9 Looking Through Binoculars

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Looking Through Binoculars


Summer vacation has yet to end, yet here she is trying to get the best vantage point to “observe” without getting noticed the “Prince of East Starship Middle School”. The Almighty Jang Wonyoung, as what she was called by her peers, is here trying to hide her 169.1cm frame below the windows of the classroom she is currently residing. This room in the second floor is perfect to watch the athletes do their morning run.


Even though it still two weeks before the class returns, the school is open for those who have club activities, research works and other concerns. It is also her luck that her company does not have scheduled training for Tuesday, as it was a day mostly dedicated for self practice, she still need inform Yunjin and Doah, her co-trainees that she will not be there. She did that all for this reason, to shadow Ahn Yujin – The Prince of East Starship Middle School.


It’s annoying to her that she keeps mentally quoting the words “Prince of East Starship Middle School”. It’s been almost a week since she started living under the care of Lee Chaeyeon, the cousin of their company president, at the 48Diamonds Apartment. The place is technically an apartment but the way it functions is like one big mansion and so that is the reason why she is doing this now.


The Prince as she sees and heard from her classmates, who fangirl’s over her, calling her their girl crush and such, is somewhat different to the Ahn Yujin she regularly interact with at the place she now call home. Here Yujin is the prince at the apartment she is the hyperactive stinky puppy with unlimited energy. At school she is a leader, goofy but in control, back at their place she acts like an uncontrollable spoiled child. She is really curious about this gap.


The team passes by for another run.


“Go! East Starship Go! ---- Fighting! East.Starship!” Yujin chanted.

“Go! East Starship Go! ---- Fighting! East.Starship!” Her team chanted back.

“Sprint!!!” “Jog!!!” She commanded and her team members followed.


To Wonyoung it kind of looks like she is watching one of those sports anime montage – which she became familiar with because she would catch her Hyewon-unnie watching those clips on her phone.


After about two more round of runs, the team stopped. Yujin is saying something that Wonyoung can’t hear. Right now the “prince” looks very mature and in control – there is no trace of the hyperactive puppy that runs around with no constraint. It’s puzzling to her.


The girls’ basketball team decided to move on to the outside covered court to practice shooting and other drills. Depending on the day they would switch with the boys team for the use of gym. Wonyoung decided that it is now time to change location, she need a better vantage point.


Honestly Wonyoung does not care one bit about her surrounding her focus and attention is solely on Ahn Yujin. She continued to watch them. Her current location was not the most comfortable place but it’s the only place she can watch them without being seen. It’s the side of one of the building where the court can be seen. Wonyoung is crouching in that corner trying to hide her tall frame, peeking from that side to see what the basketball team is upto.


Based on what she can see, the team is holding a short meeting – afterwards they did some stretching. That is as much she can try to make, her view is obstructed by some benches, fences and the fact that the team is on the far end of the court from where she is.


Currently the team is doing some cone dribble-shoot drill, where they dribble around cones and shoot at designated spots. Yujin was calmly commanding everything, while their coach Ms. Park is observing them.


This quality is what makes girls and boys admire Yujin, it’s the quality that made girls fangirl over her, calm, in control, competitive, with some tinge of goofiness and most of all charming. She looks and most of the time acts like a high schooler already, mature for her age. That is the Yujin that is known as the Prince of East Starship Middle School and definitely not the Yujin of 48Diamonds apartment.


She probably been crouching there for so long, her legs and back is hurting, but she continue to try and deduce the gap between the two version of Yujin she come to know. Trying to reach a conclusion on why there is such a gap, or is there really a gap?


Suddenly her phone rings,


~~nal ooh ahh ooh ahh hage mandeureojwo~ gajja gajja jimsim eomneun gajja jal ga jal ga huh ooh ahh hage~~


“Who?” She asks herself, even though she perfectly knew who is calling her right now. She only assigned this specific ringtone to one person; this ringtone is that person singing the chorus of Twice – Like Ooh Ahh from the time they went to a Noraebang, it’s a secret to the other that such recording exist.


Why? Is now her question, why is she calling? Well there is no harm in answering.


“Wonyo, where are you?” The girl said in faltering voice, there is a touch of concern that can be traced there.


“Wait what time is it now!?” Wonyoung asked. She sure let the time slip by being so focused at shadowing the prince.


“Its 11:20 now, Miss Almighty.” That’s a sassy comeback from the other girl, who is just teasing her for forgetting that she promises to meet them at about ten minutes ago.


“…” Wonyoung does not have any answer for that. Instead she just giggled at her friend trying to be sassy, because all she could imagine is how cute of a grumpy cat the other girl is.


“What are you doing? This is so not like you, ‘Youngie.” The other girl whined, Wonyoung just smiled at this, she adores the girl just as much.


“I’ll be there now. You are at the cafeteria?” She quickly stands and stretches her long legs out and turns around to go where her friends are. There is no way she can really hide that frame of her for that long but she like to believe she can.


“No not the cafeteria. We will be at the park, at one of the tables under the smaller maple tree.” The girl notified her.


“Got, it.” Wonyoung quickly replied.


“What do you want? Sandwich?” The girl on the phone asked her.


“Can you just get me some drinks please, I have a lunchbox today.” She told them.


“oh… that’s a surprise.” The other said after a pause. Shock that Wonyoung who always buys her lunch either at the cafeteria or the nearest convenient store has a packed lunch today.


Wonyoung just smiled at her reaction, there are things that change in her life and she can’t wait to tell them about it personally even though she has mentioned some of it when she chats with them on kakao.


Truly, she misses them she just got distracted by the prince today. Just a month ago where what seems to be the inevitable will happen and that she will bid goodbye to those three and her dream forever. Things have change and even if the future is still uncertain, Wonyoung is happy today and for now that is what is important.


Some other voices are playfully teasing each other on the background of her call.


“… Eubiniee…” “Damin-ah~~” They said to each other giggling in natural aegyo. Those two don’t need to fake it, they are the definition of it.


Wonyoung heard a sigh then the other girl pleaded to her “Please save me from the uwus”.


“teeheehee~~ they’re killing you with cuteness.” She chuckled.


“No… I don’t want to third wheel anymore. Come here quick. “ The other girl ask.


“It’s too much. They are poking each other and giggling and arghh.” She continued in exasperation.


Wonyoung can imagine the other girl’s arms and legs figuratively curled due to cringiness of what she is witnessing.


One of the girl with a cute voice, hijacked the phone “Yongie~~ have a lunchbox? Let me have some too~”.


Her voice is too cute that Wonyoung is had her uwu moment too.


“Allright, kekeke~~~” She replied happily.


Those girls put a bright smile on her face. She is glad she can have more time with them. Today is one of the few days they can meet up. She is rather busy with her training and the things that happened with her family the past months to hangout with the other three. Guilt had taken pangs in her heart – why did she let the annoying puppy known as prince occupy her today, when she could have hangout with her friends the entire time.


Wonyoung made her way to the school park. Aside from them there some other students who are currently here and as she walk – the typical way she walk – they all look in her direction. It does make her conscious sometime but she gotten use to it.


If you are asking how Wonyoung walks, she walks like your average kid I guess. She carries herself with confidence though and her long legs make it seem like she is a model, there is also an undeniable charisma flowing from her.


Funnily the wind blows gently right at that time for some dramatic effect.


“Eunbinie, look at our Wonyongie. It’s like a scene from a romantic movie.” The girl who is sporting a twin braid and has her head rested on top of the other said.


“Yeah – like when the lead walks in to meet her lover, right.” The girl who is resting her head on top of the table chimed in.


“That’s our school goddess for you, our almighty friend.” The twin braid girl mused.


“Don’t worry you are still the cutest to me Damin-ah.” Eunbin assured the other, lifting up her left hand to pat the girl’s left cheek.


“You are still the prettiest to me too, my Eunbinie.” The other girl, Damin, said back to her looking at her cutely and brushing a stray hair of her face.


The girl on the opposite side on the table on the other hand just wants to sink below the ground. She opened the can of soda and drinks it pretending not to see the others while in reality she is glaring at them.


They always flirt and it’s cute. If Wonyoung is considered the prettiest girl in the school, this two is considered the cutest pair. They are called gwiyeowo twins for a reason, they give you this I want to pinch you and hug you kind of feeling like when you see a cute kitten or puppy. Sometimes though she can’t stand the flirting especially when she is the odd one out like at this moment, she wishes Wonyoung would hasten her steps, join them and save her.


“Haeun-ah~~~ What’s with the long face. ” A familiar voice called to her.


She looked at her right and … poke. Haeun just look dumbfounded for several seconds.


“pftt…” The tall girl tried to look away trying to suppress her laughter. The other two across them though are cackling at the rather simple prank.


“Haeun-ah reactions are always the cutest.“ Damin said with thumbs up and a big grin up on her face.


Haeun would have rebutted but then the other girl just looks so innocent and like a doll that she just can’t bring herself to do say anything. Why is she friend with this three though?


She felt arms enveloping her and a head resting on top of hers.


“Did our Haeun wake up at the wrong side of the bed?” Wonyoung said cradling Haeun’s head gently like she was a baby.


“Not really… I’m just dying because these two forgetting that I’m here. ” She told Wonyoung acting nonchalantly.


“Heheh…. Really?” Wonyoung said in teasing tone, Haeun averted her eyes from her teasing look.


Her reaction elicited a unanimous “Gwiyeoweo~~~~” from the other three.


Haeun just look down – blushing – due to the teasing. Such is their dynamics.


“Wonyoung, …Seat…” She asks, or rather commanded Wonyoung to do in a very awkward manner.


The girl, Haeun, has an in-school nickname too we will get back to that later. She might not believe it but she has her own set of admirer’s at the school. In fact their group is rather popular.



For what seem like eternity Haeun just sit there quite, awkwardly trying to open the sandwich she bought. She has a weakness in trying to get conversation to continue, so she suffers in this kind of moment alot.


“Haeun-ah, are you ok?” Wonyoung inquired.


“No, not. Especially when I feel like a dwarf beside you.” Allright, crisis averted, the girl is fine and as sharp in her comeback as ever.


“Then I should try using your head as my arm rest.” Wonyoung said back to her teasingly while she pulls out the rather simple lunch box she is carrying.


“Wonyoung, you really have a lunchbox? ” Eunbin inquired, she still has her head resting on the table.


“Yeah, I just took some left over this morning from the breakfast at the apartment.” Wonyoung answered.


They already know that Wonyoung transferred to an apartment instead of going with her family to Taiwan. They figured that she will, just like before, continue getting her lunch at the cafeteria or the convenience store. If back then with her family she rarely gets to enjoy a homemade food what more now that she is living almost on her own was what they are thinking.


“They serve breakfast?” Eunbin ask again surprise at the news.


“hmmm… yeah beside Chaeyeon-unnie and Eunbi-unnie are good cooks. ” she answered.


“Are they your guardian?” Haeun inquired.


“Chaeyeon-unnie is. Eunbi-unnie is I think the owner of the place.” Wonyoung explained.


Wonyoung continue to tell them stories about the apartment. How even if they have their own rooms with a small kitchen they all eat at the first floor. That Chaeyeon is like a mom to her down to being scolded for forgetting to wash the dishes. That there is an unnie who took great interest to her and babied her a lot and how she and Chaewon would have friendly battle for the said girl’s attention. How Minju, whose room is beside them, welcomed her by doing monkey imitation and that she found someone who has a similar dream to her in Yuri.


And yes it’s only been a week, exactly 10 days, since she transferred there and it feels like she been there for a long time. The place provides so much warmth that Wonyoung heart that is still very much that of a child feel so much loved.


“There some Japanese students coming at the end of this week too. Chaeyeon-unnie was talking about them yesterday.” Wonyoung continued her story, while she picks the last slice of eggroll off her lunch box.


“I’m excited to meet them. Chaeyeon-unnie told me they sound really kind and cute.” She added.


“I’m jealous, Eunbinie .. Yongie is replacing us.” Damin said playfully pouting.


“It’s because we can’t cook, we are now getting exchange for food Damin-ah.” Eunbin added, while doing some fake tears acting.


“Can we blame her, this bread roll is delicious.” Damin reasoned to Eunbin, while she took whatever left of the bread she fished out Wonyoung’s lunchbox which she learned are personally made by the owner of the apartment.


“Atleast I won’t exchange my Damin for any bread.” Eunbin then held Damin’s left hand and pull it beside her cheeks, looking at the other lovingly.


Wonyoung and Haeun have witness something like this on regular basis. Haeun still get shocked, right now she is shocked her jaw drop as well as the soda can she is holding good thing it’s already empty.


Wonyoung on the other hand, used to get surprise – she would giggle at the overdramatic antic and flirting. Since she started living at 48Diamonds, she became thankful that their mild flirting and dramatics made her somewhat immune at what she witness there. Because what she sees at 48Diamonds is alot more…well intense that what her friend does almost has no effect on her. She is now fully immune.


“You guys… remind me of Yena and Yu-” She was about to say when a commotion took her attention.




You know that fangirl screams that make you think pterodactyls got resurrected back Earth. Yeah that is what cut off Wonyoung. The group collectively looked at the direction of the screams.


What is this? webtoon? They thought.


The cause of the scream is non-other than the prince. She was tending one girl who by the looks of it, trip over and twist her ankle. There is a group of girls around them and just like how Wonyoung and her friends look at the commotion there also other student not that far that are doing the same.


Even if they can’t hear what they are talking, they can atleast make out what is happening. It just Yujin asking the girl if she is ok, then in very Yujin way princess carried the girl.


“Does this happen regularly?” Is Wonyoung’s question, she already saw the picture Chaewon took of Yujin princess carrying Minju.


Her thoughts was interrupted when she heard Eunbin concerned voice, “Haeun!?”


“Nah, I’m ok.” Haeun replied through her teeth with a big grin reaching her ears, a crumpled can in her hand and a rather dark aura seemingly floating behind her.


“She really has the boys beat in that area.” Damin mused as she watches Yujin carry the girl to presumably the clinic.


“If you trip over and injured yourself, I’ll carry you too.” Eunbin faced Damin and assured the girl that she will do the same.


“I don’t think you can do that.” Haeun chimed in with her brow raised in doubt.


“Yeah, you will just injure your arm.” Wonyoung added, concerned that Eunbin arms will not be able to bear the weight of the other girl, they are rather thin you see.


“A piggy back will do.” Damin then replied. She cup Eunbin cheeks and smiled at her softly.


The absurdity of the idea made them laugh though, afterall Damin is far taller than Eunbin.


They continued with their usual chit chat. Haeun is telling them about her days with the hip hop dance team. While Eunbin is complaining about that time Damin drag her to bird watch, though she admits the scenery is lovely but waking up so early is not. Wonyoung continue to enjoy this moment, she is glad this can continue and hope it can continue for more years to come.


“Oh the prince is back.” Damin said after spotting a group of girls passing by far from them.


Damin has quite an ability to recognize things from far away as her hobby is bird watching. Either way the group passing by is just Yujin and a couple of her friends followed by about five other girls by her count.


Wonyoung is getting reminded of the scene in one of the anime her Hyewon-unnie would watch on her phone. Remembering that is sending shivers down her spine. Sigh, curiosity got the better of her.


“Uhm, guys I have something to check. Mind if I go ahead now.” She said, it’s not entirely a lie but she needed an excuse and that’s what she came up with. It is not very convincing.


“o..ok.. Do you need any help?” is Haeun concerned reply. It’s rare for Wonyoung to leave this way.


“No..no.. I’m fine. I’ll go now. Bye. ” Wonyoung quickly pack her belongings and prepare to leave.


“See you soon.” She bid goodbye, she turn around and run. Run to where, to spy on the Prince again.


Her abrupt leaving raised alarm to her friends, especially to Haeun. They look at each other and try to silently communicate if they need to do something regarding it. The Gwiyeoweo twins – think it’s not much a concern.


“I don’t think we have much to worry about.” They said then they look at each other with some sort of twinkle in their eyes.


“I’m concerned, I’ll do something…bye.” Haeun said, quickly packing her things and immediately started following Wonyoung.


Damin then stand and offered her hand to Eunbin, “Eunbin, let’s go, wanna go bird watching with me again.” She ask her with bright smile and a suspicious wink.


“Of course I would love too.” replied the smaller girl as she took Damin’s hand, they walk with their fingers intertwined, happily swaying and skipping.


So now it’s Haeun following Wonyoung who is following Yujin. Interesting.


Wonyoung is back to the same corner that overlooks the outside basketball court. Yujin is not far from her though, since the girl is just talking and eating with other girls outside of the court in one of the nearby benches. Looks like the afternoon practice is yet to start and it’s not going to start for an hour more, it’s the team’s lunch break.


What she see right now is Yujin wiping something out of someone’s lips. *CRINGE*.


“What is that!?” is Wonyoung’s reaction.


How she manages to hide her 169.1 cm frame in that corner is a mystery.


From Haeun’s point-of-view though this is rather suspicious, Haeun hid her 153cm self behind a nearby tree not that far off from where Wonyoung is.


She slowly sneaked behind her giant friend just in time for her to hear,


“What is so princely about that? I don’t see anything princely.” As she watches Yujin – the prince – help another girl to drink because that girls hand is full.


“I see, you see what I see too. There is nothing remotely princely right. ” Haeun unintentionally said as she step beside her.


“Right, she is totally different than at the apartment where she runs around uncontrolled.” Wonyoung answered unconsciously, it’s as if she is having a conversation with herself. She is totally focused at Yujin, crouching in that corner, unaware that her friend is beside her.


“I don’t know about the two of you, but her actions are very gentlemanly. “ Another voice said. Haeun just blankly stared at the source. it’s Damin with binoculars up her eye just behind Wonyoung.


“I aspire to be as mindful of others as her.” Eunbin said with her index finger on her chin. She is beside Damin, slightly crouching so she can peek out of the corner they are hiding.


“What are you guys doing here!?” Wonyoung not so loudly asked as she finally noticed the other three.


“Oh, if it’s not, Chibi Dictator Haeun? ” A rather cheerful voice cut in and approached them.  


“I’m not Chibi!!!” Haeun quickly retorted, imagine a cute baby dragon with flames going out of its mouth as she said it.


“Oh and also Wonyoung-ah. ” The way it was addressed has a rather homely familiarity in it.


“He…hello…” Wonyoung responded rather awkwardly.


“How about us?”  Reminded the two cute beings that are also there, they tilt their head to make the guilt trip work better.


“As cute as always aren’t you.” Yujin replied to them smiling brightly, dimples and all.


“You go far from my friends! Off your dirty hands!!! ” Haeun grouched at her for what she thought is Yujin’s attempt at flirting with her friends.


“tehheheheh.” Yujin chuckled; she held the angry Haeun at bay by holding her head as her long arms will make sure the Chibi Dictator will not reach her. This is amusing to her, she is actually glad that Haeun is one of the few people at school in where her princely self does not show.   


“Why is chibi dictator angry?” She asked.


“Again, I am not chibi nor I am a dictator. You…!!!”  Haeun retorted.


“But I think you’re amazing, club president even though you are only a second year.” She praises her with truthful admiration.


Chibi Dictator is Haeun’s in school nickname – she does not like it one bit – it’s not cute you know - but it’s a testament to her skills. She is the sole second year club president after being appointed president at the end of her freshman year. The Hiphop dance club used to be messy and caused a lot of problem but since Haeun’s started leading them they became disciplined and now are even competing and winning in dance contest that is all due to her. 


She sometimes has short temper and expects a lot to her members at the same time she is kind and caring. Though the nickname was bestowed to her one due to her height and two her tough leadership style. Believe it or not she has admirers that just love her for that and not to mention that Chibi Dictator Haeun does kill it on a dance floor. Outside of Yujin and Wonyoung, Haeun is the next person that can make girls and boys alike scream their lungs out and that happens whenever she dances.


Haeun and Yujin became familiar with each other after regularly meeting each other whenever there is a club president meeting, as both are the leaders of their respective clubs.


 Haeun is still grumpily fighting Yujin albeit they are at this point just teasing each other. Wonyoung wrapped her arms around Haeun to calm her.


“Haeun-ah… No need to talk to Yujin anymore, let’s go. ” She told her.


“Even though you are small I know you are such a softie, nowhere near a dictator.”   She added slightly teasing and at the same time protecting her friends.


“Bye Yujin. ” She ended the conversation and dragged Haeun away.


Damin then look at Yujin through her binoculars and did that I see you finger gestures as she walk backwards with Eunbin beside her.


“They are fun bunch.” Yujin thought – she always heard about them. She thought that the second year group of Wonyoung is a y mean girl squad, especially Wonyoung and despite her high opinion of Haeun. That has change when Wonyoung started living with them at 48Diamonds and now she wanted to hang out with her friends as well.


“Wonyoung!!! Let’s go home together.” She shouted at the tall girl, Wonyoung just glared at her in return.


The day went by fast, It’s now about four in the afternoon and Wonyoung is sure that Yujin is not yet finish in her practice so there is no way she will catch her, no way she go home with her.


Wonyoung is also not with her friends as they told her they can’t accompany her today to go home. Haeun is still with her dance team, while Damin was asked to report to her club and Eunbin goes where Damin goes. That was what she was told.


As she walks towards the bus stop she heard a voice “Wonyoung!!!”


Yujin came running to her, “Wait for me! I told you we go home together.”


The girl is really fast there is no doubt about that. Wonyoung tried to ignore her at first but later relented. Yujin is not a stranger anymore, might as well consider her as a friend right now maybe.


 “Let’s get something at the convenient store.” She offered the younger girl. She is right now her hyperactive puppy self.


“What with that? Why are you a lot …ehhm… calmer at school?” Wonyoung asked quite annoyed at the switch.


“Ah that… just happens. At school people rely on me.” Yujin answered matter-of-factly.


She turn around and walk backwards so she can face Wonyoung, she continued “At the apartment I have someone I can rely on.”  She smiled to Wonyoung brightly that her dimples are very visible.


“You are…a cringey unnie. I’m not gonna get caught with you.“ Wonyoung said in return.

Yujin just blink after hearing that and just like that at the count of three Wonyoung run and Yujin chased her. People may sometime see them as kids a lot more mature than their age, they are still kids all the same and they might as well act like one.


Not far from where they decided to run, few poles behind them in fact a girl holding binoculars said in detective tone. “That is quite a development. The almighty and the prince together.”


“Where did you get those binoculars, Damin?” ask the smaller girl who have her back leaning on the pole.


“I’m a member of the Bird Watcher’s club, remember? And I’m watching two cute birds right now.” She reminded the other while looking at her with binoculars still up her eyes.


“I think those are different kind of birds, Damin-ah.” Eunbin, who is crouching behind, informed her. 


“Why are you following them?” She then asks Haeun.


“Uh… I am just concerned.” Haeun shrugged.


“Or maybe you are just jealous.” Damin cut in, yeah binoculars still up in her eyes as she look at Haeun.


"I'm not." Haeun quickly snapped back at her.


“Haeun… Jealous?” Eunbin ask cutely.


“Yes, Eunbinie our Haeun is growing up. “ Damin replied, she grab the other girl hands, intertwined her fingers with hers and lifts her hand to kiss them.


They then started walking to where the convenient store is to maybe ambush Wonyoung.


Haeun would have retorted but she could not get something out of her head so she asks them, “Uhmm…. Are you… like...official?”


The other two look at each other and then to Haeun.


“Maybe.” They shrugged and answered with grin visible in their face.


Haeun just sighed. Yeah maybe she was just jealous for whatever reason.


“Haeun, hurry or we will leave you!!!” Damin called for her.


With this they all run to where Wonyoung is. Such is the energy of youth, time may went by fast but never fault the youth for enjoying it before the world starts to burden them.


Note:  Sorry this took awhile, after Christmas I just have things to do. Apologies aswell for an error - 1st chapter the Apartment Name is 48Diamonds but somehow I forgot and made it Diamond48, I change everything to 48Diamonds.  This is probably the longest I have written.

I change the story title to Everyday IZ*One since I think that will reflect more the content. If you notice I always try to put some characteristic to the side and background characters. Wonyoung btw thought Eunbi owned the apartment rather than just manages it, so that's why Damin thought the bread is made by the owner.

I did brought back team kawaii/gwiyeoweo/maknae - these are youngest participants in the show and I almost die rewatching love whisper team meeting. just cuteness overload. 

Everyone was surprise with the Christmas message from them I already have plan. I also am broke and JP release is T^T I'll try to atleast get one. 

Happy New Year!!!

Next One: Nako and Hitomi finally arrive and a y sassy cat also arrive to lure an Angel.  The next two chapters are somewhat connected hehehe. 

Sketches :

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1752 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??