Yujin and the Cabinet

How I Met Your Mother
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It was another usually peaceful morning in Miyawaki mansion.

Until the fire nation attacked….


Fire inside hungry stomachs.

Two little kids woke up just a bit too early.

The littlest of them bugged the eldest. 

“Ding, wake up”


The so-called Ding aka Yujin turned his body around. Slapping the little girl, accidentally.

“Ding!”, the little girl fell backwards onto the playmat, causing the so-called Ding to wake up.



“Why did Cho sleep on the mat?” Yujin rubbed his eyes.

“Ding pushed Cho” the little girl mumbled, but not slow enough that Yujin was still able to hear her.

“No Ding will never push Cho” lie!


“Why Cho on mat?” Yujin lie on his chest, chin on his crossed hand looking over his little sister.

“Cho is cold. And hungry” and grumpy.

“Ooo… Ding also hungry” on cue, his stomach played the beat. Grumbling stomach.

“Let’s go get cookies!”

“But Mummy Daddy sleep”

Yujin smirked “Cho got a big brother here! Ding will save this world from hungry stomachs! Ding is big already, Ding can make us breakfast 😎”

Ain’t it too early of a morning for you to be smug Miyawaki Yujin?


Yujin held Nako’s smaller hand and guided her to the kitchen. Stepping slowly so as to not let their parents listen. 

Yujin struggles to turn the lights on but luckily we have a bright mind in the house. Nako picked up the stool she and her brother used to climb on anytime they wanted to wash hands and put it in front of Yujin.

“Tadaaa!!” Yujin spread his arms, presenting Nako the lit up kitchen.

But a problem arises. Of course they should, or else we’ll lose this chapter’s plot.

Someone had eaten the cookies clean. Probably not Yujin but highly possible it is him.

“Cookie Monster took the cookies! Oh no!” Yujin 😱.


Yujin pulled a thinking pose. ‘Think Ding Think! Cho is hungry!’

“Cho want ice cream?”

Of course, for the first time in forever, Nako shakes her head.

“Ding also don’t want ice cream”


The little boy squeezed his brain hard. Eyes squinting. Unnecessary action, but he thinks he looks like a genius detective on television when he does so.

“Haaa!” Yujin put up his hand. Shocking Nako who almost stumbled back, again.

Her brother went to the table and tiptoed to take a banana. He peeled it for his sister and split it into half. (Banana split!)

“Ding is still hungry” Yujin pouted while Nako is quite content with the yellow food she got. She thinks the name is nanana.


“Ding think Mummy put cereals somewhere here”

he pushed the stool and climbed on it. Only to be used as a ladder for him to stand on the kitchen counter, trying to open the head cabinet. Something Mummy will scold him for doing. 

Last time he did so Mummy won’t play badminton with him because he disobeyed her. But Mummy is sleeping so Mummy won’t know. Hehehehe. 


“Ding found it!”





A jackfruit fell onto the floor.


Crack was heard. 


“Aaaa… hurts…….” Yujin cried. His tears b.


The cereal box is nowhere important now as Yujin feels sharp pain on his right arm.

‘Mummy! Daddy! Cabinet pushed Daengie!’


He wanted to cry so hard but Nako came to pat his head softly. “Ding hurt?”, the little girl almost cried.

Yujin shakes his head. He wants to be the strong brother Nako should have. 

“Nwo…. Ding is okay…..” a tear dropped.

“Dingie hurt” Nako slumped in front of him, almost crying.

“No no Ding okay!” he tried to put up his hand but it hurts.

‘Daddy Daengie is broke! Come fix Daengie!’


“Cho tell Daddy. Dingie wait!”

Yujin for sure wants to stay there but he is scared of being alone so he follows Nako upstairs.

No way in the kitchen will Dingie be left alone. Not when the hallway has a dead man and Daddy told him there's a ‘ghost’ in the kitchen named roach. And the ‘ghost’ is only scared of Mummy.

‘Ghost No no!’

Biting his lower lips, tears dropping, he slowly climbed the stairs holding his arm. Nako took careful steps taking care of her brother.

‘Mummy cabinet bad! Dingie cry!’

Nako knocked on the door few times while Yujin walked into his room. Crying.


Eunbi pushed Sakura to open the door. 

“It’s your child” 

Sakura patted his bum, struggling to open his eyes. Seriously, Eunbi is now a super saiyan. Just a push and Sakura’s is french kissing the floor.


“Nako why? Ghost in your dream? Daddy told you to just say Mummy’s name, ‘Eunbi!’ and the ghost will run away” Sakura hugged the little girl.

Soon he felt something soft slamming his head.

Eunbi threw him a pillow. 

He chuckles. Nako pushed him slow.


“Dong!” Sakura grinned. 

‘Seriously this one’ Eunbi slapped her forehead. Arise from her sleep.

“Ding’s arm….” Nako inhaled.

“Yeah Daddy also have arm”


“Daddy!” Nako whined.


“Ding’s arm, poof!” she tried to explain.

“Daengie lost his arm?”

And that gets Eunbi up. 


“Cho hungry. Ding hungry..”

“Same baby girl” Sakura chuckles.

“Daddy! Cho hungry, Ding hungry, Ding stepped cabinet. Open and Ding fall. Arm poof!”

Sakura's hazy mind tried to connect this words trick by Nako.

“Cho And Ding hungry? Ding open the cabinet and fall? And his arm is gone?”

Nako nodded “Ding cry! Arm hurt!”

Sakura took a few seconds to process, and he gasped.

“Where is Ding?” 



He picked up the little girl and carried her to Yujin’s room. Eunbi took her robe and followed her husband and daughter.


Yujin was sitting on his bean bag, holding his right arm. Tears flowing.

“Oh Daengie. What happened?”


“Daddy don’t tell Mummy. Daengie climbed the cabinet to take cereal. Cookies are gone because Cookie Monster (aka Yujin) stole it. Daengie’s feet slippery..” he jerked his leg wrapped with sleeping sock up and continues  “...and then Daengie fell. And arm is hurt”

Sakura pulled Yujin close and inspected his arm.

“Daddy think we have to buy new arms for you Daengie. This one is broken”

“Really Daddy?” Yujin gulped.

“Yes!” Sakura nodded. Only to be soft smacked by Eunbi.

“Here let Mummy check it”

Yujin sobbed hard while shoving his arm to his Mummy.


“Mummy thinks Daengie broke your arm” Eunbi furrowed her brow. 

“Daddy already told you we have to buy new arms”

Yujin gasped. Eunbi pushed Sakura away.

“It hurts?”, she asked, eyes staring into Yujin’s. Her mother's heart ripped. Her child was hurt. Meanwhile her husband is busy cracking jokes. She felt like kicking Sakura now.

Yujin hiccuped “Yesh!” , he tried hard not to cry. And Sakura smiled.

“Just cry buddy” he patted Yujin’s head.

Yujin looked at Nako, “Hero Don’t Cry”

“Yes a hero do cry buddy”

And Yujin burst into tears.

“Daddy it hurts”

Seeing the tears, it seriously causes Sakura’s heart to to break.


Nako suddenly came to sit in front of Yujin trying to calm him down. “Dingie no cry....”

“Dingie take this” Nako gave Yujin her blanket.

“Bankie keeps Cho safe. Daddy say” Nako wrapped her brother in her favourite blanket. With the hope that Bankie keeps him safe as Bankie did to Cho.


“Daddy will take you to hospital. Daengie will be okay. And we need to buy new arms if doctor can’t fix it” Eunbi glares at the sheepishly grinning Sakura.

‘Eee! I really want to bite you now Sakura 😑’

Sakura gulped.


“Let Daddy get my car keys and wallet first” he ran as quick as he could before Eunbi kicked him.

Eunbi softly brushes Yujin’s head. Wiping away his tears. 

“Daengie will be okay. Later when Daengie comes home, Mummy will make you a special breakfast, okay?” she tried to hold her tears.


Sakura cradled the little boy downstairs and went to the hospital.


Yujin cried “It hurts Daddy”.

“I know buddy. Hold on a bit. We’re already there”

Sakura cradled him, running into the hospital straight to the counter.


“We need to fix this. It won’t hurt. But it will take a few weeks to heal. So you need to be a good boy and don’t be naughty. Can you do it?” the doctor asked.

Yujin nodded. He has stopped crying. He is more of a nervous wreck now.

Yujin asked for Sakura's hand. The little hand holding his Daddy’s hand firm. He needs Physical and mental support.

His Gundam that Sakura was never aware of when he snatched, sat next to the little boy on the bed. His lap was covered in Nako’s blanket. Warming his exposed legs because he was wearing his shorts.

“I’m here buddy. You’re safe”


On their way home, Yujin talked a lot about Cho.

“Cho told Ding that Ding *makes a 💪 pose* ”

“Cho wanted to eat so Ding got cereals for her”

“Ding arm is not hurt. It’s okay because Cho got cereal”

“Ding didn’t even cry Daddy *A LIE* ”

We all know how you cried nonstop buddy.


Minutes later, after tired of singing Disney’s songs, Yujin went back into low battery mode and safely fell asleep.


Upon arriving at their home, Sakura tried to wake the sleeping boy but he insisted on closing his eyes and droll instead.

Chuckling, shaking his head, Sakura went back and sat at the door. Caressing Yujin’s face and patting his hair softly.

“Oh my Little guy. A strong young man” Yujin fell asleep with his toys on his lap in his child seat. He carefully unbuckled the little kid and carried him inside. With Yujin toy and Nako’s blanket on his other hand.


Eunbi opened the door and Nako quickly ran to her. Expecting her Daddy and brother.

“Dingie home!”, the little girl jumped enthusiastically.

Sakura handed the ice cream to Eunbi and squats to ruffle Nako’s hair.

“Daengie is asleep. So Cho have to wait for him”

“Okay Daddy!!” she flashed her signature eye smiles and walked with her Mummy. 

‘Dingie can sleep, Cho has ice cream!’

Sakura went into his room after tucking Yujin to bed. Not expecting to see a heartwarming view as he walked out. Eunbi was smiling

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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226 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1761 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
226 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1761 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1761 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!