N to S Comparison S02 E04: The One With Two Dog Tags

---------------------------- Novel to Series Comparison -----------------------------

Lovesick Season 2, Episode 4: The One With Two Dog Tags

Chapters: 26 (half a chapter)


This one was tough. Considering it was only half a chapter, there was little to no differences that make an impact on plot. Only the second post and I get a hard one thrown at me already. Although it was hard, to make comparisons, it’s wasn’t impossible. It’s down to nitpicking for this episode.


Differences and Missing Scenes

1.) Noh, dumbfounded but not embarrassed?

Episode starts off with Om making fun of Noh’s wasted-ness. Though entertaining, I couldn’t help but stare at Noh’s (Captain’s) lack of embarrassment. Novel Noh is greatly embarrassed and wants to just disappear. Also, it’s supposed to be set in or them walking to, the classroom before Om tricks Noh into admitting Phun and Noh bathed together to add more shock and laughs. Under played to me.


2.) Sad Panda gets even sadder

This series really seems to not like Earn haha. I’m touching on this because my other comparison stated how Noh and Earn are legitimate friends and not just a one-sided love/crush. They touched on things were supposed to be last episode but from the novel’s view but it didn’t give it justice. Pete showed concern and they tried to brush of the sadness with comedy but still missing the drama.


3.) Really? Half a chapter? -_-

I’m out right saying it, this episode feels short and padded. To make the previous episode and this episode meet the expectations for both fan types, they could have pulled a Season 1 and done 1.5 of a chapter last episode and give an actual feel of drama ending with Phun taking Noh home, then start this episode with the whole bath scene and go from there, like the novel ironically. They neglect character interactions and placements needed for development and replace it with too much laughs and other plots. Not saying certain things shouldn’t be funny, the Novel and Series are hilarious, but this just seemed to want to keep the viewers from being sad.





4th Wall Breaking and/or Easter Eggs:



Positives the Episode brought:

- The jokes and flashbacks were actually funny

- Stuck mostly true to the source material in terms of dialogue


- Nice PhunxNoh moments

- Shots have been fired! The war for Noh’s heart has officially started



1.) Noh, ironically, we can’t read your mind

2.) Earn’s heart doesn’t seem to be in the best state

3.) Rush Noh’s Story to fit in Jeed’s Story, because, that’s what the viewers want to see……………


Personal Opinion:

There are good things and bad things about this one. Did it stick to the source material? Yeah but are we satisfied? I’d give a kind of. Satisfied that it’s moving the plot in the same direction but saddened of the feeling of slowness or no progression. The lack of feelings other than love for Phun, from Noh’s side, is also leaving me a bit empty. A character, like a shape, without dimensions can become flat and boring. Love Captain’s adorableness to death but something felt a bit off half this episode. Might be the editing or the director’s direction, but it felt off.


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