( ↘ EXO가 산다;



NAME : Seonu, Woon Kye
Kay ; A friend tried to pronounce her name and thought it was Kay so that is what they went with. 
BIRTHDATE :  07121992
AGE : 22
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN :  Seoul, South korea
 Korean; Mother language & fluent
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION "I'm fine, I promise"
Woon Kye may have an apperance similar to that of an ice queen, but she is far from it. Her firneds know that she is the kind of person that they could go to for anything and she would do what ever it took to get it done. She tends to accept people for who they are and let them live out their lives. 


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D.ana Sonamoo
Nari Wa$$up
HEIGHT : 170cm 
WEIGHT : 45kg 

Kay has long blond hair. She usually straitens it every morning, even if she isnt going out. Her hair is her pride and joy. She has creamy skin, multiple scars and two tattoos. One on her thigh and one on her back. She has had plastic surjury once and that was on her wrist to remove a scar, other than that she doesnt want anything to change how she looks

Kay is very much into style. She doesnt like wearing short that would reveal her scars, but does around the house and yard. She likes more dark, eathr tones contrary to bright, neyon colors. When she has no plans she loves sweat pants and yoga pants. She has an extensive jewelry collection and perfectly accessorises every outfit. She thinks fashion is one of the most important things in ife. 
Casual outside: * * 
Casual inside: * *
Date night: * * 
Party/clubbing: * *
Event: * * 
Nightwear: * * *



— positive; Protective, uplifting, shoulder to cry on, understanding
— neutral;   Awkward
— negative;  Abrasive, self negative, hot blooded, rash

Kay is so incredibly protective of her friends and family. She knows what she did and the mistakes she made when she was younger and she doesnt want anyone else to go through that. She is very upllifting and hates to see anyone down on themselves. She will let people vent on her and cry on her. She is incredibly understanding of other peoples problems. 

Kay is otentially the most awkward person ever. Because of her height she doesnt really know what to do around normal sized people. She figiets and will catch herself looking at the wrong places at the wrong times and she is very good at letting her moth work with out her brain being on all the way. 

When Kay gets going she can be very abrasive. She doesnt usually lash out at people unless she is doing it for other people. She can get down on hersellf very quickly. She hates letting other people be down on themselves but she is down on herself often. She often will do things withoutthinking as well. She has started to become a shoot first, ask questions later kind of person. 

Kay was born to a very rich family. Her father was a surgeon and her grandparents were rich. They never wanted for anything, they always had anything they could ever need or want. Growing u she always had a nanny to watch over her and to keep her save. All she wanted wa for her mother to do that though. She got used to her parents beeing too busy to deal with her. 
When she was in sixth grade was the first time she ever picked up a razor. She just wanted to feel something so she started cutting herself. It was never where her family could see of course, had to keep up the image. She also started throwing her food up. Its not that she thugoht to do it, food just didnt sit right for her nymore. As she got older, she kept hurting herself more and more.
At the age of fifteen is when she had her first drink. She quickly dropped into that scene. Drinking, smoking, partying. SHer life was spiraling out of control but her parents seemed not to notice at all. They still thought their daughter was as perfect as she was when she was little. 
When she was seventeen she attemted to commit suicide for the first time. When it didnt work she tried again and it still didnt wrk. The last time she took a rasor to her wrist and woke up two days later in the hospital with her paents hovering over her bed. 
Her parents wera ta a loss they didnt see any of this coming. They didnt know what to do. They found a school that could help her and sent her there. They helped her sort her life out and when she was finished with school she graduated from the progam as well. When she got out she had a differnat outlook on life. Teere were still a few dark days here and there but she felt better. 
Her parents werent going to let Kay go back to her old life so they mde an arrangement. Her prents knowSooyeon's parents. They had been friends for a while and Kay knew Sooyeon when they were small, but they hdnt seen eachother in years. Sooyeons parents made a deal with Sooyeon that if Kay could live in her residancy that she would get smoething small back. She accepted.
When Kay found out she was so angry. Her parents gave her an ultimatem. She goes to live with sooyeon or she stays at their house under 24/7 supervision. She decided to move in with Sooyeon and she was glad. With Sooyeon she had so much more freedom than anywhere else.


• Sweets; Kay is a ucker for sweets of any kind. She isnt picky
• Food; Kay is really a pig. She loves food
• Long car rides at night; She just enjoys them. Its calming
• Coffee; Kay lives off of caffien. She cant get by with out it
• Sound of rain on the roof; It helps her fall asleep
• People playing with her hair; description
• Banana milk; It tastes yummu
• autumn; Everything is just right

• Winter; Kay just doesnt like the snow or the cold
• Mornigs; Kay is not a morning person. She ates getting up eary
• Painting her nails; The pait always flakes off and it loks tacky. She just doesnt like it
• Tea; The taste just is wrong
• Fish; She wtched someone catch a fish when she was yougner nd was horified at it so she doesnt at them
• Pickels; Bad taste
• Cats; cats are little devels covered in fur

• Listening to music; Kay likes to hear how people can put sounds together to make something god
• Sketching; She is good at it and she emjooys it. It calsm her
• Collecting pins; Kay likes pins, expecially the odd looking ones.

• She will brush her hair before bed every night; Her hair is her pride and joy
• When she is thinking she will rub her lower lip with her thumb; Its just what she does
• She wont shave with rasors, she will use something liek veet to remove hair; descriptionKay doesnt like being around blades at all and avoids them at all possible. 

• Clowns; Why does someone have to cover their face? Why cant they jsut show who they are and not try to be clows? 
• Monkeys; Everythign about them. Their little hands and faces are so human oid, plus they have tails
• The apocolips; It just frieghtens her

— She sings in the whower

— When she goes to sleep she will cling to something close to her
— She absolutly adores when other people run their fingers through her hair
— She absolutly loves dramas and watches them as often as she can
— She is good at falling asleep while watching them
— If someone wants to wake her up they need to ring a sup of coffee to her first
— She wouldnt mind finding another job
— She thinks that the world is going to end when ever the power goes out
— She has a stuffed pig
When she gets really sleepy she will drop back into her Busan accent

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— Seonu Tae Wu | father 47 | surgeon | distant, hard working | Kay and her father have never been close. Ever since birth she hasnt thought of him as a soft person. He is just a man who lives in the same house who happens to be her father. There is very little relationship between them.
— Seonu Kae Na | mother 44 | n/a | quiet, unobservant | Kay and her mother have a very difficult relationship. They grined on eachother every time they interact. Kay wants to be herself, her mother wants her to be a lady. They dont have a great relationship
— Seonu Ka Ra | sister 25 | n/a | decitful, conniving | Kay and Kara are not even on speaking terms. When Kay went to the hospital her parents all but locked down on Kara and that pissed her off. Kara blames Kay for the fact that her life all but stopped. She ouldnt keep partying, she had to act like a lady all the time and nothing makes Kara more angry than being controlled. 
—  Sa Mi Hee | best friend | 22 | Model | Oblivious, kind | Mi Hee has always had Kay's back, through everything. She was the one who helped Kay throw up after parties, she was the one who found KAy, she was the one who went to go visit AKy in the school. They went throguh thick and thin together
— Goo Joon Ho | ex boyfriend | 25 | sue chef | Beligerent, possessive | When Kay was fourten she met up with eighteen year old Joon Ho and he is what pushed her towards the party scene. He is the one who suplied her with everything and he is the one who was draggi  her down. They were together for four and a half years . He would let her leave and when she was taken away he did everything he could to spring her. When she got out he tried to get back in her life but Kay was over that. He still keeps coming around, telling her that he has chnged and that he will do anything to get her back. She wont give him the chance though because he was not a nice persone when they were together



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D.O.B : 06111990 + 24
— Kris; Kris lived in Canada for a long time and people there couldnt figure out how to say his real name so they gave him the nickname of Kris and he has stuck with it ever since. 

— positive; quick on his feet, smart, caring

— negative;  Intense, confusing at times, cares about his self image

Kris is very quick on his feet, physically and mentailly. He always has been. He is very sport and clever too. He doesnt need to think about things, he usually can come up with a solution quickly. He also is a good listener. He cares about his people.Kris is also great with jokes, aimed at him. People can make jokes and he jsut laughs it off. He is used to it by now. 
Kris is rather intense. So intense that some may see it as slightly intimidating, but then he opens his mouth and people know he insnt. He is good at confusing people too. Not that he tries, just the way he acts and thinks doesnt match up with how he looks He looks like he stepped out of an anime, not a basketball court. He really cares about his self image, a lot. He wont do things that could jepordise that.

Kay is late for work and sprinting down the road. Someone comes aroudn the courner and smashes into her . Her bag goes flying and everything is scattered everywhere. She tries to get everything picked up and she grabes a few of his things, his phone included. She mumbles something before starting off again. 
When she gets off work she checks her phone to see if anyone texted her but she finds weid names in her phone. Soeone named Minseok wants steamed buns and Chaneol wants to know when I'll be home? Kay cant figure out who these people are. When she gets home she asks everyone about it and one of the girls recignises a name in the phone. It belongs to their new neighbors.
Kay has to go over and find out what one has her phone.When she gets there someone lets her in and she awkwardly waits for him to come back. She is theere alone for a good ten minutes and is thinking about leving when he comes back. He is holding her phone in his hand and they talk for a few minutes before he excuses himself and she leaves. When she gets back home evryone wants to know what it was like to be in their house. 

RELATIONSHIP TITLE : Awkward fancying
In the begining: When they first moved in Kay didnt even think about Kris. Se was interested to see who was moving in, but that was as far as things went. She would see him now and then but she never talked with him. She had no reason to
Scene I Act I: When Kay actually introduced herself to Kris she fully noted him Everything about him. How he looked, how he sounded, how he moved. She liked the thought of liking him, but didnt like him.
Scene I Act II: Once the girls started interacting with the othe house she started cactching herself glancing up to see if he was around. She tried to make herself stop, but the more she tried to make herself stop the more often she seemed to do it
Scene I Act III: Something tipps Kris off. He avidly avoids her and when she casually says hello he gets angry and tells her to leave him alone. Kay gets flustered and the two of them end up having a loud argument
Scene II Act I: Kay starts getting more and more into the pranks, but everything she does she wants to be directed at ris. Things between them have become bitter. She thinks that it is obvious that he hates her and she is going to give him a reason to
Scene II Act II: Kris has started to retaliate against Kay. He is specifically doing things he knows will get under her skin.
Scene II Act III: Kay has had enough. She is going to confront Kris and have this be done and over with.   She watches his house and waits for him to come home. When he does it raining (please, please, please. I have always wanted to do a scene like this bt never have) She demands to know why he hates her so much and he demands to know why she hates him so much. They start arguing again when he suddenly drops his things and kisses her. She goes silent for a few seconds before yelling at him again and storming home. WHen she gets there everyone askes what hppene.d 
Scene III Act I: kay does everything to void Kris, but he eventually comes over to her ouse and asks to see her. When she wont see him he plants himself in their living room and waits. When she comes down he asks to talk but she kicks him out. 
Scene III Act II: The other have planned an attack. A few of the guys sunk in and 'kidnapped' Kay. They brought her over to their house so she would have to talk to Kris. She finally consents to talking things voer with himand they do talk. It turns out that they both thought the other hated them wihen they both liked the other
In the end: Kay and Kris get over themselves and work things out perfectly. Things start happening between them and thats it. Thats why its called the end. (I'm 1000% down if you want to make them into  littl esomething more... if you catch my drift. Oh, I'm ok if you want Kay and Kris to be a mature relationship. There we go, thats how I wanted to say it)

— He speaks fluent English, Korean, Manderine and Cantonese
— He plays basketball
— He knows how to ski
— He is a dragon!! (sorry. I shoulndt have said that)
— He knows how to drive, swim and cook
— He hates cooking

5 questions in total, please make sure to answer them all in 1st P.O.V and include actions if it
is so needed. this is so we can get the feel of your own character's personality as well — P.S


— Describe myself as a roomie? I dont know how to decribe myself. Lets see. I seem to be the one that everyone comes to when they need something done like heavy lifting or getting something up high. Oddly enough to kill bugs too. ore ofthen than not I feel protective over eeryone else here. Some of them I just feel like they need to be protected, I dont want anything bad to hapen to them.

I do wht I can when I'm around. I work and I'm taking a few classes. Not uch, just three. Its a start and thats enough for me. When ever I'm around I try to help

— *Deep sigh* Yes. I work at that karioke bar up the street. I work the frond desk. Its nice, I get paid well, dont have to do much and I get a discount if I ever want to go there. Its really nice because it gives me time to do my home work. You can just com ein and ask for me. If I'm not at the front desk then I'm around somehwere. 

— Not all of them. A few here and there, but a lot of what the girls come up with is childish. The few that I do are really good though. I think the othrs are surprised when I want to help. I usually end up being the look out and I dont mind that

— Well, I didnt apply. My parents applied for me. They knew Sooyeon's parents and they someohow worked it that I got in. I knew Sooyeon when we were little, but havnt seen her in years.I didnt know until I was told I was moving in. My parents told me that I either live here where Sooyeon can watch over me or I live at home where my parents would watch over me all the time. I picked Sooyeon

— *Grins wickedly* Someone them really need to earn to either wear more clothing around the house or to close those blinds. I rather enjoy living next to them. They are more than attractive and they dont bother me much. There is two that I really like when they are around, but I wouldnt tellanyne that. I like them alot more than my old neighbors



thanks for applying for 'EXO NEXT DOOR!'

NAME : Krissy
ACTIVENESS ( 1 - 10 ) : 10/10

— Kay is coming home late one night and Joon Ho is waiting for her. He found out where she lived by following her parents and he isnt going to leave  until she takes him back. She was out shpping and when she gets to him he throws the bags to the ground and pushes her against the wall. He demands she takes him back, cant she see he still loves her. Sh eis all he wants. She tries to get away but she cant. Kris hears the commotion and comes out. He physically gets Joon Ho oaway from Kay and scares him off. He brings her inside their house and makes sure she is ok. He calls Sooyeon over to make sure Kay is ok as well

— The girls are planning a big prank, but they need to be inside the other house to do it. kay goes along just to make sure they dont get into trouble. When they get there she stands at the bottom of the stairs and watches for anything. Suddenly the lights come on and every one runs. Kay starts to, but has to hide because there is someone down stairs. Who ever is down stairs stars making food and she has to stay there for a while until he goes back upstaris and she can sneek out. When she gets home she finds everyone is still up and freaking out because she didnt come home with everyone else. 
— Kay has a relaps and has gotten herself drunk. She in in their back yard on a swing with a bottle of suju in her hand. She doesnt see him coming, but suddenly someone is lifting her and brining her inside. A woman is trying to gt him to leave but he insists on staying with her until she is asleep. She does fall asleep and when she wakes up she finds Kris sitting next to her, asleep stil sitting up. 
THE PASSWORD : ...any one but the one I'm in now




She watches his house and waits for him to come home. When he does it raining (please, please, please. I have always wanted to do a scene like this bt never have) 


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