How To Train A (Insert Plotline), by (Insert Character Name).

Quick notes.
Click shift+enter if you wanna add new line!
Change papa YG pictures with your faceclaim and his wife pic with your love interest. Height 150 px!
Change Plotline with your chosen plotline, names with your character name and love interest name
Delete this small notes and all the brackets/hints.

basic information 
Nickname/s > include the reason why and who calls her that
Age > 16 and above
Birthday > starts here
Birthplace > starts here
Hometown > starts here
Ethnicity > starts here
Occupation >
starts here
true self and inner beauty 

Faceclaim > link to gallery
Back-up Faceclaim > link to gallery
Appearance > anything your faceclaim can't show? tattoo, piercing or anything?
Style > Short description since I won't really highlight it, links are preferable.

Personality traits > at least 4 traits
Personality > elaborate it here, quality over quantity! brief and clear explanation that could portray the whole character is better.

Habits > Both good and bad, as many as you want, but not too much.
Fears > at least one thing.
Trivia > likes, dislikes, hobbies, language and any facts about your character can be added here. Be unique! it's unlimited.

important things and people in life 

Background > quality over quantity! brief and clear explanation is better. Add your character's background or any important event in her life here.
Current Life > how your character live their life now. school, work or daily routines goes here.

Family >
Relation / Name / Age / Job / closeness

Friends and Rivals >
Relation / Name / Age / Personality traits / closeness (if rival, add the reason of rivalry.)

bad gangster gone better 

Nickname/s > if any, include the reason why and who calls them that
Age > you can change their age
Birthday > starts here
Back-up Lover > starts here

Personality > quality over quantity! brief and clear explanation that could portray the whole character is better. Bold the personality traits!
Background > A short summary of his background, how they end up being a gangster.

Love Story > What you want for their first meeting 'til ending, can be added here. Basically a summary of the whole storyline you want to see, like who/when would they started to fall for the other, or how they confess their feelings. If you choose a free plotline, explain the whole situation here! Detail information about your storyline.

Relationship > How they interact with each other.

Trivia > Little trivia or funny things about them that you wanted to add? Like what or how you train him? For example: He grew up in the streets and never knew how to cook, so he burns your kitchen and you teach him to cook later. Or just anything creative.

before it's too late 

Comment/Suggestion/ > very welcomed
Scene Requests > unlimited
Password > I bet you read the cheatsheet

Thank you for applying! 
what should I call you?
activity rate 1-10


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Finished my application :) I hope you like her and good luck to the other applicants ^_^
Done with my application!! ^^ Hope you like her ^^