How To Train A Gangster


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+ Peace & No War even though it's a gangster story
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+ Have gun Fun!! is the point of it all
Annyeong! Darong again here! Second attempt to make an applyfic. I really hope this one will work better and success. Let's cooperate with me with this story, yeoreobun~ Support me juseyo!! Before anything, I wanna say thank you so much. I hope you're interested, subscribing, reading, and of course applying to this story. Sorry for the bad summary. Kamsahamnida~^^
These Gangsters were caught by the police for, of course a fight. But soon, they were released with the agreement to never ever do it again. Seriously? Who would believe gangsters' words? Fights, drunkenness, illegal crimes, those are just a life of a gangster. Live in a dark world, grew up in the street. Who could tame these rough, fierce and scary guys? Maybe no one. Or maybe, something that is mutually beneficial could change them. Change for the better. How so? Let's see how these girls train their hard-hearted gangster!
Thank you so much for checking it out, you!!
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Chapter 4: Weee~ the prologue!!! It isn't that short :) It was just right for me :) I think you'll be able to write a long chapter if there's a lot happening in that specific chapter :) don't worry about the length of the chapter :) If it feels like it should be short, then leave it short, and it feels like it needs to be long then it would naturally get longer as you write :) And the grammatical errors, don't worry :) It's actually quite good and grammar is something that can really be improved through writing and reading :) And omg, is it just me or do the gangsters seemed so cute when they were being scolded by the officer? Hahahaha anyway~ I can't wait for the next chapter ^^
Chapter 4: Just read the prologue! I can't wait for the story to start ^^ and don't worry about the grammatical errors, they aren't that bad- as long as you learn from them then that's all that matters ^_^ I can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: Yaaay~ I can't wait for the story to start ^_^
Woah~ it's already the deadline? Anyway~ i'll look forward for the start of the story ^^
Chapter 3: Hi, thank you for the review :) I'm glad you enjoyed reading my app, I aim to please ^^ I fixed up the minor points of the application just to round off the character well. And yes, Zico's into the gangster world partially cause of his brother haha :)
Chapter 3: Hello~ I bolded Seungyoon's personality traits, and yes she lives with her family ^^ I actually have this "sickness" where I have to incorporate an idol's life as much as possible in my applications, just to make it really "them" T^T
Chapter 2: Hi~ I'm planning on applying and I was just wondering if you had an age difference limit between the character and love interest? ^^