How I Met Your Mother
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“Arghh!!!!! Mummy AAAAAAAA!!!! Mummy Help Ding!!! Mummy!!!” 

Eunbi let out a big sigh, “Haish… How do I have 4 children instead of 3”

Eunbi shakes her head at the sight of Sakura in his newly bought mask, chasing the scared Yujin on their hallway.


What a nuisance both boys are. 


Yellow! Welcome to Cho Badfeed Solved Part 2.

Today we will talk about Ding. Because Ding talked about Cho so Cho will talk about Ding.


The scene you read before Cho introduction is a normal scene. Cho is not a scaredy cat like Ding. Daddi wear a monster mask and he chased Ding around the house. Cho doesn't know why Ding has to be so scared.


Oh there look at Ding tripping on his own stress ball. Well, Cho didn't put it there. It just so happened that Cho forgot that Cho left the ball there.

It's okay, one time Ding jumped so high on tampoline. Tambourine. Tamping. Whatever Cho doesn't know the real name but it makes Cho jump higher when Cho jumps on it.

So yeah one day Ding jumped so strongly Cho flew out the thing and fell onto the grass. It hurts. And Cho a hooman. So Cho cried.

But Cho later got a cute orange bear (Pooh) band.. bandage? Cho thinks that's the name. Cho got a cute orange bear whatever dage thing and then Cho doesn't cry anymore.

Ding got nagged a bit for making Cho hurt. But because Cho is an angel, Mammi said not Cho. Cho shared two scoops of ice cream with Ding. But Ding a bad boy! Ding said Cho ice cream tastes like toothpaste.

Ding! Why do you eat toothpaste?! Eat Cho mint choco ice cream! Ding is weird. Cho is not weird.


Oh wait! Cho have to pause because Ding is rolling on the floor. Oho! Mammi pulled Daddi’s ears! Hahahaha!

Daddi gonna have red ears and Daddi will have to sleep at couch again Cho thinks. Hahahaha. Cho now knows, when Cho is angry, Cho must put something in Cho room outside.

So Cho left a puppy plushie outside Cho room when Ding said Cho not cute. 😢

Cho is cute! Mammi and Daddi said so. 

Ding is bad. That's why Cho always bite Ding. Ding hurts Cho kokoro.


But it's okay. Cho hide Ding’s remote car the day after. Lolol. Boo Ding.


But Cho cannot reach high place so Cho hid it inside Mummy's drawer. Hehehehe. Okay now Cho hear Wooyo crying, Cho gotta go and check on Wooyo. Wooyo is so cute and small. Cho hope Wooyo stay smol so Cho can bite her cheeks when Mammi is not looking. Don’t tell Mammi please.


No one gets to tell Nako that her siblings grew up to be twin towers. Please no one tell our precious Cho that. Please. 🥺


Sakura almost dropped  Wonyoung’s milk bottle as little Nako almost clashed onto him.

“Daddi Wooyo cry!” Nako pulled his shorts.

“Yeah bub. Daddy made Wonyoung’s milk already. Wonyoung is just hungry,” Sakura ruffled Nako’s hair as the girl stared at her daddy mouth agape.

“Cho wanna accompany Wooyo? Just look at her while Daddy finishes doing laundry and Mummy is cooking.”

Nako gasped. Feeling a bit responsible. “Cho can do that?” her brown eyes sparkles.

“Of course you can. You are the best sister after all,” Sakura picked the baby up and fed her the milk.

“Cho want!” she accidentally shouted due to her excitement. Sakura gestured for the girl to keep quiet and Nako curled herself as if it would make her loud self quieter.

Sakura took both little girls downstairs to the living room. Where both Eunbi and him can keep close eyes on them.

It might have been a mistake as the loud Yujin was watching his favourite Transformers.

But of course we got Little Captain Pingu to shut the puppy up.

“Ding SHHH! Wooyo wake up, Cho bite Ding,” is that a growl coming from the tiny body? Sakura swore he can hear a growl coming from the pingu. Doesn’t Pingu goes nottt nottt? In the cartoon they sounded like that.


“Ouch Cho don’t hurt Ding. Fine Ding shhh but this movie is good Cho! Look at Autobots!” The excited puppy jumped and tried to pull the penguin into his world.

Nako is a strong girl. Of course she won’t get tempted.

Or maybe she will.


“Ding the bot so big! Ding the bot turned to car!” Nako gasped. The two kids got so excited and clapped their hands as if they're watching live performances.

Eunbi shakes her head watching the siblings from her favourite spot, kitchen island.

Wonyoung was left alone in her baby cot. Playing in her own baby world.


The sight of the two siblings made Sakura sighed.

“Oi Oi. Little Captain, what did you agree with Daddy just now?” Sakura looked at Nako while carrying Yujin's laundry basket.


Eunbi turned around at the voice and...

Damn, Sakura looks so domestic (and delicious) like that. Eunbi suddenly felt thirsty and gulped her green tea latte hastily.

Last night was proven not enough for her hormone. That's okay, tonight she's gonna prey on him again then. 😈 


Sensing herself is in trouble, Nako tried to hide her small frame behind Yujin. 

“Ding. Cho in touble. Help Cho,” she grasped on her brother’s t-shirt.

“Cho don’t worry. Prince Daengie will defeat Daddy with Daengie’s Hakata punch!” Yujin gets into his fighting pose and Sakura shakes his head again. These kids are so dramatic.


“Miyawaki Yujin, you are not fighting anyone. Come here and help Daddy fold your clothes,” Sakura put the laundry basket on the floor.

Nako is defeated. Yujin is close to his defeat. What can he do? Wooyo still cannot talk and Mummy pretends not to see his pleading eyes.

Oh wait Daddy,” Yujin asked for a timeout.

“Yujin don’t feel so good. Argh, Yujin is falling to the floor. Arck, Yujin have fever,” he dropped down onto the floor and pretended to faint.

“Not gonna work

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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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227 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1762 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
227 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1762 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1762 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!