☾ behind the cameras ● Samantha Soh ☽

Samantha soh




→ Sam⋮ Created when her older brother wanted a younger brother, the name was integrated quickly into her daily life. 
→ Goof ⋮ A endearing family name that pays homage to her love for the Disney Character Goofy, not because she's stupid or foolish.
→ Star Girl ⋮ Created by her best friend during, it links to her love of astronomy and constellations.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ October 18th, 1994
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Sydney, Australia
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Sydney, Australia


→ English (Fluent) ⋮ Living in Australia meant Sam picked up English quite quickly. She knows her Australian slang and doesn't know if that's a good thing and exceled in the subject during school. She's a good public speaker and enjoys writing and composing in English more than anything
→ Korean (Semi-Fluent) ⋮ Sam was initially taught Korean by her father, however continued her education by herself. Her pronounciation is good, as is her grammar, but let's not talk about her hangul or reading. She's dilligent, and is willing to keep trying to become fluent. There's a slight twinge of an Australian accent as she speaks.


⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Kang Su Ra

⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Park Seul

⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 155cm/49kg


Sam has laid back fashion, opting for jeans and t-shirts more than skirts and dresses.  She has a strange infatuation with Converse All Stars and wears the shoes for every occassion she can. Sam is in love with denim, and will literally wear denim if she finds a way to- honestly, it's almost as big of a problem as her love for Converse. All in all, Sam rocks very laid back fashion.



(+) hardworking and wise
( -) closed-off and quiet

Sam is curious to people who know her very well. She's an intelligent young woman who's dedicated to things she finds important. It is, of course, mainly her personal writing and projects she has on the side of studying at Seoul National University. Sam's a quiet acheiver, never wanting to draw attention to herself or bask in any form of praise. Thanks to her years of internal family strife and personal soul searching, she is known to be very wise and gives out advice that first the situation you're struggling with greatly. This links to her willingly put other people before herself, despite telling herself she wouldn't do that again. She's well spoken, well read and very dependable herself. She enjoys reading and creating, being so enveloped with words and ideas to take her away from the world. She's a dreamer, if anything, and the dreamer is evened out with the hardworker within her. She finds herself to be similar to her brother and her father, and that's comforting to her. Sam doesn't like conflict, she'd rather talk things out. But, in her life, she's learnt that things are inevitable, especially conflict.

She's not perfect, though. No one is. Sam's got negatives that are just too serious to ignore. She's what you'd call an "Emotional Sponge." In short, she absorbs everyone's emotions and feelings and refuses to emote herself until she breaks, explodes, releasing everything she had been holding in. Sam can't express her emotions very well, tending to avoid that in certain situations. She conceals herself very well. She's quite. She's reserved. It's not so much an act of avoiding gettting hurt, it's more so an act of self control and independence. As well as this, Sam's desire of pleasing others can make her spiral out of control. Her need to put other's before herself leaves her own needs in the dust, forgotten and battered more than they should. And she really doesn't get that.


Samantha's life has been normal for the most part. She was the youngest in the Soh family, being born October 18th in 1994. She grew up in Western Sydney, attending schools that helped shape who she was. She was raised as a Christian, though at this point in her life she isn't too sure what she believes in, and grew up attending Catholic schools for most of her life. Her parents tried their best to give their kids everything they needed, especially an inviting home where they could leave negativity behind. She was an intelligent girl, dedicated to her studies and her future. She wanted to know the universe, completely infatuated by the mysteries of the universe around them. Her mother saw this and influenced her to follow a career in physics. 

At the age of 15, Sam started questioning who she was. There was no happiness in what she was acheiving anymore, and it was then she realised that she was doing everything for her family rather than for her own benefit. It was around this time that Sam was also introduced to the world of creative writing through her English teacher. He had picked up on her vocabulary and noticed her exeptional speaking skills and proposed a challenge; write ten poems on any topic in a week. And Sam, being determined and strongheaded, took the challenge with open arms. She completed it in three days, and she and her teacher sumbitted the poems to different companies. A few weeks later, her poems were approved to be put into an anthology; his suspicions were true, she had a talent in writing. Another month passed and a short story she had written won her a scholarship for Creative Writing to UNSW in Sydney. In that moment, she felt complete, like the thing she was missing was brought back to her. She confronted her family and this is where the strife begins. Her brother and father were supportive and proud. Her mother was anything but. This was the start of their crumbling relationship.

Her mother and Sam tended to argue, avoiding each other for days on end, only to break their silence with yelling. It reached points where Sam would stay at her friend's house, later her brother's apartment when he moved out. She had been used, and eventually closed herself off emotionally to avoid that from happening. Despite that emotional barrier, she still put the feelings and needs of others before her own, the only difference was that the people who received that treatment earned it. Her mother was left in the dark for an incredulous amount of time. It's not a sob story, oh no, Sam bounced back and blocked the negativity and imprisonment that her mother tended to bestow upon her.

It reached the point of graduation. Sam declined her scholarship for Creative Writing and instead gave it to her best friend to use. She was accepted overseas to Seoul National University and, once again, received the two to one response from a few years ago. And so she moved, planning to come back after she got her Master's Degree. It seemed simple; keep her head down and try and remain true to herself, be independent and only make friends you know will work even after you go. It was simple...

At least, it was. Until she met Oh Sehun.


→ She loves stars. She loves space and she loves the idea of worlds away from our own existing. Sam particularly loves constellations, and attempted to learn them off by heart when she was 8. 
→ It's a nervous habit of hers, but Sam fiddles with her bracelet. If she can't think of anything to say or doesn't know how to break an awkward silence then the leather bracelet will be fiddled with, no matter what..
→ Sam has an irrational fear of developing amnesia. She doesn't want to forget the life she's lived, and she knows that once day she won't exist but she can't help but worry and fear the inevitable.
→ Sam is always writing something, she always has her notebook and a pen handy. Short stories, novels, poems, songs; she's probably dabbled in it.



→ Father, Soh Daesung ⋮ 58⋮Chemical Engineer ⋮ Soft-hearted, Analytical, Obervant ⋮ Their relationship has been significantly steady. Daesung loves his daughter with his whole heart and understands her more than she thinks. He has been the perfect role model for Sam, balancing work and his family life equally despite his demanding job. Sam is sure that she inherited most of her personality traits from him.
→ Mother, Soh Jihye ⋮ 54 ⋮ Chemical Engineer ⋮ Demanding, Blunt but Loving in her own way ⋮ Their relationship is... Interesting. They once understood each other, until a bump in the road left the once brilliant mother figure behind. Sam now sees her as a Devil, someone who controlled her for half of her life, and their relationship is now unsalvagable.
→ Older Brother, Mitchell Soh ⋮ 29 ⋮ Interpretator for the UN ⋮ Peacemaker and Reliable ⋮ Being the peacemaker and support network for Sam meant that Michael had a solid relationship with his baby sister. He tries to keep her at bay when tension with her mother arises, however his career hinders him from doing his job properly. It's tedious and stressful but he's trying to make it work.


→ Best Friend, Tara Smith ⋮ 22 ⋮ University Student ⋮ Reserved, Intelligent, Dependable ⋮ Best friends since Kindergarten when the two girls clogged the girl's bathroom and ran away together. They've had each other's backs, and despite them being separated by thousands of kilometers, they've been determined to maintain their friendship. Tara's smart and dependable, someone Sam can confide herself in when she needs to... If she needs to. Attends UNSW as a Veterinary Science Major.
→ Close Friend, Brendan Page ⋮ 23 ⋮ University Student⋮ Trustworthy and very Flirtatious ⋮ They became close during her last three years of High School. They had each other's backs in the worst parts of his life and shared philosophies and beliefs with each other. He was what Tara wasn't to her. Attends UNSW as a Law Major.
→ Classmate turn Friend, Kwon Eunbi ⋮ 22 ⋮ University Student ⋮ Friendly, Overly Positive and Loud ⋮ Eunbi was her person who sat next to Sam during their very first lecture of their Creative Writing degree. Admittedly, Sam was sceptical about her, but soon came to appreciate the girl's presence. It has gotten to the point where Eunbi literally invites her to spend Christmas with her large, well off family so she doesn't feel alone. She's a fangirl of KPOP Idols, constantly giggling at the mention of them. Sam made sure to avoid mentioning her friendship with Jackson. If Sam had a sister, Eunbi would be her in every regards.
Friend, Jackson Wang ⋮ 21⋮ Idol ⋮ Wild and y ⋮ Jackson and Sam have met on very few occasions, through his older brother who is friends with Mitchell Soh. Through that mutual friendship they became friends and were the of the two families' jokes. He's her first friend when she moved to Seoul. Enjoys teasing his dear friend about trivial things, especially online. He's her opposite and it works well.


⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ Student at Seoul National University and an Intern at Bloomsbury Publishing in Seoul.


It was completely random, honestly, and just as cliché too. Eunbi had invited me over to her family's house for dinner, her mother said she missed seeing me when I had been over two weeks prior. Nonetheless, I felt obliged to go, and agreed to be there around six-thirty that night. It was Thursday, and I had way too much time to kill before I was meant to get there, and being alone in Gangnam was just a tad daunting. But thankfully, thankfully, I had found coffee shop that I could rest in, maybe catch up on some writing and such. It was secluded, of course it would be since it was the middle of the afternoon. 

I don't know how long I had stayed there in that coffee shop, but what I did know was that this coffee shop had just gotten a new customer because, this coffee was heaven. I had made a mental reminder to make Eunbi come and treat me to coffee at least once a week. My head was buried it a notebook, pen tapping on the small table as I tried to write a bit more when I heard the coffee shop door open. Ignoring the shuffling, I continued to tap the pen against the bare pages. 

Time passed just enough for me to realise I was going to be late for the dinner. I remember shoving the notebook and pen into my bag and making it to the door - 

Only to have a to-go cup spill hot coffee down the front of my shirt and into my bag.

There was soft "Sorry." and I shook my head in response, mumbling something along the lines of "It's fine, accidents happen." A small pile of napkins was shoved into my hands, forcing me to look at the person. With the platinum blonde hair and dark, dark eyes- how could I not recognise one of the people Eunbi enjoyed fangirling over. Oh Sehun. I don't recall if either of us said anything after that, I do recall his questioning gaze as I wiped the remainder of the liquid off from my shirt and bag and quickly walked away from him.

At the time, I thought it was my first and final encounter. Oh, how I was wrong. 

Fate had this habit of making us run into each other at inconvenient times. When I was running late for my lecture. When I had finished my catch up with Jackson and GOT7. When I decided to visit said beloved Gangnam Coffee Shop once more. He and I just kept running into each other. And from there, things just got a tad crazy... And I guess that's how we became friends.


Eunbi has a vivid imagination in addition to her over positivity. And that vivid imagination of her's tends to spark peculiar questions in rather inappropriate times. One of those questions she asked me was what I would do if I was in an idol relationship, go public or stay private. Me being me, I had refrained from telling her I knew Jackson Wang personally (and Sehun, but we were more so accquaintances at the time). Despite this, I gave her my honest opinion. I'd want to stay private, because people like me aren't meant to be with people like him. And I'd rather not go through any pain associated with being with said idol. Eunbi looked at me like I was crazy, as if I had answered wrong. I don't think I did... Did I?


Sehun and Sam are accquaintances turn friends, who share somewhat mutual feelings as time goes on. From their first encounter, they thought nothing of it. Just some random person they'd never see again, both of them believing that the other was cold and closed off. But as fate may have it, they continued to run into each other at random locations, even to the extent where they are forced to rely on each other to hide. They slowly become friends, relying on each other and confiding in each other during rough times; Sehun needed Sam's advice and Sam just needing someone to be there for her. Despite their friendship they come to an agreement, they had to meet in private to avoid any suspicion. They agree and continued to meet, travelling around Seoul whenever they could to just let go of their worries and enjoy their time together. It's in these moments that their love blooms. They start falling for each other in the only way they know how; through words and ideas rather than their appearance. As time goes on, hiding their feelings becomes more difficult, and their 'just friendship' being exposed in this process. All in all, their relationship is traditional. The only difference is that they have to keep it quiet, no matter what they do.

Oh sehun

⟪ GROUP ⟫ EXO ⟪ AGE ⟫ 20-21
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Min Yoongi (Suga) 


⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Sehun appears aloof, moody and very hard to impress. He wears a vacant expression to mask his emotions to the outside world. In reality, he is playful and loving and deeply cares about his fans and the people who he loves with his whole heart. Yes, he can be straight forward, blunt on some occassions, however he is so much more. Sehun is afraid of being broken, of being left alone with nothing but bitter memories and a sour taste from broken promises. He knows his hyungs won't do that do him, but he can't be so sure about everyone else. Oh Sehun is loving, genuinely and honestly, but he hides his true nature with a wall that was seemingly impenetrable, hoping to avoid being broken by someone he trusted. 



// Sehun and Sam have just had a deep and meaningful talk and are sitting awkwardly in silence, only for Sehun to look her dead in the eye with a smile and a soft "Fighting".
//  The discovery of their 'relationship' really friendship, revealed by his fans; they find out while they meet up.
// Sehun and Sam meet up once again, post Sam having an argument with her mother on the phone. And Sehun is there for her to let it all out, because he knows how it feels, and in that moment Sam's feelings for him are confirmed
// Introducing Sam to his group members, and the group members catching on to their feelings before they do.




Initially, they were dismissive and blunt with each other, barely sparing each other a glance when their paths somehow crossed. As time went on, they started warming up to each other in the way that they interacted with their close friends. And, as inevitable as it was, when they finally started falling for each other, they couldn't confess. Their forms of confession were in simple, subtle, somewhat inconspicuous ways. They were comfortable with each other, their 'attempts' at confessing to each other were brushed off as simple signs that the other cared. It was unspoken between the two, however they internally agreed that there were so many other ways to say how you felt. "Wear a jacket, it's cold" and "I'll pay this time around" were the most common. Their unspoken actions were more obvious; from Sehun holding Sam's wrist when they walked through crowds, to Sam pulling herself into him on colder nights. Even simple loving gazes and shoulder nudges. They didn't need to confess in some amazing spectacle, they just needed to give off little signs in hopes that they'd get the message. Their friendship was playful, comfortable and natural. Nothing was ever forced, nothing had to be faked.


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