How I Met Your Mother
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I didn’t do proof reading on this. So pardon my mistakes. Gotta go study 👀 ~



Mummy was unexpectedly very affectionate towards Yujin during dinner. Even Nako noticed that. 


“Daengie…” Eunbi called her son tenderly.

Turning his head from the fruit bowl, Yujin’s eyes seized wider “Yes Mummy”

“Urm.. Did anything happened at the hospital?” Eunbi asked directly.

“Daengie got arm back” he lifted his once broken arm.

“Ahh I know that..” the boy’s cheek pinched softly “but did you or Daddy met someone there?”


Yujin put a thinking 🤔 pose and tried to rewind his memories to when they were at the hospital.

‘Ding sing Baby Shark.. then London Bridge.. then Ding let Gunny sleep inside the car while Ding and Daddy go get arm back.. Then Ding wait at chair.. Then Ding meet pretty Doctor..then Daddy took Ding buy candies….Ah! That’s right!’

“Daengie left candies in Daddy’s car!” Yujin now remember the candies he left behind even after Daddy reminded him not to leave it.

“Uh?.. Uhm.. That was not what I’m asking…”

“Oh but pretty Doctor also said Daengie looks like young Daddy!” Yujin smirked. Showing a proud peace ✌️sign. 


“Pre...Pretty doctor?” somehow Eunbi had a really bad feeling about this.

“Yes! She is pretty! But Daddy said Mummy is the prettiest lady in this world!” Yujin grins. Unknowingly made his Mummy sigh in relief.

‘So my Daddy still remember my existence 💁🏻‍♀️’

“Do you know the name of the pretty doctor?”

Yujin had to use a lot of his memory power eh?

“Hmmmm….” his eyes looked upwards, rolling his memory back a few steps “Daengie think the name is…”


“Ding! Play with Cho!” just as Eunbi almost successfully gauged the name from Yujin, her favourite girl interrupted. 


“Yay! Cho wanna play what?” Yujin jumped in ecstasy over being invited by his sister. ‘Cho still nice with Ding even when Ding got arm back *cries internally*’

It seems like Eunbi would really have to wait until bedtime for Sakura to tell whom he actually met. She had a hunch about who but let’s not get too much into it. Last she remembers was that the girl moved overseas.


The sounds of the two kids running around the living room filled the atmosphere and Eunbi was left sitting at the kitchen counter thinking to herself. There could be only one person making Sakura into such a gloomy person.

‘But it’s impossible. Like, really impossible..Hmm’


“Mummy Cho bite Ding!” the scream woke her up. Yujin was running towards her with his arm towards Eunbi. Eunbi chuckled before inviting the boy into her embrace.

“Where did Cho bite you this time?”, Eunbi asked the boy who is almost in tears.

“Cho bite Ding’s leg!” he jerked his left leg up showing the bite mark on his calf.

‘Oh yet you showed me your hand just oh my Daengie boy’ Eunbi can’t get a hold of this boy’s mind..


“Ding thinks Cho is not a pingu! Cho is a dog! Angry dog!” Yujin hugged Eunbi’s legs firmly.

Pulling the boy off her, Eunbi put a finger on his nose “Hey, it’s not a good thing to say to your sister”

“But it’s true Mummy Cho always bite Ding” the boy pouted. Arms crossed.

Nako ran to Eunbi when Yujin was about to continue whining to her.

“Mummy Cho bite Ding!” the little girl grinned with proudness.

‘Oh no Cho why did you inherit that trait of mine?’ Eunbi sighs internally.

Eunbi pulled Nako closer to her and kneeled, “Honey, you know that hurts your brother right? So why did you do that?” 

Eunbi can’t keep giving face to her daughter because if she keeps doing so, Nako will never learn that it is a really bad thing and who knows she might be a delinquent like Eunbi. Well technically calling young Eunbi a delinquent is overboard but that was what her teacher used to call her. 


Nako balled up her fist in anger and shouted “Ding say Cho tea taste like soil water!!”

“What…..” Eunbi rendered speechless. Motherhood is hard. Especially when your kids are fighting over petty things and your daughter’s tea tasted exactly like soil water.

‘Think Eunbi think!’

“Oh so you two were having a tea party?” Eunbi asked.

“NO! Because Ding say Cho tea taste like soil water!” Nako with her fist grasped firmly shouted again. Clearly hurt by the truth.


A/N: Here’s what I have for you Cho. Sometimes, truth hurts. But even so, don’t get carried away with the hurt.




“Ding said the truth!” Yujin shouted back.

“Enough! You two are scaring the baby” Sakura suddenly jumped into the kitchen.

Oho Daddy broke rule number two. 

Nako and Yujin gasped loud and quickly hugged Eunbi again “Mummy we’re sorry!”

Eunbi shakes her head at the kids and soon returned the hug.

“Know what? Let Mummy teach you two how to make good tea.” and so it goes a tea making class at 6pm in Miyawaki Kingdom.


Sakura joined the trio but this time he is in team Nako. Involuntarily. :3




Night came and the two kids were still bickering at the dining table sending both of them to have timeout at the corner of their living room.

Sakura laughed at the kids and jerked his tongue.

Eunbi just glared at her husband and shakes her head. But yeah she also jerked their tongue at the bickering siblings. 🙃

Eunbi turned to Sakura who was busy washing the dishes with a back hug. A calm and firm one. Separated only by her baby bump. The couple need no words, Sakura already knows what Eunbi wants.


“It’s her. She moved here 3 years ago. And I swear I knew nothing about this until we met her at the hospital. Well at least now we both knew she achieved her dream.” the man leaned his back against the kitchen counter. Avoiding the direct stare from his wife.

Eunbi let out a soft sigh and hug her husband’s from the front. Resting her ear on his beating heart. The beats were steady. As calm as he always do.

“I know. I’m not worried about her. I’m worried about you. Have I healed your broken heart for I see you still torn apart by her.” Eunbi unwrapped her arms from the man’s torso and continued

“All I hope is, the years with me and our little family could erase the hurt and pain that were once there. How adequate I am to it.”


Sakura realised how insensitive he was in dwelling with his past that he unconsciously hurt the person he loves the most.

Cupping the small face and brushing his thumbs on her smooth cheeks, he lay a soothing kiss on Eunbi’s forehead.

“Please never compare yourself to the ghost of my past. I will always choose you over anyone. Because you are the greatest gift I have and you are worth every second that I breathe. I love you more so don’t feel inferior towards anyone. Because you are my only one” these words were said with his eyes looking straight into Eunbi brown orbs. He meant it with his whole heart. 


Pressing Sakura’s firm hands onto her cheeks, Eunbi leans on them. Knowing that those warm

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!