How I Met Your Mother
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She tried to move around but her stomach felt twice heavier than before. Reaching down, she felt soft hair and traced out a sculpted jawline.

Her husband was resting his head on her bump.

“Baby…” she smiled.

Sakura didn’t budge even a bit. Soft snores echoes in the bedroom. Lights from the night lamp at the wall socket helps Eunbi outlining his pretty face.

She smothers her fingertip to make up the pointed nose, the plump lips and the God carved jawline. Softly brushing his hairs, it would be an understatement if Eunbi said she had fallen in love again with the man.

She is deeply falling for the man more and more each day.. One who she is glad to be lucky enough to call as her husband.


Reaching out to her phone at the bedside, it was only 4:15 a.m. Having surprisingly no urge to pee or back pains, she fell asleep again.



“Baby…” someone squirms. He kissed the bump he recognised as his wife’s tummy and rise. He had fallen asleep while singing a lullaby to the baby. As per Mummy’s request.


He smiles, staring at the peaceful look on Eunbi’s face. She literally glows. “I love you” he stole kisses from her lips and cheek. Laying closer to her and wrapped the lady in his arms.

It was a cold morning. And peaceful one. Thanks to no running or giggling child. 🙄


Sakura pecked Eunbi’s neck one last time before he dozed back to his sleep.





“Cho Cho!” Yujin shakes his sister.


“Ungggg…..” Nako turned around. Rubbing her eyes.

“Ding. Cho schleep” she said.

“Ding know. It’s morning. Let’s go”

“Morning?” she looked at her window and saw the morning view breaking in.

“Let’s go!” Nako furiously took Yujin’s hand, guiding her to jump off her bed carefully.

His right arm is still in casts. It’s only just a week after the heroic accident. “Might take a few more weeks to heal,” Mummy said.

The two children hopped out their bedroom and tiptoed through their parents room. Slowly walking down the stairs.


“Mummy said she puts it here” Yujin tried to open the fridge but his one hand couldn’t do it. Lucky Nako was there. Three small hands struggled and finally managed to open it.

“Ice cweam!!” Nako clapped.

“Hehehehehe” Yujin felt proud of himself. He had asked his Mummy to put the ice cream at a place he can reach because “Cho said so” and Mummy would do anything he asked. (Maybe)


He climbed up the chair with much effort and took two spoons.

“Eat!” he said. And the two kids happily dig into the ice cream tub.

Once they finished eating it, spots of melted ice scattered on the floor.

“Cho take the tissue” Yujin pointed to a nearby tissue on the floor. Eunbi had purposely put it there so the kids won’t do any climbing anymore. 

Their plan was carefully done.

Those two wiped clean the floor (but not their mouths) and struggled to open the fridge back. 

Once they finished storing the ice cream, they went to their playroom. 


Sakura and Eunbi just watched from upstairs those two oblivious kids running around. 

Today they are playing castle.

Yujin, on special admission, got himself the tent. That was already brought out of his room by his Daddy.

Nako opted for her mini car. She clearly doesn't understand what a castle is, but one thing she knows is a castle is a place where you can sit. And she can sit in her mini car. So that makes a castle. Right? Right?


“These two really woke up early just to play,” Sakura smiles at his wife.

“That’s the spirit” Eunbi wrapped her arms around Sakura’s neck and pulled him close. Landing her soft lips onto Sakura.


“Mummy! Daddy! Stop kishing!” Nako shouted.


“And…. There’s your tiny spirit,” Sakura pulled back, rolling his eyes, making Eunbi chuckle and rested her head on his chest.


Nako’s little footsteps approached them. Panting from having to climb 3000 stairs (Nako counted CORRECTLY) and pulled her parents arms apart.


“Daddy said Cho and Ding can schwim today”

Sakura picked her up and kissed her cheek “But it’s early morning baby. And it’s still cold”

“Water is also cold Daddy” Yujin butted in.

Eunbi ruffles the hair of the boy who is standing by her side.

“Are you sure you can swim with your hand like that buddy?”

Yujin looked down to his casted arm, “Yuding have another hand Daddy” he pursed his lips. Unsure to himself but he just wants to get some sun.

“Fine then, I’ll go get the buoy”


Splashes of water echoes around their swimming pool. Yujin happily swims around alone while Sakura watches over little Nako. He had put a few balls onto the swimming pool, to which Yujin threw it to Nako, with few hardships. 

“Yuding, be careful with your arm. Don’t get too reckless honey” Eunbi reminded the little boy. Yujin can be reckless at times. Not a bad trait, but still need to be careful of it. 

Yujin just nodded and threw the small ball to his Mummy and grinned like a silly boy he is.

Eunbi, the once master at sea caught the ball and threw it again at his face. Quite a bit too strong that the boy almost flipped over trying to push his head back avoiding the fire ball.

“Mummy 1, Ding 0!” Eunbi shouted. 

“Urghh” Yujin rolled his eyes, mumbling something Eunbi knew about his hand.

“Ding will come back for you Mummy” he growled.

Eunbi chuckles and puts on her smirk, “Mummy is always here. Get your game on!”



“Mummy look at me! I can do thish!” Nako flapped around. With Sakura holding her buoy. 

“Yes baby I’m here” Eunbi smiles. 

Sakura smirks pulling Nako towards the pool center.

“Ehhh Daddy no back. Cho wanna schwim to Mummy! Daddy!!” the little girl shrieks. Holding her hands out to reach Eunbi who just dipped her legs into the pool.

“Poor my baby girl. Don’t worry Mummy will stay here”

“Yuding coming to you Mummy!” the little boy moved his legs like a frog. His tummy landed on the bigger buoy Sakura put him in.

He was a little reluctant to the buoy because “Ding can swim even with one hand! Ding got two legs Daddy! Ding can swim!”

‘Welp, seeing it right now, you really need the buoy little boy’ Eunbi sent another smile towards her son. Softly brushing his wet hair away from his forehead.


“Mummy thinks Yuding really need a haircut”

Yuding shakes his head, “No Mummy!”

“Yes Mummy”

“Uhhh….. only if Daddy cut his hair too,” he suggested. Once again, Sakura as the bailer.


“Why don’t Mummy swim too?” the little boy tried to switch the topic.

“Because Mummy too tired to change clothes”

“That’s bad Mummy. Yuding never tired,” Yujin jerked his head up, flashing a smirk across his lips.

“Of course you don’t. You go straight to sleep when you feel tired,”

“Hehehehehe” Yujin grinned, swimming a bit further and pulled something from inside his pocket.

But before he could threw the ball to his Mummy, Sakura flipped his buoy making the boy fell straight into the water.

“Aaaaahsshhdjddnd!” Eunbi was petrified. (Yes Eunbi is screaming in keyboard smash language)


“Yu….” she called upon her son.

“Yuding’s back!!” he kicked the water staying afloat. Treading the water with his feets. Sakura surely did a good job teaching him swimming.

“Yish Daddy!” he furrowed his brow, glancing hard at the man.


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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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219 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1752 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
219 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1752 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1752 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!