How To Train A Fake Roommate, by Kwon Jae Eun


basic information 
Nickname/s >
Jae - A simple nickname derived from her older twin siblings, one day it sort of caught on to most of her friends. It's what she prefers to be called, it's simpler that way.
Pooh - The childhood name of endearment she wishes would evaporate into thin air and prays her roommate never finds out about; her father's childhood nickname for the girl due to her childhood affections for Winnie the Pooh and his band of fuzzy friends.
Loser - The newest nickname Jae has experienced thanks to Zico being in her life. "Oh wow, creative, you really hurt me with that name."
Age > 22
Birthday > March 14th, 1993
Birthplace > New York, New York, USA
Hometown > Ilsan, Seoul, SK
Ethnicity > Korean
Occupation >
Part time Bartender, Full time University Sociology Student
true self and inner beauty 

Faceclaim > Meng Jia ~
Back-up Faceclaim > Lee Chae Rin ~
Appearance > Jae has three tattoos that she prays her parents never see; one across her collarbone in white ink that reads 'Live Fast. Die Trying', a small anchor on her ankle that "keeps her grounded" as she puts it and a barcode on the back of her neck with her birthdate and lucky numbers on the barcode. She hides them all by wearing long clothes, leaving her hair down or using good old makeup when all else fails. She's an amazing 167cm tall and weighs just a little over 54kgs.
Style > Jae doesn't dress up- if anything she dresses down. Everything is somehow casual to her since there have been no events in her life that were every overly-formal. She wears comfortable sweatpants around her home and loose casual clothing when she attends her university lectures. Her work clothes are the closest thing to 'formal' she owns; and even then it's a mix of clubbing and 'I give less of a damn about being here'.

Personality traits > Reserved, Witty, Empathetic, Intelligent, Hot-Headed
Personality > Jae's quite a hard person to approach; she'd much rather let other people do the work and talk while she sits and nods or shakes her head. She doesn't say much, doesn't put herself or her opinion on the line to those who wouldn't appreciate it. When she does speak, however, you are either met with an intelligent, well-thought out opinion that makes you reevaulate what you've just said or some insanely good burn that drips with witt and sarcasm. If, somehow, you break her down and she openly talks to you, you'll discover Jae has a big heart and genuinely cares about people that frequent her life, and for those who have it worse of than her.  But Jae isn't that great, quite honestly, she has her flaws... And those flaws mainly revolve around her anger. She's immensely hot-headed when you get her going, in fact she's known to hold pointless grudges over meaningless things until you apologise, never the other way around. It's always been like that with Jae, and it angers other people to no end - especially when she's the one in the wrong

Habits >
- Jae snores, just ever so slightly... That's probably her only weird habit

Fears > Jae has self-diagonsed nercrophobia - or fear of dying. Irrational, yes. But it's justified after a near-death experience at the age of 16 when her older brother almost killed her in a car accident.
Trivia >
- Jae likes spicy food; as in burn your mouth and breathe fire type of spicy food. She loves it, she gets it from her father.
- She likes reading when she has free time, one of the walls of her bedroom is covered with an overflowing bookshelf that she can't seem to arrange, ever.
- Ironically enough, Jae really doesn't like drinking for fun. There was a point where she did enjoy the leisurely pasttime, however that changed after she saw countless individuals meander up to her at the bar and puke their lungs out because of too many vodka shots. She will only drink when she has to; and that's mainly to not let the mixers and alcohol go to waste. 
- Jae doesn't watch TV; she doesn't have any time for it. Someone introduce this girl to a good TV show, please.
- Jae wants to be a sociologist when she finishes all of her degrees, she's always enjoyed analysing people without them knowing.
- Jae speaks fluent English thanks to living in the States up until the age of 10. It's also thanks to her mother and older siblings speaking in English while they're home.
- She prefers to listen to rap music more than anything, she knows the underground scene like the back of her hand and runs into well known rappers at the club from time to time.
- Jae enjoys cooking for other people, just a weird thing she developed after living alone for so long.
- Jae has an infamous alcohol cupboard that isn't for herself. She tends to practice mixing up new drinks when she has the time (or when Tae Hyung tells her to).
- A quarter of her monthly pay goes to charity, something she learned to do from her parents.
- Jae is a natural born boxer, being into the sport at a young age. Once she moved to Korea she had to drop the pass time. It wasn't until she turned 19 that she picked it back up again.

important things and people in life 

Background > After being born into a family of four as the new youngest member, Jae had always faced the brunt of the expectations that her older twin siblings had set up for her. Depsite the three year , she was always being compared to the two. She had what she needed; a stable household, a loving family and a best friend she could actually rely on. As the years went on, she found her calling in sociology and decided to persue that path in life. She worked throughout her highschool life in a convenience store, partially to support her family and partially to make sure she had money to move out. Once she graduated, she and her bestfriend were accepted into Seoul National University and she moved out of Ilsan and closer to the university campus to her current residence. Tae Hyung dropped out not long after being accepted and created his night club known as The Black Box, somehow convincing Jae to be a bartender amongst that process. It took her a little over two months to get the basics of bartending down before she started expanding her skills to become the bartender she currently is. 
Current Life > Jae's life is almost normal, almost. Half of the week runs as a normal University student's would. She wakes up in the middle of the day, attends her lectures, spends most of her evening studying in the campus library before returning home at around 3 in the morning, only to start again the following day. The other half of the week consists of her working 15 hours a day in her best friend's suprisingly popular bar as a bartender and dealing with overly drunk losers who don't understand the meaning of the word 'No'.

Family >
Father / Kwon Min Jun / 54 / Family Restaurant owner / Jae and her father are too close. He is the one she confides all her issues and troubles into while he promises not to tell her mother about it. She'll visit home every once in a while, and most of the time its to check on her wonderful father to make sure he's coping with the restaurant. 

Mother / Kwon Yu Jin / 50 / High School English Teacher / Close and yet not close at all; she checks in on her baby girl the most and makes sure she's keeping up okay. Jae says she is, and refrains from telling her about all of the escapades she happens to go on every few months thanks to Tae Hyung.
Older Brother / Kwon Min Kyu / 25 / Doctor - now studying to be a neurosurgeon/ As annoying as any sibling relationship can be; it's quite love-hate. One minute they get a long wonderfully and the next Jae wants to punch Min Kyu right in his overachieving doctor-soon-to-be-neurosurgeon-face. 
Older Sister / Kwon Min Hee/ 25 / Songwriter at  JYP Entertainment / As close as sisters can be, really. They fight over who has to pull their dear older brother out of his apartment so he can experience sunlight every few weeks, but other than that they get along. Though Jae won't say it, Min Hee is her favourite out of the twins.


Friends and Rivals >
Best Friend / Im Tae Hyung / 22 / Relaxed, Friendly, Borderline Conceited, Funny/ Tae Hyung was her first friend upon moving back to the motherland all those  years ago. He made the first move, she was thankful and now she has to work at his somehow successful night club in order to pay the rent. She confides in him, relies on him and he does the exact same to her.

Rival If You Could Call Her A Rival / Park Ha Neul/ 22 / Competitive, Snarky, Overly-Ambitious, Easily Jealous / It's a vicious one-sided rivalry. Ha Neul is another bartender at another popular night club in Itaewon, who has made it her life goal to make her rival bartender's life a living hell when she can; whether it's getting people to complain about their drinks or somehow stopping supplies from reaching the club. Jae could give less of a damn about the girl she has never met before.
Acquaintance Borderline Stalker / Kim In Sung / 24 / Clingy, Dull, Direct, Thick-Headed / Not at all close, he just so happens to find his way to the bar at every single chance he gets and then won't leave Jae alone until the end of her long shift. Let's say he's the reason that Jae agrees to hide a gangster.


bad gangster gone better 

Nickname/s >
Zico - His street name, the alias that most individuals know of. Almost everyone calls him by this name, whether he likes it or not.
Beggar - The nickname his new "roommate" has given him thanks to their first meeting. "And you said what I​ call you was !"
Age > 23
Birthday > September 14th, 1992
Back-up Lover > Song Mino

Personality > Zico is relentless when it comes to fighting off rival gangs and insanely calculated and methodical when the time calls for it. He's intellient, he thinks things through and is willing to fight of anyone who dares threaten his place in the gang world. He's known to be brash and way too conceited for his own good; all because he thinks he deserves the best because of who he is. Perhaps one of his main positives is that he is protective of the people he cares about and will make sure that they get exactly what he knows they deserve.  
Background > It happened in high school, at least that's when Zico asssumes it first started. Zico lived and breathed Seoul for his entire life, living an entitled life that most would be jealous of. His family life was okay, maybe the brotherly beat-ups from his brother Tae Woon were a tad out of the ordinary. And, like so many others, he got caught up in the wrong crowd and found himself in a life of crime. Initially, it was just the minor robbery here and there but before he knew it, he and his newly developed gang were in amongst the larger gangs already dealing with drugs, murder, fights and illegal importing of alcohol. As time grew, he limited the time he spent with his family and but his gang life first, despite the worries and complaints from his mother. For a while, Zico and his gang got away with it all, that is until the police caught onto his schemes and started to crackdown on his once foolproof plan.

Love Story >  After getting back from a ridiculously long shift at The Black Box (which included way too much Kim In Sung for her liking), Jae thought she could get a solid four hours of sleep before she had to repeat the process again the next day. Much to her dismay, her sleep was interrupted by a hasty knocking at her door which she stupidly decided to open. In runs in a random man, closing the door and begging her to let him lay low for an hour or two. Amongst their argument which consisted mainly of "get out" and "I need to stay here for like an hour", another knock on the door came. The knock just so happened to be that of a police officer, which resulted in Jae lying to the officer about her knowledge of a wanted criminal before watching him leave the premises. Right after, the two began to argue again, with Zico needing a place to lay low when the heat got too hot for him to handle. After letting it slip that she was dealing with a man she'd rather not deal with and the club had lost its best bouncer, Zico creates a compromise; he'll work security at the club and keep the stalker away so long as she let him stay at her house and keep him covered. Stupidly, stupidly, Jae agreed and their mutual beneficial agreement began.

From Monday to Thursday, Zico would be doing whatever the hell a gangster did, Jae wasn't too sure and didn't want to know, while she went to university. The remaining days consisted of them driving in Zico's car to The Black Box for their shifts and not talking to each other. Their interactions were kept to a minimum, never talking to each other outside of the apartment. Hell, they never even talked at the club. Time continued on, their facade went on without anyone ever questioning it. Of course, there came points of disagreements; almost everything was argued over when the two had the chance, readily spitting insults that they had been holding back for too long.

Their biggest fallout was, unsurprisingly, over the agreement. Jae had kept up with her end of the deal with getting him a job and letting him stay with her when he needs to whereas Zico had not. Instead of doing his job like he agreed, In Sung has continued to harrass her at the club every single night she works. It reaches breaking point and Zico leaves angrily for work ahead of Jae. At the club later that evening, none other than In Sung makes his return to try his luck with the uninterested bartender only to have a different bouncer at the club usher him away. At the end of their shift, Zico takes her to 'their' house and tells her that he finally kept his side of the deal up.

More time passes and their routine continues. They go to work, they don't talk outside of it and they keep the deal going. It's not until one night Zico returns that things change. He needs more help after being jumped by a rival gang on his way to his own apartment. This results in a change in heart of Jae and a change in Zico's perception of the girl. Jae realises he needs her help more than he'd like to admit and Zico sees the girl as more caring than annoying. Not long after, the two's mutual affections for each other began to rise, which resulted in the distancing of the two and increased fighting in hopes to deny the truth. After a ridiculously long and remedial fight, Zico leaves for several weeks leaving without leaving Jae any clue as to where he went. A month later, Jae has to bail a desperate Zico out of jail, asking her to cover for him and say they have the wrong guy. She does, not before lying again to the authorities by saying the not-a-gangster Zico is, infact, her boyfriend. The fiasco at the police station led to a very long period of awkwardness between the two, with the denial of feelings and attractions in hopes of keeping the argeement going.

Their confession happened after the end of their awkwardness, thanks to the help of good old In Sung. After ignoring Zico's last warning, he comes face to face with the bouncer once again. This time, Zico gives no warning, instead its a "get away from my girlfriend" that happens to slip out. In an attempt to finally get rid of In Sung, Jae goes along with the plan, throwing in a just barely believable kiss to seal the deal. In Sung leaves and Zico and Jae are left to resolve the issue at the end of their shift, were both admit to the mutal feelings they have and agree to acknowledge each other's feelings. No more, no less... Maybe.

Relationship > Initially, their already limited interaction was bitter and lined with insults and nags that one would expect from mortal enemies and not alleged "roommates". The two rarely talked outside of their apartment and at the club. However as time went on and Zico began to rely on Jae to fix him up after a brawl, the two started normally talking just a little more and lowered arguments by about 0.5%. It takes them way too long to actually accept each other for more than just the other end of the agreement, so their not-so-awaited friendship takes more time than necessary to develop. Their friendliness develops in conjunction with their feelings, which worries them and causes random bursts of uncalled for anger from the two of them over remedial things (see the fight over bacon scene request). 

Trivia >
- Despite being a gangster who has been in several notorious gang wars throughout Seoul, he's hopeless with patching himself up and relies on Jae tend his wounds. "What do you mean you need my help? How do you not know how to treat a wound, Mr I'm-A-Big-Scary-Gangster?" "It's not exactly a concern when you've been hunted by rival gangs majority of the time now please just help me, just this once."
- He's the only person who's impressed with her boxing skills, to the point where would willingly over to be her punching bag when she can't make it to the gym.
- Zico has a secret love of her different drinks and tries to time his entrances into the kitchen so that he gets to taste-test any of her new concotions. "At this rate, I'm becoming an alcoholic because of the things she comes up with, hyung."
- Their only shared each other's numbers with each other around midway into their agreement. In Jae's phone, Zico is named Beggar Woo while in Zico's phone, Jae is named  The Loser I Currently Live With. 
- They somehow found a mutual love of rap, and it's the only way they can talk like normal people to each other. This, sadly, is ridiculously rare. 

before it's too late 

Comment/Suggestion/ > I really like interesting apply fic ideas and I haven't seen one like this before. I'm really excited and can't wait for you to start your story ^_^ You can choose how the plot ends for Zico and Jae, I really don't mind so long as it fits the other peices of the puzzle.
Scene Requests >
- Zico finally laying his eyes on Jae's stalker and kicking him out of the club; mainly because it's his job, maybe because he was slightly irked at the loser for some unknown reason. (occurs not long after Jae first helps him with his beaten up face)
- Jae meets the rest of Zico's gang in what can only be described as the most awkward encounter ever. (You decide where and who's in the gang, I'm fine with whatever)
- Upon coming to terms with their feelings for each other, a desperate attempt to push them away is dealt by the two. In what way? In a fight over who ate the bacon in the fridge.
- Zico's first 'thank you' to Jae after she fixes him up for the umpteenth time in their agreement. 
- If I have more, I'll let you know ^_^

Password > Number 350

Thank you for applying! 


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