha took U Wook in as a younger brother and they met for food often. It's the bond U Wook was never able to have with his own brother.
other connections 」
— Mother / Jin Chin Hee / 47 / Yoga teacher / Loving and loyal / Chin Hee loves her family and will do whatever she can to keep the peace even if it means lying to them.
— Father / Jin Jae Hwa / 50 / CEO / Hardworking and strict / Jae Hwa works hard and he wants others to do the same. He loves his family somewhere deep down, but he wants them to do well more than he wants them to feel loved.
  the facts.
    nothing but the truth. 
— casual: 1 2 3
— formal: 1 2 3
— training: 1 2 3
— likes: Kdramas, flowers, rainy days, happy endings, dogs, soccer, spicy foods, and tattoos.
— dislikes: Needles, hiking, not knowing how to cook, liars, and coffee.
— hobbies: Gardening, playing piano, playing soccer
— habits: he paces when he's worried and he will sometimes complain in English so he doesn't bother people that don't understand.
— His favorite season is Spring.
— He calls his mom often.
— After his diagnosis he no longer gets scared by small things like bugs or horror movies.
— He always asks people about their tattoos, but he probably won't get many more. It's a fight between the want of tattoos and the fear of needles.
—He wants to learn to cook so he tries to make small things from internet tutroials.
— If he ever gets into another relationship he wants to have a cheesey date where he plays the piano for them.
— He has a mini garden on his window sill.
U Wook was born the second son of a business man so he had a large amount of funds and little responsibility. In school he was the kid that would threaten to tell his dad to get his way. His parents let him do what he wanted to some extent. He couldn't get too out of hand since it would reflect badly on them and that included getting good grades. It seemed like he had it made. He was good looking, smart, rich, and girls threw themselves at him. Unfortunately for them he wasn't interested in girls. He didn't have scandals with girls like most sons of rich families, but he would pull the other sons of rich men aside to fool around. Since they had to keep their image up as well they'd keep their mouths shut.
Then Mr. Jin took the family with him on a trip to America for the Summer. U Wook met a larger number of people that had never even heard of his father, and he experienced a differnet kind of freedom. He could fool around with anyone he wanted to. He made sure to be safe with all of his partners until he met Andy. He found himself falling for the American boy and he was blinded by the unfamiliar feeling. They moved slowly and when they finally got around to sleeping together he allowed the other boy to tell him that he was clean and that they didn't need protection. After that night Andy left and U Wook never heard from him again.
Life continued as normal when they returned to South Korea until U Wook decided he was ready to jump back into fooling around again. He went to get tested, but this time it didn't come back clean. The shock was so great that U Wook fainted. The doctor called his mother resulting in her finding out the truth. She was disappointed in her son, but she promised that they would help him get the treatment he needed. His brother, on the other hand, wasn't so understanding. He beat U Wook until the younger was seeing stars. His brother agreed not to tell their father since their father would disown U Wook, but he made it clear that he was ashamed of his brother for being promiscuous.
U Wook had started his treatment before he graduated high school. He was then faced with the decision of what he was going to do with his life. One day he saw a video of the kpop group B.A.P and he fell in love. He looked up to them and he wanted to be like Yong Guk or Zelo. He decided to audition for any company that would let him. Finally IZUMI took a chance on him. His parents weren't exactly happy about it, but they were glad he was going somewhere with his life. As long as he was out of the house they were happy.
  the conclusion.
    don't say goodbye yet. 
「 comments 」I hope everything makes sense ><
「 scene suggestions 」— It would be cute to have him romance his love interest in a really cheesy way.
—Maybe a nice moment with his mom.
song suggestions 」— Hmm maybe Arario by Topp Dogg or Dangerous by X-5. I wanted to suggest No. 1 by F.cuz, but I can't seem to find it so perhaps No One by F.cuz instead?


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