Project CA-23 :: [Hwang Iseul]

Character name ♦ Hwang Iseul
Other Name(s) ♦ n/a
Birthday + Age ♦ 29th of August, 1995 + 20
Birthplace ♦ Jeju City, South Korea
Hometown ♦ Jeju City, South Korea
Ethnicity ♦ Korean
Language ♦
Korean (fluent) | native language
Jeju Dialent (fluent) | It's her first language, before the standard Korean which she only started speaking when she went to school
English (barely conversational) | learnt at school

The Visuals
Faceclaim ♦ Seunghee (CLC)
Back-up Faceclaim ♦ Wendy (Red Velvet)
Measurements ♦ 154cm & 45kg
Style ♦ Iseul's style can only be described as soft. She has a fondness for oversized sweaters and hoodies that she can melt into. The sleeves of her sweaters usually cover half of her palm but as long as her fingers are free, it's completely fine for her. Her style is comfortable and shapless and you could say conservative because she doesn't show a lot of skin. She chooses to wear leggings on the bottom and usually soft fluffy boots that are fashioned so that it looks like she's wearing kittens on her feet. Even in summer, Iseul still wears more than normal because first of all, she doesn't like playing in the sun and second of all, her body temperature is always cooler so she doesn't get all sweaty in the heat anyways. If she does have to swim, she wear standard one-piece swimsuit, nothing flashy. It's very rare to catch her in a dress or skirt because pants (and sometimes loose shorts) are more comfortable. And besides, she doesn't attend flashy social events anyway so she has no reason to keep a pretty dress on hand.
Appearance ♦ Iseul is a petite girl but what can she expect when she spent puberty hunched over in front of a screen. She has dyed light brown hair that reaches her mid-back with bangs but it's usually kept in a messy ponytail or bun (except for her bangs). She is a very pale girl that it almost looks sickly because she prefers to spend time inside. Iseul has pretty bad eyesight, she's shortsighted and used to wear thick-rimmed black glasses that took up half her face however now she chooses to wear contacts which is why, if you look closely, her eyes look a little lifeless. She also has practically permanent shadows under her eyes (explained more in TRIVIA)
The Soul
Traits ♦ quiet, shy, socially-awkward, easily flustered, intelligent, very passionate about her tech, prideful about her hacking prowess, logical, clumsy
Personality ♦ Iseul is a very quiet girl, someone who doesn't really speak until she's spoken too. And when people do ask her questions, she tends to answer them with one word answers unless they're asking her about techology-related things and then she turns into an endless flow of computer jargon. But generally, Iseul tends to stick to herself and not get into other people's ways. She's a shy person, preferring to stick to the shadows and let other people take the spotlight because she's more of a 'behind-the-scenes' kind of person. See, she has one constant in her life and that is her laptop and her laptop is all that she needs. Iseul is someone who prefers to work alone, people are uncontrollable variables and besides, her line of work requires her to just move her fingers across a keyboard anyways. She doesn't need any other people, Iseul is a very independent person and thus not a team player. In fact she's kinda bad at working with people but as long as no one tries to interfere with her line of work, she'll tolerate it. She is someone who prefers to keep to herself and stay out of other people's business. Getting involved with people just ends up complicating things so she tries to stay out of it and have an objective perspective on most problems that arise. I

seul is a very anti-social person, she absolutely detests parties and finds two to be a crowd. See, she is kinda socially-awkward in that she gets very embarrassed and flustered to have all the attention fastened on her that she winds up making a big mess and then slinking away into embarrassmentland. So in order to prevent catastrophes from happening, she just doesn't go to them at all and that's just fine with her. Iseul is a very oblivious person, to her surroundings and to words. She's kinda innocent in that she doesn't understand many ual jokes or innuendoes. She's also very bad at noticing her feelings for certain other people and other people's feelings for her.

Iseul is a very intelligent girl as well. She can get into almost any system in no time at all and can demolish through most defences with just the press of a buttton. And she is well aware of her own prowess in this field that she's rather prideful and arrogant about it, but with good reason. After all, she's a logical person and always chooses the most efficient path to destroying her enemies. And maybe she does get a bit of a thrill when she's sees their pathetic resistance. Iseul takes a lot of pride in her work and gets very passionate and heated when discussing her technological advancements with other (slightly worse) people. It's the only time you will see her say much at all and she turns into this completely different person, animatedly waving her hands and arms around as she speaks at 20 words per second. Of course, afterwards she instantly gets embarrassed and apologises because most people aren't as interested in it as she is. Iseul is someone who treasures her brain a lot and tends to think about one hundred things at once. Almost at all times, her brain is busy working out how to crack the newest system so Iseul doesn't pay attention to what she's doing physically. Of course, that means that while her mind is off somewhere else, she crashes into so many walls and doors and is generally quite clumsy and absent-minded when she's not on her laptop.

Trivia ♦ 
- LIKES: cats, sweet things especially cake, oversized sweaters, beanbags, cartoons and animated movies, grape juice, video games
- DISLIKES: lightening storms (it messes up the signals), spicy foods, going outside, cold weather, social events, people, horror movies
- HOBBIES: origami, video gaming (she prefers game with more strategy and doesn't like FPS), calligraphy
- She has vitamin D deficiency and is allergic to all nuts except peanuts and hazelnuts
- The contacts that she wears are her own special creation. They do correct her vision but at the same time, it's also connected to her laptop as a sort of alarm system, so that if anyone tries to break in (there is a lot of important information stored on it) then she is instantly notified. Of course, that's never happened yet because the defences on her laptop are monumental
- When she sits on a chair, she's always sitting cross-legged or with her knees drawn up
- Iseul is always cold to the touch, only on really hot days do her hands warm up to a relatively normal level. In fact, on many winter mornings, her fingers are literally purple and freezing. The doctor says that it's because she has poor blood circulation to the extremeties of her bodies which really annoys her because her fingers are all that she has
- Iseul's had a project idea for a very long time, the same one that she was raising money for a long time ago. It's like this, Iseul hates it when people fight. She might not be a hippie that's all about peace and love but she prefers it if people didn't hate each other so much. So she wants to create a global peacekeeping program to protect it from domestic threats and essentially eliminate the need for spies and police. However it's a rather controversial proposal as who deems what is right and what is wrong?
- Iseul is very absent-minded and sometimes is so lost in thought that she will 'wake up' and be in the cafeteria with an empty plate and not know what she just ate
- She is an insomniac because her mind just doesn't know when to shut down. She is always occupied with something or another so often forgets to sleep, especially when working on big projects. Thus she has almost permanent dark shadows under her eyes
- She often forgets to eat as well and when she does, it's an unhealthy diet of diabetes on a plate. Perhaps it's all the sugar that she consumes that keeps her going for 72 hours straight at times
- If you look at Iseul's room it's very disorganised and messy because, again, she doesn't really take care of herself. The only thing that she wants to keep tidy is her tech
- Every morning (if she slept that night), Iseul will manually check her laptop's defences and investigate to see if anyone tried to get in at night. She calls it being careful, others call it paranoid
- She speaks with a pretty strong Jeju accent because after all, she spent most of her life their, raised in a family that had lived on Jeju island for ages
- Because Jeju dialect is a lot more informal than other mainland Korean dialects, at times, she'll speak informally in mainland Korean but it's not a sign of disrespect
- Whenever she's hacking, she always has a lollipop in for her concentration. It's just a weird quirk
- Iseul is caught up with her family affairs even though she hasn't spoken to them in five years (come on, she's a tech whiz). When she was gone, her two oldest brothers (Hyunki and Kangdae) both married and now have kids
The Blacksmiths
Background ♦ Iseul was born to a very large family as she has 6 older siblings and 1 younger sibling (5 brothers and 2 sisters). Her family was an average middle class family whose father worked and her mother was a housewife but given that she'd been pregnant for almost a decade of her life, it would have been hard to hold a job anyways. There wasn't any particular reason for the large family other than the fact that both her parents liked children and didn't ever want the house to be quiet. However, because of a large family, it was easy to be lost and forgotten and Iseul had always been a soft-spoken child so she really didn't get that much attention from her mother, especially after her baby brother was born. But she was fine with that because it left her to her own devices and she was pretty much free to do whatever she wanted.

Iseul looked up to her twin older sisters a lot when she was younger because apart from herself, they were the only other daughters in the family. So she took ballet classes and violin lessons but she wasn't quite good enough and never quite reached that level. She viewed herself as the least talented in the entire family, she wasn't really good at anything. It was when she was in her last year of primary school and they had their first computer lab class that she realised that maybe she had a talent after all. Even though they were told to research ships for a project, Iseul was more fascinated by the actual hardware of that big clunky computer (it was 2006 after all). She started taking lessons in coding when she was 12 and it all spiralled from there because she whizzed through the program and it was so easy to understand how the inner mechanics of everything worked. When she was bored one day, she took apart her phone just for kicks and managed to put it back together with added bonuses as well. She was really good at something for the first time in her life.

At the same time, she was fiddling around with hardware, she was also poking her nose into software. It was then that she realised that she could tear into anyone's files she wanted. It started with breakthing through her older brother's computer (and she really had to wash her eyes out after that) and she knew it was wrong but it was a challenge and it was exciting. She started to make a name for herself as 'Demeter' and started taking on hacking jobs because she needed the money to fund her mechanical experiments. But when she was 15, she took on a job that she really shouldn't have but did anyway because the money was amazing, even with the half she received before, she would have taken the job on if that was all the money. The job itself was one of the riskiest things she had ever undertaken, to hack into a government database and erase someone from existence. But Iseul was never one to back down from a challenge and took it on. She succeeded, getting into the government was the hardest thing she had ever had to do but she wiped the person's file and an hour later, the second half of the money was transferred into a bank account (under a fake name of course). However, even though she had routed the computer's IP address through Sweden and even though she had used a public computer, rented under a fake name, the police still managed to find her and put her under arrest.

Even though she was 15 and not yet an adult in the legal system, her crime was great enough that she may as well be tried and persecuted as an adult. Iseul was scared because she really did not want to go to jail and because she hadn't realised that the actions she took did have consequencs. it was then that someone from Johak Academy came to recruit her because he felt that skills like hers should not be kept behind bars. And he knew about the mark on her cheek and could see it, even though no one else could and Iseul had always been afraid of asking about it because she didn't want to be branded as crazy. With no other option, Iseul accepted and told her family that the arrest was for her involvement in a string of robberies and that she was being sent to a reform school to atone for her actions and communications would be scarce if any. She hasn't spoken to anyone from her family ever since because she's afraid of what they will think of her, even though they don't know the entire truth.

Family ♦ [all the relationships pertain to 5 years ago because if I wrote about their relationship now, all of them would just say 'they don't talk']
Mother | Song Misook | 56 | Unemployed | Iseul got along okay with her mother, she was gentle and motherly but at the same time, her mother had a lot of other children to worry about and when Yejun was born, Iseul really was cast a little aside.

Father | Hwang Myungdae | 60 | Businessman | Saerin didn't see as much of her father growing up as he was always working and at the times he was home, he had to divvy up his attention between eight children so they aren't very close
Older Brother | Hwang Hyunki | 31 | Doctor | As weird as it sounds, it's her eldest brother that she is the most fond of out of all her siblings. He is always very patient with her and tries to include her in everything and she appreciates his efforts. He always gives good advice and is very gentle and sweet.
Older Brother | Hwang Kangdae | 29 | Civil Engineer | Kangdae is a total prankster and Iseul would need twenty more pairs of hands to count how many times she's fallen victim to them. Because she's so clumsy as well, she's his best target as well as the fact that she doesn't go yelling to their parents.
Older Sister | Hwang Saerin | 26 | Ballerina | Iseul idolised Saerin and Haerin both but she was six years younger than them and they were twins so they weren't really close, no matter how hard she tried, Saerin and Haerin tended to exclude Iseul.
Older Sister |Hwang Haerin | 26 | Fashion Designer | Same as above (Saerin) [NOTE: Saerin and Haerin are fraternal (un-identical) twins]
Older Brother | Hwang Chunghee | 24 | Architect | Chunghee and Chungho (yet another set of twins) were the closest in age to Haerin and the two of them were her next favourite brothers after Hyunki. The three of them often played together when they were younger but grew apart after the twins entered high school.
Older Brother | Hwang Chungho | 24 | Vet | Same as above (Chunghee) [NOTE: Chunghee and Chungho are identical twins]
Younger Brother | Hwang Yejun | 14 | Student | The baby of the family and pampered by everyone. Iseul admits that she was rather jealous of all the attention he received as the youngest and hated him for a long time. But eventually, she grew to love the freedom she was given and laughed at the fact that Yejun was always treated like he was four, not fourteen.

Others ♦
'Hades' | Unknown | Hacker agent | Between the ages of 12 and 15, when Iseul started taking up odd jobs under the name Demeter, a person who called himself Hades was one of her closest correspondents. She knows nothing about him but he was the one who hooked her up with all the jobs that could ensure that she got money to fund her little pet project. After, she was arrested doing the last job he set up for her, he dropped off the grid and she hasn't been able to locate him, online or in person.
Bang Jihye | 41 | IT engineer | Jihye was the one who ran the IT courses that Iseul took a long time ago. Back then, the courses that Jihye ran were usually for university students, a tutoring class but Iseul was the youngest there by quite a few years and was the one who scored extremely well the whole time, Jihye's star pupil.
The Resume
Plotline ♦ Nano
Species ♦ Human
Elaboration of Occupation ♦ Iseul is two things, a hacker and an engineer. Firstly, the hacker part. Her job is to break through virtual systems and disable their security protocols, or replace a fingerprint idea and occasionally destroy someone's records of existence. She plays a support role, safely hidden in another location whilst other people did the actual dirty work. The second part is as an engineer, an IT engineer and their resident techxpert. She specialises in anything technology related and has tried her hand as a mechanical engineer many times. She can make undetectable bugs, invisible cameras and microphones and can track the location of anyone embedded with one of her custom microchips. In fact, everything Iseul has is custom-made, including her phone and laptop. She would never stoop so low as to use cheap, mass-produced technology and usually when she finds broken things, she can fix it up in a heartbeat with added improvements. However Iseul does not do weaponry. She'll create communication technology for the team, heck she can even give them wings but if you're looking for palmprint activated guns, then she's not going to do that (even if she probably can).
Appointment ♦ She was taken into the group by Jookyung. It was a simple fact that they needed someone on the lines but not on the front and she was easily one of the best to ever come out of the training program. Initially Iseul refused because she doesn't play well with teams and just wanted to be left alone with her projects but she was persuaded with the notion that it was going to be difficult and difficult meant a challenge. That and Jookyung subtly insulted her skills and there was no way she was going to take that lying down.
Task ♦ #6027
Spy Name + Zodiac Mark ♦ Persephone + Virgo (situated under her left eye)
Other Skills ♦ Iseul did attend the academy (even if it was for a short time) and she received the same training that all the other trainees did. But that's about it. You see, Iseul had never been a very physical person because she doesn't like being around people and simply prefers to stay in her room with her laptop. So whilst other trainees spent their breaks working even harder, Iseul would sit in the shade tinkering around with her equipment. So she has the barest minimum of skills required but really, she's known for her tech genius and not for her combat skills (which might best a civilian but no one else).
Power ♦ n/a
The Interest
Character Name ♦ Lee Hongbin (22, VIXX)
Back-up ♦ Another applicant (Basically applicant and Hongbin are on equal footing, I don't mind who you choose in the end)
Occupation ♦ Zodiac Academy
Species  ♦ En (super strength)
Traits ♦  Outgoing, confident, loyal, playful, show-off, reckless, impulsive, bad at following orders, too emotional
Personality ♦ Hongbin is someone who is pretty well-known and pretty well-liked. He is a friendly and outgoing person who is friends with practically everybody he meets because of his charismatic aura. That and his good looks because he is well aware of his own physical attractiveness. He is someone who is always surrounded by a large group of followers friends and is almost never alone because he won't admit it but he's kinda terrified of isolation. Hongbin is a confident person in everything he does and has absolutely no self-esteem issues. He's a pretty playful person, always joking around with people because he likes making people life, seeing them smile makes him smile as well. Even though he has so many friends, he treasures every single one of them and is endlessly loyal to them. Of course, some of his friends are closer than others and he is very protective over his loved ones and will do anything to keep them from harm.

Hongbin is kinda a show-off as well. He has a fondness for the dramatics and likes completing missions in the most flamboyant method available just to get some attention (especially if they're from cute ladies). This means that he's a very reckless and careless person. He's always jumping off cliffs just to show-off how badass he is even though he could miss the ledge on the cliffside and plumet to his death. Hongbin is an impulsive person and always rushing head-first into a situation, someone who leaps before they look. He's also pretty bad at following orders which is why, despite his skillset, he hasn't been given an elevated rank. The thing is, Hongbin is someone who is too emotionally focused. If his superiors tell him to blow up a building to kill their target, if one of their allies and his friends is still in there, he would choose to save them and let the targt get away rather then sacrificing one of his allies. He's stubborn like that in that he refuses to let any life be lose meaninglessly and will do anything, all too often resorting to violence, to protect innocents.
First Meeting ♦ They first met when they were put together on a simple reconaissance mission. Their job was only to observe and then send that information to another team to deal with. It was an easy mission, a two-man team, Hongbin on the field with Iseul's voice in his ear. Iseul already had a map of the location as well as their entire security system and Hongbin was to observe the activities of the personnel, to look for an opening for the other team to infiltrate through later. You see, they were trying to find a human trafficking ring and this building was believed to be one of their bases to help them get to the head honcho. However when Hongbin saw a young woman being forcibly dragged into the building, he saw red and wiped out the entire base with his bare hands. He even crushed the communicators and camera that Iseul had fitted on Hongbin so she could only monitor his location and status through his microchip. Of course, their superiors weren't all too happy with that because now they had lost their only lead.
Present ♦ They're simply colleagues or a one-sided friendship on Hongbin's behalf. See Hongbin was kinda apologetic after his impulsive actions had them both punished and wanted to make it up to Iseul but Iseul hates people, especially an annoying type like him and she didn't want anything to do with him. But Hongbin is the kinda of guy who wants to be friends with everyone and didn't handle rejection very well so basically decided to stalk her everytime he saw her. Hongbin is very touchy-feely with everyone and always tries to greet Iseul with a hug only to get a foot planted in his face (not that it would hurt very much because Iseul is kinda weak). Eventually though, she finds herself realising that she likes having his presence around and that she kinda misses his chatter when he's out on missions. Hongbin is always breaking the tech that he's given, mostly his phone because his reckless actions means that he jumps into the ocean without taking it off too many times so she always is the one to fix it. When she asks him why he doesn't just go to someone else, he says it's because no one else does as good of a job as she does and she's kinda flattered by it.
Ending ♦ Hongbin and Iseul are both idiots so it would take Iseul a while to notice that the fact that she tolerates Hongbin's presence means that she might like him a little and it would take Hongbin a lot longer to realises that it's not friendship with Iseul that he's looking for. When they do eventually get together, it would probably be a pretty long-term (or even life-long?) relationship because Iseul doesn't do flings (or relationships really) and Hongbin is always the loyal type. I want them to have a good ending please because I'm a er for happy endings and I think it'd be cute if they remained together.
The Interview
"Hi, introduce yourself?" /long siilence/ ...I'm Iseul...
"What do you feel of the crew in general?" ...they're okay I guess.../shrugs/ I don't really talk to them a lot...
"Who is the most likeable teammate?" Jookyung because he doesn't talk a lot
"Who is the least likeable teammate?" [Doubt]...she's just so annoyingly stupid.../whispers/ I hate stupid people
"You had any specific goals?" N-not really, I just want a challenge, I want to see if anyone can best me.
"Last question! If you go to lunch, which food do you take in?" CAKE! /blushes/ s-sorry /mumbling/ I-I-I just like sweet things...
The Call
Scene requests ♦
- In one mission that goes terribly wrong (Hongbin is on that team), the enemies make their way up to Iseul's room and Hongbin literally ditches the mission to fly over to protect her
- Jookyung (he's not a loud type right?) and Iseul having a easy friendship based off saying as little as possible to each other
- Iseul getting really animated and excited talking about codes and one (or more) of the CA-23 thinking that she's really different from how she normally is and it's kinda cute
- Someone makes ual advances to Iseul and she just stares at the like o.o what are you talking about
- Iseul working on something that goes horribly wrong and it literally explodes in her face (and destroys about three rooms)
- After something doesn't go right on one of th CA-23 missions, Iseul tries to cheer them up so takes out a MASSIVE stash of lollies from her bag and gives them out
- [Sharp] giving Iseul a rundown on gun skills because her skills are rusty. After a while, [Sharp] just gives up after she manages to hit the target (not the bulls-eye, just the target) only a few times
- Every story deserves a beach episode
- One day, Iseul doesn't wear her contacts (for any reason) and wears her old glasses instead (which make her look 100000 times nerdier) and every goes 'okay who the are you'
Thoughts ♦ I really hope I filled everything out correctly because this premise is kinda complicated but really fascinating. Also did you notice that her current code name (Persephone) is related to her old hacker nane (Demeter)? I just thought I was so clever haha.
Password ♦ The password is two paragraphs down here


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