타크 유니   | CABIN BOY



— Yang Sochun, the name she goes by to get on the ship

DATE OF BIRTH : 19th of Silvercrest 1297
BIRTHPLACE : Sinuichon, Jiā-Hwan

— Common tongue, fluent

— Hwan, fluent

— Inoshi, fluent

—Sing, conversational

— Rénlèi, conversational


“Sometimes I pretend to be normal but it gets boring so I go back to being me”

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 165 cm/43 kg


— Yuni had long chestnut brown hair, soft tanned skin and soft features. Her nails are short, fingers caloused and she has random scars from years working in the feild. She chopped her hair to her shoulders and does her best to keep it in some sort of cap now. Her skin has tanned a lot more and her feet have hardened up because she keeps taking her boots off on deck. 


— Yuni wore a shorter dress, it fell below her knees, and ankle boots. She usually wore an apron just to help keep her clothing cleaner but she did have nicer dresses that she didnt wear one with. She always kept her hair braided, sometimes with jewels or flowers in it. She can braid her hair but it has to be two smaller ones now. She has pants that are too short for her, tall boots and a button up shirt that is too big for her. She wears a belt with a place for a sword but doesnt own a sword to put there. Her binder is getting dirty and smelly


“I'm only in trouble if I get caught so I'll just not get caught”

PERSONALITY : Brave, personable, caring, stubborn, vauge, wild
Yuni is the one that will do something new, sometimes dangerous. She likes trying new things and proving to people that she will do the thing. She will not back down from a challenge, even if it is a little dangerous. She just cant say no. She has the type of personality people can easily get along with, she tries to do her best to get along with people but she can be pushed too far and she doesnt have any interest in trying to be nice to you any more. She does care about people in general though, if she can help people she wants to. There are enough ty people in the world, if she can be a nice one she will. 
Yuni does not back down from her beliefs. It is pretty hard to get her to change her mind once she made it up. She takes a lot to have her believe you but once you've broken her trust she will not give it back to you. Sometimes its like she lives in her own world and only half of the conversation gets to other people. She somtimes also will try to put an entire scentence into one word then expect people to understand what she meant. She doesnt usually make sense when she talks, it usually takes a few times for her to get her point across but its how she talked to her family so its how she still talks now. She likes to take risks, have fun in life. She doesnt like following the safety rules and often gives the gunner a heart attack. 

BACKGROUND : Yuni remembers when it was just the three of them. They had an apartmet down town, it was small but it was a lot of fun all the time. Her mother would bring her out with her at night so she could explore around town and her father would take care of them in the morning. When her siblings started coming around things changed though, they had to move away from the city for more room and land to start farming. Things got harder and harder the more siblings showed up. 
After the twins birth Yuni's mom got sick, really sick. Her father couldn't hardly do anything but take care of her so it fell to Yuni and Shinyoung to take care of the youngers and to farm the land. Their grandparents came around all the time to help out but it was still a strain on the young family. 
When her mother passed her father shut down. He spent all his time away from the family and out in the feild. Yuni stepped up a lot to take care of the young ones, Shinyong verbalized his annoyance with having to help and their grandfather was around as much as possible. Her father eventually worked himself to death, the doctors said his heart gave out from working so much. It left a place for her grandparents to move in and help the family. 
Yuni was sixteen when she became a surragat mother to her sisters and brothers. Her grandfather and brother worked the feild while she and her grandmother cared for the younger ones. It was expecially hard with Jiyong, she was weak when she was born and wasnt growing like she should have been, the doctors said it was because she didnt have enough of their moms milk. Yuni's grandmother spent most of her time tending to Jiyong so Yuni was left with Daejung, Gun and Kwanghyok. 
Over the years Yuni lost most of her chances to be young. She spent all of her time with her grandmother at the farm, no festivals, no boys, no fun. She did things with the little ones that were fun to them but never adult fun, it was what she wanted to do though, be there for them and help out. 
Yuni's grandmother was always talking about the faries and the pirates, that the pirates were actually dark fairies but not all of them. She loved talking about the fairies, even drew them from time to time, it was one of Jiyongs favorite things, her grandmothers fairies. 
Two years ago Shinyoung left the family. He had been talking with one of the officials of Sinuichon about getting a job and moving away from the farm. He never sent word or anything, just dissappeared one day. Eventually his grandfather found him but he wouldnt come home. Yuni even went to find him but he wouldn't even talk to her. He wanted nothing to do with the family and made it very clear that he thought very little of them all. They argued, Yuni said some nasty things and Shinyoung said some worse things. He swore he would never go back for anything. Yuni was seething but did her best to not show that to the little ones. 
Things started getting hard at the farm. They didnt have enough hands to get the food in from the field, even with Yuni and Daejung helping. Jiyong was getting worse and her grandmother was having more and more bad episodes. Gun started getting into trouble, she was pickpocketing in the town square and wasnt very good at it. She was brought home for Yuni to deal with. Things just started piling on top of eachother over the next year. One morning Jiyong was struggling to breathe. It took her another day to pass. For weeks after their grandmother kept asking where Jiyong was and would go off looking for her, some times in the middle of the night. Yuni or her grandfather was always able to find her and bring her back but every time they were worried she wasnt going to come back. 
The last time she wandered away she came back delirious with fever and a broken arm. She kept ranting about how Yuni was a fairy that was delivered to her parents for safe keeping from the pirates and she needed to find her family. At one point she even tried to start packing Yuni's things so she could leave but her grandfather got her back into bed. When the doctor came he said that her grandmother probably wouldn't make it through the night. They had the family gather in their grandmothers room, it was also the same night Yuni met Daejung's suiter and she liked him, so they could start saying goodbye. She kept asking for Jiyong but no one could tell her. Eventually their grandfather said she would see Jiyong soon, that they just had to wait a little bit. 
She ended up passing in her sleep and was buried next to the rest of the family out near the field. The day was bright, sunny and tufts of all kinds of plants were blowing in the wind. She would have said it was the fairies decorating the air. Yuni thought it was a fitting day for her funeral. 
Her grandfather gave her a thick letter, the paper was heavy and probably more expensive than what she had saved up. It was tied with ribbon and had a wax seal closing it. The only thing written on it was her name. Rolled inside was a note from her grandmother and mother, explaining that they wanted to tell her one day but they never knew how to and it was better this way. There was another small one from her grandmother, wirtten more reciently by the messy penmaship. It said that the fairies were coming back and she should have warned Yuni before today.
The letter was from a man named Ch'u Chunho, he was a sailor on the Abandoned Barnicle and his wife was a travelor named Bydthya from Prieçia. He didnt know if she was still alive or if he would be alive when she read this, if she even was going to read this. He and Bydthya were her real parents, they were pirates and mercenaries for hire, they met on a job and were instantly attracted to eachother. They were together for two years before Yuni came along but they knew they couldnt raise a child where they were. They lived in Sinuichon for nine months while Bydthya was pregnant and a few months to decide what to do. It was hard but they found a couple they trusted and liked, they paid them a heafty amount and would send them money periodically for the upkeep for Yuni. They were to watch over her until they could come back for her, probably once she was sixteen or so, just so she would be old enough to understand what her parents were going to say to her and decide for herself if she wanted to stay in Sinuichon or some with them. It was one of the hardest things they ever did, leaving her with Su'i and Pyongchol but they were good people. Hopefully they will meet her soon, expecially if she is reading this. 
It took three days for Yuni to want to even look at her grandfather again. He had been keeping this from her for years, they wanted to meet her eight years ago and it wasn't his decision if she wanted to meet them or not, not his. It also took that amount of time for her to decide that she did want to find and meet them, but now she was having the trouble of how to look for them. 
The port authority had never heard of the Abandoned Barnicle, the trade master had never heard of it and the pirates that were at the market had never heard of it either. As a last ditch effort Yuni went to the jail to ask the pirates there, one had heard of it but last he heard it went down years ago. It was in port here and tried to  fight its way through a hurricane but it didnt get out of sight of shore. Sometimes at low tide you can even go out to see the wreckage. The pirate had heard about Ch'u Chunho, he was the first mate of the ship when it went down but he didnt know if anyone made it off. 
Yuni started a four month long search for any information on the Abandoned Barnicle and it took that long to find anything out. Apparently, after the storm another ship called El Broosha picked up a bunch of sailors so she started searching for information on El Broosha, which was easier considering it was a trade vessil marked for entery in a few days. Ch'u Chunho was one of the sailors picked up but he left a few months later for a new ship, his own ship, the Broken Rose. News of the Broken Rose got to Yuni quickly, it was an active ship that most often took port in Spenia. Yuni started gathering her things and looking into a way to get to Spenia but no ships were headed that way, none but pirate ships. Her grandfather forbade her from going onto a pirate ship, no proper woman was going to go on a pirate ship and he was still her grandfather, regardless of what a paper says. 
Yuni knew she couldnt go on a pirate ship, it was just too dangerous. She dug around her house to find mens clothes that would fit her, a few differant caps she could tuck her hair into and a way to bind her chest. After considering it she ended up chopping a lot of her hair off. It used to fall down to her low back but she lobbed it to her shoulders to make it easier to hide. 
Yang Sochun started looking for a ship to board, there was no way she was going to give her real name, it would give her away in an instand. Two ships werent accepting anyone for anything but the Nightingale was still taking on a few. Sochun took whatever she could


— Likes
Spring time

— Dislikes
Winter, too cold
Being underground
Spicy foods
— Habits
When she wakes up she leaves the crews quarters right away so she can potentially be alone
When she has to eat potatoes she makes a face the whole time
Every time she goes up on deck she touches the seahorse figurine 
— Facts
She has started sleeping in a hammock and now she cant sleep in a bed very well
She is doing her best to not think about home
She loves being up on deck before sunrise to see it come up
She feeds to the ship cats
She has leared to fish 
She helps the cook out when she can
She has been trying to learn as many things aroudn the ship as possible
She didnt say goodbye to her friends, just wrote a letter to them
She very much believes in the supernatural



“the world can be a truely amazing place if your slightly strange”


— Best friend: In Chihyon / Bright, loud, friendly / 10/10
Chihyon is a social butterfly, everyone knows her, she knows everyone and she can always be found at any high society function

— Best friend : Kye Li-Na / seamstress / Blunt, caloused, protective / 9/10
Lina is the one you would like it have in a fight. She is hard, big and agressive. She helps Yuni out with everything she can with her family

— Grandmother : No So-Ra / Adventurous, imaginative / 9/10
Sora was considered one of the town mad women. She was always going on about things no one else believed in like the faries or magick. Yuni loved her stories and learned as much as she could from her grama but things go bad towards the end. She had dimentia and was not herself in the end

— Grandfather : No Chihu/ Fisherman / Narrow minded, comforting, quiet / 8/10
Chihu is a quiet man of few words. He cares for his family deeply but he doesnt express himself verbally. He has always thought highly of Yuni for stepping up when she did

— Mother : T'ak Su'i/ Wild at heart, fun loving, bit irresponcible / 9/10
Su'i wasn't the best mom but Yuni still loved her. She was wild and fun, the best kind of parent you could want, right? 

— Father : T'ak Pyong-Chol / Strong, smart, controlling / 7/10
Pyongchol was the exact opposite his wife. He was quiet, bit mean at times and never got out of control. He was very ridgid all the time. He loved his family but Yuni cant remember a single time of him smiling

— Brother : T'ak Shin-Young / Officiant for the port / Rude, controlling, prude / 4/10 / 18 years old
Shinyoung looks down of the family and ever since their parents died he has disowned his siblings and grandparents. He doesnt offer any help to them and never checks in on them

— Sister : T'ak Dae-Jung / Soft, sweet, naieve / 8/10 / 14 years old
Daejung is the jewel of the family. She is pretty, soft spoken and has a few suiters looking after her. She helps out where she can but she isnt very good with it

— Sister : T'ak Gun / Sassy, petty, loyal / 7/10 / 10 years old
Gun is a wild girl with fire in her veigns and she does not like listening to anyone. She gets into fights, is always dirty and is the hardest on Yuni

— Brother : T'ak Kwang-Hyok/ Loveable, messy / 9/10 / 6 years old
Kwanghyok is a sweet boy who seems to have dirt ingraied into his hands. He loves being held so is usually attached to someone's hip

— Sister : T'ak Ji-Yong/ Quiet, sickly, fussy / 9/10 / 6 years old
Jiyong is the opposite her twin. She doesnt like being held or having human contact, she wants to be left alone but she is sick so she needs attention often. Yuni is the only one she likes to hold her


LOVE INTEREST : Amenemhet Thoth f.c Louis Cordie






Amenemhet had a good upbringing. His parents were kind, wealthy and did everything they could for him. He had a good life and was starting to be a proper gentleman. He was well educated and was fully expected to marry and take over his parents estate. 
The family went on a family vacation to southern Tamaza for a few weeks but while they were there disaster struck. The villa was raided by pirates, many were taken and the villa was burned. Amenemhet was one of those taken but his parents were in those who were killed. 
Over the next few weeks many were sold off into slavery, some were traded to other ships and a handful were kept on the ship. Amenemhet was one of them kept. He was given a new name, they were not going to let him keep any part of his old life. He now went by Mero and was put on the sails and ropes. He was tall and limber so he was able to reach things better than others. 
Mero kept trying to get away and even attempted to sabatoge the rails a few times but it never worked. He was always caught and punished severly for it, now he has scars on his body from it. He faught anyone and everyone he could to try to get away from the ship but nothing ever worked. Eventually the captian sold him to a differant ship to be done with it. 
The new ship was worse than the first. The crew often brutalized women and men from the shore and they had a dark reputation surrounding them. People locked their doors and shut down shop when the Screaming Fire docked. Port authority has been after them for years but never got close to them. 
Living with them hardened Mero, a lot. He doesnt smile often, he faught the men on shore and even killed a few people. He never partook in anything with the women or children though, he never could do that. 
Four months ago Mero was captured by port authority and threatened with the gallows if he didnt help them. He accepted their offer and helped them capture the Screaming Fire. Most of the crew was hung and those that weren't blamed Mero. He had a black mark on him and lived as close to the port authority as possible. 
Mero missed the sea but he had no way to get back to it. He started looking for a ship that were looking for crew members but there wasnt many. Eventually he found the NIghtingale.
He had heard about the Nightingale before, about the crew and their behaviors. He didnt think he would be a good fit with them but he needed to get back to sea, he couldnt handle being on shore any more. 
He talked the captian into letting him join, he was willing to do the dangerous jobs after all. The captian was hesitant but allowed Mero to join but on a probationary time period. If Mero messed the crew would vote on if he was to be allowed to remain on the ship or not. He agreed and did his best to not mess up but he did. The crew was split down the middle on if he could stay or not and the captian made the ultimate decision to keep him


He has a hammock set up in the sails, high off the deck and sleeps in it often
He knows how to read and quite enjoys it
He hasnt been back to his home town or the villa where his parents died
He has broken his arm twice, leg once and his right ankle 
He likes climbing
He will often climb to the very top of the mast and just be up there
He likes sweets


Mero was set off by their newest crew member, there was something wrong about him. Mero kept an eye on this Sochun, making sure he didnt do anything he wasnt supposed to. All the while Mero started noticing small quirks about him that were cute like every time Sochun came on deck he would squint and kinda glare at the sun for a second before going about his duties. Note, the region Mero grew up in there was no idea of gay or straight, for the most part people just were with who they loved. 
Mero offered to start showing Sochun things about the ship, he didnt seem to know much about sailing, and Sochun accepted. They would spend hours up in the sails and ropes, at least when Sochun wasnt doing things for the captian. They had no problems with their relationship until one day Sochun said he didnt want to learn anytihng anymore, he just wanted to spend his time doing his own job. 
Mero kept trying to talk to Sochun but he didnt want to have anything to do with Mero. Infact he activly started avoinding Mero, he would take his food to go, eat in the captians quarters and stay out late so he wouldnt have to talk to Mero. 
After a while Mero was sick of it and barged into Sochun's area and stopped dead. Sochun was in the middle or rewraping her chest binder and Mero just kinds stood there with the door open, stairing. It took him a minute to connect the dots but he slammed the door shut and walked away. Now he was the one avoiding Sochun, he even started sleeing out on the deck more often to not have the opportunity to see Sochun. It took weeks before Mero spoke to Sochun. 
He figured out that Sochun was hiding the fact that he was not a he and that he was looking for someone rather important but what he couldnt understand is how he was hiding it so well from everyone. 
Sochun, Yuni, started spilling everything, about how she was struggling, she bathed in the middle of the night to avoid everyone, did everything she could to work alone and never let her guard down which was making her lose mind. It felt good that someone knew but she was still terrified that the crew was going to find out. Turns out a lot of the crew actually already knew: the captian had to have been blind to not see it with in the first week, the gunner walked in on her peeing but backed out quietly and didnt say anythig to her, the captian told the quartermaster so he could keep an eye on her, the first mate figured it out and brought it to the captian and the missionary also figured it out. None of them wanted to out her though so they kept it to themselves, not that she or Mero knew though. 


Totally up to you but someone on the ship is bothered that she has been pretending this whole time and Mero gets agressive, maybe even fights them. Yuni is a little bothered that Mero thinks she cant stand up for herself and at the same time is touched he is willing to fight someone for her. 




— Their just pirates. Of course people say bad things about them but doesnt everyone have some haters? I've heard good stories and bad stories


— I'm looking for passage to Spenia, I'm willing to work where ever you would need the assistance. I heard he was looking for a few more crew members, I'll do what ever to get me to where I'm wanting to go. 


— Uh, women? What woman? I'm not a woman, I'm a manly man, with chest hair and such


— F'ck man I dont know. I dont even really know what I'm doing really, chasing a story. I guess I'm willing to go until I find the answers I'm looking for 


Jewel_ELF : Krissy :  turn in

COMMENTS : I dont know why I picked that song, it wouldn't get out of my head as I wrote this though


— here

PASSWORD : Pirates will be pirates



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