Santa Who? Fanta?

How I Met Your Mother
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Sakura woke up early that day. As usual he did the laundry and went to make breakfast for his beloved family.

Of course, his infamous Kkura-ppang.

But lite version for Yujin as he afraid the mayonnaise in it might made him go crazy.

And Nako baby tooth can't chew the food properly yet.

Uff, Yujin can already chew but he will surely make a mess.


He separated the bread for Mummy, Yuding and Nacho.


Eunbi woke up to no Sakura beside her. "Baby..." she called out.

But Sakura ain't listening because he's busy focusing on his cooking downstairs.


He took a milk bottle for Nako and scooped the milk powder onto it.

Pouring warm water and shake it while covering the tip with his finger.

He drip a little on his palm to taste.

"This is good"




Eunbi got up to wash her face and brush her teeth. Upon hearing noises from the kitchen, she knew it's Sakura.


She went downstairs slowly. Peeking through the stairs.

Can’t help herself from admiring her own husband.

Sakura always looks so y when he’s being serious doing something.

But ier when he is cooking.


Eunbi’s mind went wild for a while.

She shakes her head as if it could shoo the erted thoughts away.


She then walked to him slowly, back hugging him tight. "What are you making baby?" 


Sakura smiles, feeling the warm hug of his beloved wife.

He turned off the stove and scooped the last Kkura-ppang for himself.


Sakura turned to face Eunbi, cupping her face "I'm making us breakfast baby" and kissed her dearly.

He pull away and fixes her hair.


"How early did you wake up today?" Eunbi wrapped her arms on Sakura’s neck.

Tip toeing a bit.


Sakura thought for a while.. "6, I think"

"Oh wow..that’s early. You can't sleep?"

"Of course I can sleep well with my pillow" he smirked.

Earned himself soft slap on his buff chest. And also a peck.

“I don’t know, I just suddenly awoke at 6. And I’m feeling like cooking today”

Eunbi grinned, hands still on Sakura’s waist “Heee That’s probably just the Christmas spirit”



Sakura was about to get naughtier when he slid his hands into Eunbi's shirt but he got interrupted by soft groans.


"Yuding smells yummy" the little boy rubbed his eyes with his small knuckles.

Eunbi quickly pulled Sakura naughty hands that were moving closer to her chest.

Such swift naughty hands.


"Morning Daengie" she went to him and patted his head.

Yujin hugged his Mummy's legs dearly, "Morning Mummy" and went to his daddy side greeting him next "Morning Daddy"

Sakura smiles at their oldest child.


"Food!!" Yujin climbed onto the kitchen counter but Sakura quickly pull him down. "Go get Nachos first, and then we will eat."


Yujin quickly ran upstairs to get his sister. "Nacho come eat!!"

"Yujin.. don't run" 

Yujin slows down his pace "Okay Mummy"



Sakura grinned sheepishly at Eunbi "I almost got it just now"


"And you didn't stop me. Making two of us" he sticked his tongue out.

Eunbi can just roll her eyes.




The couple waited for almost 10 minutes but their children still hasn't come down yet.

Eunbi look at Sakura, talking with her eyes. As she raised her brows, Sakura knew what it meant.

Sakura kissed Eunbi's head and went upstairs to find Yujin sleeping at Nako's feet, hanging there at the edge of the bed.

'LMAO this kid'



He went to his room picking up his camera and went back to Nako's room to snap their sleeping pictures.

Yujin, who slept on his chest at Nako's feet as if he's a dry squid really make the picture 1000x worthier.

Sakura snapped their photo while trying hard to control his giggles looking at the two. 


"Nako baby, wake up honey" "Nako..wake up..its daddy" upon hearing 'It's daddy', little Nako's eyes fluttered open.

But it's different case with Yujin.

Who keeps on sleeping until Sakura eventually picked him up and cradled him on his right hand.

His left hand guided Nako down from her bed. And he picked his two babies with no struggles.

With both kids in his arms, he went downstairs.


Nako was seated at her usual baby seat beside Sakura while Yujin sat next to his Mummy.

"Yuding..wake up and eat honey" Eunbi slicked Yujin's long hair back when the kid almost slammed his forehead onto the table. Still sleepy.


"If Yuding wake up now, Yuding get to wash car with Daddy." Eunbi baited. To which Yujin wake up in little time.

Yujin whined and took his glass of milk.

Then as he eat his Kkura-ppang, His eyes wide open upon tasting it.

He squeezed his small fist and straightened his shoulder. "Daddy! Yuding's favourite sanwich!!"

Sakura just laughed at his son.




After having their breakfast, Sakura went to the laundry room to dry their clothes but Eunbi beat him to it.

Telling him to let her settle it and go wash their car.

The thoughts of cold water at 11 a.m. made him whine. But Eunbi's deep kiss on his lips changed his mind.

Urgh, he's weak when it comes to his wife.

And Eunbi knew it.

Also, the car need some cleaning before they went home to Eunbi’s at Korea.


‘Home for Christmas’




"Daengie! Daengie!"

Yujin ran out of his room, looking over from the hallway upstairs.

"Daddy why call Daengie?" the little boy held onto the railing.

"Come wash car with me"


Yujin wash his bike as Sakura wash the car.

Eunbi just smiles as she plays with Nako. Who had been calling out for her Daddy and brother.

"Nacho too" Nako said, looking at her mummy with her twinkling eyes. Trying to escape Eunbi.


Eunbi pulled Nako onto her lap, looking at their Daddy and Yuding.


Nako was stucked in her Mummy's lap but her brother called her sometimes.

Yujin was grinning, while being unnecessarily busy washing his outdoor bike.

Pretending to look busy and strong in front of his sister.


Sakura sprinkled water from the hose at Yujin, causing the boy to yelp thus making his wife and daughter laugh.

"Daddy!!!! Yuding wetttt!!!" As the both of them played with water, they saw a group of teenage girls passing by.

Laughing at the two of them.


Eunbi eyed the Daddy & Son duo.

The two suddenly behaves and bowed at the pretty young girls.

Grinning from ears to ears.

'These two 😑😑'



And they both gain themselves trip to a far supermarket  as reward from their naughty eyes.




As they walked out for the stores, Yujin stopped and grabbed Sakura's pants.

"Why Yujinnie?"

"Daddy, who is that?" Yujin pointed to a group of kids surrounding a white bearded man in red.

"That's Santa"

"Eh?? His name is like that drink Mummy don't let Yuding drink. Hehehehe"


Sakura laughed and kneeled down to his son, "Do you want to go to him? Tell him your wish, it might comes true”

Yujin looked at Sakura, hesitant to the idea as he don't know the purpose of saying his wish at the white bearded man.

Sakura saw his confused expression and proceed to explain the role Santa Claus’ played in Christmas.



"Will he really buy me lots of toys Daddy?",

"Is he rich?",

"Can he fit our chimney? Mummy will scold him when he dirty our living room"

"He looks old.. Can he walk far to our house? Is he not tired?",

"Those are not real deers daddy. They don't blink at all" 

"Why do he need floating reindeer when he can use airplane?"

"He doesn't have superpowers? He should have. He can move easily"

"Why he don't drive cars?"

"Why only good kids get presents? Bad kids are kids too Daddy"



Sakura almost given up his 30 minutes answering Yujin's bombardier.

He felt like shoving that little boy to the Santa's lap and took cute pictures of him while he kept asking the Santa on why he wear those outfits or why he don't live at this town instead of North pole with the logic of "it's far to come to our house".


And it's true, as Yujin sat on his lap and asked him why he didn't shave his beard.

Also why did he not use airplane instead of deers. "It's faster to send gifts"

Half of Sakura is dead embarassed but half of his wanted to laugh out loud seeing the Santa got taken aback.

Yujin finally whispered him his wishes after making Santa promised him to fulfill it.

This kid is one hell of a negotiator. 

Yujin got down from his lap and reminds the Santa "You cannot break your promise. Remember that Santa Grandpa" 

Sakura didn't even know where Yujin got that name.



When Sakura tried to pry into Yujin's wishes, he attacked him back saying "But Daddy told Yuding that wishes won't come true if Yuding told you"

Sakura tried hard but got ignored anyway. He lost his prying time when they arrived home.


Yujin quickly ran into the house calling Nako's name to show her their new toys.

(Again Sakura, Eunbi will kick your for pampering the kids with toys).



Yujin was about to run into the house but Sakura dragged him by the collar as he forgot to take off his shoes.

The pity boy's feet drags the slippers at their door and Eunbi went out to see what's happening.


"Buddy take off your shoes first"

"Uhh Daddy Yuding forgot" as soon as his Daddy let him go, he run into the kitchen.

"Yujinnnn slippers" Sakura shouted. But he knew Yujin going to ignore him anyway by saying "But Yuding already wear socks"

He took all the things they bought into the kitchen.




"Hey baby, what are you cooking?" Sakura kissed his wife's cheek. 

Eunbi smiles "I'm making us lasagna for lunch"

"Ufff I can't wait to eat" Sakura kissed another cheek before he went to arrange the groceries.

Yujin came running down the stairs and as Sakura and Eunbi about to call him out, he already at the kitchen, grinning from ears to ears.

"Mummy Yujin bought this for you" Yujin gave his mum a box of assorted macaroons.

Surely it's from Sakura but Yujin said it's his'.

Eunbi looked at Sakura who just shrugged and smirked. 

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226 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1761 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
226 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1761 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1761 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!