☤ Trauma Center -- Estella Ayame Tsukiyomi

Stella Tsukiyomi
for trauma centre
username. morninginmarch
nickname. anna
activity rate. 3

name. Estella ayame Tsukiyomi | Trauma surgery (ER surgery) | Intern
nickname. stella - literally everyone calls her that, she refers to herself by that name as well because estella just sounds so stuck-up. she will respond to both names however
birthdate. 30/10/94 (age: 20 turning 21)
birthplace. Tokyo, japan
hometown. san francisco, usa
ethnicity. Japanese
fashion style
face claim. Mayu watanabe (akb48) (gallery)
backup faceclaim. Shiraishi Mai (gallery) or kashiwagi Yuki (Gallery) [they're all so beautiful i can't decide]

appearance. Despite being in her 20s,, stella looks like a 14 year old. she doesn't seem to be able to tan which results in her ridiculously (unhealthy almost) pale skin. Her face doesn't seem to have lost all its baby fat which means that her cheeks are still a bit chubby and hence very squishy. She has slightly-wavy-at-the-ends black hair which reaches down to her mid-waist that she almost always has tied up. She also has side-swept bants. Stella also always has quite a bit of eye-fat under her eyes. She has no piercings at all because she has low pain tolerance. She also has a mole or a beauty spot under her left eye.

For her make-up, stella can usually be seen wearing BB cream because it's better than foundation. She'll fill in her brows, apply some eyeliner and mascara and a pale lip-gloss (strawberry flavoured). Stella is also a bit short-sighted (~150 degrees). thus she wears night contacts (thus she doesn't wear them during daytime). sometimes she does get a bit lazy so occasionally, when she's pulled an all-nighter (contacts require 7-8 hours for them to be effective), you will see her wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

fashion sense. stella has a very girly and feminine sort of fashion. She is definitely a dresses and skirts kind of girl but in summer short-shorts are a staple in her wardrobe. she prefers to dress in lighter pastel colours with pretty flowying things. Because she isn't exactly the tallest person in the world, she likes to wear her shoes with a bit of heel. She likes ballet-style wedges as well as square heels because like everyone, stilettoes are a bit hard to walk in but boots are also a favourite of hers. apart from dressing in the light airy kinds of clothing, stella also has a penchant for the harujuku style jfashion. she likes to wear bright things as well, clothing with patterns like plaid that look a little bit punk. she has a thing for wearing socks with bunny ears, or dog ears or any animal ears on them.

Girly galery | jfashion gallery
life's story
personality. Years and years of pressure to become the progidy that she was considered as a child had turned stella into somewhat of a machine. stella is what you would called socially stunted. she simply doesn't know how to interact with people, she doesn't know how to act naturally so any conversation (which you should be pleased to get) is very awkward and stuttered. by nature and nurture, stella is a very shy, timid girl. despite being a rather happy and loud child who loved nothing more than being the centre of attention, she grew up into someone who absolutely abhorred the spotlight. she doesn't like it when people pay too much attention to her unless she's occupied with something. stella is a quiet, soft-spoken girl. she barely gives responses, settling for some nods and hand gestures and when she does speak, it's muffled and so so soft that you really have to strain to hear it. stella is an introvert. she simply finds social interactions not only exhausting but really stressful so it's not uncommon to suddenly realise that  stella has magically disappeared in a group conversation.

the reason why she is so helplessly awkward in social situations is because stella is a perfectionnist. she is someone who is very much OCD about perfection, everything from the reactions of those to her, the things she says, everything has to be perfect. and she achieves this ideal by planning things out compulsively. she is someone who already knows what she's having for breakfast on march the 1st, 2017. she likes things to be orderly, calm and controlled. things must follow to her plan otherwise she gets really stressed out because she can't deal with the unknown. what if in the unknown, she fails, kills a patient, embarrasses herself in front of everyone? in order to prevent these failures from occuring she will overthink every situation that she is put in. she is not someone that will make an impulse decision and definitely not a very decisive person when faced with sudden questions. even if you ask her "hey should i wear black shoes or red shoes with this?" she will get really flustered and panicked before reading too much into the question and come to the conclusion that 'this is clearly a metaphor and she is actually asking whether i am a satanist'. though by the time she even comes to that conclusion, it's already been ten years and the person is probably already gone. people in the end, are the most unpredictable things in her grandiose plan for life which is why, in order to avoid the baggage that comes with factoring people into her equation, stella chooses to simply delete them out of her life instead.

stella is an intelligent person. she's book smart, she knows exactly how much the distance from the earth to the sun is, she can calculate the angle needed to throw a ball into the air so that it doesn't come close to piggy in the middle, she can recite shakespeare's entire hamlet from memory, all of them in a snap. she's got something close to an eidetic memory which she has used quite a bit to build up her iq level. but really, that's all she's got to her. Despite being academically very smart (after all, she skipped a year), she is hopeless in everything else and lacks street smarts and common sense. stella is a rather naive, gullible person. yes she overthinks things but when posed with sudden questions relating to people, her brain short-circuits and she ends up going with the flow. she'll believe anything you tell her, if you mention it often enough and has a rather idealised view of her job. she dreams of saving lives but isn't mentally prepared to deal with the fact that a patient could die on her table. she is rather innocent and childish in that regard. she is also ridiculously innocent to dirty things. she won't understand any innuendoes that you throw at her and will often end up being goaded into saying something dirty that she doesn't even understand. Her looks combined with that childishly innocent and idealistic attitude with her socially ineptness thrown in somehow makes her endearing to others. She has a baby face and is definitely considered cute in all ways. She's petite, young and quiet and because of that, no one really seems to acknowledge her intelligence or talent. Everyone thinks that in surgery, stella will be too nervous to operate and no one really believes that she could do a good job. and she's fine with that.

in a nutshell, stella is someone who is shy and quiet. she doesn't like to be the centre of attention and is completely and utterly socially awkward. stella with friendship because she is someone who is ocd about perfection, someone who has planned her life out three years in advance and humans are too unpredictable to get a spot in her equation. she is an indecisive over thinker when she's suddenly confronted with problems. stella is a smart person with an almost eidetic memory but lacks common sense, thus is naive and gullible. she is innocent in that she doesn't acknowledge the idea of death and that she doesn't understand dirty things. for some reason, all of that coupled with her looks makes everyone find her adorably cute and everyone dismisses her potential.

background. From a young age, ayame was considered a progidy. Somewhat of a genius but not really, considering she only skipped one year of school. ayame was born in Tokyo, went to a government school and instantly skipped the first year of primary school. She was naturally talented and the teachers always spoke very big of her which led her to become rather isolated from her peers. Initially, she was incredinly proud of her achievements but after being called a show-off and stuck-up numerous times, naturally she ceased those actions. Being an entire year younger than her cohort vastly attributed to her lack of friends and when she skipped another year after that, the age difference only grew. her parents thought that ayame's talents were wasted in japan and thus, having just finished her second year in primary school (but studying at a third year level), she moved to san francisco. there, she attended a upper class school for the rest of her primary education. she was named estella but when her classmates acknowledged her existence for once by calling her stella, she had started calling herself that and the nickname has stuck.

When middle school came, stella was sent to a ridiculously expensive middle-high boarding school which she got with a full scholarship. in primary school in america she had made some semblance of friends because everyone was little. however when she started middle school when she was barely in her double digits, she found it increasingly difficult to form meaningful connections. her entire agenda for being there was to study, she had been sent here to study hard and she would see that her parents efforts were not wasted (even if they had not paid much). from a young age, stella was always under the pressure to study hard, to study, study, study and live up to her potential as a child progidy. and stella really did try very hard but in all her studying, she failed to make friends. she was always a loner, an outcast who didn't make an effort to talk to people and shied away from social interaction simply because she didn't know how to properly interact with people. she only ever knew how to study, she didn't know how to talk to people, how to understand situations like they do and laugh when they do. and she really panicked when she realised that this was one area that she didn't excel at, and for fear of failure, withdrew completely into her shell. She was so scared of being rejected by people that she didn't even try because of her perfectionnist nature.

After she graduated, with her marks stella decided to go into medicine. it was honestly either med or law for her and she wasn't interested in argueing considering how bad she was at talking in the first place. what started out as an obligation as that was what her parents expected of her turned into a passion and stella found something that she really enjoyed in trauma surgery. the idea of operating on someone in a life-threatening condition in the pressure of an emergency room sounded absolutely terrifying to her but at least then she would have something to work towards and it was really the only thing that could keep her mind completely busy.

likes. the colour pink, chocolate and everything sweet (she has a real sweet tooth). horses, dogs, summertime, going to the beach, shopping, lace, fresh snow, wrapping herself up in blankets
dislikes. citrus fruits, vegetables (she refuses to eat her greens like a child would), reptiles, bugs, manual labour, getting dirty, cold weather, rain and thunderstorms, wearing hats
hobbies. horse-riding, playing the flute, origami, painting, sketching
- lying // she is a really bad liar so when she does try it's so obvious. her voice goes up an octave, she starts fidgetting and she can't meet you in the eye
- crying all the time  // stella is a really big cry-baby. if someone raises their voice even a bit her eyes start tearing up, being forced to talk in front of everyone gives her stage fright and she starts crying. and of course when she's actually sad she cries enough to fill the nile river
- angry // stella isn't involved in enough things to make her angry but when she is bad, she literally throws a tantrum. a lot of yelling that you wouldn't expect from such a shy girl like her
- nervous+excited // she will bite a hole through her bottom lip and pulls at her hair that it's a wonder she isn't bald yet
- 158cm//46kg
- left-handed
- stella is actually a bit of an insomniac. when it's night-time, she can only ever sleep for 4 hours at a time which is why she ends up catching Zzzs anywhere and everywhere. you will find her up at 4 in the morning, being unable to sleep
- night-owl, she doesn't want to sleep until midnight
- that also may be attributed to the fact that she's a perfectionnist so will stay up late trying to figure things out
- tea over coffee anyday. she prefers green tea
- she won't mind getting the typical presents of flowers (she prefers pink-orange roses with lilies) and chocolates

friends. best friend | jasmine natsumi watanabe [face claim: rina suzuki of scandal] | 22 | teacher | loud, funny, confident, protective, bossy, stubborn | it's hard to believe that a chatterbox like jasmine and a wallflower like stella would get along so well. when stella first moved to the usa and couldn't speak english very well, jasmine (or "natsumi-nee-chan") was the one that helped stella with everything. they were neighbours after all. stella grew up calling "onee-chan" (and still does) because even though jasmine is only one year older, she seems a whole lot more mature. jasmine acts like stella's protector in a way and whilst stella always wondered why jasmine would hang out with an anti-social person like her, jasmine always has a way of alleviating her worries. jasmine is protective of stella, perhaps almost in a possessive and clingy sort of way even though stella doesn't notice it because jasmine has been the only constant in her liffe.

mother | machiko "cathy" fujiwara
father | satoshi "david" tsukiyomi
stella gets along with her parents to an extent but has never had much fondness for them. they have constantly put pressure on her to be perfect that she honestly doesn't like talking to them much because it's always about her studies and her grades. that and because she was sent to a boarding school through much of her teenage years, she has grown rather independent and doesn't rely on them much. but japanese tradition states that she must have some semblance of filial piety towards her parents so she is hardly going to renounce them.
[the reason their english name is in quotations is because they don't have a legal english name but that is the one that they use]
lover's smile
love interest. Applicant
backup love interest. Adrian Song [Face claim: Lee Dong hoon] (all info below will be for adrian)

personality. Adrian is famous for two things around the centre. One, 'that guy who dyed his hair blue and green once upon a time'. Two, 'that guy who hits on every relatively attractive girl'. You see Adrian is a massive flirt. he flirts like he breathes and it's mostly unintentional. everyone knows not to take his flirting seriously, because it's just the way he speaks to have every second word have something dirty implied. mostly, people just ignore him or if they feel like it, they play along. adrian  flirts with everyone, at least every girls and even some guys with a "looking good beautiful!" almost all the time. But just because he's a massive flirt doesn't mean that he has an entire conga line of girlfriends. Yes he flirts but he doesn't play around with women, he prefers to keep it light and easygoing.

adrian is someone who is quite charismatic and charming. whether he intentionally does it or not, he's someone who people gravitate towards. he's not particularly attractive or anything but he certainly knows his ways around words. he's someone who makes it a personal goal to have everyone's number in his phone. he's outgoing, friendly to the point of being annoying at times but you can't hate him. he's the type to pester you over and over until you finally relent and along the way, somehow you become friends. some people call it determination. most people call it stubborn because really, adrian is someone who once his mind is set to it, he will get his goal no matter what. he's a very competitive person who just can't stand to lose, whether that's to himself or to anyone else.

background. adrian didn't have the most perfect childhood. you could even call his reason for becoming a doctor rather cliche as it is mostly due to his father dying of a brain tumour when adrian was ten. whilst they were never very rich in the first place, they had enough so that his father would work whilst his mother stayed home and tried to find the better public schools in new york. adrian is a eurasian halfie, his father is korean and his mother is english. however when adrian's father died, his mother had to work very hard to support their small family. despite his mother working two jobs and often coming home exhausted, the two of them still had a rather close relationship. his mother, in order for a better future for adrian paid for expensive private school tuition, even though he insisted that he didn't need it. he vowed that he would pay his mother back, to earn enough money so that she could live comfortably and in recognition of his father, ended up studying neurosurgery and is a resident at the same hospital.

relationship. their fields of interest are rather different so the two don't cross paths often. honestly, he's too busy hitting on the pretty receptionists to notice the shy, practically invisible girl slipping into the ER room. in fact it's stella who notices adrian first. the number of times she's talked to adrian (whch she can count on one hand and is usually either 'Oh let me get that door for you' or 'thanks for your information on this patient') he's always been very nice and charming. he's a rather touchy-feely person see and he is that way with everyone but with stella who is used to being ignored most of the time, it just feels extra special. so eventually, she develops a little crush on him, always sneaking glances over her clipboard at the flirty doctor always getting rejected (or lead on) by the beautiful nurses.

[Eventually i would like them to get together. i am such a er for happy endings. you can either make adrian notice that she has a crush on him (the fact that she turns bright red everytime he talks to her) or that she works up the courage to ask him out (and if she gets rejected first but then he actually starts returning her feelings later omg so much love <30]
little notes
suggestions. they all need to get wasted at a bar. um maybe there is this one big accident involving numerous people where they all get to work together!
scene requests.
- i would love it if the people who work with stella actually all totally know about her crush on adrian and find it adorable that the cute trauma surgery intern has the hots for the flirty neurosurgeon resident. and if she makes friends (ish) with the people she works with often and they keep finding ways for adrian and stella to cross paths and they keep trying to match-make
- personally i would prefer that stella whilst stuttering and blushing like mad goes up to adrian one day and says in one breath "ireallylikeyouwillyougooutwithme" and when he actually makes sense of that, he should totally reject her because he doesn't know her
password. oh yeah
turn in
application layout coded by cerulean themes


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