N to S Comparison S02 E10: The One With The Boy Next Door

---------------------------- Novel to Series Comparison -----------------------------

Lovesick Season 2, Episode 10: The One With The Boy Next Door

Chapters: 31 (Full)


Let me get it out of the way already. Yes they got the actual song from the novel which is FREAKING AWESOME. Other than that, this episode was, alright. It was more of a PerWin, Jeed Plot, PhuNoh episode so we have a mix of the bitter, the sour, and the sweet.


Differences and Missing/Added Parts

1.) Earn’s obvious motives
Series Earn is much clearer on his intent to pursue Noh. Series Noh is less oblivious about Earn’s intentions. I see their scenario like when you hear a good friend of yours has a crush on you. You try to ignore it but the obvious crush moments start to eat at you. You’re only made aware of them liking you when someone calls them out on it, and I think that’s the direction the Series is going for.


2.) Golf the bad bunny?

Poor Moss. We find your cute white complexion charming, but bad boy you are not. I hate that they are doing the, “if she likes bad boys, then I’ll be one” cliché. It’s tired, old, and we’ve seen it done much better. Novel Golf is supposed to be a bad boy with a heart of gold. He’d get into trouble because of his looks and anger problems but is loyal to his friends. Knowing how Series Golf’s life is outside from hanging with Noh and co., his smiley attitude, and his lack of any bad-boyisms, kind of damaged his look for this season.

3.) Aim is just a

Ugh. 1 of the few redeeming things from the 3 episode Hua Hin plot and you still botch it up. So you built Series Aim as a girl that may have made one mistake while dating Phun. Mysteries were thrown around about why. Maybe she was bored of Phun. Phun was neglecting her the past few weeks so she needed attention. Maybe she has a certain “complex” from her lack of her parents loving her so she finds it from physical means. “Series Aim might actually flesh out her character in a good way”, is what we all thought. Nope, she’s just a cold hearted . She just likes to around. That insecurity or guilt we saw during her trip was just her being afraid of getting caught and losing her trophy boyfriend. She’s even worse than Novel Aim because at least we knew where we stood with her. How can you make her worse than Novel Aim? -_-


Funny Corner:

Does Per just have a can of rocks to throw at Win’s window?

Grace, only a deaf, blind, mute person couldn’t tell you were lying.

Adults; a dying species in this series, and it’s obvious why. (Teacher trusts Grace. Expect a knife in her back.)

Just the whole band auditions. Fi’s bad lipsynching, their invisible drummer, P’Queer’s drum set magically playing by itself, etc.


Positives the Episode brought:

- PhuNoh interactions are starting to gel well again

- PerWin scenes, insight into their lives

- OhMick’s  relationship is the steadiest out the other BL couples

- Fairy and Marshmallow (the 2 flamboyant boys) are still the voice of the viewers

- Lhew is noticing how evil Grace is now

- Yuri actually being relevant and cheerful for Jeed (I actually felt sorry for her this episode)

- The song mentioned in the Novel was used so hopefully future events follow in suit


1.) Aggressive Panda

2.) Golf = Main Character of Grease 2



Personal Opinion:

I’m just going to have to live with the fact that the side ships are much more interesting than the main plot at this point in time. We have a few more episodes of Phun being angsty (even though he wasn’t supposed to be in the first place), before we can get back to a somewhat healthier relationship between him and Noh. Golf isn’t convincing at what he’s trying to be. All sympathy for Aim is flushed down the toilet and clogged up like in Episode 9. Grace isn’t as sly as she thinks she is and anyone that would trust her shouldn’t expect her to be doing her any favors. What can I say? The most interesting parts of this episode were the PerWin  and OhMick scenes. It’s based solely on their interactions. They work well off each other and since we see genuine caring between them, it lightens up the episode. 


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