TOP on relationships, getting married and such


I’ve never cheated when I had a girlfriend. I think it’s a question of loyalty. But because I have a rather free personality, there aren’t many girls who can take that. I like a girl who can sensibly guide me. I never wanted to get married but recently I’ve been changing my mind. I want to get married when I’m around 40 after doing my work for a long time.

You know when I read his interviews, I think he will probably hate my guts if he knows me. Hahaha. /laughs nervously.

I really like him as a person. You know, like someone who's an ideal. I don't know much about his personal life. About how he was shaped into these kind of thinking. I want to know these things. O_O


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Iheartlife #1
How cute!!!! AWWWWWW!!!!
He's really deep and philosophical! I can imagine him thinking about Life and stuff :O
predictator #2
"I want to know these things. O_O"

Sometimes I'm glad I'm not /actually/ TOP LOLOL
Committed is always y. ;D