Nako’s First Heartbreak

How I Met Your Mother
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“Ah Choo!”


All eyes turned to the little boy.

“Acuu!!” Nako mocked her brother. Seriously, this one will grow up being a pranker it’s not surprising.

“Cho! Daengie sneeze!” Yujin growled. Bit annoyed at his little sister.

Eunbi washed her hands and wiped it dry with some soft cloth.

“Ayye Mummy that’s my shirt!” Sakura turned around and saw Eunbi wiping her hands on his back.

“Oh sorry. It’s same colour as the cloth.” Eunbi grinned.

Sakura glares at his wife who continue her words. Getting closer to him and whispering in his ear.

“Your shirt is all wet now. I suggest you took off that shirt and eat shirtless. You look y being .” Eunbi smirked.



Okay now. The role is flipped.

Wasn’t it always Sakura the one who seduce?

Wasn’t it him the one who spewed innuendos and initiate contact?


Sakura gulped. “You’re bit on high demand lately. You okay honey? Can’t get enough of me?” He put the last plate in the dryer rack and wiped his hand with the Correct cloth.

He trapped Eunbi to be leaning against the kitchen cabinet and inch close to her.

His breaths fell onto Eunbi’s face.


Eunbi smirked “I guess we’re both in this then” she rested her hands on his chest. Slowly grabbing his shirt collar and lay her lips on his mouth.

The heat in Eunbi rise up.

Demm it’s only 8 p.m. but she can’t wait to get laid.

What’s wrong Eunbi?


“Ah choo!” Yujin sneezed again.

“Mummy! Daddy! Daeng snitch! Stop kishing!” Nako complained, with full of the cookie she stole when her parents busy flirting by the sink.

“Shet!” Eunbi mumbles.

“Urm honey no swearing in front of the kids.” Sakura pulled her waist closer until there’s no space between them. Kissing her lips deeply.

“You need to be punished tonight” he smirked before turning away to check on Yujin.



“You’re sneezing, You’re okay buddy?” Sakura asked his son.

“Yuding is okay! Yu.. Ah Choo!” Yujin sneezed on his face.

Sakura closed his eyes and squinted.

“Yuding is sorry Daddy! Yuding.. *wipe his snots* Yuding just feel cold” 


Eunbi, who is recovering from her high took a deep breath.

Demm, she could feel her s perking and it’s kind of.. hurting a bit too.

Demm you okay there buddy? 


She took a tissue and give it to Sakura. To wipe his face and she then wiped Yujin’s snort.

“Mummy thinks you caught a fever darling”

“No Mummy! Yuding didn’t catch anything. Yuding only catch Maru!” Yujin protests. His body shivers a bit.


“Buddy, you are having a flu. We should get you some medicine” Sakura said, wiping his face clean.

“No Daddy No! Yuding don’t want medisin” Yujin whined.

“Yesh Daddy Yesh!” Nako put her hands up in the air. Enjoying Yujin’s grieving. Just how a sibling should be ‘supportive’.


“I don’t care buddy, you have a cold and we’re gonna get you medicine. Right Nako?” Sakura said. Looking at Nako for her answer.


“Tue! Daeng needs medsin! Nacho agwee!” Nako said, munching her biscuit.

“But Daddy.....” Yujin used his puppy eyes tactic. ‘No no not today bro’ Sakura looked away. Yujin tried same tactic on his Mummy but given a shrug as her reaction.


Sakura got up and ruffles Yujin’s hair “Daddy is going out to get you some meds. Be good to Mummy and don’t go out of the house.” Sakura suspected Yujin caught his flu when the boy demanded for him to unlock the door last night.


He left something outside at the backyard he said. But to Sakura’s dismay, the boy ran into the pile of snow barefoot and jumped onto it.


He took a bite of the snow and winced when his teeth got sensitive reaction. It took Sakura almost 10 minutes to get the boy inside as he keeps on running and throwing snows at him.

Yujin was bored of staying inside and he just wanted to play with some snow. 

When he got inside the house he quickly ran to the fireplace. Grumbling and shivering “It’s very cold Daddy”

“Then why did you went outside?” Sakura give him a sharp look.

“I didn’t. Daddy opened the door” Yujin shrugged.



And next thing Yujin felt was a blanket thrown at him. “Be a burrito now buddy. We don’t want to catch a cold”

Yujin scoffed “Yuding won’t catch a cold. Yuding is a strong man!” he flexed his skinny arms. And jerked his tongue out at his Daddy.

“Go take a warm bath and wear layers of clothing tonight” Sakura ordered. He have no time to play with Yujin as he got paperworks to be done. He went upstairs and prepared Yujin his warm bath.

But he forgot to check if that boy really take a bath or not.


Yujin didn’t. Yujin and bathing? Shouldn’t exist in same sentence. They just don’t click.


And that’s how Yujin got his cold.

Congratulation boy.






“But Daddy Yuding want to go too. Yuding promise Yuding won’t sneeze. Ah choo! Except just now. Daddy......” he jumped beside his Daddy. Trying his best to persuade Sakura.

Sakura just ignored him and picked Nako up.

“Daddy!” Yujin pulled his pants.

“What is it buddy? You have to stay.. home...” Yujin gave his puppy eyes attack again.

‘Yeet Sakura, get a hold of yourself!’


“Don't Daddy loves Yuding? I thought we were buddy. Buddy don’t leave buddy behind...Daddy let Yuding go too please.....” his eyes turned glassy Sakura almost hug him and give him anything he wanted when Eunbi pulled the boy back.

She ruffles his hairs “Daengie, if Daengie go with Daddy who gonna take care of Mummy? And Maru?” the cat who was just chilling at the sofa stopped his fur. ‘Somebody called me?’


Yujin let out a huff. “Okay Mummy. Yuding stay home. Yuding take care of Maru. And Mummy too” he pouted. Slowly hugging Eunbi.

“Ah Choo!”

“That’s the cue. I go first buddy.” Sakura opened t

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219 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1752 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
219 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1752 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1752 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!