15 Monday Blue;S Track 02: Stubborn but not a Fool

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream

This is a bit angsty - there is one scene I am not sure if I should put trigger warning. So yeah tread carefully, nothing really major, but if you are not comfortable with confrontation of sort - just putting it here.


Monday Blue;s Track 02

Stubborn but not a Fool


It’s a confusing day, a conflicting day, just overall a messed up day, everything is going downhill for her since it began. Today she supposed to be back to the perfect Chaewon that everyone knows, the ice princess that everyone admire but could not touch. What a start.


Everything around her is getting shattered, things she knows, things she hold dear and maybe even herself. She leaned on the nearest post, asking a little support from it, it’s not enough and eventually her knees gave up.


Things are confusing and her life has been confusing series of lies she tries to piece together one by one. One more piled on top of it, did she heard it correctly? She is not sure. She looks over at the path that Minjoo took and she wishes she could have responded in better way, it took awhile for her to process what the girl meant. She knows for sure she broke the girl’s heart and she did not even do it properly.


She buried her head on her knees, holding her phone as if everything in her life can be change by a single message. Even if her mind has cleared up a little, she is still afraid to receive the information she hastily ask earlier from a certain strawberry hearted girl.


Hitomi had read her very well, ever since the day they know of each other. She unwittingly dragged her into this mess. Selfish is what she call herself, she has been acting rather selfish since that day. Hitomi to her surprise read her like an open book better than she could even do for herself.


She could not figure why she was so hurt, by a lie, by a kiss, by Hyewon doing what she has right to do. She could not understand why she is possessive of the older, that the news of her spending her night with a person she adores brings so much pain to her. Maybe because of all the lie that piled up in her life that she could not bear another one, let alone one from the person she trust the most. It does not sit right to her, compare to everyone else in her life, Hyewon’s is mild and it might not even count as one. It was not really the lie that hurt her. It’s something else, she could not figure it out, that what she wants to believe.


Hitomi on the other hand threw cold water on that, the girl look so cute but deep down, her insight, her ways, and point-of-view and assessment of situation is rather mature. Hitomi told her bluntly that she is hurt simply because it is Hyewon, her childhood friend, her long time friend, her bestfriend. To put it simply the one person she is afraid to lose. That upon learning that the older is enjoying things with someone else, Chaewon’s fears of losing her surfaced. It’s not the lie. It is simply because Hyewon is with someone else, simply because that someone else could take Hyewon away from her. The girl is just too important to her that the thought of losing her – hurt her so much she protected herself in the only way she know by lashing out and closing of herself.  Hitomi made her subtly realize that what she is doing will make her lose Hyewon for real.


She might be stubborn, she admits that herself, but she is no fool. She knows, even if she does not want to admit, there is something more to the story of that night. She wants to know that but she could not face Hyewon yet, she is too afraid. She have been betrayed by a lot of people in her life that she have problem trusting anyone, yeah except Hyewon and now she is not sure if she could trust her anymore. At the very least she does not want the confirmation to come from her because that would shatter her beyond repair. 


There is another way to learn about it and that what she was seeking from Hitomi. Truthfully fate played them. Holding her phone tight she is hoping that Hitomi would not respond yet fate did what it likes to do. A notification pop up and it is the thing she was seeking but does not want to find.


Hitomi replied to her consisely, the hotel name and the room number. Afterwards it was Hitomi apologizing profusely and asking her to take care and make sure to update her on the situation. Somehow Chaewon feel the panic of the person on the other side. She told her she will and thanked her.


She heaves a sigh for some reason receiving the message made things easier for her. It is as if fates have told her their plan and she might as well go for it. She looks up to the weird angel statue, yeah maybe the myth is true this place does give you something, not happiness for sure but some courage will do.


Chaewon evaluated her plan; she can’t go back to her classroom and get her things. Her friends will be very worried if they saw how red her eyes are, they are already worried when they saw how out of it she is today. She trusts they will take care of belongings for the time being. Her next concern is how to get there. She does not have much in her person aside from few coins, afterall she just runs here as soon as breaktime started. With that concern the only thing she can do now is to contact the trusty white BMW that she and Hyewon would regularly use and ask the driver they know so well to not tell the other girl about it. That is a trust she know will be broken, his loyalty lies to her afterall, but it is a gamble that Chaewon would take. Things would reach Hyewon eventually, one way or another. In the end it is the most logical way to go, not to mention convenient.


She called the driver and asks him to meet her at a designated place. It would probably take him about 30 minutes or more to get there. Chaewon knows the spots to get out of school and not get caught, don’t ask her how. She is proper enough not to skip school and ambitious enough to know that doing so could harm her future prospect. Mind her not she knows she is being reckless, calculative but still reckless. The Kim Chaewon of yesterday will laugh at what she is doing today, but she doesn’t care about and never really cared about the structure of the world and its rules, she just follow it for convenience and she is willing to break it when the time comes, like today. Chaewon smiled to herself. If there is one time she elects to skip class, that is today, she is willing to do it for her but in her own way.


If Hitomi is beside her today, she would call her bluff. For now, all Chaewon wanted to is to have her bestfriend back, to be able to trust her again and for the demons of previous betrayals not to haunt what they have. For her to hold her hands again knowing that the other will be beside her no matter what happen, the kind of trust time built and solidified by their tears and fears.


She knows full well everything she is doing today could eventually backfire.  She stands there at the side of the street waiting for the white BMW to appear. She spend some of her time earlier just sitting in a park bench drinking that green tea Minjoo gave to her earlier, what a bittersweet taste.


Did not take that long when the white BMW and the familiar driver welcome her. The ride to Gangnam, to the hotel that she knows but rarely frequent, will not take long. She sat there quietly, reminiscing the time they spent together.


Things will either end or get mend today. She is afraid that the former will more likely to happen than the later and whether she wants to admit it or not the thought of not having Hyewon by her side hurts. They have been together for so long she could not imagine it, one week of them not talking properly and it’s already killing her. It is only because of her stubbornness and inability to admit it that it took this long for her to do a move. Thinking about the time they spent together, since she was four, where things are a lot more innocent, to the time she learned that most of the thing about her life is a lie and to the time that Hyewon took her away from that toxicity and bring her to a place where she can start building back the pieces of herself.  


She touches the silver bracelet that Hyewon gave her on the first day of August with a rose, a day they promise to spend together but the older fail to fulfill. It is a rather simple one, an open ended bangle type. Its ends are rounded, at the left end are her first name’s initial in Roman alphabet, CW and on the other end is Hyewon’s, HW. In the middle are the words To You With You. If you look at it from left to right its “CW   To you With you   HW” a rather simple message but it’s something she holds dearly. On its inside rim is another message, this time on both end is their initial in Hangul ㅊㅇ and ㅎㅇ and a longer personal message. It is a promise, the one promise she wants to believe Hyewon will hold. 


She lift up her wrist and kissed it, she closed her eyes and buried her head in her arms. Once again she can’t breathe, she tried but she can only gasp for air. Tears are once again knocking to fall and the only thing that is supporting her is that damn bracelet and the promise it holds within. She tried to prevent them from falling but is no use, beads by beads they run down her cheeks.


The more car move, the more it approaches her destination, the more unsure she became. Can’t she face the truth? Can she ask the car to turn back instead? Can she go back to the apartment and pretend this whole thing did not happen? Can she go back to Hyewon’s side like before blindly trusting the girl without knowing the context of that night? Can the demons of lies and betrayal that hounds her past allow that to happen?


“Miss Chaewon, we are almost there.” The driver informed her interrupting her thought.


He watches her from the mirror, “Do you still want to continue, Miss Chaewon? Rest assured I have not told the young madam about this yet.”   


“Thank you… could we go around for abit, I… I need to compose myself.” Chaewon replied.


She breathed deeply and tried to summon her usual self, the cold, calculating Chaewon. If she is going to face Miru, she for sure needs the side of herself to show up, you know the seemingly uncaring, unbothered Chaewon. She knows that girl – Miru is ruthless to her enemies. Yes it’s true that Hitomi assured her that the girl is sweet inside and she knows Hyewon would not get along with someone who is truly mean. But what those two don’t know is that she and Miru just can’t stand each other. The few times they meet, the heir of White Castle made it known she does not like her and she returned that favor equally.


They are two strong personality bound to clash and the only reason they have not scratch each other faces is the fact that Hyewon is in between them, being her sweet innocent self. Without Hyewon in immediate vicinity they would have probably stabbed each other. That is exactly why she needs to show that she is no weakling, she will be meeting the lion in her den and there is no Hyewon in between.


One more go around to fix herself, one go around to make herself look less of a mess. It’s good that this car work as sort of their go to emergency hideout. It is where they go when they need a quick escape. They stored their makeup sets and various other things and that includes a Nintendo Switch for when Hyewon needs it. Chaewon smiled when she saw the device inside their not so secret box.


“Miss Chaewon.” The driver called her attention; she nodded to give him a signal that she is ready to go.


Fight time, Kim Chaewon, fight time.


She messages Hitomi to tell her that she is meeting Miru any moment from now and asking her some goodluck message, all the while she teasingly guilt trip her. She should take her for some bread date sometime soon, that girl seems to love them. Either way Chaewon did not divulge the place only that she is about to meet her. Hitomi quickly replied to her “Good Luck, Do your best” in Japanese but she wrote it in hangul accompanied by the kakao friends peach character that uncannily resembles her.


 She walk inside the hotel lobby, she have been there a few times before. It is a pristine and high-class as she remembers it. Every corner screams luxury this is afterall the face of Kang Enterprise Hotel Lines.


She remembers how Hyewon avoided coming here this past few years, if she can she will reserve a different one or some other hotel all together, it does not matter if it is a lower rated one. It is not a surprise that Miru would be here, but what surprise Chaewon is that Hyewon probably arrange for the Japanese to lodge here.


If she would access Hyewon the same way she would her family’s every move. What Hyewon did is rather simple but is very much a power move. It is a show of influence. But this is Hyewon we are talking about, it probably is that she chooses a place she knows her friend will be comfortable and where she can assure her safety. It is just in a way, luck favors her, fate favors her, her small honest, innocent gesture ended up benefitting her aswell. But then once again this is Hyewon we are talking about, she maybe innocent but she is smart – maybe way smarter she give her credit to and who knows maybe she learned to use her luck to her advantage. In the end that is all Chaewon could think, even if her mind is trying to judge Hyewon the way she judge the other rich folks she met in her life, her heart just refuse to see the girl that way.


Chaewon debated on whether to use the elevator on the ground floor or take a detour and ride the one on the upper floor. She decided on the later and took the big stairway. On a different occasion, being the efficient girl she is, she would have taken the elevator from the ground floor but today, she needs some more time to compose herself. She is already getting her resting face on but that would not be very convincing in combination of her khaki school uniform. She should have planned this better but here she is already and she is going for it.


She landed up top the second floor and wow that is tiring. Ok she should have taken the elevator on the ground floor, well whatever she is here now.  She look around trying to remember the location of the elevator in this floor, she remembers that the nearest one to her destination is around the corner of the left corridor. She was walking towards it when she recognizes someone, both of them are quite shock to see each other.


“If it’s not Miss Kim of Mint Group?” He said to her with an evident tone of arrogance.  


“What’s with it Mr. Kang? I did not know you have penchant for silver hair.” She replied with equal amount of confidence and sarcasm. It is not like they need to introduce themselves to each other.


He looked down to her and smirked, He then dismisses the guy who is beside him.  


“Well…” He leans down to her and whispered “No need to be defensive… Just between you and me I am not your enemy. Just want to tell you that we are on her side but do tell her not surprise us with her moves. It’s getting harder to cover her tracks...” He scratches his nape and pursed his lips before he continued “…well unless she purposely wants her action to be known. Tell her contact us soon.”


Chaewon understood half of what he said, the other half she is unsure. The message is definitely for Hyewon but the content is part of her fear. If she understood the message correctly in its core, it is a confirmation of Hyewon’s role in her family’s game. She is not sure how this work and who is exactly are the “we” this guy is talking about.


Chaewon faintly smiled to him “Thank you, Daniel. Nice bumping to you here.” She offered him a handshake which the later accepted. He wave goodbye and walks towards the guy who is with him earlier, who nodded to her direction, as they went their own way. Chaewon for her part finally took the elevator to the executive suits positioned in the upper floors.


She did not expect to bump to Kang Daniel at all – he is currently the guy being propped up as the heir of Kang Enterprise. He is the eldest of the eligible heirs it is quite logical. On the other hand it is Hyewon who is the eldest child of the first son and the current head. Based on what Chaewon gathered the chairman, Hyewon’s grandfather, prefers for her to follow after her dad. This is where things started to get confusing for Chaewon. Hyewon removed herself in contention quite early – being viewed as the incompetent child, a hopeless case per se. They got tired of trying to make her their ideal heir and left her alone and let her be but if what Daniel is saying is true did she put herself back in to it.


Chaewon could not hide her frustration as the elevator nears her destination. She has so many things she wants to ask, and maybe they are right, she should ask her about it personally but first she need to calm herself.


The elevator stops and opened its door, Chaewon carefully steps out. She has been in this floor before so she is somewhat familiar. She scanned the doors and quickly found the one she is looking for. She faced the door and she knows at the other side is the lion she needs face. Lion maybe represented by Miru but it is more a representation of her fears.  

She message Hitomi once again and then she message her. “I’m here.”


She held her breathe for a few seconds and clench her fist. She inhaled one deep breath as she waits for the door to open. The wait feels uncharacteristically long. On the other side of that door is the person she fears have taken Hyewon away from her.


The door clacked open and she is welcomed by a woman with faint smile on her face who calmly asks her in. Her action puzzled Chaewon a little, the other girl is rather calm and here she was thinking she would be up to her face as soon as she opens the door.


Miru walks to the couch, on her back is the view of the city. She asks Chaewon to sit which the other girl refuses. She already know why she is here, she played a small prank that seem to result in quite a misunderstanding between this girl and her precious Kkang-chan.


She exhales and smirks being surprise by her own actions. She poured herself a drink, some expensive wine.  She does not really like Kim Chaewon much. She reminds her that even if how much she tries she will never win over her. Her name, her face, her voice, everything about her annoys Miru but for some reason, it is not much today. She has managed to be somewhat good in Korean for the sake of Hyewon and using that skill she plans to play with this girl for a bit.  


She jokingly offered her a drink, “I forgot you can’t drink yet. Not until the new year right?” She swirled her glass and took a sip from it. “I‘ve been legal to drink like two years ago, that did not stop me to try earlier.” She smiled to her wide with her signature eye smile visible.


She can’t help it, she likes teasing people and figuring out what ticks them. Either way she will not be pushing this drinking thing on her guest lest she face Hyewon’s wrath.  That girl can be really scary when she is angry. She took another sip, crossed her legs look up to Chaewon with “Why are you, here?” look. This is the kind of game they are playing today.


Chaewon rolled her eyes, “I’m pretty sure you already know why?”


 “Not really, I have a clue, but..” Miru shrugs.


“Look … im not going to play with you.” Chaewon scoff off what Miru said, her voice slightly rising.


“oh..”  Miru sneers, a mocking smile formed on her face.


Chaewon momentarily look up the ceiling to retain her composure, she then called Miru’s bluff “Hah… Just tell me what you did that night.”


“When?” Miru playfully asked.


 “That night!!! You know it!!! With Hyewon!” Chaewon retorted losing every inch of composure she has.


Miru nonchalantly replied “ah nah, we just played.”


“What kind of game!?” Chaewon asks through gritted teeth. Miru is enjoying her reaction, she ask herself on how she keeps winning in this game but never Hyewon’s heart. She pressed the younger girl further “You know, the kind that adults play.”


Miru drank the rest of her wine while she watches Chaewon’s reaction. She purposely made it ambiguous and suggestive. She weights if she should continue to tease and press her buttons, the younger look down to the floor, fist clench and her breathing getting heavier. She snickered and decided to go on and continue her game “Wanna know the details?” She asks suggestively, raising her eyebrow.


There is a rather scary silence that envelops the room, Miru allowed that to extend. It was somewhat broken when her phone lit up to inform her of a message. She smiled when she read who the sender is. She kinda like that girl’s way of doing things and she is thinking that she should invite her to work for her in the future.  


She put her now empty glass down and slowly refilled it waiting for the other girl to respond, “Tell me.” Chaewon said in a faltering voice. 


Miru her lips and played with the lips of the wine glass. She said with a playful smile, “We kissed. I kissed her.”  


That was not a lie but their version is different. What Chaewon’s has in her mind, her memory of that night’s phone call and Miru’s word games, is her worst fear coming alive and becoming a reality. She can’t bear that thought and she once again looks up to the ceiling trying to prevent tears from falling. Her breathing is heavy, she is gasping for air and the last place she wants to be is here.


It is suffocating; it is a brutal lost on her side. She really can’t understand why she is so affected by this news. Is not it perfect the heir of two powerful families from Japan and Korea together, but she does not want that, because Hyewon is… Hyewon is… she thought will always be with her. That was what the girl promise her so why is she breaking it now. Is the length of their friendship not enough?


Chaewon wanted to run away as far as possible from her, from Miru, from this place, from Hyewon. She briefly look at Miru in the eyes, her mocking eyes, she gritted her teeth and turned around and run for the door. Miru wins, she gave up.


“That’s it! You are giving up – wow this is so easy.” It is muffled but she heard Miru’s mocking words clearly.  She was about to reach the door when she heard the other girl shouting “What the hell!!!”


Chaewon turn around to see Miru rushing to her direction. The older pinned her to the door, she may be slightly smaller than Chaewon but she is more intimidating. Her fiery cat like eyes can burn buildings if she wishes to.  


Chaewon though, she does not want any part on this game anymore, she yelled back “What do you want!?”


“Listen.” Miru replied firmly.


“I giv.. I don’t’ care anymore, you can have her… what more do you want..?” Chaewon wailed as she try to get out of that corner, she flail her arms and tried to push the other girl only for her hand to get caught by Miru, further pinning her to the door behind her back.   


 “Hah!!! This ..” Miru scoffed. She moves closer to Chaewon almost face to face, looking at her directly to her eyes like she wants her to burn “Damn it, Kim Chaewon.”


The way it was delivered, the low almost guttural voice that Miru used, send chill down her spine. Miru could kill her right here, right now. 


Miru pinned Chaewon’s wrist, she let out a short breath before saying “This is how easy you will give her up. Even with how much she did for you.” She gritted her teeth, “Do you know how much I want to be the one by her side but she keep unconsciously choosing you.” Her breath getting shorter as she try not to let her voice falter, “Chaewon this, Chaewon that. It so frustrating! ” but it betrayed her.


 “What are you saying?” Chaewon is confused at what Miru is talking about, for her Miru already won so what is she saying now, suddenly.


“I’m saying, Chaewon you are one damn fool!” Miru yelled right at her face. “And here I thought I could give her up, after she rejected me.”


Miru could not believe how much of a fool Chaewon is, this is the person that Hyewon is building an empire for. How is she deserving of her angel, how? When she does not even know her angel’s worth.


Miru look down for abit and back up to Chaewon’s eyes, tears forming, this time she let her voice falter. She is not playing the game anymore, she just want the other to appreciate Hyewon a little more. Her angel deserve better, far better than this damn fool of a girl who is in front of her.  


“Do you even know what she does for you?  Have you even cared one bit for her!?” She shouted as she tightens her hold of Chaewon’s wrist.


“I…” Things started to dawn on Chaewon, maybe it is not Hyewon who betrayed her maybe it was her who left the other girl.


 “That girl is willing to go against her family just for you. She is willing to dirty her hand just for you. She does not even notice it. That everything she do is for you!” Miru muttered.


“I did not ask her… to … for me.” Chaewon replied sobbing, tears flowing down freely her eyes as she realizes the things Hyewon did for her, the little gestures she barely notices. 


“Even if you did not, she will still do it. Why? Because Chaewon will get hurt, I don’t want Chaewon to get hurt. That is her only reason. Who really is protecting who!? Who is taking care of who!? Answer me!” Miru shouted, she snatch down the hand she pinned on the wall and threw it with all her might. Chaewon almost lost balance as her arm slung down.   


Chaewon look back at Miru, trying to find the words to answer her question but she can’t, because it’s true. She just want to pretend she is the one who is taking care of the older, when in fact since they where kids it was and always been Hyewon who is doing those things for her.


Miru pointed to her chest and continue to drive her point “She might look like a god damn angel, but she is not naïve, but you on the other hand. Do you even know what Mint’s group status is? Prove me you are not a fool.”    


“I know… I will…I have a plan.” the only things she manage to say in between her sniffles.


“And when do you plan to move? You are still planning. Hyewon already took action.” Miru said, dripping with sarcasm. Mocking Chaewon’s plan – truthfully there is no way to save Mint’s group anymore. Chaewon continue to sob, she buried her face to her palms. Pathetic, that is what Miru want to say but she held off and instead she threaten her with her fear “if you are like this, I might as well really take her.”


If Hyewon would allow it, if Hyewon could only see it, Miru is confident she could do better than the pathetic girl in front of her. In the end she know Hyewon, her dear Kkang-chan will never look at her in that way. She turned around and threw her phone to the couch, this time she might as well tell this girl the truth “If you are asking what happened that time… nothing really. I just got rejected and almost lost a friend.”  She turned around and sat on one of the couches arm and shooed the girl away, “Go!! I don’t want to see you here anymore.”


Chaewon reach for the door and run, Miru just watches her leave. If she has gone one step further she would have probably really lost Hyewon’s friendship. Hyewon can go on hell’s end if you hurt those dear to her specially that red haired girl. She reaches for her phone and messages two people, a certain mochi cheek girl and her angel, Hyewon herself. She played the devil so that her angel can be with the one she love, she laid down the couch and covered her eyes with her arm and cried silently.


She is not the only one crying; Chaewon is desperate to get away from that place. It is suffocating. She quickly reaches the elevator and presses the button for the ground floor. She try to find something to wipe her tears of and the only thing she found from the pocket of her uniform is the handkerchief Minjoo gave her. It made her bawled again, If she ask herself right now – she does not deserve love, to be love. Hitomi, Minjoo and Hyewon; why are these people doing so much for her? She is nothing but a spoiled brat rich girl, heir to a company that would soon fall to the ground before she could even inherit it. She is stubborn but also might have been a fool.


She stuck to the corner of the elevator and tried her hardest not to be notice; thankfully no one took that elevator till it reaches the ground floor.  She tries to compose herself as she step out, but that is a hopeless case. She is a mess, her hair, her uniform, the handkerchief drench in tears. She walks as fast as she can to the main door, almost running.  She thinks of what she wants to do now, what she will do after she gets out of here? Where she wants to go? She could not think of anything other than she wants to see Hyewon, her Kwangbae-hyung, her Kkang-chan, her foodie hamster unnie, her bestfriend. She wants to see her and hug her, asks for forgiveness and finally listens to her side. She hopes it is not too late.


Outside of the hotel lobby, she stands covering her sobbing face with her arm. That is all she wishes to. She lifts her head ready to finally go back but there in front of her park a Black Mercedez Benz she have recently became familiar with. Going down on it, is the one person she wanted to see. She is wearing a black blouse with shoulder cut off, different from what she wore that morning.


Chaewon smiled. This may have been dream, but to hell with it, she will take it. She run to her at full speed and buried her head to the crook of her neck. This is all she wanted now, the warmth. She missed it, why is she so stubborn and stupid. She doesn’t want to let her go, she is starting to understand why, and she is starting to accept why. 


She sobbed in her arm, she does not know if she is happy or sad but more on it is that she probably is relieve. Hyewon gently caress her hair and embrace her warmly. She is really glad she could have her back again in her arm. This time Hyewon succeeded not to cry, she sniffs her hair, kissed the top of her head and pats her back gently to try and comfort the crying girl.


“Unnie… I’m sorry.” Chaewon sniffled.


Hyewon tightened her embrace afraid that Chaewon will slip from her hold once again. “It’s fine. I’m sorry too Chaewonnie.”  She lifts up the younger’s head and wipes her tears with her thumb. “I’m sorry, I promise… I’ll try… I will not make you cry anymore… Chaewonnie.”


Hyewon assisted Chaewon to her car, the younger choose to ride shotgun. Before she closes the car she spotted a familiar face looking to her from the lobby, she nodded to him and wave goodbye. 


There are a lot of things she wanted to say to Chaewon but she will keep it till tomorrow. Tomorrow may just been an ordinary day, a day just like any other day but is an important day for the two of them.


“Where do you wanna go?” She asks her passenger.


“To where you will go.” Chaewon replied softly. 


“But I’m still working.” There are many things they need to catch up, but she need to finish this one thing before that. It is for their sake.  


“It’s ok I’ll wait for you.” Chaewon told her, this put a smile to Hyewon’s face. She leaned forward, cupped her face and plants a kiss to her forehead.


“I think we need to go now, we are blocking the way.” She chuckled.


Back in the apartment it is about 7:35 and the sun already set. Everyone is visibly panicked at a missing Chaewon. They convened at the dining tables.


“Do any of you have info in where she could have gone other than the message Hitomi received.” Eunbi asks.


“We don’t have any idea unnie.” Yena replied.


“Did not that Miru said she left a while ago?” Eunbi once again asks this time directly to the only person with information, Hitomi. Hitomi nodded in return.


“Hyewon is not even here. She will be worried. Should we contact her?” Chaeyeon suggested.  


Yena put a damper to that plan and reminded her of what happened on the previous occasion, “Wait do you want, the terminator to happen again and have men in black to suddenly rush here. “


“Yeah… Yeahh, You are right.” Chaeyeon relented.


Eunbi massages her temple, Nako gently caress her back. “My cat, those two, I can’t believe they are the cause of my head ache.”


Nako questioningly look to Hitomi, Hitomi raises her eyebrow. Yena interrupted the secret messaging thing of the two Japanese, “Hey cheeks, are you sure she is fine?”


Hitomi really have no clue at this point, the last message she receive is from Miru telling her Chaewon just left. She has not received any afterwards. She looks at Yena straight with innocent, clueless eyes accentuated by her phone touching her chin. Damn it if there is someone who really is nervous it is her, she set up this whole thing up afterall.


Her phone lit up for notification, everyone turned to her, curious as to whom it was from, all hoping it is Chaewon.  Hitomi read the message and smiled, she tried her best to communicate “Ah, yeah I think she is fine.”   


“How sure are you?” Minjoo and Yena ask her simultaneously.


“Miru-san said Unnie pick her up when she left.” Hitomi explained the best she can.


“Unnie? Hyewon?” Minjoo asks, Hitomi nods to her.


“I think we really should contact her to be sure.“ Chaeyeon again proposes.


Before they could answer, Eunbi’s phone rings. There is the person they are planning to call, calling them first. Eunbi put the phone in loud speaker so everyone could hear, they all been equally worried.


“Hello, Hyewon?” Eunbi answered. “How are you? Is Chaewon with you?”


“Yes, unnie. I was about to tell you that. She is currently sleeping.” Hyewon calmly responded.  


Eunbi is relieved, she was about to end the call when she suddenly remembers, “I see … ah wait what do you want to do for celebration tomorrow?” She offered.


“No need, Unnie. I already have plan. I’m sorry we could not celebrate it with you, but it’s always an important day to us. I’ll be a bit selfish, I’ll get you all something when we comeback.” Hyewon declined. Yena snickered, she already know Kwang-bae will monopolize Chaewon on her birthday.  She look at Yuri and mouthed told you.


“ahh…ok.. take care then.” Eunbi said back understanding what the girl wanted. Hyewon thanked her and ask them for a favor of bringing Chaewon’s school stuff if it is with them. Minjoo confirm it is with them and agreed to bring it, Hyewon thanked her and the call ended.


Everything falls to their right place. Hitomi is quite happy and relieve. She is the one who really won the game. Her reward is a trip to Lotte World courtesy of a broken hearted Miru who is bored and want to have some fun. She ask if anyone wants to go, she has her target and smiled when she convince both to come with her.   



2nd part of Chaewon-Hyewon Saga, It's kinda angsty. Next one is the last part of this and we can go back to the others ^-^. I hope you love these two, it's a rare ship eh.
I don't really like flash backs much so, I'll try to reveal it in a way that the characters are thinking it that moment. Wons storyline is woven into a much bigger story of their family and alot to Chaewon and Hyewon background. First chapter that is fully in Chae's view.

As you notice Miru is not entirely bad nor totally good. There will be as much as possible no entirely bad character here. Everyone will have their motivation one way or another. Also yeah I am hunting all the Kangs in KPOP lol, so suspect every Kang's I have mentioned and Kang's you can think of. They are a family that will try no matter what to keep the Surname :> There are family member's that are not Kang btw. hahahha. 

After the next one, Ill go back to the other ^-^ one by one and then try to explore. What do you think is Hyewon's plan for that day heheh. Hitomi is having fun and getting nervous wreck at the same time ahahha. She got her Lotte world ticket though hahaha , just to be clear it is not a bribe Miru just want to have fun. 

Ps. I have another story if you want to check out. I want to be a cat. https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1389883

Sketch: Ill update this later with Chaewon sketch. ;A; I should have drawn instead of playing with 3d - that's what you get when you act cute. I did not put the inner rom design cause it still a secret lol.

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??