29 Winter Wonderland

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Winter Wonderland

At -6c and the falling snow, going out is not the best idea specially compared to the comfort provided by the heater and soft sofa. That’s what Wonyoung found herself doing, not going out instead she wrapped herself with a blanket while she slowly sinks down the couch of the common area, looking like a giant burrito.

Being lulled to sleep by the variety of Christmas song playing on loop and peppered with occasional Twice song. Wonyoung giggled hearing Twice newest single played on speaker, Yes or Yes it’s Nako-chan who added it to their lounge playlist.  Calling the older –chan instead of unnie made her smile in a moment of amusement.

None of her bones want to move as she embraces her blanket, she close her eyes wiling to just fall asleep in the comfort when she heard a gentle thud on the table. As she opens her eyes she saw Chaeyeon’s motherly smile.

“Here have some hot choco.”


“I just thought you would like it.” The older chuckled as she points out the fact that Wonyoung is becoming one with the couch. “careful or might become an actual burrito.” She then ruffled the Wong young’s hair much to her annoyance, causing her to pout and glare to older who is cackling like there is no tomorrow.  She couldn’t figure out what exactly is funny but then she could hardly figure out what set’s her guardians funny bone most of the time, sometimes its just really the most innocent thing possible.


Wonyoung followed the source of the endearing call and across the room until she stops just in front of them. She tilted her head curious about where the two women are going, a date is plausible explanation to her.

Yes it’s -6c and going out at this hour is not something she would do but tomorrow is special, today too or to be exact it’s this midnight that is special. To most of the western world it is more a family event, for those of that faith it is a religious one and a day of reflection meant to be also celebrated with family.  To many in the east it’s a day for couples much like valentines is, though there are considerable amounts of Korean that celebrates Christmas in religious form there are also considerable amount of them who celebrates it more casually.

It is indeed for most a day that many couples use to celebrate together. The apartment residents are no exception, just about 10 minutes ago she watches as her Duck-unnie went out hand intertwined with her co-trainee Yuri. 

Speaking of the duck, the eldest Japanese resident seems to be ranting something about her again, as in again. “Geez, you won’t believe this, Yena can’t really play that game. I always lose when she’s in the team. Kang-chan is better – she’s more strategic.”

Wonyoung tried to stifle her laughter. She took it that the older is talking about some game. What not with her rather exaggerated movement, and gesture where she looks like she is holding a gun and looking to its scope.

“But you still always invite her to play with you.” Chaeyeon jokingly poke the cutely glaring Sakura’s cheeks.

“but…” Sakura pouted trying to reason her way out “well uhm… I hate to admit it but its fun playing with her – also with Kang-chan. They get me kinda in different ways.”

Wonyoung watch her guardian look at the Japanese woman with so much tenderness that yes, her 14 year old self, could never mistake to anything else other than love. She also noticed the twinkle in the eye of the Japanese at that sincere admittance.  The kind of twinkle that admits finding a friend that gets you in an unlikely place.

“I know I have fun hanging out with them too.” Chaeyeon said as she sported a wide grin, encircling her arm around the shoulder of the Japanese and putting her face as close as she can to the said girl until the their forehead touch.

It is at this point that Wonyoung considers different option to escape. In between feeling disgusted and uhm embarrassed at the sudden display which makes her much like a child that is witnessing her parents that are about to kiss.

“ehem.” She cleared hoping it will work in reminding the two. “I’m still here.” She mumbled as she sinks herself in the couch and covers her face with her blanket with only the eyes showing .

“So you two, date?” She innocently asks putting two in two together.

“No no no…” The Japanese profusely declined, Wonyoung did note the bride red color on the older expose ears that made her eye browse raise.

“We are going to a company event.” Chaeyeon cleared.

“Company event? Today?” Wonyoung is confused as she never heard of any upcoming company event today and she figure many will be busy for preparing with her Eunyeong’s sunbae performance in tomorrows gayo.  

“A president lee invited us for some get together today, she said for those who don’t have dates.” Sakura causally shrug.  

“She wants something for us singles.” Chaeyeon added.

“Singles? I thought you guys are already dating? Eachother?” Wonyoung nonchalantly suggested, pulling the hot choco close to herself and carefully drinking it.   

The adults on the other hand are left in a shock state looking at each other then away then glancing back to each other again. Something Wonyoung wishes to immortalize in a video.

“J-chae I think we should go now.” Sakura tug on Chaeyeon’s arm awkwardly. Chaeyeon is a little bit confused but eventually relented, saying a few words and reminders to Wonyoung before they scamper off the door.  They eventually left, not long after they made sure they have another layer of coat and have their scarfs over their neck – which made their interaction more couply in the youngest eyes.

Wonyoung rolled to her side and then rolled again until she’s lying flat on her stomach on the couch.  A new song then played, she recognizes it as Winter Wonderland mix with another song.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight
We're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland

The song making her lazy bones even lazier, can you blame her. The idea of going to a winter wonderland is nice. Going to a ski resort would seem like a good idea but not now. Its cold outside and here she just wants to slack off under her blanket doing absolutely nothing. If you count checking her phone occasionally and uploading a quick pic of half-empty mug of hot choco on instagram as not nothing then yeah doing just that.

She then saw her apartment manager walking out of her room gloriously dressed up in red dress and on her arm is a fashionable pea coat with the only distracting thing is the rather sad looking Christmas tree beside her. The said Christmas tree will never be able to hide how beautiful their manager is and Wonyoung commends the eldest sense of fashion. 

“Oh Wonyoung aren’t you going back to your room?”

“Unnie can stay here for awhile.”

“hahaha sure you can. By the way there are some cookies in the pantry take some for yourself just don’t forget to leave some for Nako and Yujin.”

The older woman then turn around gracefully towards the kitchen, her hair dramatically swirled like it’s a shampoo commercial, amusing the youngest once again. The door rings not to long after but the oldest is still busy fixing something in the kitchen which Wonyoung could not figure out what.

Her lazy self has no will to move but that’s the least she could do thankfully before she could get out of safety of her blanket – she heard a commotion coming from the stairs.

“Yujin! Put me down now!!!”

“No way!!! Airplane!!!” A ball of pure energy named Anh Yujin came running down the stairs straight to the door. “It’s on us!!!”  She declared as she made a full stop at the door and salutes, huffing due to the effort. On her back is a dazed Nako begging to be put down.

Eunbi and Wonyoung just watch somewhat shock. They should not be at this point but they are.  

The energetic puppy opened the door while Nako is behind her clinging on her shirt for balance.   

They where greeted by a tall woman in fashionable trench coat, who smiled brightly to them.

Yujin eyed the woman suspiciously and scanned her up and down, with her arm crossed and trying to make herself hilariously taller, rendering the woman confused.

“So where are you taking our mom?” She huffs much to the shock of Nako behind her back.

Sian chuckled, “on a wonderful date kiddo.” She then patted her head.

“I’m not a kid, see I’m about as tall as you,” Yujin playfully swiped her hand away. She then grabbed Nako who is too stunned to even resist. Nako mouthed an apology, deep inside, shock that she has not felt like crying seeing the said woman although admittedly she’s a bit sad.  

Wonyoung watch Nako get drag to where Eunbi.  Yujin put her hands on the oldest shoulder saying with all seriousness, “Mom, please comeback in one piece.”

“Ehhh What are you saying Yujin!?”

“We will miss you mom, even if your not spending much time with us anymore, we will cheer for your happiness.” she faked cried.

Wonyoung is barely holding it and only holding it in amazement of Yujin quite impeccable acting skill. Nako mouth is agape she just stared at Yujin then to Eunbi who is equally confuse at what is happening.

“Enjoy your date Mom.” Yujin hastily added she then quickly fetch the padded jacket on the hookand wrap Eunbi with it and push her to the waiting arms of Sian. “If you hurt our Mom you will get this.” She said showing her fist and acting like she gonna punch the equally tall woman.

“Wait when I even got children!?” Eunbi roared.

“Since you became our manager. ” Yujin deadpanned grinned, enjoying every moment of the confuse face of the older woman.

“What!? I did not sign up for this.”

Yujin pouts, “B-but you said Nako-chan is your baby, then if Nako is your baby I’m your baby too, aren’t I. Is Yujin not your baby?”

“N-no that’s not what I mean.” Eunbi panics and subsequently tried to calm Yujin down.

Wonyoung could not hold up and laugh loudly making Yujin slip in the whole act and giggle, Nako is still stunned at the whole exchange and at Yujin’s acting ability.

“Yujin!!!” Eunbi hollered.

Yujin pulled her tongue out and run towards where Wonyoung is dragging Nako with her again.

Sian found all of it amusing – it’s something she sees herself pulling. “Don’t worry I’ll bring your mom back in one piece and by that time I’ll be your official mom too.”

Eunbi mouth opened and close at her ex-girlfriend –not-yet-girlfriend again proud declaration and more so when the taller woman look and wink to her and then subsequently taking her hands and kissing her cheeks.

The girls all hollered to further tease Eunbi. Before truly leaving and just like a mom, Eunbi gave the girls final reminders. Siang giggled at her actions, making the older glared to her but the taller woman leans close to her kiss almost near the cheeks. The three girls hide their face with their hands and fingers wide open so they still see it and fan themselves to the embarrassment of their manager who is red to the tip of her expose ear. Yujin had enough of their PDA that she shoved them out of the door.

The atmosphere suddenly turns grim, to the point Wonyoung gulps – feeling the sudden rise in intensity and temperature that she finally s out of her blanket, sitting opposite of Nako who is hugging a pillow. 

“You ok?” The puppy like girl asks. She jump of to the couch and sat beside Nako putting her head on the older girl shoulder.

“Perfectly fine.” Nako gently touch Yujin’s head to assured her that after all the thing she witnessed today that she is finally moving on.


Nako hummed, she put down her hand on top of her lap. Yujin gently grab her hand and squeeze it to comfort her.

Wonyoung had seen these changes before her eyes. She subtly raised her eyebrows though it goes by unnoticed by the two who seem to be lost in their world. The youngest stretch her arms and leg, even all this changes she could hardly follow the conversation, there is a missing context that she wants to know.

“What’s with it? Why would Nako-unnie not be ok?”

Nako and Yujin both awkwardly laugh.

Wonyoung’s eyes widen put both her hands on the side of her head, “Don’t tell me, Nako-unnie…Eunbi-unnie… Nako-unnie likes Eunbi unnie!!!” She gasps, “How did I not know. Wait but I thought…”

“Cut off what you are thinking it’s not it.” Nako chuckled. “Me and Yujin just bonded over our broken hearts.”

“Yep correct, Nako-chan is really cute whining about it.” Yujin proudly declared with a eating grin of her face. 

Nako glared to her. Yujin just laugh out loud on her reaction and it resulted in Nako jumping grabbing her neck, and her tumbling over to the couch – laughing, both forgetting the other girl in the room, until the said girl gasp. 

 “Yujin-unnie too!? That’s the reason? Who?”  

Yujin awkwardly shuffled and fix her seat, “y-yeah.”

Wonyoung look to her intently, deeply inquiring who the person that might have broken the heart of the girl she admires, she has an idea who and unlike Nako – the person seems quite obvious.

“Is it Min-”

Yujin snickered, “Yep.” She stood up and pounded her fist to her chest. “I’ve fallen for Minjoo-Unnie and I still love Minjoo-unnie!”

Nako chuck a pillow right to her head, “That’s so silly. Too bad for you she’s in savage berry’s arms now.  ”

Wonyoung on the other hand was rather amazed at the unabashed declaration of love.

“There’s that.” Yujin slowly sunk back to her and threw the pillow back to Nako. “Atleast I was not called as forever baby in my eyes. “

“Atleast I confessed, you?” Nako regretted that as soon as she said it.

“You had a chance…I haven’t…” Yujin sulked.

Nako immediately lunge and hug her, patting her head gently and whispering, “I’m sorry… I’ll make sure you get your chance too.” before comfortably snuggling beside her that made Wonyoung feel like a thirdwheel.

She’s trying to process it, those two like someone else but they look better together in her eyes. When she thought she’s figuring out what love and like is she’s getting confused again. What she sees in Nako’s eyes is the kind of caring that was a tadbit more than caring for a friend – there is just something more and that’s the same with the way Yujin hold the smaller girl.  

There’s “aha” and there’s a “I guess I don’t really know yet. What’s love and what’s like? “

Ever since that day she had a talk with her Chaeyeon-unnie, a point where where she thought she is sure and already knew her heart. Since then she gotten a bit more confuse.  

“You?” Yujin asks breaking the thoughts running around the head of the girl opposite of her.

“Me?” Wonyoung replied.


“You.” Wonyoung muttered.

It’s something that confused Yujin, “Me!? Why are you asking me suddenly I already said its Minjoo-unnie, I’m asking you if you like someone?”

“yeah I know, what I’m saying is it’s you.” Wonyoung chuckled and then smirk. She fixes the way she is seated on the couch so she can face the two girls cuddling on the opposite side. Funny how even if she said those words she feels no jealousy, rather she feels more amused. That seeing the other two cuddling is pretty natural and made it clear to her that what she felt is nothing but a passing admiration. 


Yujin’s reaction though is making everything so damn worthy. She cackled at the visible confusion from the older girl but then there is some kind of feeling creeping in her heart. She’s trying to figure out what that is. 

“It’s used to be you.” She hummed looking straight to the older who now sits straighter in the opposite couch. “I still admire you but like I don’t I don’t think it’s that kind of like, I don’t know.” She awkwardly chuckled.

“this…” Yujin shuffled on her seat nervously looking to an equally shock Nako for help.

“Don’t worry I wont take you away, I’m just confuse but … I think I’m sure now.” Wonyoung look away, scratching the back of her neck – feeling the nervous air around them.

“Sure of what?” Yujin curiously asks.

“Sure of who is more important to me.” Wonyoung muttered – much to the shock of the other two. 


The longer the conversation goes the more she understands what is the emotion creeping in her heart. “it’s not you.” Wonyoung took a deep breath that feeling of loneliness filling her heart to a brim.

It’s not that she really like the older in that way, she can’t see it – but she want someone to be with her too and now it’s all confusion on why tears are starting to pool on her eyes.  The feeling creeping in is loneliness, she is lonely.

“So this is how you confess. It’s as a practice ok. Nothing more.”

Nako immediately run to hug her and cradle her head like that of a baby. To her she should have seen it, but she has been pre-occupied with her own matters lately to properly observe. There is some kind of indescribable pins poking her heart, a selfish sort of instinct akin to guarding what’s yours.   Nako is trying to put those aside but in the back of her mind, what if… Wonyoung really like Yujin… in that way, that should be good but… but.. Nako manage to shush these thoughts as she cradles the younger gently.

Yujin is stunned. She wants to say something but she can’t and don’t know how. 

Wonyoung shift her head off to Nako’s embrace, “Please don’t misunderstand this – it hurts but I don’t think this is what you think it is. I just suddenly felt alone. I know for sure now I don’t like Yujin-unnie in that way. It just you know it’s Christmas – you’re supposed to celebrate with someone at least but I-I just felt alone.”

Nako felt guilty mayhaps she and Yujin made the youngest feel alone right now. Three is an odd number afterall. She gently kisses the younger’s temple and softly trace circle of her back. “Is there anyone you want to see right now?”

Wonyoung nodded.


“H-haeun. Maybe the four of us can celebrate together.” Wonyoung unknowingly muttered.   

“oh ok, yeah, that’s a good idea we will ask her to comeover.” Nako waved to Yujin to go and message the said girl. it was a relief to her that Wonyoung is seeking a different person. She is confused why she is relieve about that but then really, having Haeun over is a good idea, the four of them have hangout together and that was such a good time.

“Messaging chib chib on bricks gc.” Yujin awkwardly declared. Scrambling over her phone scrolling down to their group chat named “Bricks”.

 In Nako’s arm Wonyoung continue to sob. Nako can’t help but think that his baby is so precious, somewhat same to Yujin but also different. You just want to protect the giant baby from all ills of the world.  The girl despite how young she is gave up being with her family to chase after her dream.

“Nako-chan Chib-Chib is asking why she should comeover.” Yujin tentatively inform them.

This annoyed Nako, with how she’s deeply in thought trying to calm a crying giant baby and Yujin is acting in her opinion wee bit dumb, its not that Yujin is dumb is just… Nako has no words for now. “Just tell her what’s happening, this dense puppy.” She gritted.

“Why you glaring to me?” The puppy defensively asked making Nako a tad bit guilty but not too much because Yujin pleading puppy face is criminally cute. “Geez!”

While the two older are having a glaring session Wonyoung manage to compose herself and realized what she just requested. “W-wait.. what if she’s doing something please no, I don’t want to disturb my bestfriend.” 

Nako patted her head, “Don’t worry Haeun can be summoned anywhere if we mention your name in Bricks gc.”

“What’s bricks gc!?” The youngest innocently asks.

“Oh it’s our group chat – for those for us with unrequited love.” Yujin nonchalantly answered while she types away on her phone.

“Goddamn Yujin!”  Nako once again glared to her and poor Yujin is clueless why the older is suddenly moody until she realized what she just said, she can only mouth a sorry.

“Haeun too!? Eh who?” Wonyoung to say the least is shock at that information.

“To no one – I just invited her in the gc because we are in the same company and she always teases Yuijin. You know how amusing watching that happen right?” Nako manage to save that, it’s not like they going to rob the Chibi dictator of chance to confess.

Yujin snickered, “Chib-chib has no match against me –also on other news she said she’ll be here soon. We really can call her this way. Type Wonyoung and Chib-chib appears. ”

“Don’t mind Yujin.” Nako squeeze the youngest girl causing the youngest to giggle and nod.  

“They really left the three of us here.” Nako observed. “I don’t have plans and the two of you are babies.” She added.

“But you look a lot more baby compare to us.” Yujin declared, lifting the older away from the youngest. The older just rolled her eyes and let the younger drag her back to the opposite couch.

“Wonder what they are doing?” Wonyoung hummed, she once again slump back to the couch.

“Hyung and Chaewon – unnie probably spending Christmas in another country, they have not updated us. “ The puppy muttered, “I’m disappointed she told me she will be here on Christmas.”

“Maybe they are back and with their family. Aint kangchan family really prestigious?” Nako poked Yujin’s cheeks.   

“She hates them and that’s the last place she would want to be – that’s what I heard from Yena-unnie.” Yujin slump back crossed arm to the couch.

The three recognize that their Hyewon and Chaewon unnies situation is something they would not be able to grasp. Wonyoung instead ask about another pair whose whereabouts she is curious.

“How about Minjoo and Hii unnie. I have not seen them around this afternoon and I got home early.”

“Savage berry!?” Nako exclaimed, “They never went back they left as soon as school let us out and I have no desire to know where or what they are doing. I have enough seeing them every morning.” Nako waived her hand as if to say please another topic not these.

“What!? What are they doing?” Yujin quickly shifted her position to face Nako with her eyes wide open as if she caught on something.

“Husshh too young to know kiddo.” Nako smirked.  

“it’s not some- “ Yujin tried to say but she was quickly shushed by Nako. “Shut your mouth.”

“Are they at point already?” Wonyoung rather nonchalant question made the two older speechless.

That’s not something the two, especially Nako is going to accept yet. Giant Baby is baby. “No. enough with your imagination they are just sickenly lovey dovey and the sweetness is making me bitter.”  She let out an awkward chuckle.

Just to point out she has little idea. Normally those two hangout in their room, and they mostly just let the door open but lately they are locking the door and its making Nako eyebrow raise but its not like she’s gonna ask any question. They are at that age and maybe she was just letting her imagination go too far.

“That’s suspicious.” The pouting puppy eyed her.

“Don’t ask I don’t have any idea and beside-” Nako whispered to Yujin as quite as possible.

“It’s boring lounging here, should we just play something.” The giant baby stretch out her whole body.

“How about UNO?” Yujin suggested.

“Good idea, Who have cards?” Nako inquired. 

“Yena unnie has one. I think it’s in our room.” Yujin answered, a playful glint is visible in her eyes.

“So what are we waiting for! Let’s go.” Wonyoung spring up from her seat like an actual bunny with no evident that the event earlier even happened.

Yujin and Nako stared to her for a moment then to each other thinking the same thing. Is the giant baby ok. They nod to each other and a planned formed in their head and its operation make giant baby entertained for today.

Yujin runs to the youngest and put her arms over her shoulder. Nako followed and wrap her tiny arms to the giant’s waist – Slightly cursing the tallness of the youngest.

“Time to tour you to Yujin’s messy room!!!” Nako pump her fist up in the air.

Yujin immediately defended the state of her room but it was quickly countered by Nako revealing the various things she almost steps on. Wonyoung was curious why she always there. Nako told her that she is tired of seeing Hitomi and Minjoo being too sickenly sweet and that their Yena-unnie asks her tutor Yujin. Wonyoung ask if that is not tiring and Nako straight up said in all seriousness that you need some craziness in life to survive and Yujin is sort of that craziness.

In no time they are in the front of Yujin and Yena’s room, that the younger proceed to open but shut before the Nako and Wonyoung could even step inside. She then opens it again peaking outside pouting like a sulking puppy. This amused Wonyoung to a great degree, especially when Yujin spoke.

“Wonyoung only.”

“What is it again Daengdaeng?”

“No Daengdaeng its Yujin.”  

The one thing Nako learned about Yujin is sometimes the distance between her joking and being upset is a thin line drawn in the sand and it seem that the she is upset about something she said. She sighed and reaches out to the taller girl. 

“Alright what did I do or what do I need to do?”

“Figure it out. Wonyoung can go in not you.”

“Yujin. I – look I can’t know, if I genuinely hurt you then please tell me.”

“You’re lying. You know what you said.” The taller looks down to her feet.

Nako pinched the bridge of her nose and threw a look to the other tall kid with her who right now has a confuse look. Yujin is right, she kinda knew – and as much as she want to hold on to her pride she wont exchange that with a chance of the Giant Baby being upset again because of her and Yujin bickering.

“I get it ok.” Nako grabbed the taller girls face and squeeze them hard and in a tone that is threatening but sincere she said, “I hangout in your room because I genuinely enjoy playing with you and not because I have no choice or that I find you crazy well I do find you crazy, crazy hyper, crazy cute and just plain crazy but I like that – that’s your charm. Ok now let me and Wonyoung in.”

“Not yet. Tell me you love Yudaeng. Do you love Yudaeng?”  Yujin scoffed.

“I do and now please let us in you freaking stinkin puppy!” Nako had enough and she just kicks the tall girl shin.

After a few more bickering the bunny and the penguin finally got a look of the inside of the room, and it was in Wonyoung’s opinion cleaner than she imagine though not as neat as say their room or her neighbors room.  

The trio tried to find the UNO deck to no avail, Yujin insist that it was in the drawer in the corner but they could not find it. They tried to look for it in Yena’s room but they could not find it there too until Yujin remember of Chaewon storming with it and declaring she will burn it the one time they played and so the faith of the said deck might’ve been as ashes today.

While Yujin is searching for the deck and freaking out in Yena’s room, Wonyoung and Nako spotted bags of decorating materials and a note hand-written by Yena reminding herself to put the decoration on the pretty bland Christmas tree Hyewon insisted on having because in Yena’s word it looks sad.  

Yujin informed the two that UNO is no go and two suggested of maybe decorating the tree so ease their boredom even though it’s like few hours to 25th, that maybe the decoration can make it to 25th. Yujin remembered that she wraps some gifts, but the way she said gifts gave Nako a hint they are more probably fake gifts for pranking.

Nako ask the younger girls to go ahead while she goes back to her room to pick up the gifts she prepared for them. If they are decorating the sad looking tree, she might as well put her gifts under it.

Once she picks the bag containing her tiny gifts she quickly runs downstairs only to be tackled by Yujin who quickly drag her to the three asking her to be quiet and pointing to Wonyoung on the opposite side of the room who is answering a call. The two awkwardly sat beside the tree while they wait for Wonyoung who seem to be talking to her mom.  

Nako put her head to Yujin’s shoulder and hold her hand while they wait. They hear Wonyoung’s ongoing argument with her Mom over the phone. The youngest never raised her voice but you can hear her frustration, Wonyoung ended up her call wishing her Mom a Merry Christmas and telling her how much she love her and yes that her decision will not change.

Wonyoung turn around to finally join her older friends but before she can go back she was tackled by them and subjected to tickle attack. A big puppy and a cute penguin tickling a giant bunny to the ground.  

The three girls rolled and run around the common area, playing tag. The two giants fighting over who can carry their Nako-unnie better and Nako yeeting fast out there and running around to not get caught by the two.  

When they got tired they finally decided to sit down and try decorating the tree. It has some decoration a decorative string of lights but it was put in half-hearted way. The owner of the tree barely has time to decorate it properly. So now with Yena’s bags of decorating materials they started arranging the tree.  

The three realized they haven’t eaten yet and is debating ordering chicken when the doorbell rang. Yujin opened it only to be headbutted to the stomach by a smirking Haeun while greeting her Merry Christmas. Her arrival is coupled by two box of chicken that made their mouth water.

Haeun noticed they are decorating a tree and decided to join. They continue playing and eating while decorating. Putting Christmas balls while they watch out for Wonyoung sneaking more than her share of chicken or making sure Nako eats her share.  

Since Nako and Haeun are smaller and they can’t reach the higher portion of the tree they become the feeder of the two giant. Yujin delightfully took advantage constantly asking her Nako unnie for food and head pats while making herself extra tall causing Nako to kick her shin much to the enjoyment of Haeun. Hauen on the other hand gently feeds her bestfriend who is really focused in putting a certain elf figure. 

When its time to put the star back on top, the two giant played rock, paper and scissors to decide who will put it. Ultimately Yujin won and automatically run to Nako who just step out of the kitchen with the snacks she fetches from there.

“Yujin! What the!!? Put me down!!!”

Haeun and Wonyoung are quick in saving the snacks from falling while Yujin lifted up Nako.

 “Put the star up for me.”

“Why Me!”

“Cause you’re my star.” Yujin laugh but that rather odd declaration did make Nako’s heart to miss a beat. Seriously the big puppy should learn how not say such word out of the blue or maybe she should just allow them because… well that’s also her charm.

Since its Christmas and Nako is not gonna be a Grinch. She follows what the girl wanted and hop in to her shoulder – a bit nervous but then there is no turning back she put the star on top much to the celebration of everyone in the room. Yujin did quickly put her down and hug her, even kissed her temple. That was a rather gentle side that Nako is still surprise to see.

Wonyoung sort of want to try carrying Haeun the same way, much to the horror of the said girl who quickly run away and hide. She dive to the couch and threw pillow to the bunny’s face only for it to hit the puppy’s face who threw back the pillow. Ofcourse it resulted to a pillow fight and a messy place, they don’t worry anymore and they probably gonna hear an earful from their manager but now its all laugh.

After some time they are on the couch side by side tired but all giggling.

“What should we do next?” Nako asks.

“I don’t know I hope they bring some food when they come back.” Yujin yawned.

“It’s snowing again.” Wonyoung observed.

“It’s cold outside.” Haeun commented.

“But I kinda wanna build a snowman.” Wonyoung mused.

“snowman…” Nako muttered.

“Do you wanna build a snowman~~” Yujin sang.

“Yujin stop.” Nako giggled.

“Yes I wanna build a snowman~~” Wonyoung sang along.

“If you wanna build a snowman~~ we’ll gonna build a snowman~~” Haeun continued.

“ok let’s go~~” Nako laughs.

The four of them head up to their room to fetch some outer wear for the weather. Haeun go with Wonyoung to her room where she got interrogated by her friend.

“…eun-ah do you like someone?”

“eh me no… I-I like no one in particular right now.” Ofcourse it’s an obvious lie.

Wonyoung cornered the girl, “really?”

“y-yeah I’m too busy with practice to even think of it.”

“That’s.” Wonyoung put her head down on the smaller girls shoulder. “If you like someone tell me about it ok.” She took her hand proceed to step out of the room with her pea coat in her arms.

They meet Yujin and Nako in the first floor, Nako wearing a thick padded jacket while Yujin is in a duffle and both have bonnets. Haeun quickly pick up her parka of the couch and join the tree as they step out of the building to the parking.

It’s been snowing a lot today and a good amount of them piled up. It’s definitely cold they all laugh as they watch their breath turn to mist in the air.

Yujin and Wonyoung quickly get to work rolling the body of the snowman.  Nako and Haeun followed rolling its head. Yujin tried to make a duck like lips but failed, Nako instead sculpted a duck out of snow and put on top of the snowman. Wonyoung poke the head with a stick for the eyes and use the snap the said stick to be the arms. Haeun only found a bottle cap to be used as nose. They rolled a smaller one beside it and laugh at their creation.

For some reason that has no need to be explained, Yujin decided to tease Haeun and immediately bolting out running around while being chased by the smaller girl. It’s amazing how she has not run out of energy yet. Wonyoung join in and block Yujin while Haeun hide behind her back. Nako threw a snowball to Yujin’s back and it started a snowball fight.

They eventually got tired and decided to retreat back inside. Wonyoung turned off the lights in the common area and just let the lights from the tree illuminate them. They sat beside the tree and decided to arrange the gifts and also give their gifts to each other.

While sorting her gifts Yujin admitted most of them are pranks, like how Yena’s gift is really a rubber ducky. The other thought that was genius. Yujin gave Wonyoung her gifts which are hairclips with bunny design. She also gave Nako hers which are mittens reasoning that the smaller girl seems to feel cold faster. She also gave her two Twice fan site photocard and a small letter of how thankful she is for how patient the older is in tutoring her. Nako decided to by kissing her cheeks which she wiped with disgusted look on her face while the eldest girl rolled in laughter.

Nako is next in turn and give Wonyoung a cute bunny key strap, while she gave Yujin a pair of athletic wristband, the younger promise to wear them to her future games.

Haeun gave the two laburi keystraps knowing how much they love twice. On time Yes or Yes played again which the two dance to it for a bit. Haeun then gave Wonyoung a pink ball cap, she noted that she will her gifts to Damin and Eunbin tomorrow. Wonyoung hug her tightly and that made her blush.

Wonyoung apologizes for not having anything special other than chocolates with a letter. The other assured her its fine because if they will be honest all their gifts are bland.  

“Sorry it’s all I can give today. I want to give something more… especially with how you guys accompany me. Thank you for making me feel that I’m not alone. I really wish I prepared better one.”

“Wonyoung-ah” Nako muttered. “Come here you giant baby. You being here is more than enough gift for us.” She threw her small frame to hug the younger girl. The other also followed and gave the bunny her much deserve hug.   

“Thank you.” she sniffled, “Thank you.”  

It is such a warm feeling. They chuckle at how adorable Wonyoung is, and since it was past 11 maybe even 11:30 the tiredness is getting to them now. The four decided to lie under the tree talking in low volume as Winter Wonderland played once again.

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening
In the lane, snow is glistening
The beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
Walking in a winter wonderland


Gone away is the bluebird
Here to stay is the new bird
He sings a love song, as we go along
Walking in a winter wonderland


Wonyoung think about it again. In this kind of setting when everything started becoming quite, watching the dancing lights shine on the ceiling and listening to the light snore of those beside her she think about it again.

It is not the first time she felt alone, when she was still living her family she also always felt it especially when she was left alone in their house. It was what she felt earlier what it was only her and her two unnies. She wonders if she got scared when the seemingly familiar scenario played again. She learned this time though she has reliable people around her.

Can this be her winter wonderland; it’s not a fancy place. There is a snowman outside, yeah, and a shabbily decorated tree but nothing that is fancy. The dancing lights, the sight of snow falling from the window is beautiful and tonight she is happy. She smiled and closed her eyes this can be her winter wonderland.






About 30 minutes after Christmas Eve, two cars pulled up and park. A Red Hyundai and a Black Benz, the drivers and their passengers was rather curious as to what the commotion was in front of their apartment building. Five of their apartment mate who all arrived a few minutes ahead of them is convened in a small spot.

Hyewon was about to ask but when they get there they saw what it is all about. It was shabby looking snowman with a duck on the head, the smaller one looks more like bunny.

But what they where talking about is the barely readable, Unnies we love you don’t forget about us!!!, written beside it.

“Now I’m feeling guilty leaving them alone.”  Yena muttered.

“Is this why you all get back here early?”  Eunbi ask while she opens the door. “I think they invited someone over.” She said when she notices a pair of shoes that she is not familiar.  “So is that the reason?”

The other scratches their head while Chaeyeon points to a drunk and snoring Sakura.

“Hahaha Kkura-yah hhaha, she’s cute.” Hyewon pokes Sakura’s cheeks.

“Let me bet she got drank drinking a bottle of soju?” Yena teased.

Chaeyeon shrug, “I don’t even know.”

Sakura suddenly woke up, “ Yo. CEO Kang, I mean Chairwoman Kang.”

“Are the two of you still angry at me?”

“Not really, I know you have reason but suddenly showing up there is…well shocking. Also I wish you told me. ”

“Hey its Christmas let’s not do this, lets talk about it some other time.” Chaewon interrupted.

“You guys going in?” Eunbi called.

They tiptoed to the apartments common area. “Why are the lights off?” Yuri asks.

“Maybe they went back to their rooms and sleep.” Hitomi reasoned.

“Nah not really.” Yena said. “You guys come over here.”

Hyewon turn on the lights and they went over to where Yena is.

“Oh this looks a lot more decent than I remember.” Hyewon commented about the tree.

“hahah yeah but this is cuter.” Yena pointed out at the four teenagers sleeping under it.

They internally screamed gwiyeowoo~~, seeing the way they are sleeping.

Yujin cuddled Nako protectively while Haeun is hugging Wonyoung side.

Yena tried to be sneaky trying to take a picture of them especially of Yujin. The lights though woke Yujin up and Nako is woken up by her movements, eventually all four are woken up.

The newly arrive all look to each other and smiled. “Merry Christmas!!!” 

They greeted much to the shock of the four groggy souls.




My apologies for not updating in a month. I was hoping to update sooner but got some stuff (some new stories) I started doing also got a bit busier work.

So yeah for the stuff I started 2 webtoon style story. One Kangbi and another Kkuchaen on Twitter. Tell Me if you would like for me to publish those here. [those are going to be updated like once a month].

I hope to post another chapter next week. So for this chapter;

  • I think this a bit sloppily written so I'm sorry.
  • One of Wonyoung main theme in her story is that despite her decision [back in ch5] that she has her uncertainties and would sometimes feel alone.
  • The SakuNakHii will fly back to Japan by 26th and stay till after New Year. The three decided to take a flight on the said date.
  • I hope you like the kind of mess they made hahaha.
  • Even though I tease alot of ship around there im playing with possibility that not all of them will end up with a partner at the end of the story.

I want to ask you what you want the next chapter be:

Should I go chapter 30 [which is a Yujin centric chapter but its also NakoMinjooHiichan] or an Extra chapter of the Unnie line drinking at the rooftop. 

The Winter Wonderland btw is the Pentatonix mash up version.

Thank you until next chapter.

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??