Mommy’s Day

How I Met Your Mother
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It’s true when they say, get some children and discover how to raise monkeys.


With all disrespect, their children are not monkeys. But how do you describe one hanging on the curtain, one climbing the door grill and the other one…no one knows, probably trying to climb the door.




“But I can’t!” The eldest whined.

“Oh My God I can’t take this right now,” Eunbi massaged her forehead and groaned. Ready to give up life and just be a fairy in the forest.

Sakura patted his wife’s back “So am I”

He wrapped his arms around the woman’s waist and ushered her “Let’s just go outside” 


“Mummy!!!” Yujin screamed his heart out.

It would be a lie if they said they’re not worried. Heck half of Eunbi’s life was almost taken away seeing Yujin on the brink of falling.

But they rather Yujin learnt the hard way, again. That in life, his parents won’t always be there to help him out of trouble.

Be it them having to fix the curtain line, Yujin had a lot to learn. And so do his 2 younger sisters.


“Do you think if we open up adoption for the kids there will be people taking them?” Sakura asked.

Eunbi thought for a while and smirked, “For sure there will. These monkeys are ing cute.”

“But we will never be able to do so,” Sakura giggled.

“Yeap. Who are we lying to tho we can’t live without them.”


30 minutes later and 3 disheveled children peeking out the sliding door to see their (pretending-to-be) calm parents.


“Did you get hurt?” Eunbi asked, eyes still locked on her magazine.

The 3 kids who were standing in line with Wonyoung who was helped to stand straight being confused while the other two shaked their heads. 

“Did you grow a tail?” The father asked.

“Huh?” the eldest reacted and the trio shook their heads again.

“Did you feel incredible?” The mom asked.

*trio nods aggressively*

“Congratulations you’re grounded” the father announced and the parents clapped their hands.


*Yujin and Nako’s jaws dropped*

The parents smirked thinking they had won this battle. But…


Nako and Yujin clapped happily, “Yay!”

“Mummy what is gounded?” Nako with her round big eyes asked. Pulling Eunbi’s shirt hem.


The parents sighed. They forgot their children barely know or hear the words.


“It means…” Eunbi went buffering.

“No playing outside, no going out the house except to school and no snacks, no games, no making messes and no making noise” she explained.

“Ohh…” Nako and Yujin nodded. That’s a lot of no. So it sure is bad. The cute innocent Wonyoung can only mutter incoherently.

Sakura smirked, “Also, no PS4 and iPad”





All hell breaks loose. 

Eunbi picks up the youngest who doesn’t even understand the cause of her doings while her two older siblings ripping their hair off, saving the baby’s eardrums.

“No iPad then how Ding live?” Oh wow you are only on iPad for 4 hours a day Yujin.

“Cho needs to call Gammy (Grandma)!” But have you ever called your grandma using an iPad Nako?


“How long will this No time?” Yujin asked. This is a very serious issue and he needs to solve this. Or just endure this.

“Two weeks”

But the school break is only a week… Yujin sighed again. Shoulder slumped and he eventually rolled himself on the couch.

“Ding is sad,” he cried..


“Tchh.. these new generation babies” the parents sighed.


Either way, they are happy to see their kids well behaved and quiet. The two oldest were sitting in front of the TV wondering how life would be while the baby happily played with the parents.





There are few things she needs to cook but… Seems like grocery shopping. But… Should she drag Sakura along? Or..

You know what, let’s lock Sakura in the house with the baby and Daengie.

“Come on Nako, let's accompany me to the grocer.”

“But Cho is wounded…” Nako pouted. She really wants to go out!

“Huh? You get hurt?”

“No but Mami and Dadi said Cho, Ding and Wooyo are wounded,” puppy eyes appeared.

Eunbi chuckled and bopped her nose, “It’s ‘grounded’ baby girl, not wounded. And nope, you’re coming. Mommy’s order,”

“Otayy!!” Nako hopped off her mom’s lap and hopped happily to the room.


Sakura, Yujin and Wooyo just watched as their Mommy and Cho happily went outside…


*at the mall*


“Nako don’t run around, stay close to me,” Eunbi warned her middle child and turned back to her grocery list. 



Now we all know an ‘Mmm’ from this potato tots probably means trouble~


“Oh honey, are you alone?” A lady bent down to match the eye level with the small girl.

Almost a minute passed where she kept waiting for some reply but the said girl kept staring straight into nothingness. The lady followed her gaze and was confused as to what the girl was focusing on. 


“Honey?” She poked the girl upon receiving no reply.


The girl, Nako, remained silent and it made the lady more worried. So she squatted down trying to ‘awaken’ the girl.

“Honey? Where are your parents?”


As if she was really surprised, Nako flinched and gasped. Giving the two people a timid gap.

“You… You c me?” Nako asked, shakingly.

The lady frowned, “What do you mean?”

“You.. You’re not supposed to c me…” Nako's face was off a worry, scare and maybe constipation look.

“Huh?…” But as an avid adult. Having watched a lot of dystopian movies and probably a bit paranoid about all these supernatural things, the lady gasped loudly.

“….” Nako just stares at her “You shouldn’t touch me…” 

“…” the lasy threw herself off few meters from the scary little girl.


The aircond was suddenly cold but she was sweating profusely. Fck even the air is so silent…


The sound of the trolley being pushed but no one in sight added more to her horror.


“Cho, what did I tell you about scaring people?” Eunbi sighed.

‘For fack sake this is the fourth time this girl has been doing this..’


“Huh???” The scared lady averted her gaze from the scary looking, gray faced little girl to a slightly mature looking (than herself) lady with the trolley.


“Nako! Come here!” The lady, maybe the scary girl’s mom pulled her.

The scary girl, Nako, smirked and walked away.


The mom (Eunbi) of the scary girl then helped her to get up and apologized repeatedly for the girl’s prank. But the lady was too much in a daze to even register it all. Upon running into her car then she realised, “ that little kid just pranked me!” 


Meanwhile in another car….


“Nako-jji, we have talked about this before don't we?” The view on her rear mirror revealed a cheeky Nako pretending to be asleep. Don’t lie Nako, your Mommy knows that you are awake. Just a moment ago you ere playing with your airplane.


“Nako… I’m talking to you…”


Nako sighed lowly, ‘awake’ from her sleep. Ready for nagging.


“Yes Cho knows it’s bad ting to scare people. But Mami.. unnie’s face looks so fani. Cho have to do it. And she pitty!” Nako shrugged.


“Unnie? How… Why…” Eunbi frowned.

“It’s okay Mami. Every pitty girl is unnie,” the giggling and grinning Nako for sure made Eunbi speechless. Should she be worried that Nako might be as naughty as her brother or Daddy? Damn Sakura is gonna get smacked at home later.


*Sakura choked on air*

“Huh? What’s wrong with me? Is this Covid? no please not”

The man who just got done making baby Wooyo asleep suddenly felt as if his got smacked. What is this? Is this haunted? 

‘Eun come back quick please!’


Eunbi went home with a sigh while the little scary girl happily hopped into the house. Sakura quickly ran to his wife’s for a hug.

“This house is haunted!” He whined.



There are so many things to register in her mind.


“Oh, Happy Early Mommy’s Day Mommy!” A young boy ran into the kitchen carrying a somehow urm… U..Unique poster of a uh… A lady…Or gho

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!