TO ALL YE READERS, on behalf of (maybe) a lot of authors in here.

I'd like to voice this out because I think it might dawn some realization in y'all.  I hope that by reading this post you'll understand how us authors really feel (and especially more dedicated authors), when they get certain stuff like empty update soon comments with no thank yous and no actual thoughts on the story they just wrote.  This might not apply to everyone.  Maybe I'm the amateur here and I still have a long way to go and a lot of lessons to learn in writing, which is why I feel like this.  But at least, this is what I feel on my part and I hope that by voicing this out some of you will come to a realization and reflect rather than thinking I am a haughty who thinks she deserves more than just update-soons. 

Getting quite a lot of comments over what I write should have trained me to get used to empty 'update soon please' and 'omg i need more' comments already, but for some reason, they still manage to tick me off every single time.  I don't know if other authors feel the same way but I think that feeling like this is normal especially for authors who really do write and give it their all when they write.  Notice the italics? 

First off, I don't think all of you understand how time- updating really is.  Especially if you have a life outside of AFF (which I sure goddamn hope y'all do) and you want the best for that life. The more important life of yours.  Maybe we have work.  Maybe we have university/college responsibilities.  Maybe we have school and exams to ace, like myself.  Definitely, we all have a future to build.  OR!  Maybe your favourite author is a genius, hands-down, so they don't really have to worry over their future cos they're gonna get into a good college alright without even trying.  OR maybe they already have their dream job and everythins is working out well in life for them, so they actually have quite a lot of time in their hands.  But have ever thought of other things they might be going through?  Like maybe a relationship to patch up, maybe they have something they need to keep from losing, or maybe they've just experienced something devastating and they're not really into it right now, which prevents them from trying to type out the next chapter for the next update.  Because authors need to get that feel in them when they're typing out the next update as well.  An author who just lost a friend or got scolded by their parents definitely won't make half as good chapters as they make when their mind is at peace and their thoughts are not a mess.  And what do they (dedicated, passionate authors) want to give you?  Chapters that are as good as they can make it.  So even finding the time to update without neglecting other responsibilites or letting their lives tip over, unbalanced, might be a challenge to some already.  Then, as an author, once we find the time to update, and when we finally are typing out a chapter, we are faced with even more problems and questions like: 

"Will this add up to what I've written in my past chapters?" (and then we have to read through our past chapters again because maybe we've forgotten.)
"If I put it like this for now, will it make sense with what I've planned in the future?" 
"Are the characters behaving in their character?   Are they being consistent?"
"Does the dialogue flow smoothly and naturally?  Do they seem like real conversations?" 
"Is my grammar okay?  How bout my word choice?"  (especially for non-native English speakers like me)
"Does this make sense?  Does this seem REAL?" 
"Is this enjoyable?  Or is it getting too boring?  Is it dragging?" 
"OR IS THIS GOING TOO FAST?" (because when we plan it might seem all alright but when we really type it out it might come out differently)
"Where do I fit this part in?  Does it happen now or later?"  Because even if we've got the story planned out, there will definitely be additional spontaneously added stuff that might add extra sparks to the story but also result in rearranging some of the plans we've made for it already. 

And I'm pretty sure there are more questions or maybe DIFFERENT questions and DIFFERENT DIFFICULTIES we authors face when we work on our story, but at least those are some that I ask myself a lot.  Or maybe I'm just the one who needs more practice-- but I'm sure that authors who really want to write well have been faced with these questions at some point... which is why updating IS mentally exhausting. 

So there's that.  Now, maybe some authors don't have things in life to worry about (which is highly impossible) or maybe they're a writing god already so they don't face any difficulties when they're writing new chapters but!  They are most definitely human and so they most definitely have other things they want to do in life other than just write.  I mean come on guys.  You might be an author and you might say writing is your hobby, but I'm pretty darn sure that you have other things you want to do in life like maybe hang out with friends, shop, learn a language, learn a sport, cook something... watch a TV show back to back, all cozy and huddled up in your bed.... watch a sports match with friends.... I mean come on.  We all have other things we want to do other than just write.   OR MAYBE, DEEP DOWN INSIDE, WE'RE JUST STUCK!!!   Maybe not all readers consider this when they immediately demand for another update right after one has been given to you, but now that I've put it down for you, please do.  

Those are just some reasons why I think only commenting short urges to release the next chapter immediately after releasing on is very inconsiderate, not to mention also very bothersome and unfair to us authors.   You don't know the behind-the-scenes of the chapter writing process so I think you all should appreciate one chapter at a time, as your author gives it to you.  We've probably worked on the chapter for days, perfecting it.  You finished it in maybe 10-20 minutes and ask for another one immediately without dropping actual thoughts and comments on the chapter they've just worked on.  Now how do you think you would feel if you were the author? 

This whole post was probably very unstructured and unorgnized, maybe even badly phrased but I hope that all ye readers got the point.  Bottomline is, slow authors have their reasons and their own problems.  Be patient with them and at least make them feel appreciated for what they've given to you. What they've just done.  Actually comment on their story, tell them what you like or dislike, give them actual inputs and messages and... and I don't know, just let them know you're liking it so they can feel good about the long chapter they spent their time on.  Be... sensitive.  Don't just comment empty 'update soon please' (and no, saying juseyo doesn't make you sound adorable) or 'omg MORE!!' 

 And if you're an author and you don't feel the same way, please keep it to yourself.  I don't need comments like LOL YOU'RE SO SENSITIVE.  IT'S A GOOD THING PEOPLE ARE EVEN READING YOUR WORK ALREADY!!  because please, this is just how I feel and this is how I'm guessing some other would feel if they put some real effort into their writing.  Cos guys, I really am trying.  I really am trying to improve and to make my writing as best as I can make it.  I'm not saying this for myself but for maybe other busy, tired authors who feel the same way.  

You might not agree with this post, but leave me be.  I just feel the need to get this out there, because I'm pretty sure that there should be at least ONE other author on this site who feels the same way.  And if by writing this post I can help them indirectly, then I will.  I don't know.  I'm not good with speeches and words like this so I hope you get my point.

 If you read through this all, thank you so much, I hope i'VE MADE YOU REALIZE AND I HOPE you remember it. have a great day xxx


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potatome #1
Finally /sighs/
This is simple the reality everyone should realize. This is not our world. We have real lives to attend. And this is just a little escape from our reality so I really hope everyone should know how hard it it to update or even write ones. So yeah, thank you for voicing it out:)
i feel you, authornim... when people comment 'update soon' (on my story in wattpad, im just a reader here lol), i feel obliged to update fast and its quite stressing because i either dunno what to write on the next chapter or i have more stuff like homeworks or assignments to do...
Zahra_whexfloman #3
You are right unnie..but you know when they say sth like update soon, doesnt it mean that they already like everything about your story and they want more and more of your story?!
peachywink #4
I don't mind update soon, I like to think the reader simply forgot to add on the "..JK! Take all the time you need author-nim, you're awesome!" Seriously I just figure they're too excited about how much they love my story. (humbleness...what's that? lol) . What I do mind is when people start trying to tell me what to do in not very cute ways such as "Are we never going to get more (random ship) action?" and they do it like a chapter after we just saw that ship. But I brush it off and continue with my story since it's mine so they get no say in what ever evil things I do. ;D
Ohh sorry baby. :( I'll try to be more elaborate with my commenta next time and be considerate. :)
Lollipopies #6
I totally agree with you. I also have experience those situation myself and I'm having examination but they just can't seem to understand my difficulties. Seriously, like what the hell is wrong with them?! They only think about themselves and never cared about the authors. What a selfish person?
BTW, I just want you to know that I love your stories and that you're such a good author and that I admire how you always thought about your readers even though some of them are being an to you. I love you, author-nim~!
I agree all the way. I always comment my thoughts on the chapter instead of saying those impatient and rude comments.
"LOL YOU'RE SO SENSITIVE. IT'S A GOOD THING PEOPLE ARE EVEN READING YOUR WORK ALREADY!" anyone who thinks that can just go and have a nice day. personally, i agree with all your points. it's why lately i've been taking measures to try to get people to comment more.
I can 100% relate to this. I almost never get story comments, no criticism,0.1% about the readers thoughts, 99.9% update soon :/ I feel super discouraged by that and I often find myself feeling down because other authors get soooo many comments while I get this :( I've always felt like giving up on writing,but look at my story views and I tell myself "people are still reading your work" Idk whether my writing is good,but well let's hope for the best!
jwiso14 #10
Guilty as charged. But aren't we all. And then i realized how upset authors and admins on ig get and its totally understandable. I've talked to you a little bit and you know deep down that one yes i will be secretly waiting but two as your noona i really don't care bc your personal life comes first no matter what! everyone including myself actually if you can't finish the story..its called imagination. That's the essence of a fanfic anyways. School is your priority right now and that's all that matters. Yes it's stressful but i hope your doing good. I actually talked to my wife after i read the update that i was actually surprised to see it and she's like umm yea schools more important. So yea if you ever need anything I'm always here :)
i badly want to ing link this somewhere, maybe my blog or even in my own untouched fic because this summarizes all of my mental monologue issues. everytime i update, im actually looking forward to something more than empty update soon please comments. even a simple thank you will do honestly. at least, it makes me happy that people thank me for updating. i even would prefer hateful constructive criticism than UPS comments. hahahaha. i also like that 'updating is mentally exhausting.' thank god someone shares the same sentiments as i am.
i used to write 'update soon' comment...used to.but then i read all the authors hatred toward the likes of comment so i try to struct another positive comment and i am silent reader.its hard to get rid of the habit to be the silent reader.idk..i'm use to it...
PiKai_chu #13
Although I'm not an author, but I could understand how do you feel.
I used to leave comments like 'Can't wait for the next update' or 'Looking forward for the next chapter'
I dunno when, but I started to realize that leaving those comments seem like, uhmm i dunno how to explain it hukkhuk

I also tried to leave comments that would be encouraging (i dunno if this word is right to describe it :3). But of course with my damn broken english .
So nowadays I dont really leave comments when I read fics bcause I know that my grammar is super . so yeah... I'm sorry if I ever did leave comments (like those stated above) when you updated a new chapter . And I'm sorry for my broken english too