The Real Gift

How I Met Your Mother
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Sakura woke up to Eunbi’s gone from his side.


He called out his wife but there’s no answer.


So he went to the bathroom to clean himself first and went downstairs.

Where Eunbi was happily humming while stirring the gravy.

Seems like she’s making a special meal for both of them.


“Baby… I was looking for you” Sakura wrapped his arms around Eunbi’s waist. Kissing her cheek and neck.

Eunbi tilted her head to deepen her husband’s kisses.

“Morning baby” she said. Her voice sounds so cheerful.

“Someone’s happy today” Sakura pecked her cheek and sat at the chair.

“Of course I am” Eunbi winked and enwrapped Sakura in her embrace.


Sakura patted her arms and Eunbi pulled away with a kiss on his head.


“There’s something for you in your office” she said.

“Eh?” Sakura was shocked.

“Your real present” Eunbi smiles. Caressing his cheeks and kissing his forehead.


Sakura closed his eyes as Eunbi’s lips landed on his forehead. 

When he opened his eyes, he ran away to the office.


Eunbi shakes her head laughing at her husband’s antique. Clearly excited at anything called a gift.


Sakura was looking up and down his table when he saw nothing but his own utensils.

As he was about to call Eunbi out, he saw something inside Yujin’s bicycle basket.

A box.

A yellow box with pink ribbon.


He jumped towards it and quickly picked up the gift.

He landed his on Yujin’s bike and hastily opened the box.

Inside, was a little thumb drive. With a smiley on it.


Underneath the thumb drive was a card. When he unfolded it, it was actually pieces of paper.


The first paper was their family pictures. From the time he cut the cake.

He smiles as he looks at Yujin struggling to cut the cake.

Nako with her cheeks stained of icing and Eunbi with her shoulder lifted as Sakura kissed her cheek.


Under the photo we’re Yujin’s handwriting saying “We love yu Daddy!”

Sakura was touched.


There was however, another piece of paper.

The one with visibly neat handwriting.

Of course it’s Eunbi’s.


He unfolds the letter only to see “Put in the thumb drive first”


At the bottom there was a sign. “I love you baby. To another galaxy and back”


“Your wife only wife, Kwon/Miyawaki Eunbi”

Sakura hopped off the bike and ran to switch on his computer.

Upon starting his desktop, he was greeted with yet another surprise. An updated picture of the Miyawakis on their picnic day.

Yujin was laying on his back laughing and Nako was squirming in her Mummy’s arms.

All smiles and laughs.

‘Yeet! I’m touched!’

Sakura plugged in the thumb drive and was shocked to see the title “ Tapes”


He widen his eyes, rub it few times. “Holyyyyyy”

But meh, Eunbi was clearly playing around as he clicked on the video.


A song played in the background.

‘Eun’s an old soul. Hehehehe’

‘Everybody's looking for that something

One thing that makes it all complete

You find it in the strangest places

Places you never knew it could be’

Pictures of their older days, even dating back to the days Sakura was in school were on display.

The pictures where Sakura was organising charity game events and also the early days of his university life.

Now he wonders where Mrs Miyawaki got all his pictures.


The pictures of him studying at the library and also tutoring some people. The pictures of him smiling as he holds a piece of paper. Probably good results of his students.


Really, where did Eunbi get all the pictures?

‘Some find it in the face of their children

Some find it in their lover's eyes

Who can deny the joy it brings

When you found that special thing

You're flying without wings’


Eunbi’s tummy scans and Yujin’s baby pictures slide in next.

“So smol” Sakura said. Pausing the video to caress baby Yujin.


The pictures show him crasling Yujin while his eyes fixate on Eunbi who had her finger on Yujin’s lips.

He totally looks so happy as he saw the pictures of him with Yujin. Playing with him and tossing him around.


The pictures of him kissing Eunbi on her first birthday celebration after Yujin was born and pictures of the three of them as a small family.


Wearing all white smiling at the camera. That was the time Yujin properly cooperated with cameras shoved at him.


Who would deny the joy Eunbi and Yujin brought him? Certainly, he’s flying high.


Nako suddenly interrupted the clip as she crawled towards Eunbi and smiled.


“Eeeee you so tiny!!” Sakura squeals.


Yujin was sleeping on his chest and the both of them lay down tired beside Nako’s bedding.


Nako talked gibberish and laughed as she smacked Eunbi’s lips.


Nako is one that likes cameras since she was a baby.

‘Some find it sharing every morning

Some in their solitary lives

You find it in the words of others

A simple line can make you laugh or cry’


The pictures of Sakura being congratulated by his boss. (Now again Eun, where did you get this photos?)

Sakura held his head low. Shy and humble being pr

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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226 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1761 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
226 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1761 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1761 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!