Many ChristMess

How I Met Your Mother
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“Daddy!” Yujin came running to his Daddy. Who was busy helping his Mummy.

“Yes buddy, what’s wrong?” Sakura looked down.

“No no nothing is wrong. Here Daddy Here” Yujin dragged Sakura out of the kitchen.



“Yuding wanna tell you a secret” he whispered to Sakura’s ear, who is crouching down to him.

“What is it buddy?”

“Yuding think Yuding saw Santa Grandpa last night.” he grinned.

“Eh? Are you sure? Where do you see him?” Sakura asked.


“I saw him last night. He put some presents under the tree.” Yujin pointed to the living room. “But he is not fat like at home. I think he diet”

Sakura almost burst laughing. He knew it, Yujin must have watched what happened.

Lucky he had told his father in law to wear Santa outfit.


“Yuding think he must have took the same flight as us.”

“Or..... he could be Korean Santa” Sakura winked. (Well, tried too)

Yujin was shocked “Eh?? Then if he’s Korean he wouldn’t know my wish then! Santa Grandpa speak English. Not Korean. Daddy, What about Yuding’s presents? Korean Santa don't know. Daddy can you call Santa Grandpa to tell Korea Santa about my wish?”


Once again Sakura almost bursted out laughing. His ears red from holding back his laughter “What did Yuding wished for?”

“Yuding cannot tell Daddy. It’s a secret.”

“Well if you don’t tell me how can I talk to Santa Grandpa about your wish? Is it big?”

“But Daddy it’s a secret. No it’s not a big present. Yuding didn’t ask for a bike anymore. Yuding got four bikes for my birthday. And Mummy scold Yuding because Yuding have bikes everywhere. Korea, Japan, Home, and outdoor. Mummy tell Yuding not to ask for bike anymore”



It’s true.

His father and father in-law both bought Yujin a bike.

Yujin basically called them and told him his birthday wish.

But then both Sakura and Eunbi both bought a bike too. Making it four.

They should have bought the gift together. So it won’t be redundant.

And Sakura almost sold the bike back but Yujin told him he can have indoor and outdoor bikes. 

What Yujin want, Yujin get.



He should prepared himself for when they pampered Nako next.

That kid already have a basket of toys at both homes. Goddammit these pampering grand parents.



“Then what did Yuding asked for?”

“Yuding cannot tell. It’s a secret. Or else Yuding won’t get new Lego set” this kid seriously cannot keep his own secret.

“Oh.....” Sakura can just oh. He fcked up. He bought Yujin a racing car instead. ‘Yeet! Should have gone for Lego set when Eun told me to’

“Well, Yuding, you will get your presents. If it ain’t out of stocks. We met him quite late so he couldn’t possibly buy it quick”

“But Mummy told Yuding that he have a factory. He must have a Lego set and racing car.”

‘Thank God, I got one Bingo! Yehaww’



“Is that the only wishes you asked for?” Sakura got a bit nervous.

What if Yujin asked for a tiger? Fck Eunbi would cage him with the tiger if he really get it.

“Urmm Yuding don’t remember the other two”

“Whoa Daengie, you asked for a lot of things”

“Yes! Because Yuding is four so Yuding should have four wishes. You said Santa Grandpa is rich. Do Korean Santa is rich too?”

Honestly, Sakura cannot process a great answer. He could only puffed his cheek and said “Yes, he’s rich too”


“Thank you Daddy. Yuding will wait for Santa tonight”

Yujin then smiles and ran away. Going to play with his cousin.

Sakura got up. And sighs. ‘Shettt where could I find Lego set at time like this?’

His brother in-law suddenly came tapping his back. Waking him up from his thoughts “What’s wrong?”

“I left one of Yujin’s wish.” Sakura sighed. Rubbing his head.

“What is it?” he raised his brows.

“A Lego set”

“Hmm.. go get your wallet. I’ll drive you to a mall now. Am not sure if they still have it though”






“Yujin, let’s sleep now baby” Eunbi tried to get her son to sleep. Apparently Yujin want to stay up tonight. He needed to do something he said.

Sakura glares at her. Inched closer to whisper “I thought I am your only baby”

Eunbi just rolled her eyes.

Yujin crossed his arms and shakes his head “No! Yuding want to wait for Korean Santa. Yuding want to see him”

“Well, why not Yuding sleep first? Then wake up early”

“No no Yuding don’t want. Santa must be lonely going around alone. So Yuding will wait for him. We can be fwends”

Eunbi just smiles at her cute son. She kissed his cheek “Do Daengie want some milk and cookies?” 

And Yujin’s eyes lit up. Nodding vigorously.



Eunbi went to the kitchen followed by Sakura.

“You are very good at manipulating that young soul. Heolll the power you hold” Sakura tried to hug her but she pushed him away.

“My mum’s watching”

“But it’s not like she ain’t used to it” 

It’s just, they had tendency to go more than just hugs and kisses.

(Some people just can’t hold their horses.🙃)


“I am the one who’s not used to. And you might not be able to control yourself.”

“Is it me or is it you?” Sakura scoffed and walked away with the tray of milk and cookies Eunbi shoved at him to get him away from hugging her.


And Yujin fell asleep after eating the magical cookies.




SantaKkura got to do his work smoothly late at night.



He thought.



“Korean Santa!!” Yujin suddenly ambushed him.

Sakura got so shocked he jerked forward hitting the tree. Rattling all the ornaments on it.

He is lucky that the tree leaned close to the wall.


Sakura gulped. ‘Goddamm Daengie! You could kill your Daddy with heart attack!’

Yujin pulled his shirt. “Korean Santa, did you put my presents?”

Sakura, with his back facing Yujin just nodded.

“Nacho’s?” Sakura nodded again.

“And Daddy? And Mummy? And Grandpa? And..”

“Yes yes all of them”


Yujin tilted his head.

“What’s your name?”

“Miya.. Miyahahahahaha.. Hohohohohoho my name is Santa Claus” Sakura answered and chuckles.

“You sounds like my Daddy! Are you Daddy?” Yujin pulled him to be facing his face.



‘SHET SHET SHET!’ Sakura cursed internally.

‘Wait, do Santa curse?’ He thought to himself.

“Korean Santa, Are you Daddy?”

“I’m not Daddy, I’m Santa”

Yujin just nodded.


Sakura patted the boy’s head and asked him “Aigoo... you’re so cute. Your Daddy must be so handsome right?”

Yujin tilted his head. Pouting his lips a bit.


“Okay Santa. Do you want some cookies? My Mummy made great cookies”

Sakura was taken aback when Yujin ignored his question. ‘YEEETTT DAENGIE YOU!’



“Santa, you want cookies?” Yujin poked him.

“Sure sure. Can”

Yujin ran to the kitchen and take some cookies.

“Don’t you have milk?” SantaKkura asked.


“I don’t know how to make milk. I have to ask Mummy first. Let me ask her” Sakura couldn’t stop him when the little boy ran to wake his wife up.




Eunbi rubbed her eyes and SantaKkura swear, Eunbi is the perfect Mrs Kkura.

Her messy hair, her puffy cheeks and her cute gummy teeth smile when she saw SantaKkura.

“You’re beautiful. Do you want to marry me?” SantaKkura asked bluntly. Gaining a sharp look from Daengie. Yujin, I mean.



Yujin then slapped his knee “Ayye my Mummy is my Daddy’s wife. I will tell Daddy about this”

“I.. kid..I am... Santa just kidding”

“Yuding don’t like Santa just kidding”


Eunbi then divert the issue and asked SantaKkura if he wants some milk. And off she goes to get his milk.

Yujin then came whispering at him “Did you get all my presents?”

“Well young boy, what are your wishes?”

“Urmm a Lego.. a racing car and.. I forgot other two”

“Well if Yuding forgot then it’s hard to make it comes true.”

Yujin clapped happily “You know my name”

“Of course I do”



Yujin then poked his ‘belly’ “Why your belly flat?”

“Well, I fly here and there. So I got thin by travelling so much”

“Oh. You must be so tired then. Eat lots of cookies! It’s so good and Mummy will bake more if you finish all”

“Oh your Mummy is so good” SantaKkura looked at his wife. Yujin’s mum of course.

“Yes! Mummy and Daddy are so good! Santa should ask them their wishes too”

“Hohoho they must’ve asked for you to be happy together forever”

“No no. Daddy must have asked for a swimming pool. Daddy loves swimming. Daddy always swim deep every time Mummy asked”

“Ayye kid.. what do you mean?”



“Mummy and Daddy always swims in their room. Yuding don’t know where they put the pool but Mummy always tell Daddy to go deeper and faster! Daddy is a great swimmer”

Eunbi almost spilled the milk she’s carrying and Sakura almost choked on air.

“Oh okay kid okay. Let Santa eat cookies first okay.”

Yujin just nodded.



And all along his way to finish all the 8 cookies Yujin put on the plate, it is more nerve wrecking than job interview.

With Yujin just stared at him while sitting on Eunbi’s lap. Smiling broadly the whole time. 


Sakura gulped everything and he is truthfully overloaded with the cookies and milk.

“Be good to your parents and sister. And be a good boy. Santa will visit you again next year”

“Okay Santa. Don’t forget to shave your beards. Thank you Santa!” Yujin went to hug his legs and waved at him cheerfully.






Sakura had to wait until Yujin fell asleep in his grandparent room for him to reenter the house.

Eunbi just laughed at him.


“Well that kid is one pain in the arse. Hahaha. But you still cannot control yourself even as Santa huh?” Eunbi wrapped her arms around Sakura’s neck.

“I just... I am weak when it comes to you baby” Sakura put his arms on her waist and leaned in for some kisses.

He pushed Eunbi slowly onto the bed.


“We can’t sWiM here. My parents will hear me”

“Oh God! Another torture!” Sakura slapped his forehead.

“But I want you anyway” Eunbi smirked and pulled Sakura down on her.


And their eyes are wide opened until the morning.

Pillows and blankets are used to full functions. Muffling and minimising every lewd sounds.






The couple got awaken by Yujin’s loud scream and Nako’s laugh.

They went out of the room and see Yujin got excited. Over unopened gifts.

Someone has surely add some more gifts there.


Main suspect: Mr Kwon




“Daddy!! Look at what Santa brought me! Last night Yuding and Mummy gave him some cookies and milk! Daddy do you know why Santa’s belly is flat?”

Sakura took a breath before he could answer Yujin

“It’s because Santa is tired of going here and there! I already told him to take flight but he still want that deer. Daddy Daddy look at what I got!”


Sakura was about to open his mouth again when hyperactive Yujin attacked

“Mummy! Daddy! Santa got you a swimming pool! Now Daddy can swim deeper when Mummy told you!”

And with that, both Eunbi and Sakura wishes they can vanish from the living room right at that time.

Her parents are staring at them. Luckily her brother had gone home last night. They will be coming around for tonight’s Christmas party.


The stares on the couple stopped when little Nako almost fell because she stepped on the wrapper Yujin thrown around.


And all focus diverted.




“Daddy! Mummy! Yuding get Lego and Racing Car! And Hot Wheels! And Walkie Talkie too! Nako got doll and that... that green clothes man!!”

As if both his parents are blind, Yujin shouted again “Nako got kitchen and bowling too! Daddy! Yuding think Yuding wanna go live with Santa!”

“Ayye ayye Yuding, then you wanna leave Mummy and Daddy alone?”

“No you are not alone. Nako is home”

Eunbi is lost at words. Whew, you carry a child for 9 months, taking care of them and when they saw someone who gonna give them all the toys, they want to leave you.

‘I hate motherhood😭’


Eunbi pouted But suddenly Yujin came hugging her legs. “Yuding just kidding. Yuding won’t leave Mummy and Daddy and Nacho. Yuding need milk and toys. Yuding stay.”


Now the question is,

How can they fit all these toys into their luggage?






The party was held nearby Eunbi’s house.

At a small community hall.

The celebration, is a tradition her father started since she was young.

Her parents were keen on social events and maybe that made her who she is today.

A confident and carefree woman.



Eunbi helped dressing Yujin up while Sakura helped with Nako’s dress.

She could hear Nako’s laughing while Sakura was struggling to figure out the complexity of the dress.

“Should have let her wear t-shirt or hoodies. Won’t cancel the celebration anyway” he protested.

He combed Nako’s hair and put on a lip tint on her.

“Ayye my baby girl is so cute! Just like her Mummy. And Daddy~” Sakura kissed Nako’s cheeks. Causing the young girl to laugh and give him her cute eyesmile.

“I think I’m deadt” Sakura fake fainting.

Nako laughs at her Daddy’s antique.


Eunbi just shakes her head.


Sakura looked so handsome in his tuxedo. Yujin too. 

Eunbi had asked for them to dress up properly this year.

And the duo would do anything for the females in Miyawaki Kingdom.



Eunbi wore a new dress for Christmas Party and  Sakura was smiling the whole night.

Off shoulder cream coloured dress. Highlighting her toned body and perfect figure.

Above knee length and tight enough to drive Sakura crazy at the fitting room.

And of course Sakura is still oozing on her.

Worth the price of the dress~



Sakura opted that Yujin and Nako wore little Santa hats because he thought they looked cute in it

and he needed to get his point across Eunbi that he did not waste money buying that little hats just because he thought it was cute.



They send the kids out to the living room to play with their cousin and Yujin was flexing his hat and handsomeness in his tuxedo to the girls.

The girls flew over him and Eunbi knew, Yujin is definitely Sakura’s son.






“Why are you smiling so bright?” Eunbi fixes his bowtie, half smiling.

“I see a hot girl” Sakura said.

“Oh really? Where?” Eunbi knew where this is going.

Sakura smile turns to a grin “In front of my eyes, right now”

Eunbi blushed.


“Are you that in love with me?” she asked, being sm

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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219 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1752 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
219 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1752 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1752 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!