Cut Head

How I Met Your Mother
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Yujin, as usual was bored being locked inside the house. He tried asking Nako to play with him but girlie prefers her plushies company more than Daengie.


Nako had been nice to her brother for almost 2 weeks and that makes her nice quota for Ding run out.


Going downstairs, he wanted to ride his bike but seeing his casted arm, he just sighed and walked to the kitchen where his Mummy was cooking. Of course, with Daddy interrupting. Sometimes Daengie wonders why Mummy and Daddy cannot stop kissing.


‘Hmmm... Last few weeks Daddy was sitting on Mummy, kissing Mummy while he is shirtless. Yuding don’t know why Daddy didn’t wear shirt though. Ain’t Daddy cold in the morning? Again, why Daddy can’t stop kissing Mummy? Daddy must have love Mummy so much.’


‘Mummy also cannot stop kissing Daddy. Whenever Yuding and Nacho went to play at the living room, Mummy would pull Daddy for a kiss. Sometimes Mummy massage Daddy’s bum.’


‘Lately Daddy ‘swims’ a lot with Mummy. But when they were swimming last few weeks Mummy did not swim. Mummy tend to swim deep at night. Don’t Mummy feel cold swimming at night? Maybe Yuding new sister likes it cold. Hmmm...’


One thing Yujin doesn’t like when his parents were ‘swimming’ is how they both swears. Yujin plan to make them pay everytime they swear. Hehehehe easy money.


Anyway, Yujin’s heart is restless. Yujin felt a bit sore in his chest. Especially when he think of Bekka. Bekka must be sad of not being able to play with him.


Hmmm... but Bekka must be a doctor because everytime Yuding talked to her on the phone or videocall his chest no longer feel pain. Funny because he never pay Bekka for fixing his chest.


‘Yuding will ask Daddy about the pain. Who knows Yuding might have babies in the tummy. But Daddy said only girls can have babies in tummy. But why not boys too? It would he fun seeing Daddy carrying baby like Mummy.’


‘Yuding thinks Yuding is becoming less Dinius because he has long not went to school. Daddy said the orange man closed it. Yujin always see The orange man talks on the tv but Yujin never understand what he’s saying.’


But every time Yujin see his face on tv, it reminds him of lemons and oranges. Or maybe pineapple. The orange man name is Donald Duck if he’s not mistaken.


Yuding never knew a duck can be president. That’s cool! 🙄  He walked to the sofa and somehow fell asleep. He won’t even wake up when his parents woke him up for lunch.


“Daddy….” he looked around and see no one nearby. Mummy was not at kitchen and Daddy too. Cho? Must be playing with Mummy.

But then he saw sign of life. Daddy’s office door was opened slightly.



The little creature peeked into Sakura’s office after knocking for a while. Usually the creature will come in with a bike but since it’s hard riding a bicycle with one hand, the creature on hover board instead.


Sakura lifted his head up looking at the creature, smiling “Yes buddy. What is it?”

Yujin smoothly hopped on his assigned chair, placed next to Sakura’s table.

His parents had opted for him to have his study table at his Daddy’s office too. From his toys to the iPad (which would be confiscated once he exceeds the 2 hours time limit) to the little aquarium (there are two goldfish in it.

One named Yu and the other named Ding) to his tent (loaded with his plushies and toy cars), his room had too many distractions. Yujin would never touch his books. By placing his study table beside Daddy, he would be forced to study. And that’s the best at keeping him grounded and stay Dinius 🙄


“Yuding thinks Yuding is getting too much dinius reading books and doing homeworks”, he sighed. Pulling his legs onto the chair and spinned around.

Sakura chuckles and stops Yujin from spinning around his chair, “Oh really? Then Daengie can help Daddy do my paperworks”

Shrugging, “No Daddy. Daddy must take care of your respon.. respons… respon-lili-ti.”

Pinching the boy’s little nose, Sakura laughs at Yujin’s struggle “It’s responsibility buddy!”

“Yuding knows. Yuding just forgets” he pouted.



“Can we go out Daddy? Yuding cannot breathe the same air. Yuding feel like Yuding’s chest hurt”

Sakura chuckles hearing such hyperbole coming out of that little mouth, ‘Wow this kid sure got some drama in him’

“Where does it hurt?” Sakura asked.


“Here!” Yujin pointed to his right chest.

Sakura pointed his finger at the boy’s chest and poke it soft, “Does it hurt when I do this?”

Yujin shaked his head. 


Sakura pressed a bit firmer and asked again, “Does it hurt?”

It’s cue!

Yujin creased his forehead and shrieked, “Ack Daddy! It hurts! Daddy! Hurts!” he slides down his chair and fakes coughing.

“You silly boy” 


What fills the ‘office’ later were laughters from the two. Sakura tickled Yujin’s rib and pulled him up. Carrying him like a log on his shoulder.

“Let’s tell Mummy you’re sick. And then we’ll go to hospital to get you some shots” the father said, carrying the squirming Yujin to the bedroom. His little feets kicked the air as he cried for mercy.

“Daddy put Ding down! Ding not hurt Daddy!


Eunbi was dumbfounded when Sakura carried their son into the room. She was finishing off her paperwork.

“Yuding is sick” Sakura put the boy down. To which he quickly tried to escape but Daddy got firm hold of his shirt.

“Daddy Yuding no sick anymore. Yuding just kidding”, the little boy was on brink of crying.


Saving her files and shoving her Macbook aside, Eunbi jerked her hands out reaching for Yujin. The boy stopped squirming and looked at his Mummy, of course with his puppy eyes.

“Come here honey” Eunbi said.


Yujin hesitantly walked to her side, fingers fidgeting and pouting. “Yuding is not sick Mummy. So Mummy don’t have to take Yuding to hospital. Yuding don’t have to be shot. Yuding just kidding”

Eunbi chuckles. “Come to Mummy”

Yujin lifted his head and scooted closer.

“Listen to your little sister,” she pulled Yujin’s little hand and took his body closer.

“Baby can talk?” his eyes shine.

“I-... No not yet honey. But baby is moving now”

“Can Yuding touch baby 🥺?” 

“Of course. That’s why I called you here. Here, put your ears on Mummy’s tummy”

Yujin follows. And soon he giggles as he felt the tiny movements.


“Baby! This is Daengie! Your handsome brother!”

“Now now don’t shout honey. Baby will be shocked”

“Oh okay. Daengie is sorry”


“Mummy…..” Kkubi another child calling for her Mummy. Rubbing her eyes, dragging the sacred penguin plushie.

“Chocho come here! Listen to Won-old!” Yujin called his sister excitedly.

“Won- what???”, Eunbi gasped. ‘Not again🤦🏻‍♀️‘

“Heeeeee” Yujin grins. Flashing that symbolic eye smile. And someone was watching how Yujin got away from Eunbi’s wrath. Taking mental notes.


‘He probably got away because his eye smile is cute. I should try that too 🤔’




Nako ran to her Mummy as fast as she could. Her little footsteps echoes and Sakura swore Nako is the cutest little penguin ever!

“Mummy!” the little girl tried to climb the bedside. Yujin gave his free hand and pulled her up.

Both the kids sat at Eunbi’s side.


“Cho hear…,” Yujin held Nako’s little finger and put it on Eunbi. To which the little girl just follow her brother listening to the baby’s tiny movement.


Eunbi flinched a bit because it felt funny having those little hands on her and the baby moves a lot when her two siblings around.


“I guess baby is excited to see you two. She moves a lot.” Eunbi herself is amazed with the baby dancing inside her. Is this another sign of little Miyawaki the third? This is going to be chaotic.

“Daengie is excited to see you too!” Yujin shouted at his Mummy’s tummy. Jumping on the bed.

“Cho too!” Nako join the monkey troop.


Sakura eyes the kids “Daddy too”

But the three seems to be in their own world. Sakura pursed his lips and side eyed them. 

‘Fine…Let’s pretend like I’m not here’

Eunbi laughs in amusement seeing Sakura being jealous over the absence of attentio

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!