Cho Day!

How I Met Your Mother
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The morning was still dark and cold when the usual tiny creature walked in the dark going to her parents room.


Unknowing that they had prepared for it. 

It’s always the same whenever Yujin and Nako sleep in the same bed, Yujin will conquer the blanket leaving his tiny sister in the cold.

Usually Nako will slap her brother and then grab the blanket. Not that Yujin will be aware anyway. He sleeps like a dead bear.


“Get your camera ready”, Eunbi whispered to Sakura. 


The two of them took their position as Sakura pointed his camera at the door.


Knocks were heard. Tiny whimpers calling for her parents slipped through the door cracks and straight to the targeted ears.

“Come in honey,” Eunbi said.


The doorknob rattles as the girl tries to reach it and soon she manages to get into the room.


“Here comes my favourite girl” Sakura panned the camera towards Nako and zoomed into the goldfish.

“Daddi!” she jumped towards her father that was smiling brightly behind the camera.

Sakura gave the camera to Eunbi and jerked forward to reach his daughter and tackled her onto their bed.

“Is my baby girl getting cold again?” he asked cutely.

Nako nodded, biting her kitten plushie.


“Poor my baby. Come sleep with Daddy and Mummy” he put the goldfish down in between her parents.

Nako turned around towards Eunbi asking for a snuggle. She rubbed her head at her Mummy’s comfy chest and mumbles “lullaby”


“You want a lullaby?” Eunbi looked down at the big doe eyes nodding. Two pairs actually. Somehow Sakura wanted a lullaby too. ‘This silly guy’

Eunbi pulled herself up and leaned sideways. So that both her babies 🙄 are in her complete view. (Goodbye Yujin. It’s your lost since you’re selfish with the blanket 😝)


Eunbi cleared and let a smile. Before she presented the babies 🙄 with her heavenly voice 😍.


‘Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?

Just like me, they long to be close to you..’


Eunbi bopped Nako’s nose. Sakura shakes his head asking for attention too but Eunbi just pinch his nose instead.

His whines crack a giggle from their daughter. Gaining her a cheek kiss from Daddy.


‘Why do stars fall down from the sky, every time you walk by?

Just like me, they long to be close to you.’


‘On the day that you were born the angels got together,

And decided to create a dream come true.

So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold (black)

And star-light in your eyes of blue(brown).'


‘That is why all the boys (and girls) in town follow you all around.

Just like me, they long to be close to you..’

(Carpenters - (They long to be) Close to you)



Eunbi completed the song when her babies almost fell asleep. Almost.

“Look at her sleeping face. So cute” Sakura later yawned. And Eunbi snatched the camera from his hand.


“And look at Daddy being sleepy. So adorable!”

Sakura whined “I’m not adorable”

“Well, I think you are”, Eunbi put down the camera and pinched his cheeks. “Night Night Daddy” she pecked his lips.

“Night Night Mummy. And Cho” Sakura said. “And Ding.. In the other room”


The family went to sleep in peace.


Until 6am came and someone was making a noise. Jealous of being left behind.

“Buddy what are you doing?” Sakura rubbed his itchy neck and looked at his son who was shaking Nako’s unicorn chair furiously.


“Daddy and Mummy forgot Ding!” He stepped down from his ferocious ride and walked to Sakura’s side. Arms crossed lips pouted forehead creased brows furrowed.


“Aww that’s because.. someone didn’t share a blanket with Nako last night. So she was cold and came here alone” Sakura bopped his nose.


Yujin gulped, “It’s not Ding. It’s the bed”

Sakura chuckles. “Come here buddy”

And Yujin walked towards him. 

Sakura picked him up, tickling his side and landed him beside his sister. 

And then again, the family slept in peace.




Nako woke up alone in the big bed. After realising her family was gone, she ran down the bed leaving Kitty behind and went to look for her brother. But Yujin wasn’t there.


“Haaaa” she gasped.

She walked out to the hallway and the house was pitch quiet. 

A sudden feeling of loneliness and lost overwhelms the little lion heart.


Nako rarely cried but she felt like doing so. And yes she did.

She walked down the stairs with tears and that was when her Mummy walked in from the hallway door.


Eunbi's smiling face quickly turned into sorrow as she saw her daughter crying. She launched herself towards the girl and hugged her.

“Cho what’s wrong?”, she asked.


“Cho up No Daddi Mammi Ding” Nako hiccuped.

“No no no don’t cry. Mummy Daddy and Ding here now. We were preparing for your birthday party.

“Burday?” Nako asked.


“Yes baby. It’s your birthday today!” Eunbi’s eyes twinkled. Nako tried to grab the twinkles in her Mummy’s eyes.

‘Cho doesn't know how to say this but Cho loves mummy sparkle eyes. Mummy always sparkles when Daddy Yaks Mummy and when Mummy laughs. Cho wishes Mummy sparkles never to fade away!’


Eunbi kissed her cheeks and wiped away her tears. “Come let Mummy show you your birthday present”

And yeah there was the same thing as yesterday. And Nako obviously wasn’t surprised. She looked up to her Mummy full of curiousness.

“There” Eunbi pointed out to the back of the giant inflatable castle.

She made a mental note to whip Sakura into the castle and get her dream kiss inside the castle. With all the balls inside. She sure will have the balls to kidnap Sakura. (See what I did here? ききき)


Nako looked again. Nothing new?

“Tadaaaa!!!!” Chaewon appears from behind it and Nako quickly lets go of her Mummy’s hand running towards her favourite aunt.

And when she reached there, she almost fell back due to the shock Hyewon and Yena gave her.


“Cho!!!” Chaewon grabbed her. Laughing.

“Cho Haaa!!” Nako trying to explain her shock seeing the two favourite people. Hitomi walked to her and wore her a Mickey Mouse headband.


“Yay!” Nako clapped. All the people in her top 10 favourite list are here. Oh, and her brother too who currently stepped up one level making him Nako’s 26th favourite. 


“Come let’s take a bath first!” Hyewon said. Pinching her nose playfully.

“With aunt Hewwon!” Nako eyes sparkles. Just like her Mummy does.

“Yes! With your favourite aunt” Hyewon being smug.

And thus Chaewon cleared . “That would be me. Nako’s favourite aunt”


Hyewon rolled her eyes “We all know it’s me”

“Uh uh you both are really silly thinking you are the fav. The real MVP is here. Choi Yena” Yena butted in.

“Certainly not you,” Chaewon and Hyewon said in unison. And laughs.


Nako’s laughters and giggles filled the upper stairs as Hyewon entertained her.

Hyewon flicked off the rubber duck from the bathtub “This is Aunt Yena”.

Nako giggles.


The rubber duck fell to the floor and Hyewon accidentally stepped on it when she was grabbing Nako’s towel making the shrieking sound echo.


And Nako's loud laughter becomes a bliss to Hyewon’s heart. She hoped that one day she’ll get to have cute children like this little penguin.


Nako looks exceptionally beautiful as a fairy she is with Hyewon’s styling. Her aunt Hyewon is always the best when it comes to dress and little makeup. 

That’s why she likes Aunt Hyewon a lot.


Daddy would just give her anything to wear and anything Nako asked. 

‘Daddy is no good with girl fashion and Daddy also cannot tie her hair. Hmph!’

But Daddy bought Nako big castle so Daddy is her 3rd favourite. Mummy is 2nd.


The first one?


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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!