The Box

How I Met Your Mother
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Nako squirmed on the bed.

Little girl was feeling cold.

Apparently Yujin have taken all the blanket to himself.


“Daeng..Daeng....” Nako poked her brother. After her attempts to steal the blanket failed.


Nako pouted.

Yujin was sleeping like a dead bear.

“Hmph!” she scowled and jumped out of the bed.



Going not to her room.

But to Mummy’s room.

“Eeeeehhh” she sighed as the doorknob too high for her petite body.

“Mummyyyyyy” Nako knocked on the door.



Sakura was spooning Eunbi.

It was 4:30 a.m and everyone was dead asleep.

Except the little growling penguin outside their bedroom.


“Mummy!!” Nako shouted.


Eunbi felt like she heard someone calling her. 

Waking up to feel Sakura’s arm on her waist.

Soft snores came out his nose.

‘Erm.. probably nothing’ she convinced herself.


Nako already sobbing outside their door.


It’s cold. It’s high. And Mummy not even opening the door.

Damn is the world hating on our little penguin?


“Mummy.....” Nako sobbed.

Eunbi’s eyes opened wide.

‘WTF! There’s ghost in this house?’



“Baby.. baby... you hear that?” Eunbi whispered to her sleeping husband.

“Umm prolly jus yur dweam” Sakura mumbled  incoherently.



“Mummy.....” Nako sobbed.

Eunbi gulped. “It’s not a dream! It’s our daughter!”

Sakura tighten his hug “Don’t listen to dewmon. They tempt u. Schleep”


Eunbi slapped his arms “It’s our child!”

Sakura groaned “We have chi?” He joked.

“Aish! What’s wrong with you? You’re drunk? I’ll go check it” Eunbi lifted his hand off her waist.

“Umm kay. If ghost dun tell me” Sakura rolled on his back.

Knowing too well it’s Nako.

He’s just playing around a bit, knowing Eunbi heard Nako well.

In fact, if Nako called out one more time he would run and take her inside.




Eunbi shakes her head and went for the door.

Upon opening it, she saw a sobbing monster in the size of Chucky doll.



“Mummy!!” Nako hugged her Mummy’s legs.

Eunbi lifted her daughter up and asked her “What happened? Why is my fairy crying?”

“Nacho cold. Daeng schleep. Blanket gone Daeng take”

Eunbi with her sleepy state just smiles and carry the girl to the bed.

“Nacho sleep with Mummy and Daddy okay?”

Of course Mummy, That’s her intention.



Sakura well aware of the presence.

“My baby Nacho. Mowning” he kissed Nako.

Nako just squirmed.


The family goes back to sleeping.

Including Yujin who has turned into a burrito with the comforter he took for himself.

His sleeping socks almost slipped off his feets.



“Is this okay Nacho?” Eunbi asked, making sure Nako is warm and secure in between her parents.

Nako nodded and rolled her body to face Sakura’s back.

Her small feet gradually crept up his back.



Sakura woke up to see Nako’s feet spread wide on the bed. 

‘Aish, the perk of marying an athlete. All our child turns wild’ he rubbed his head.



“Nacho, Daddy go to work now. Be a good girl and take care of Mummy” Sakura kissed the little girl’s cheeks and went to the kitchen getting his breakfast.



Breakfast was a peaceful one as it’s only him and Eunbi.

He turned around, looking if there’s entity called Yujin hopping nearby. 👀 

When he’s sure there is not threat, he called Eunbi and pulled her sitting on his lap.



“What.. what are you doing?” Eunbi blushed at the sudden gesture.

“Nothing. Am just needing my honey Bee” Sakura kissed her arms. Smiling sheepishly.


And they have their breakfast in that position.

In that sitting position.







“Have you tracked your period?” Sakura asked.Wearing his shoes.

“Urm yeah.. I’m late by a week now.”

“Thought so” Sakura nodded.

“What if we get a new child?” Eunbi asked. Creasing her brows.

“Then we have a new member in this family” Sakura grinned.


“Kkura... I’m serious” she pouted.

“I’m serious too Eun. Don’t worry much. We can add one more bed in this spacious house. Don’t worry”

“But Yujin....”

“He will love it when he saw the baby. IF you are indeed pregnant. It’s only a week late. Not a month” Sakura shrugged.

“You’re right.” Eunbi sighs.



Eunbi gave her husband a kiss and watched as his SUV leave the house.



The cold peaceful morning brings some excessive serenity to her.

Making her feels bit sensitive.

And emotional.


She went to the kitchen and gulped down a glass of plain water.


Walking to the living room, her eyes fell upon their family portrait.

Sakura was piggybacking Yujin and Nako was on Eunbi’s arms.

The photo look all cute, calm, peaceful and happy.

Sakura was smiling brightly with Nako looking at him laughing.

And Yujin?

He is giving his eyesmile being cheerful on his Daddy’s back.

Demm, they are really a visual family. Eunbi smirked.


But only God knows how chaotic and hard it is to get Yujin and Nako behave properly.

The photoshoot took more than an hour because her three babies kept playing around.

Luckily their photographer is Eunbi’s friend, Jane.


Sakura, in split second turned the family pictorial into his own photography session.

With his two biggest fans supporting him as they should.

Yujin would clap and Nako would gasp everytime Sakura do a pose.

Jane was laughing and kept on clicking her shutter.

Undeniably, Sakura is handsome and fit enough to be a model.

He could kill as actor or some sort of entertainer.

But Eunbi only want this Miyawaki Sakura she knew from decade ago.


Uh. Why did this get to Sakura non existent modelling career when she was talking about her family?

Uff she can’t control herself talking and bragging about her husband it seems.



As Eunbi walked to her room, she picked up Nako’s blanket on the floor.

The girl must have left it outside when she was busy being a sobbing little monster.



Eunbi smells it.

God, this smells like heaven.

A mix of innocent and joy of a little child with almost no worries.


It reminded her of Yujin’s and Nako’s scent from when they were new born baby.

God, she love the scent of babies.



She peeked inside Yujin’s room to see the boy is now a burrito.

A banner of ‘Daddy’s number one Buddy’ hang loosely on the wall just above Yujin’s headrest.

Eunbi smiles.

‘Yujin is really Sakura’s best buddy huh?’

It reminded her of how Yujin as a baby, clingy a lot with his daddy. And still is.


Yujin was born a healthy 2.5 kg baby.

His skin was reddish white when she first saw him.

Sakura was wonder strucked looking at their baby.

He held that tiny boy and brought him to Eunbi.

“He’s...he’s tiny..” was the first thing Sakura said to Yujin.

(Oh wow, what a wonderful Hello there Sakura)



Yujin, with his soft cries bring happiness to the couple.

He is a joy to Kkubi’s world.


The way he would squirmed and flinched in his sleeps were really a cute sight for his parents.

They said having a baby could be burdensome.

But weirdly, Yujin doesn’t cry too much.

When they first brought him home, Sakura was clearly over prepared.

He had bought everything from A to Z and even extended to Sigma.

That’s how much he love that kid.




Fast forward to two years later, when Eunbi first find out she’s pregnant, Sakura only went silent.

They had a bit of financial issues at that time. 

But Nako is clearly a blessing to them.

Sakura got into the store room, and took out a box.



“This is my savings for the kids road trip for when they turned 18. 

I guess we could save another money and buy our new baby some stuffs. She, or he, must have all the comforts a baby should have.” Sakura said. It’s not that they are struggling. But it’s his parental instinct to make sure his children got the best of this world.

And he would slap every mosquitoes that ever dare to bite them.

Heck, he would bend every lights in the city to shine on them.

Moon would be forced to full work every night if his child demanded for full moon.

And if Nako want half moon while Yujin want full, he will buy them another moon.

Amazon probably have it.



“I can work. Off base. I can go teach at some university or college” Eunbi suggested.

“Nope. You don’t have to. You can stay home, I will work for harder our family”


7 months into Eunbi’s pregnancy, Sakura was awarded on his excellence and magnificent designs.

He got his own elite team and they were offered international tenders.

All those paperworks and hardworks paid off.



They moved to a bigger house and there, they have a spacious place for the kids and more than enough room. 

Sakura had determined to give their child everything he have.

And he will.



When Nako was brought home, Yujin and Sakura were clearly in love with that cute little creature.

To the point that Eunbi felt a little jealous.



But the Daddy and Son duo made her the best dinner she ever had.

It was just simple grilled chicken but it was the best dinner for her.

Despite Yujin accidentally spilled the black pepper sauce on her shirt.


“Mummy, high. Yuding don’t richh(reach) Yuding sowry” the two years old then apologised.

Eunbi kissed his forehead “It’s okay honey”


The dinner was clearly one man’s work but Yujin should took credit for it too because he helped in handling the foods.

Or maybe just being there singing his own song and laughing every time Sakura breathe.



Since she’s avoiding alcohol, instead of Chardonnay she opted for pomegranate juice.

And Yujin also took credit for the boxed drink.

“Yuding do dwink” Eunbi was positive he meant he poured the drink.

But it’s okay honey, Mummy gets you.

“Oh really? Thank you honey. Come here let me kiss you” Yujin sheepishly walked to Eunbi, getting his kisses.







Sakura went home carrying boxes of his stuffs. Eunbi didn’t know what’s inside but it surely ain’t candy or

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!