
How I Met Your Mother
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“Daddy it’s not fair! Daddy is big Daengie is small!” Yujin protested as he got teamed up with his sister while his Daddy with Mummy. 

“But it’s how you want it buddy. We flip our hands and those who got it the same become a pair” Sakura sat down right across him.

Yujin pouted.


“But Daddy is big… Yuding is small… Nako is also small…” he looked down on the mat. Trying to raise sympathy from his Daddy.

Sakura let out a huff, “It’s only a game buddy. In the end you're gonna get ice cream anyway. And even if you lose, Daddy will have to pay for your ‘treats’ anyway,” he ruffled the little boy’s hair.

Yujin crossed his arm and puffed his cheeks.

“Okay then Daddy. Hmph!” stomping his feets like the little penguin Nako always did.

Sakura and Eunbi took cover inside the closet hanger. They knew Yujin would never dare to go. Their water guns trickled some droplets onto the floor.

Hunching down and crumpled together, Sakura took the chance to place kisses on Eunbi’s lips. “Love you teammate” he said.

Eunbi playfully pushed him away smirking “Keep the professionalism shall we?”


They both heard little footsteps outside the cabinet. As for their children’s advantage, they choose the small water gun instead of the big loaded one that Yujin got. 

“Cho see Mummy?” that young voice said.


“Hmmmm” “Hmmmmm” the siblings grumbled.

Sakura and Eunbi were laughing because the kids are literally just outside the closet door.

“Cookies!” Nako said.

And then both of them went to eat cookies instead of finding their parents.

Being sweaty and suffocated, Sakura pulled Eunbi out of the closet. Walking close to their kids who got their backs on them as they  were busy eating cookies.

Sakura cocked out his gun. But Eunbi stopped him. Yujin noticed a movement behind him and turned around quickly. 


“Stay behind me!” Sakura reaches for his gun and shields his wife.

Yujin took the chance to shoot his Daddy. But he missed.

He was too busy munching cookies earlier that he had crumbs all over his hands. Making the gun slippery on the fingers.

“Sorry buddy. But I have to do this to protect my Queen” Sakura bid as he shot Yujin’s cheeks and chest. 

The little boy’s shirt quickly turned wet as his father was shooting him mercilessly.


“Daddy!” he jumped down his chair and chased his Daddy around. Shooting his Daddy’s bum.

“Buddy stop it! I win!”

“Yuding don’t care. Yuding just want to shoot Daddy!”

And once again, Eunbi and Nako were left witnessing the mischievous Miyawaki boys. Until Sakura ran to Eunbi and hugged her tight.

“I’ll protect you my Love”

Yujin was grinning behind his Daddy’s back shooting his seemingly infinite load of water gun.


“You’re wet” Eunbi whispered.

“For you I am”


And Eunbi got a deja vu.


It was almost exactly the same as years ago.


When Sakura got shot protecting her.

*going back to when Sakura and Eunbi were not of the same name…

Sakura was muttering gibberish while pushing the cart. Eunbi had noticed it, her boyfriend had been speaking nonsense Korean these past few months.

One time when she was teaching him how to pacify a baby, he told her “Where are your s?” Instead of “Where is your pacifier?”

(Hi there Taeyeon 🤣)


Eunbi would have smacked him should he not have that cute innocent face. It was a great laugh and she shared the story with her parents. With Sakura pouting hard at her back.

“I think your Korean is good enough baby. You only mispronounce a few words Mr s” Eunbi patted Sakura’s hair.

“I’m sorry I have no confidence. Especially after the accident Mrs s” Sakura pouted.

“Aww you’re so cute. I would’ve jump on you right now you know” Eunbi hugged him.

“Do it” Sakura challenged.

“No! Are you crazy? People are watching”

“So let’s give them something to see”

“You’re cute. And . But I won’t grant your wish” Eunbi tucked her tongue.

“Welp at least I’m cute” Sakura kissed her cheek. Making Eunbi blushed.

Everything seems to be moving so fast at Korea.

Just second day of his trip there, Sakura already got involved in a war.


“If you really love her, fight for it” Kwon brother pressed the gun on his chest. Sakura stuttered as he complained “But I lack of teammates”

Eunbi’s brother turned around “Then one of you shall have extra life” and he walked away to his spot.

Eunbi ran to her brother “Do we really have to do this?”

“If he really want you, then he should fight for you. I’m not letting my sister away with a weak man who can’t fight for you”

She pulled her brother’s arm “But he’s not weak!”

“How do you know?”

And Eunbi suddenly blushed.

Kwon brother groaned “He’s filled with lust, that’s why he’s strong in bed. Get your head in the game, let’s see how he fight for you”

Eunbi gulped. Her brother is really taking this paintball match like a real warfare huh?


She ran to Sakura. Who was still standing at the mid ground.

“Baby, don’t worry too much. It’s just a game. I love you” she cupped his face and pecked his lips quick. But her brother sees the act.

“Your.. your brother saw that. He’s glaring at me. I told you he wants to kill me”

“Well if he really wanted to kill you, at least you got an extra weapon right?”

“But I lack men”

“Not courage at least. I hope” she rested her hands on Sakura’s chest. The man’s heart was beating fast.


Suddenly footsteps stopped behind them. Pulling Eunbi away from Sakura.

“You, Aut scuto aut in scuto.”

“Huh?” Eunbi was confused by whatever thing her brother spewed out.


(Aut scuto aut in scuto - Either with the shield, or on it)

(Take this as Go Big or Go Home)


Sakura smiles.

Eunbi’s brother really loves her. Alright then, I’ll fight for her!



There were minutes of silence until Sakura heard movement behind him. His teammates.


And minutes after that were filled with gunshots and groaning voices.


All around him are fallen souls. Worn out faces. Lost members.

‘Shut!’ he cursed. He hid behind a big tree and tried to position his teammates. Lucky for him Eunbi’s brother had many friends he could scout as Sakura’s teammates.

Whereas Eunbi, she got grouped with her brother and their close relatives.


Sakura had shot down two enemies. This felt much more tense than his usually played games. He turned around after hearing movements.

Sakura shot at the air and rolled his back when he saw one of Eunbi’s teammates near him. 

He rushed towards him and pinned him down.

“Bye bye” he shot his chest and used his body as a shield.

‘Shet is intense’

But Sakura was wrong. His enemy might be dead in that game but he was very much alive in the real world. So he sold him out “HERE! BEHIND THIS TREE” 

And as quick as the cheetahs run, Eunbi’s brother went to Sakura and ambushed him.


Sakura rolled on the ground. Defeated. 


“You disappoint me pretty boy” 

And that’s when Sakura realised he had two lives. Because his team lacks members, he has the wild card. So Sakura rises to hsi feet. Awakened from the dead. 


Bravely moves forward as he shoots the Kwon’s comrade and walkycloser to Eunbi. As if he’s a mortal.

“Avada Kedavra!” he shouted when he shot Eunbi’s brother. Smirking. “I’m a half blood prince”

All left are Eunbi’s cousins..

He heard a movement from the right at his back. 


He quickly went to hide near the tree and crawled from one to another. Until he saw a yellow shirt on the post above. It’s Eunbi. 


Her first cousin was guarding the post. And he’s also in the navy when he was in the military. ‘Think Sakura Think!’


“Well if he really wanted to kill you, at least you got an extra weapon right?” those words echoed in his mind.


Sakura peeked a little and counted. He still has a cadet guarding his post. And Eunbi’s team only has two people. One was guarding the post, another one was looking for the sight of their enemy.




‘Your secret weapon!’


Sakura threw a ‘gas bomb’ far at his front. And rolled his back to be shooting from the tree on his right. He threw big stones there and it caused rumbles far ahead of him.


Now he has to slowly crawl at the other side. Eunbi’s first cousin's attention was diverted to the place where Sakura threw the stones.

But the distance between them is close. He only has slight chances to get past him.


‘Ah it’s now or never!’ Sakura ran fast to the post. Sensing shots coming from his left and back, he turned back eyeing his enemy.

The smoke from the gas boom slowly fades. He must get to the post quickly.

The wind slapping at his face, he was running for his life. It’s the fastest he has been. It’s like he has become a zombie.


He reached the post. But his feet had been shot. Lucky it’s not his abdomen. Or he would have lost this fight.

He climbed up the post quickly and saw Eunbi’s turning to him.

“Kkura!” she ran at him.

Sakura took her in and shouted “Expecto Patronum!” whilst shooting her cousin from above. He took the flag and then they heard footsteps running towards them.

Eunbi’s first cousin.


“Stay close to me” Sakura pulled Eunbi to his back. Protecting her.

“Sakura you’re injured” Eunbi pointed to his legs.

“I’m okay. Stay down!” Eunbi was thrown to be crouching behind Sakura’s back. Who was sitting down. 

“Expelliarmus!” he screamed as he saw Eunbi’s first cousin who appeared right when the smoke was gone.

“Tch!” He scoffed as the pellets hit his chest “You win”


Eunbi cupped Sakura’s sweaty face. “Baby you win”

Sakura was dead tired. But this is all worth it.

They both stood proud as Sakura lifted the flag high. Proud of his win. He turned to Eunbi who was staring at him admiringly. An

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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226 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1761 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
226 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1761 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1761 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!