♡ Love Switch ♡ The Friendzoned Girl ♡ Park Jaeun ♡ Brian Kang (YoungK)♡


sweet lady       
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(Your faceclaim pic)
  Park Jaeun       September 24th 1994      O Positive      22       Libra   
Park Jaeun
September 24th, 1994 + 22
Ilsan, Seoul, South Korea
Ilsan, Seoul, South Korea
Student / Barista
Yonsei University / The Granulated Café 
Korean : Mother Tongue - Native Speaker
English : Fluent - Learned from her mother and spoke in English at home.

FACECLAIM : Ryu Hwa Young ~
FACECLAIM : Ahn Su Kyung ~
Jaeun stands at 165cm tall and weighs 51kg. Her eyes are light brown and dark brown hair is always styled into a pixie cut. When it is grown out, her hair is what she calls a 'dead weight'. She has a birthmark in the shape of a cloud on her left shoulder which peeks out at the collar of the shirt. She has raduate lobe piercings in both ears but never has even matching earrings to show it off.
Jaeun is what she calls 'low key tomboy'; which is as simple as it seems. She can dress very feminitely when she wants, but most of the time dresses in jeans or baggy clothing for comfort. It's a very casual style; since Jaeun doesn't normaly go anywhere too fancy. She'll often be seen wearing any array of blacks, greys or whites and almost never wears bright coloured clothing.
1) Work / Study : X X X  X
2) Casual / Shopping / Outing : X X X X 
3) Formal : X X 
4) Relaxing at home : X X
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wonderful girl        
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+  Wise, Fair-Minded, Social, 
- Self-piteous, Indecisive, 'Yes- Man'
Jaeun has always been a socialable person, in standard Libra fashion, and often makes friends quite easily. She can't help but talk to new people; however in saying that only a few people she has become acquainted with have actually become a close friend of her's. In saying that, Jaeun is a wise individual, often quoted to be much older in spirit for her age. She often finds herself giving other people advice, and through that she has developed her ongoing joke of "I should become a therapist with all of the help I'm giving." In addition to all of this, Jaeun is a fair-minded and diplomatic individual who often becomes the mediator in the midst of arguments and disagreements. 
Despite all of her positives, Jauen does have a contrasting side to her. Because of her small success rate of establishing long-lasting friendships, she developed a self-pitying trait that Jaeun often keeps to herself. As a result of her socialbility, Jaeun finds herself being a 'Yes-Man', which results in her being over-committed in certain activities and has only heightens her self-piteous traits and habits. And, just like any Libra, Jaeun is often indecisive when it comes to choices that must be made about her own wellbeing. She needs guidance, even though she is perfectly capable of making a proper positive decision herself. 

- Her English Name is Justine Park but she, surprisingly, likes her Korean name more. 
- Jaeun really likes people playing with her hair; she enjoys knowing her short hair brings relief from boredom to others ("Yes, you can play with it. No, it doesn't bother me")
- She loves spicy foods; that burn your face off type of spicy.
- Coffee; maybe because it's because she works as a Barista, but she is literally a caffiene dependent person.
- Reading; she's such a bookworm when it comes down to it.
- Anchovies; spice, yes she can do, but anchovies? Nope, no way. ("Nope, get it outta my face, Jae, I swear stoP OH MY GOD!)
- Rubix cubes; she can't do them and physically cannot deal with them. In saying that, she doesn't want to learn how to solve one just to have a party trick.
- Overly sarcastic people; she can take a sophisticated and witty sense of humour, but she can't stand people who are arrogant or are overly sarcastic and are not doing it in an ironic manner.
- Jaeun's main hobby is that of producing. As a Music Major in University, she wants to work for an entertainment company in hopes of sharing her music without her face being known.
- Netflixing, if that can be counted as a hobby; she has to keep up with all of her TV Shows somehow. 
- When bored, Jaeun will mess around with her own pixie cut hair. She's been trying to master the perfect faux mowhawk with her hair.
- She often talks to herself when she is sleep deprived, a strange mix of Korean and English that just makes sense to those around her.
- Eye rolling is a serious bad habit of hers. It has reached the point where people are worried that her eyes will fall out of her head.
- Jaeun has a Twitter, Soundcloud and Instagram under the username @jaejaepark.
- Openly supports gay rights, because to her love is love. 
- Jaeun will instantly speak in English to any foreigner she meets; it's almost an instant reaction.
- She is a dog person; big dogs, small dogs, all dogs.
- Jaeun's guiltly pleasure show is "The Return of Superman"; she loves children and the fathers on it are how she imagines her biological father to have been.
- Her favourite genre of music is R&B and any alternative pop music.

Jaeun was born in Ilsan, South Korea, to a Korean father and Australian mother. Her father passed away from a car accident when she was 3, erego Jaeun has very few memories of him. Jaeun had often been jested by the children in her neighbourhood because of her mother being "different", but as time went on the girl understood that maybe being different wasn't so bad. The mother and daughter lived happily for several years after Jaeun's father's passing. At the age of 12, her mother had married her step-father Heejoon and the family moved  in together. Her new step-father and step-brother never really made an effort to know the girl in the early stages of the change, and Jaeun grew distant because of it. 
From the age of 14 onwards, Jaeun began songwriting in order to cope with the changes in her home and familylineup. She joined several music clubs while in High School and wrote a few songs for her High School's acclaimed band. 
Jaeun's personality helped her become well-liked during her years in the education system, even though her enigmatic writing hobbies would have classed her as a social casuality. But, because of this, she's only even been considered a friend by everyone she has met. After graduating, she decided to study Music Composition at Yonsei and moved to Seoul in hopes to persure her dream of being a respected songwriter in a big entertainment company.

Mother // Jang Anabelle (was Park) // 48 //High School English Teacher at a Foriegn High School // They were close; it wasn't until Anabelle's sudden marriage to Heejoon that the mother and daughter grew distant. Jaeun moved away for University and now the two only talk in brief phone calls and text messages. Despite their distance, they do care for each other.

Step-Father // Jang Heejoon // 53 // Criminal Lawyer // Jaeun has always been unsure of her step-father, even though Heejoon and her mother have been married for 10 years. The marriage had appeared from thin air and that's affected how the two act around each other. Neither have made the effort to get to know each other more.
Step-Brother // Jang Hanbin // 36 // Night Club Owner // Hanbin and Jaeun are also quite distant, however despite their differences, Jaeun often relying on her step-brother while she lives alone in Seoul for Unviersity. 

Kang Ahra // 26 // Barista // 9 // Ahra was Jaeun's first friend after she moved and began working at the café. The older girl is quite meddlesome and nosy, as a protective older sister would be, but despite what Jaeun perceives to be slightly annoying, she knows that Ahra means well. Ahra's mother took a strong liking to the younger girl when they first met; to which Ahra has stated that the two are official sisters-from-other-misters.
Park Jaehyung // 23 // Busking Muscian // 8 // When Jaeun first started University, she was paired with a tour guide to become familiar with the campus. That guide happened to be an international student named Jaehyung who, from that point onwards, made it his life goal to make sure his 'nickname buddy' had a comfortable time at Yonsei. 

Rival / Coworker // Shin Jihye // 22 // A Pain In Jaeun's Side Student / Barista // Jihye is a naturally aggressive person who is uncompliant to those she feels threatened by, even if it is in the slightest. Jaeun and Jihye didn't get off on the right foot when the former began to work at the café. From there, she has been out to get Jaeun, who somehow makes friends with every guy Jihye is attracted to without even trying. Jihye makes Jaeun's life much harder than it should be; it's a one-sided rivalry that has brought Jaeun to her wit's end. 
Boss // Kim Dongguk // 37 // Owner of  'The Granulated' Café // Dongguk is a decent boss and employer, but that's all he will be to the girl. 
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oh so special       
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  Brian Kang (Young Hyun)        December 19th, 1993      B      22       Sagittarius   
LOVE INTEREST  : Brian Kang (Young Hyun) ~
December 19th, 1993 + 23
Student / Busking Musician
Yonsei University / Wherever the road takes him
Dorms near Yonsei University with his roommates Jaehyung and Sungjin.

Hardworking, Fighter, Reserved, Collected
Brian is a hardworking individual who does everything he can to make both his dreams and his bandmate's dreams come true. In that same sense, he can be considered a fighter; someone who won't stop until they've been pushed to their ultimate limits for the benefit of others. Despite his outgoing and hardworking demeanour, Brian is quite a reserved individual who only opens up to you if he trusts you enough. He is also quite a collected individual who has his near future planned out in order to minimise any chances of failure or challenges he and his friends may face.

- In the band, he writes most of the songs from his own personal experiences; but he'll never tell his bandmates that.
- Originally didn't like the taste of coffee; he was more of a tea person before he tasted 'The Granulated Café's brews.
- He was once a trainee at an entertainment company before he discovered that he wasn't exactly cut out for the boy group lifestyle.
- Brian is a fantastic dancer; like, an amazing freestyler.
- Because he is an only child, Brian often makes it his mission to look after his friends who are younger than him; it's quite instinctive.
- Enjoys calling Jaeun 'Jae' while simply referring to Jaehyung as his full name just to annoy him a little more than normal. 
- Prior to being a part of the band, Brian used to work at a bubble tea shop; which described to be "surprisingly abysmal, since you'd normally consider that type of stuff to be entertaining or fun."
- Plays bass in the band, despite being a trained guitarist.
- Has attempted to get Jaeun into hiphop; it appears he will never give until she admits she enjoys Lupe Fiasco's music.

Jaeun and Brian met through their mutual friend Jaehyung after he had pulled the latter into Jaeun's workplace for a coffee. He admitted he preferred tea over coffee and Jaeun was quick to change his mind with one of her specialities; a Cookies and Cream latté. From there, they began to talk over music, coffee, their courses at Yonsei and the "How have I never seen you around campus before?", slowly developing their assured friendship. After their first encounter, Brian made sure to return to the café whenever he had time and when Jaeun was working

The two have a very casual, almost American sort of friendship that veers from the standard in South Korea. Skinship comes naturally, as do inside jokes and the good experiences they find themselves having.  Jaeun does find the male much more attractive than her other guy friends, but knows nothing will ever happen between them since she is the perpetual friendzoned girl. Brian, like most of Jaeun's guy friends, find her attractive, however he only starts coming to terms with his romantic affections for the girl when he begins to spend more time with her. They get to know each other on a much more personal level than what most of her guy friends are familiar with, and begin to clichély fall in love over several writing sessions, cups of coffee and failed 'not-a-date-but-kind-of-a-date' escapades. 

Father  // Kang Youngjae // 51 // Accountant // He has always wanted the best for his son and reminds him as often as he can that he is, in fact, proud of everything that he as achieved. 
Mother // Kang Areum // 49 // Restaurant Owner // Brian and his mother have avery affectionate relationship, often calling each other to make sure the other knows they love them. 

Terry He // 22 // YouTube Musician // 10 // Although they haven't seen each other since Brian went off to be a trainee, they still talk everyday in order to keep in touch with what the other is doing.
Day6 Band Members (Sungjin, Jaehyung, Junhyeok, Wonpil and Dowoon) // 23- 20 //  Busker Musicians // 9 // Since they are the only people Brian sees on a regular everyday basis, the group have become much closer than one would anticipate a group of guys with an to be. They balance out Brian's reserved nature with their hyper attitude and happy virius demeanours.
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heya you       
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I've got nothing for you, I can't wait for the story to start! 

// Brian gets low-key jealous after he sees a guy actively express his attraction to  Jaeun - but he'll never actually admit it to her face (or to anyone)
// Jaeun goes to one of Brian's busking gigs after her lecture and the song the band is performing has odd nuances to a fluffy-semi romatic encounter she and Brian had two months prior (go crazy with this one) 
// Road trip gone wrong! Like, low-key wrong.

(click the picture) 

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layout credit; simplicity - chubbunny



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