How I Met Your Mother
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“Hahahaha Cho smol! Hahahahaha,” round of laughter erupted from Yujin as their parents marked their heights at the wall to see how much they grew. Yujin recorded significant growth, of course. But Nako, well we all know God makes us all not perfect.

But worry not, in Malay there's a proverb that said “Small but poisonous.” So sit back as we watch poisonous Nako defend herself.

“Daddi… Mammi…” Nako walked to her parents and cried.

Yujin was struck with sudden guilt and he rubbed his head.

“Cho, Ding just kidding…” he poked his sister's shoulder.

Nako turned around and growled.

‘Oh no! Tiger Cho!’ Yujin gulped.

“It's okay baby. Some people are just good enough at being small. The air up here is not that clean either,” Sakura patted her head softly before continuing “look at Mummy, still hot and zexxy.”

Eunbi slapped his back causing Yujin to laugh. “Oh oh! Daddy in trouble! Hahahahaha.”


“Daengie go away! Cho here first,” Sakura creased his forehead. What are the two kids doing right now?

He turned his back to see Yujin rolling off the couch. Bad Nako smacked her brother when Yujin purposely annoyed her by sitting on her lap. Fighting for the best spot on the couch.

Yujin lay defeated on the carpet and Sakura had to hold his best to not laugh while preparing the yakiniku.

“The is that?” Eunbi walked in stealing a cut of carrot.

“Oh Mummy Bunny. Your baby Pingu just kicked her puppy brother off the couch,” Sakura chuckled, reminiscing the sight of Yujin getting kicked in the by Nako.

“A wonder girl there I see,” Eunbi stole yet another cut of carrot.

“Yeah. It's Miyawaki DC going on here.”


“Anyway, baby…” Eunbi grinned.

“Nope! Not gonna get anything from me. Ask for it from the boys who flirted with you before,” Yeet… Daddy still not done with le boys huh? It's been 2 weeks of Eunbi avoiding that issue and Sakura still hasn't moved on eh?

Eunbi was dumbfounded and speechless. Okay now how should she answer that? Jealous Kkura is really rare and she often doesn't know what to do…

“Ba.. Baby… I was just… They were just…” Our Mama Bunny stuttered… Uh Uh trouble~

“What's with the stutter? Why are you defending them now? Wow… Are they THAT cute? THAT handsome? I guess I'm not eye candy anymore huh? Not easy in the eyes anymore? I haven got grey hairs yet but my lady already lays her eyes on younger lads. Oh wow… Sakura is sadt. No talk Kkura!” Sakura pouted and moved away all the cooking utensils from Eunbi.

Okay more dumbfounding… Handsome Sakura being a cute pouty baby running away with his toys from mama Eunbi? Oh Mannn… Should Eunbi squealed at the sight or should she console that UwU Daddy?

“God you're so cute I wanna bite your cheeks!” Eunbi blurted out.

“You cannot bite this cheeks. You go bite Wonyoung's cheeks. I'm angry with you!” Sakura moved an inch further. Dragging his chopping board and vegetables bowls.

Amused with the cute act, Eunbi let out a hearty laugh.

“Oh My God! You always look so cute when you get jealous. Now I wanna make you jealous even more!”

Sakura squinted his eyes at his wife, aware that he's being mocked.

“I'm hurt. And there you are laughing. I don't wanna cook anymore,” he put down his knife and walked out the kitchen.

Oh My…. 



“Auch!” Eunbi squealed at the sudden slap on her .

She turned around to see a fuming Nako.

“Why Mammi makes Daddi sad?!”

‘Oh God… Is this how it felt facing angry Nako?’

“Baby… Let Mummy fix this, okay? Mummy made mistakes so Mummy is going to get Daddy. Now you take care of Wonyoung a bit. Mummy will be back,” Eunbi kissed Nako’s cheek hastily and ran outside.

Sakura is probably at the swings. A place he(and Yujin) always went to whenever he got mad or sad. It's the child in him that never vanished and Eunbi wants it to stay.

“Baby…” she walked to Sakura. Who had his arms crossed. Honestly, Sakura really looks like an adult Yujin. 

“Baby… I'm sorry. Okay I did give them a number but I wrote under it, “I am someone's wife” and I gave Lily’s number instead. It wasn't my number. I already got a marvelous man. Why should I go looking for another? I only need you, baby. Without you, there would be no Ding Cho Wooyo Maru. I just wanna have some fun with you. I…”


Sakura turned to his side and attacked Eunbi with a kiss, “That's enough. I just wanna have some fun with you. I'm a bit tired and the kids are fighting as usual. I kinda think I want some break but not really want it. You know how grumpy I would be if I don't see our babies. Who should I throw pillows at and who should I turn off lights when they're showering. Lol. I'm just… I'm a bit tired. I only wanna have you a bit for myself.”

“So.. you aren't really mad at me?” Eunbi gulped.

“I'm jealous that the young boys got your attention…” Sakura pouted again.

“You're funny. And silly. If you think I'm gonna leave you. Heck, I wanna tie you to my hips so that no one dares to flirt with you. Don't think I don't know how many women try to flirt with you. I got my spy, okay?”

“Damn it Aoi! I knew it must be Aoi!” 

“Sure. Anything that soothes you,” Eunbi pecked his lips and the two went apart. Swinging on their own swing.

Unaware of the two kids (+ 1 baby) watching them from afar.


“Yay! We get to have yakiniku for dinner!” Yujin jumped followed by Nako.


Only muttering some gibberish. But that's okay because W

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!