Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby

How I Met Your Mother
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“Daddy! Daddy! Ding Float!”

Sakura got awaken with a slap on his forearms and face. Nako ran to him at 5:30 am and it honestly a GOOD morning.

He was about to pull the little girl into his embrace when he heard a loud thud. Eunbi who was in her slumber mode jerked up.

The parents then rushed out to find the cause.

With Nako on her Daddy’s embrace.


“Daddy! Yuding float again!!” Yujin shouted.

Panting from crawling up the door panel fast enough just after falling from it.

To show his Daddy he can ‘float’

Legs at each side of the door panel.

Guess he had grown his legs enough to be a spiderman at the door.


“Buddy let’s get down. We don’t want you to fall before your first day of school” Sakura pressed his temples.

“Okay Daddy!” and the way Yujin just carelessly jumping down from that metres high made Eunbi’s heart skipped a beat.


“Miyawaki Yujin. Don’t be so careless” Eunbi said very sternly. With her deep voice.

Sakura shakes his head “You’re in deep trouble buddy” 

Yujin then came to Sakura’s side. Taking cover in case Mummy gonna nag him.


Ruffling Yujin’s hair, Sakura offered his hand to the boy who was about to beg Sakura into cradling him too. Jealous of Nako getting that comfy cradle.


“Now let’s take a bath”


Hearing bath made Nako whined and squirming trying to get away from Daddy’s embrace.

Yujin was far gone hiding in his room. Ignoring his Daddy’s hand offers.

Eunbi massaged her own head. Her sleep was disturbed what more now that headache and also tiredness quickly creeping in.


She held onto Sakura’s arm “Can you...”

“Yes baby. I will. Go get your sleep first. I’ll take care of these kids” Sakura kissed her cheeks and sent her away by slapping her .

Gaining a scoff from his wife.


“Miyawaki Yujin.. come out now. Let’s take your bath” Sakura said. Putting Nako on the bed and telling her to take off her shirts, handing her a fresh bathrobe.

The little girl protested but Daddy’s kisses on her cheeks melted her.


“Miyawaki Yujin.. come on now” Yujin was still hiding under the hanged clothes. Besides his luggage. Thinking Sakura can’t find him. 

“Okay then, Daddy will cut your toys money for this month and no iPod or iPad too” Sakura was too tired to deal with the kids at such early morning.

He went to bed late last night after nuzzling Eunbi to sleep. Mummy got trouble sleeping.


“Okay buddy that’s the last straw. No more Gundam for you” Sakura about to walk away when Yujin came running at him.

“Daddy No! Daengie will bath now” he bit his nail.

“Okay now let’s bath” Sakura lifted the boy and put him in the bathtub. Giving him warm bath. Followed by Nako next.

Preparing Yujin to school is quite easy actually. As Sakura just have to blackmail him with “No PS4. No bike. No iPad. No iPod” 



By 7:15 am they are all ready for school and work. Having breakfast at the dining room.

Eunbi took her car keys, thinking that she should send Yujin to school by herself but Sakura stopped her.

“Let’s go together. It’s his first day baby. I’ll send you home after we drop this little boy” Sakura ruffles Yujin’s perfectly combed hair. Making the little boy whined.

“But you’ll be late to work baby...”

“It’s better late than never” Sakura pecked Eunbi’s lips.

Fingers brushing against Eunbi’s smooth cheek.






The ride to school was a quite one. Yujin is not nervous anymore. Well maybe not yet.

He was playing with his Gundam and sometimes bothering Nako.

Nako wanted to bite him but their seats are bit distant and thus Nako can’t reach him.


“We’re here buddy” Sakura said as he parked in front of the school. Taking off his seatbelt.

“No. Let me do it for you” Sakura stopped Eunbi from making anymore moves.

“Baby.. I’m only pregnant. Not paralysed” 

But Sakura was already running to her side.

Opening the door and unbuckling her seatbelt. Offering hand for her to hold on her way out.



Nako wrapped her arms tight around her Daddy’s neck while Yujin held his right hand.

Hopping down from the SUV.

Yujin reached his other hand out to find his Mummy’s left hand.


Yujin need the biggest moral support for today. Boy can be quite shy and scared of being alone.

After finished with the registration, they walked to Yujin’s classroom. Nako was fascinated by the new environment.

Trying to grab every decorations on the wall. 

Sakura lead Yujin’s hand that was laced with him and Eunbi. Finding the boy a good spot to sit.


Yujin was sat next to a girl named Rebecca and boy named Jack.

His parents could see how Yujin’s cheeks turned red when little Rebecca said hello and asked him to be her friend.

“Hi. What’s your name?”

“Yuding. Miyawaki Yuding” Yujin fidgeting with his fingers.

“I’m Rebeka. Rebeka Jang(Rebecca Jang). Let’s be friends Yuding”

Yujin just nodded and his cheeks flushed.



Eunbi was melting with the sight of timid Yujin.

But hearing Sakura’s remarks made her felt a bit unease. Nako was trying to bite her Daddy’s ear. Seriously this one is an unique girl.


“I was a shy boy like him too you know. I barely spoke on my first day”

Eunbi squints her eyes at him “And then on your second day you already flirted with girls”

“Ayyeee don’t slander me Mummy. It was not second day. I started flirting on my first day already. Want to hear another bedtime story?” 

Eunbi rolled her eyes and nudged Sakura away.


They stayed outside watching over Yujin as his homeroom teacher took over his class.

Yujin was grinning sheepishly at his family while sometimes diverting attention to the teacher.

He looks happy being there.

Such a relieving sight.

Sakura smiles. Reassurance filling his heart.


“Let’s go home now baby” Sakura took Eunbi’s hand in.

“Will he be okay?” Eunbi creased her forehead.

“Yes he will. You told me that. Don’t worry too much honey”


The parents walked away with heavy hearts and Nako waving “Cho bye Dinggg”


When they took their last glance back at Yujin’s class, their heart broke and hoped that Yujin will be safe and happy in this foreign place.

Footsteps were heard “Daddy! Mummy! Cho!” Yujin ran at them. Hugging Sakura’s and Eunbi’s legs.

Nako was bending down pulling his hair.


“Daengie like it here. Mummy go home now. With Cho. Daengie will study hard and Daddy will work hard too!” Yujin said. Hands firmly gripping his toycar.

Few parents were passing by them.

Sakura picked him up with his other hand and nuzzle his cheek. Eunbi joined in making Yujin squirmed “It’s tickles”

“We love you Daengie” Eunbi whispered into his ears.

“Daeng know! Daeng loves Daddy, Mummy and Cho too”


Sakura put him down. And as the little boy ran back to his class, taking several look back at his family with wide smile, it’s undeniable the parents hearts were still not at ease.

But seeing Yujin smiling broadly soothes them a bit.






Although Yujin and Rebecca had made a mutual pact of becoming friends, Yujin timid and shy traits from Sakura sparks bright.


It was recess and Yujin had no playmate.

He’s too shy to ask around. Everyone have their own friends. Seeing the lost little boy, his teacher was about to help him but something happened.

He suddenly coughed and Rebecca quickly ran to him. Giving him her Postman Pat water bottle.

Yujin was about to say thank you but he burped instead.

Making Rebecca laughs.

As happiness easily spreads, Yujin laughs too.


“Do you want to play with me?” Rebecca asked.

Yujin nodded. And he had never felt so happy before.

‘Mummy! Yuding finally have friend that don’t bite!’


Rebecca took his hand and guide him to the play mat.

Yujin took out his Woody from Toy Story. And Rebecca took out a small box of Barbie clothes. Yujin don’t know what to call the girl but he knows he shouldn’t watch it when Rebecca changed the doll’s clothes.

Daddy said it’s a pebert thing to do. Yujin don’t know how to say the word but it’s not a good thing. Daddy said.  


“We can’t make Woody wear skirt” Rebecca took a small doll skirt away from Woody.

“It’s okay. My sister Nacho always make him wear dresses” Yujin said.

“You have a sister?”

“Yes. And a new brother coming” Yujin easily give the new baby his preferred gender.

“I have two brothers at home” 

And the two kids continue playing.






*Facetime ringtone 


Sakura picked up his phone. Nako was grinning broadly. From the screen, little girl must be standing on a chair. Judging by her height and the things surrounding her. Her Mummy is closely standing watching her every moves.

“Daddy! Cho made Yuding biscuits!” the girl proudly show the cookie dough.

“Oh really? Is there some for Daddy?” Sakura asked.

“Yes! Daddy’s biscuit is there” she pointed somewhere that’s not visible to Sakura.

“Cho make heart biscuits for Daddy. Hehe” Nako grinned.

“Aww. Nako is such a sweet girl. Where is Mummy?”

To answer his question, Nako pulled Eunbi’s arm to enter the frame.



And the view was so funny Sakura had to hold his laughter so hard.

“Baby, why are you ageing so fast?”

“Eh? What do you mean?” Eunbi wiped her sweat with the back of her hand. Adding another smudge on her face. Her hairs are already turning white.

“Are you sure you are cooking? You look like you bathed in flour”

“What do you actually mean?” Eunbi squints her eyes.

“Look at the mirror baby”


Eunbi went out the frame and take a good look on her face. ‘Holy... she looks old. Her hair specifically...’


She returned into the screen pouting. Making Sakura wanted to kiss that plump lips.

“This all for you. You know..” Eunbi whined slowly. With that pout intact.

“Oh baby I’m sorry I was just kidding”

‘Holy shet Sakura! You hurt her!’


Eunbi mumbled something Sakura couldn’t really catch.

But it took seconds to make Sakura aware. Eunbi has never been this sensitive except the time she was pregnant. With Nako.



 He got the clue what the baby gender would be.

‘Yuding buddy you got the gender wrong’


“You better pull that pout away or I have to leave the office right now”

Eunbi chuckles. Sakura is really weak with her cute acts. He never change. A broad smile plastered on her face now. The kind that makes her look silly.


“Nacho! Look at Mummy smiling. Isn’t she beautiful?” Sakura asked the little girl who keeps on stealing the cho

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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219 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1752 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
219 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1752 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1752 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!