소원 - Sowun Ent| Ok Bong Hee| Kage | Maknae, rapper

Character Name — Ok Bong Hee
nickname — Hee hee, his mother Yong Ji likes to give people cute nicknames and Bong Hee will always be her little boy.

birthday — (12|18|1995)
birth place — Seoul, South Korea
hometown —Seoul South Korea

ethnicity — Half Korean and half Caucasian
nationality — Korean

languages — Korean (fluent, he was born and raised in Korea.) English  (fluent, both his mothers are English teachers and they insisted that he learn it from a young age.) Japanese (a little about basic, he lived in Japan for a while)
blood type — AB+

Ok Bong Hee

by WhenWeLove (Erin)


— What is exo planet? pretty sure that we are in korea.

face claim — Lee Nam Soo
back up — Park Sung Woo

height — 170 cm
weight — 65 kg

 Bong Hee actually has a tattoo on his left shoulder. It's a small phoenix that is easily covered up by shirts. He's not a big fan of going shirtless so he doesn't really have to worry about other people seeing it.

fashion style

— Should I manse before i rush?

 Bong Hee is a rather simple guy. He owns a wide variety of sweatshirts and his collection of hats is ever growing. He likes to layer though. He can still wear a warm sweater over a nice button down. He can look nice and still be comfortable. Comfort is usually more important to him, but if he can look nice as well his day is made.


— Dumb dumb, red velvet isn't just a cake 

+/- traits; determind, decisive, earnest, idealistic, sassy, unexpressive

Bong Hee is a person that makes decisions rather easily. He doesn't have to think long about what he wants. For the most part he acts on what feels right. He doesn't like to sit around and think of an answer. He'd rather jut know what direction he needs to move in. This is mostly a good thing, but at times he gets really set on his decision and it can be difficult to talk him out of it if it turns out to be a bad idea. He's also very determind. This can be good when it comes to him going after something he wants. He doesn't give up and will do whatever he reasonably can to reach his goal. It can also be bad when he gets an ill advised idea in his head. He will be determind to get his goal done without really realizing that it's a bad idea.

Sometimes he can be a little too idealistic. The ideas he gets into his head aren't exactly realisitic. He also wants to see the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't always realize that some people are filled with far more rottenness than others and they don't want the best for others. He some how manages to not get taken advantage of all that often. Maybe that's because he has a few people that are willing to look out for him.

He has trouble expressing his emotions. When it comes to telling a person how he feels it often doesn't come out right. Sometimes people understand and read more into his words, but for the most part people get offended by the fact that he can't just come out and say that he cares about them. He's the friend that will tell a person to text him when they get home so he knows they're safe. He'll put more food on a person's plate when they aren't looking because he doesn't think they're getting enough. He's very sincere in his actions. He wants people to be able to feel his affection for them in the things that he does. When he comes to help out he wants people to know that he does so because he wants to be able to give that person help and not because he feels he has to. If he could express that in words more people would be able to understand his motivations. As it is he sometimes seems cold and uncaring even if he is anything but.

While Bong Hee has trouble expressing his affection he seems to have no trouble being the king of sass. At times it can be endearing and it helps lighten the mood. At other times it can be irritating and the people around him will get tired of it. He can seem a little too bold at times and can get so caught up he forgets to use the proper honorifics for his elders. He never intends to, but it tends to get him into trouble.


— likes

one — food
two — comedy movies
three — scarves
four — cats
five — board games

SIX — soccer

SEVEN — sewing

— dislikes

one — bugs
two — boats (he gets sea sick)
three — ghost stories or scary things
four — being told to lose weight
five — being asked to do aegyo

— habits

one — He plays with his sleves when he's thinking.
two — If another member looks like they aren't eating enough he'll reach over when they're not looking and make sure they have more.
three — He tends to organize his clothing and other belongings by color.
four — He cleans when he's restless.
five — He cuddles in his sleep.

— hobbies

one — star gazing
two — sewing
three — playing soccer
four — watching movies
five — bonding over board games

— other facts

one — He likes to volunteer at the animal shelter whenever he has time.
two — He has adopted the Phoenix as his symbol since Bong basically means Phoenix. When asked why he says that the Phoenix burns brightly and inspires hope. Even when it's done something positive emerges from the ashes. 
three — He likes to think he's tough but he's easily scared and he's unintentionaly cute.
four — He often talks to his mother Jessica in English even if she also speaks Korean. She likes to make sure he doesn't get rusty.
five — He always packs a sewing kit whenever he travels just in case he needs it.


— rock 'ur body to my love equation

Bong Hee's mother was an English teacher. She spent time in the states working and met a nice American boy. They had a fling that ended in her becoming pregnant. The boy turned out not to be so nice. When Yong Ji told her boyfriend about her pregnancy he said that he wanted nothing to do with the child and ran off never to be heard from again. Yong Ji went back to Korea to have her baby and hopefully get another job. She found a job and not long after Bong Hee was born she met a lovely American woman that she fell in love with. Bong Hee couldn't even rememer a time when Jessica wasn't around. Eventually Bong Hee's sister came into the picture. Min Hee and Bong Hee bonded almost instantly. He looked out for his his sister whenever possible and he even learned how to style girl's hair so he could give her pretty hair styles.

In high school Bong Hee met a foreign exchange student and fell in love. He was so in love that he applied to colleges in her home country of Japan. He followed her back there after they graduated and they continued to date for a few years. They even moved in together. He struggled with adapting to life in Japan since he didn't know any Japanese. After a while he discovered his girl friend was cheating on him shortly before she ran off with another man and left him abandoned in Japan. He eventually made it back to Korea to find a job. If he had stayed in Korea he likely would have auditioned for an entertainment company. Instead he pursued his teaching career.

Bong Hee eventually became an English teacher just like his moms. It wasn't that he had a great amount of passion for English. It just happened to be something that he was good at. He wanted to be able to help people gain a better life for themselves and it seemd like a good place to do it. He didn't hate his job, but after a while he knew that it wasn't what he had wanted. He regretted not pursuing a career in music. He wouldn't help people as directly as before, but he could still touch people's lives. He also liked music a little more than language. He stayed close with his family even as he got busy with work and other things. His sister was the only family member that knew he wasn't perfectly happy with the life he had been living. One day when he was feeling especially down about his job sowun.com appeared to him. He figured it was too good to be true as most things like that were. He poted on it thinking that at least he could get the feeling off his chest. It couldn't really hurt.


Mother — Ok Yong Ji  // 45 // English Teacher  // Yong Ji is a bright and sunny woman. She can sometimes be childish, but she always did her best to be a good mother. // Bong Hee and Yong Ji get along rather well. She did her best to be a good mother and he did his best to not cause many problems.

Mother — Ok Jessica // 42 // English Teacher  // Jessica is a little more serious than Yong Ji. She cares deeply for her girlfriend and Bong Hee, but she has trouble saying it. //Jessica has always been kind to Bong Hee. She just showed it by trying to teach him things like a father was expected to. She was the one that was so insistent on him learning English.

SISTER — Ok Min Hee // 16 // Student // Min Hee is a fairly sweet girl, but she also inherited the same sassiness as her brother. She can be nice but often gets her into trouble. // Min Hee and Bong Hee get along fairly well. He tries to be a good brother and she isn't afraid to make him do things for her.


Future Friend — Kim Seokjin/Jin (BTS)  // 23 // BTS member // Jin is kind and protective. He looks out for others and tries to help them see something in others that the idol world doesn't really encourage. // Bong Hee sees Jin as an older brother figure. They share a love of food and they want to get out of the constricting standards of society. Bong Hee can't recall what happens to his friend in the future but he hopes that they can have a bond that will last through the years.



Ex-girlfriend — Matsua Haruka // 20 // Student // Haruka was outgoing and flirty. It was hard not to like her. Unfortunately she wanted to be treated like a princess. She wanted to be taken care of and not have to work.  // Haruka and Bong Hee fought more often than Bong Hee would like to admit. She wanted him to provide for her, but he couldn't since he was a student and he barely spoke Japanese. So she ran off.

 Kage | Maknae, Rapper

— People are like food in the way that if they weren't meant to be enjoyed they wouldn't have been made so beautifully.

Why did they wish to pursue music? — Bong Hee knows that music can have a great impact on the lives of people even if they don't notice it right away. He wants to be able to inspire people and touch their lives in ways that he can't even imagine.

 Do they like being in 2015 with the others?  — It's a strange experience to say the least, but Bon Hee enjoys it. He's never lived with so many other guys before. They have disagreements like everyone else. He sometimes catches himself wondering how differently their lives are from wen they were this age the first time.

Stage name; Phoenix
Persona; Icy Phoenix- he might seem icy, but that doesn't stop him from grabbing your attention as he lights up your world.
Singing twin;
Dancing twin; Jungkook (BTS)
Rapping twin; Zelo (B.A.P)


last comment — I feel like my aps tend to be all over the place so let me know if you have any questions about anything. 

scene requests — None

password — um maybe Trespass

i'll love you right like any wolf can.

—  maybe another applicant
— anything is fine really

personality —  

relationship — 

First Meeting —  


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