「 ★ Wish 」 - Joanna Soh, Underground Rapper


Joanna soh
theouternetisscary // kat // 8.5
» underground rapper

Jake; Preferred nickname used by practically everyone. Originated from her older brother wanting a younger brother- this was their compromise.
Goof; Used by her father, an endearing childhood nickname relating to her love of the Disney Character Goofy
DATE OF BIRTH: October 18, 1993
AGE: 23
PLACE OF BIRTH: Sydney, Australia
HOMETOWN: Sydney, Australia into Seoul, Korea
Enlgish; Fluent, Native             Japanese; Conversational
Korean; Fluent                         Witty Remarks; Fluent

» youtuber
Tell me something i don't know
what is it about you that makes you you?

Positive: Hardworking, Witty, Wise, Inquisitive
Negative: Stubborn, Hot-Headed, Secretive, Overthinker

Jake is someone who has made herself into a hardworker, someone who will keep pushing forward with determination to finish something. That something is mainly her music, both in writing and producing different tracks. She's a people pleaser like that, making sure that her fans and group members are content with what she has produced. Because she figures that if they're happy then she can be happy. Of course, through that Jake can be very stubborn. Once she sets her mind to a task, she will continue until it is completely finished. It's the same for arguments; even if she is wrong (which is partially half of the time), she will stand by her point until she wins. She says that she wasn't always stubborn, of course that led to a rather ironic argument with her older brother about her stubbornness. 

In her twenty-three years of life, Jake has come to be a very witty individual, which also makes her slightly smart but she'd rather not focus on that. She has a naturally fast wit that she developed from her father and from her own experiences in life. This makes her the somewhat moodmaker of the group, being able to crack a fast joke at the right time and gain a positive reaction from her group members. That's one of the main reasons as to why she is liked; her ability to make an intelligent joke on the spot at the best time. Her wit also means her lyrics and raps are smart and snappy, which is how she gained her minor fame. Despite this, Jake is also known to be hot-headed. This hot-headed trait is mainly displayed when in the presence (the rare presence at that) of her mother. Even the simple mention of the woman can get this girl all riled up, so her group members and managers have come to learn not to mention her. In other cases, her hot-headedness will arise if you insult someone she cares about, her career or her music. And through that, she'll eventually work herself to death to improve.

Another  trait Jake has is that she is quite wise. Typically, people come to her for advice and she gives out relatively accurate advice. Of course, she considers herself quite mediocre, but that's just how she perceives herself. If you need help and she sees, Jake will gladly dish out some form of wise words that somehow guide you to the next point in your journey. Her wisdom is also seen in her music, her raps are somewhat truthful to the world around us and the things normal people face. In contrast, however, Jake is very secretive about her personal life and experiences. She likes to keep them to herself and won't tell you anything significant until she knows that she can trust you. Her experiences fuel her knowledge of certain topics, and she'd rather keep them quiet. The same goes for her personal life and, later on, love life. If you want some tiny inkling of knowledge of her life, then her music is where you'd go. This girl will vaguely describe things that have happened in a way that makes them seem so realistic. Want information on her, then that's your best source.

Finally, Jake is known to be very inquisitive, particularly about Philosophy and stars. Jake enjoys questioning ideas, questioning concepts, in hopes that she'll find some big underlying secret message in life. One of her well known (and when I say well know, I mean minor) songs is fueled by this curiosity. She's greatly inspired by famous Western poets and Tupac Shakur through this, because she believes 'that rap is essentially poetry, you just say it to a literal beat'. With her inquisitive nature, people tend to be overthinkers, and that's what Jake is. She can't help but stay up at night and imagine, and question things until her eyes hurt from being open for so long. She can find herself thinking indepthly for hours, losing herself in questions and ideas. It's a bad habit, but she's working on it.

All in all, she's an oxymoron of a girl. She's balanced, in a sense, with the way her positive and negative traits pull on each other. If they didn't, then Jake wouldn't be who she is proud to be. 

» the cut off part


STAGE PERSONA: The Witty Lyricist, Variety Show Girl

POSITION: Main Rapper



FANCLUB COLOR: #4372AA Denim Blue - which is also her favourite colour

TALENT TWIN: Brown Eyed Girls - Miryo


» Background

Joanna Soh (Korean name Soh Jihye) was born in Sydney Australia to form a family of four; including her parents and her older brother Mitchell Soh (Korean name Soh ManHee). The siblings never got along to start with, Mitchell always wanting a younger brother to get along with. Of course, that subsided when Jake started to show interest in things he enjoyed. The Sohs lived a very average life, residing in Western Sydney with a reasonable living status.  She alwas had an interest in music- something she, Mitchell and their father had a mutual understanding for. Strangely enough, their mother didn't share that same affection for creating. Her mother had avidly told the girl from a young age not to persue something so 'risky' and 'unrewarding' as music. So, Jake started to develop a need to become better in all aspects of her life, but the music was the most important. She wanted to prove to her mother music was worth persuing in her life. As if something had clicked inside her, her skills in freestyle rap had appeared, and she found herself rapping day in, day out, influenced by hip hop and R&B music the most. When she was 16, her parents divorced. With Mitchel being in university already, he opted to stay in Australia to study while Jake and her father were to return to South Korea. She held a slight grudge against her mother during this time, partially for hurting their family and partially for denying her the ability to persue her dreams. She became who she is today because of the hardships her mother had put her through, and she won't let herself forget everything she had fought for.

Jake met several people while settling into her new High School who shared her interest in rap music. Granted, they weren't as influenced by Western artists as Jake was, but she still was able to connect with them. They introduced her to the underground rap scene and started to write with her. She eventually broke off to do her own thing during university. She came out with three songs for her EP entitled 'Myth' that she posted to SoundCloud. The two most popular were 'Icebreaker', written inspired the divorce and its impact on the things around, and 'Untamed', a partial diss-track against her mother that spat back all the lies she had been told. In a few short months, she gained her first fans and she started picking up speed in the underground rap scene. She refused to put her face out there, and the only photos that had been associated with the music were of her wearing face masks and hoodies to hide her appearance. She kepts her 'success' from her friends, and maintained her status as an upcoming rapper in the Seoul scene.  It was at somewhat sorry excuse of a peak of her fame, she was found by Pledis Entertainment and was scouted for their new girl group Wish. 

Yay Or Nay
the traits that define you
» Likes 
  • one: Sleep; in fact she lacks in sleep so much thanks to her overworked schedule that she practically loves the thought of sleep.
  • two: Jake is in love with Chuck Taylor All Star Converse, and has an expansive collection of them in her family home. Most of her everyday outfits include the signature shoe.
  • three: Variety Shows; the moment she came to South Korea she fell in love with the quirky nature of them and the variety to them all.
  • four: Brendan Urie's writing style of songs. She finds it interesting and likes the way he has interpreted life through the lyrics.
  • five: Guitar and piano, she's in the midst the learning how to play both through mutual friends.
» Dislikes 
  • one: People who are too controlling, and that's not an innuendo to someone in her life or anything.. Oh my, no,
  • two: Overly sarcastic people. There's a significant difference between being witty and intelligent and being hostile with sarcasm. 
  • three: Western reality shows are something she cannot stand. She finds a lot of the people who go on to be fake and annoying, something that she finds just unappealing in an individual.
  • four: Pranks are something she can deal with, but isn't exactly fond of. She'll be apart of a prank, but won't plan one out herself.
  • five: Crying in public is something she tries to avoid, of course she can't help it if a few stray tears appear every now and then.
» Fears 
  • one: Jake has a strange fear of developing amnesia. Irrational, maybe, but she says she'd rather not leave behind the experiences and memories she has developed in her life. To her, that's scarier than death.
  • two: After getting lost in a maze at the age of four, Jake developed a slight fear of mazes. It's a weird fear, yes, but it's still legitimate to her.
  • three: She is slightly scared of snakes after almost getting bitten by one while bushwalking on a school camp. It was a random event that was statistically unlikely to occur, but it almost happened to her. 
  • four: Leaving her father behind is something she fears; even if it was unintentionally, she could not live with herself if this had to happen. They've had each other's backs for a long time, and if she was to hurt him it would kill her.
» Hobbies 
  • one: She enjoys breaking out into a freestyle rap at any
    given moment; it is something that is often requested by
  • two: Jake does, in fact, sing. It's more so a hobby at this
    point. She jsut prefers to rap rather than sing in the group.
  • three: Songwriting and producing are her main hobbies,
    and she devotes large quantites of her time to making new
    music for herself and for her fans.
  • four: She has an interest in cooking, thanks to the fact she
    worked in her father's small restaurant in Myeongdong for
    a short period of time.
  • five: Gaming, particularly Earthbound. It is something she
    and the Gamer can connect on. 
» Habits 
  • one: Jake tends to fiddle with her leather bracelet when
    she doesn't know what to do. If there is ever a moment of
    boredom or awkwardness, the bracelet will be fiddled with.
  • two: Jake snores, something she's been trying to fix. 
    Dorm life is rather painful for Jake's roommate thanks to
    her bad habit.
  • three: On rare occassion, Jake is known to pinch at the 
    area of skin between her index finger and her thumb to 
    avoid yelling at people. It's also her way of stopping herself
    from crying.
  • four:  She tends to stay up all night to finish certain
    projects. She'll also check her old SoundCloud so see how 
    her original songs are fairing while she is busy with the 
    Idol lifestyle. Her group members find it cute as to how she
    remains loyal to her original work.
  • five: Spending all of her life with her music loving father
    meant she was really in love with breaking out into song
    and having someone join in... But she has this habit of 
    singing 'Bohemian Rhaspody', only to stop herself because 
    she realises no one will join in with her.
» Trivia 
  • one: Jake has a BA in Classical Civilisation at Seoul
    National University, and wants to go back to university 
    to study Music or Philosophy.
  • two: Her leather bracelet was a gift from her father given
    to her two months before her debut. It was a good luck 
  • three: Jake's musical inspiration is Tupac Shakur; she 
    believes his lyrics are very well written and the way he 
    influenced modern music with poetic techniques was 
  • four: Jake is more comfortable rapping in English, purely 
    because she grew up with it and initially started her rap 
    career in English
  • five: One day, Jake hopes that she will have a star named
    after her, or at least own a star.
  • six: She wants to get more tattoos, but is slightly 
    scared of the reaction she will receive from conservative
    South Korea if she gets more.
  • seven: Her goal is to collaborate with Epik High... Is that
    too big of a goal?
  • eight: GD is her ultimate bias, she respects his music and
    would like to work with him some day... It probably won't
    happen but a fangirl can dream.
  • nine: She is the 'Resident Spider Killer' of their group. 
    Purely because of her 'experience' with the arachnids in 
  • tenShe wants to find her Witty Soulmate, someone who
    can rival her wit and make jokes with her. I believe that 
    person could be Chen from Exo, but hey that's just me.
Look at me now
I'm all fashion and glamore
» Faceclaim
» Backup Faceclaim
ULZZANG NAME: Kite (just her face with slightly longer hair, essentially)
» Style & appearance
Jake stands at 159cm tall and weighs 56kg. Her eyes are dark brown flaked with caramel brown and her hair is of medium length, is dead straight and a mix of black and brown. She only has her ears pierced. Howver, she has two tattoos; one is of a barcode on the back of her neck with the birthdate and time as the numbers (18-10-1993-06-17) and one on her ribcage in Latin that reads 'Ad astra per aspera'. It roughly translates to 'A rough road leads to the stars'. Jake tends to dress more comfortably, casual and simply. As long as there is denim or leather with a pair of Converse, she'll be good. 
what is love
we spend our lives searching for it
» the basics
LOVE INTEREST: Min Yoongi (Suga) : BTS : 23
BACKUP: Jang Hanbyul : (Ex) Led Apple : 25

Suga is quite blunt and straightforward, a person who is overly dedicated to his work. He has many similarities to Jake's personality, however he is a tad more extreme.  He loses many nights to being so overworked with his own projects, and in moments where he does sleep he can't help but continue to think about the little things in his life. He has a laid back, cool and more masculine persona on first glance, but it is simply a façade. In reality, he is quite timid and reserved. Suga is regarded to be knowledgable about music, about composing, and is considered to be older than he actually is because of this. He takes his craft seriously. He isn't impulsive and will thoroughly think out his decisions before he acts on them. In regards to his feelings, he won't act of them. He tends to just wait out, let the girl he has feelings for see if she picks up on it and then move from there. All in all, Suga is a very complex individual. 


Their good friends, with their friendship going back to their interactions in the underground rap scene. Jake is a fan of his music, Suga is a fan of her freestyling abilities and over-all they get along relatively well.  They don't interact in public often, however that doesn't mean they don't interact at all. Suga and Jake tend to talk well into the night when they have free time. Initially, it was music related, but slowly and surely they started talking about much more. They act very naturally around each other; it's an easy friendship that they have. If one needs help or advice, the other is immediately there for them. The fact that their history goes back before their debut and idol-dom means that they understand each other on a very different level. Through that, their mutual feelings arise. The curious thing is that they know how the other feels, however neither of them want to make a move for reasons unknown. Of course they want to be together, but there is something stopping them; and that something is simply themselves. 

thank you
just a few last notes
COMMENTS: Can't wait for the story to start- I'm very excited for it ^_^
// Photoshoot shenanigans with Wish that are vlogged by the Youtuber that'd be pretty funny
// Rap Battles feat. the Rap Line
// Rap Battle between Suga and Jake on a Variety Show 
// Solo Stage where Jake performs 'Lose Yourself'
// Any moments of adorableness from Suga, just anything, anything at all
PASSWORD: ... Don't know if this is what the group would be about, but hey, this song is one of my favourites
layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes


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