17 Just a Little Longer is Fine

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream

This chapter is partly fueled by Yuri singing a bit of Nandemonaiya ;)  I don't know how much it will add to the experience but you can play Sparkle first and then Nandemonaiya for this chapter while reading.



Just a Little Longer is Fine



Sore, her body is sore. It can’t be helped. Yesterday’s game was brutal for her despite that she is very happy. She drifts off once again to sleep smile curved on her lips, the memory of yesterday game playing vividly in her mind. The sounds of the skates gliding and grating on ice, of people shouting her name, chanting ace repeatedly after she scored the winning goal, all of those replayed like it’s a movie. All of those are yesterday’s memory, her memory.


Her alarm blared off once again, it’s the third or fourth she can’t really count. It is reminding her that it is not yesterday anymore but today, Saturday, a weekend. A day she would like to spend for an extra hour of sleep especially with how sore she is. Even if the women’s game is a non-contact, their game still got quite physical, and she had slid off several times and slammed straight to the borders.


She rolled out of her blanket and pick up her phone it reminded her how early it is, but she gotta go, she made a promise. She stands up only to be reminded by her legs and on how sore they are, hopefully some ice packs and balm would work for them since she plan to skate sometime later. For someone studying sports science, she is quite haphazard in her own care.


After turning her lights on, she is quickly reminded on the state of her room. Nothing to be proud of it is mess. Her protective pads, shin guard, helmet, sticks and skating boots are all over the place, it is a wonder she did not trip over them. She picks up her skating boots and leaves the rest for later, as messy as it is, the state of her room is a reminder of her dream.


The equipments, the Anaheim Ducks poster, the picture of the Joint Korean Women’s National team and her selca with her brother when she visited him in Canada, all are a reminder of her dream. Who would have known she would fall in love with this sport almost 4 years ago? Who would have known that she will be aiming for goals when her first experience was falling head first on ice? 


She raised up her boots to that smiling picture of her younger self who skated for her life for the first time. This is her dream now.


She will be honest with herself it is too early, way too early to wake up. Who would like to wake up at this hour, even Chaeyeon need to drag herself and usually miss the time she should be up and helping by a good 15 minutes. The only person she know who can get up early on their own accord is her neighbors next door and one of them seem to only do so for some other reason, like being first to greet their apartment manager and even those neighbors are still not up. It is that early.


She climbs the stairs to the third floor straight to the familiar room she had visited several times. She tilted her head, debating whether to knock or message the girl she intended to meet. For some reason none of those option appeals to her guts, instead it is pulling her to some other place.


It’s telling her to take another flight of stairs, stairs that will take her to the rooftop. The place is calling her, telling her something. As soon as she opened the door she knows why, there standing, the person she is looking for. Under the stars, filling the air with her voice – singing her heart out to them, to the sun who will rise up soon, to the glowing moon and if she can fool herself, maybe even to her.


Yena did not notice the tears flowing down her cheeks. She stands there admiring the silhouette of the person she loves, admiring her voice, admiring the moment. It took her back to that day, under the stars, under the full moon.


Let us breathe a millennium

In a space of a single day


She does not know why but her voice and the song tugged her heart even though it is a language she could not understand. She can’t understand the words but just how it was that day she somehow understand what it meant.  Every single line is taking her from that day to today, to this moment. 


On one August Morning, trapped within this kaleidoscope


And from today to the future;


So shall we frolic in a place from where no matter how far we reach out?

Words like "tomorrow" or "future" or "fate" are completely out of reach. 


And back to this moment, she wipes up her tears but it keeps flowing, she is not the one to cry but here she is crying. It is not tears of happiness or sadness it is just… tears – she doesn’t know what it is for.




Before she know it the person she was admiring is right in front of her, looking confused at the state she currently is. Smiled curved on her lips, she could not help but let a chuckle out. 


“Wahh, why!?”


And despite that chuckle, tears are still running down her cheeks.


“Nothing… I’m just in pain. ” She jokingly said.  


“Ehh - Where?” The younger cupped her face concerned about her.


“Ah my legs, my sides.” She said trying to sound as serious as she can.


“And ahh here.” She added pointing to her chest and after a short pause she continued “.. my heart, because you are so pretty – my heart could not take it.” She let a big grin spread to her face after probably delivering the cheesiest and greasiest line she ever delivered in her entire life.


Yuri looks at her in bewilderment trying to process what she just said. She tried not to cringe, but it was just too much she hit her shoulder playfully to let her know about that. 


“AHHH Unnie – gah!”


Yena watch her reaction still sporting that wide cheeky grin. She admires everything about her.


She could tell her about it now. She could tell her now how much she loves her. Right here when the full moon is smiling, when the stars are shining and the rays of the creeping sun slowly spreading. But no she will hold it. She put her arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to her embrace, enjoying this moment. She breathes deeply and tried to match the younger’s breathing pattern in her mind she uttered the word “I love you.”


She will say it for real – soon – Somewhere she can bare her own soul, like how the younger bares her soul to her with every song she sang, she would like to do the same.  She had this planned out.


They went down hand in hand, smile both on their face, trying their hardest not to melt as they caught a glimpse of themselves in each other’s eyes.  


The common kitchen is missing its usual buzz, well it’s a Saturday and everyone is afforded an extra hour of sleep, except for them who opt out for a morning trip. They left a sticky note on their request board just in case they came looking for them.


“I kinda miss Hyewon-unnie.” Yuri muttered staring at the empty slot just below Yena’s.


“Oh, you will probably see her later.” Yena replied. It feels funny how she manage to plan today with that person only popping up once in this week. Yena promised herself she would threat her to something as a thank you.


“Let’s go?” Yena ask as she took the younger girl’s hand.


She holds it with care, interlocking their fingers, mentally making sure the younger will not slip in her grasp. She will guide her to the place where she can show the part of herself she had told several times in stories. The part that Yuri can only imagine up to this point – she will take her to that place as close as she can.  


The trip there did not take much of detour from the usual. It’s not road we are talking about but atmosphere. Their interaction from the outside is just like as always, flirty and playful, not friends, not lover.


But inside the safety of the car Hyewon provided for them, inside it where time seemingly slowed down. Where their seemingly meaningless giggling means the most to them, where they know what they wanted, when all they need to do is to say it but they choose not to…yet.


Here playful touches means a lot more than words, in where their reflection on the others eyes means the world to them. Inside this white car, where kisses on the back of the hand, on the temple, on the forehead, the nose touches can mean more than a kiss on the lips. Here where they purposely drag time, not minding the driver who curiously glance to them over the rear view mirror. Just a little longer, just a little more is all they ask – wanting these moments to last.


Anguish declarations always seem grand on movie, the spontaneity of it, the element of overwhelming feeling spilling out of the blue, spilling your guts into the open. The idea of not being able to hold it and being overcame by emotion that you shouted it to the world.


But there is also a beauty to a well orchestrated plan, the beauty of slowly guiding someone while you try to leave crumbs for them figure out and also not figure out at the same time. The thing about preparing everything hoping that after all the efforts it can be reciprocated. 


The morning breeze greeted them and so are the first streaks of light that are spreading to the sky. They gently bid goodbye to the driver and walk to the back door. Yuri just curiously observes Yena opening the door with the key she obtained. She smiled mischievously when she manages to open it. They look like kids sneaking in to a secret base.


Unbeknownst to them someone is already there. Someone prepared this place so her dumb friend could do the confession she planned. She sits there in the control room watching the cameras – opening another bag of chips. Yeah maybe it is worth it to wake up so early and risk some questioning to do this. Not much a big deal to lend an ice skating rink to a friend if she can be afforded a lifetime of teasing material.


She watches as her friend carefully walk her confused companion to the rink side.


Yena do as what they planned, Hyewon reminded her that she will have a pair of boots out for Yuri to use which she quickly found. Yena for her part will use her own skating boots.


Yuri curiously looks at Yena as the older handed her the boots. Perhaps asking the older why they are there, for all she know Yena told her she has a surprise, that before her audition later today that she will tell her something. So she is rather curious.


“Can you skate?” The older ask.


“I don’t know if I still can.” She answered honestly. It’s been years since she learned to and it’s her first and last contact with ice sheets.


“Then hold my hands, I will guide you slowly until your legs remembers how to.” The older said.


Yuri have never seen her as cool as she is today, not that she gonna say it, but the blush creeping up on her face says it all. Yena is always the goofy unnie, the unnie she get along with so much. They are so much alike yet very different aswell. She did not know when it changes or maybe it really did not. Maybe she has always likes her this way.


When was it again? Almost a year ago, maybe, she just transferred to the apartment after filling in a vacant roommate ad.  She could not remember most of it, all she knows is she got close to them and to her specifically.


She took her hands and with it she looks back further down her memory, the same way her legs are trying to remember how to skate. They slide slowly down the rink one step at a time; with each step it reminds her legs the feeling of gliding down the ice, in the same breathe each step reminded her of when things started.


It was a weekend like this, everyone back then was so worried. They could not find Yena, all they have is a very vague message. It is to the point Hyewon is willing to call her contacts just to find her.  They know Yena have a very rough week, she got kick out of a training slot in favor of someone the coaches know. She could not get recommendation for the under 21 national team tryout from them either. She resorted in walking in to the said tryout only to fail, injuring her ankle in the process and completely removing her chance to try for the second round of it. In the end she end up vindicating her coaches for their choice.


It’s painful how they watch her throughout the week having her morale get destroyed day by day. She was their happy duck, she keeps the smile, the joke but by the end of it everyone knows she is broken down. So that’s why that day everyone is panicking. Everyone’s trying to contact her but no one can.


She got pulled to a place no one bothered to go much, the rooftop. They thought it is locked but she had seen the duck sneak there, sometimes with Hyewon, sometimes alone.


She stood there and looks up to the sky, the stars are beautiful despite fighting over the light of the city. They are like the sobs, the voice of desperation trying to fight its way to an unfair world. She stood there, getting her heart shredded to pieces as she watched Yena shout her insecurities to the world, to the stars above. She don’t know what to do to comfort her, it seems that the older does not even had an idea she is even there.  


She could not stand it but she also has no idea of what to do, she looks up to the stars again, there she found her answer. She can rely on one thing she was always confident of, her voice. She made the rooftop her stage and sang her heart out for her.


It was that day, under the stars where she sang, that everything became clear to her. It was when the older, stop shouting and look up to her in awe, her eyes reflecting the stars.


That day they shared their dreams and promise not to give up and chase them with everything they got.  Pulling inspiration from one another, dreaming the other will succeed in their path. An unspoken promise.


“Yuri-ah~ can you skate now?” Yena’s voice pulled Yuri back to today. It was so gentle she could melt – despite how much ice there is around.


“I think so. My legs are getting use to this again.”  She replied.


The older have let go of one of her hand and they are skating around side by side. 


“Why did you take me here, Unnie?”


It really is a curious case, she knows Yena’s sport is Ice Hockey and its amazing watching her skate on ice navigating the rink and going pass defenders to score. Still she could not figure out why the older took her here early in the morning.


“Yuri~” The older said, almost whispering. She let go of Yuri’s other hand and glided further away spinning gracefully.


“Yuri – ah!” She shouted. “This is my world, this is my field and this is probably where my life is!!!”


Yena glided around the rink, spinning and going by Yuri but her eyes remains on her. She would go fast and slow just playing – the soreness of her legs is long forgotten. Her eyes sparkle like how it sparkled that night, it’s reflecting the stars except there are no stars and the only thing it reflects is the girl standing almost still in the middle of the rink. 


She skated around Yuri slowly, extending her left hand for her to take. Her eyes lock in to hers as they watch their reflection dance. Unlike earlier where they feel they would melt at each other stares, right now they are feeling something else, a stronger emotion welling up from their chest.


Yuri took her hand and they dance around the ice, forgetting everything around. In this ice rink that Yena calls her world she holds her everything, she watch her everything.  She admires her as they glide around the ice, twirl and spin.


Time does not exist for them, they did not even notice how the lights lit up as they slowed down. They did not notice how everything seems to stop for them, how their breathing match up, how they are almost just slowly spinning in the middle of the rink. The only thing they see is each other; the only thing they can hear is each other’s breathing and the loud beat of their own hearts.


They did not even notice that music had started playing minutes ago or that they dance to it, it was only them, there, at this moment alone.


Yena cupped the younger’s face and let their foreheads touch. They slowly spin around, she smiled – her breathing pattern is a mix of tiredness, nervousness and anticipation. “I want you to see my world, I want you to see me.”


The younger put her hands around the older girl’s neck.  They just took in the moment, swimming deep in each other’s eyes.


“This is me, Yuri-ah. I’m the happiest here but I’m also the happiest with you.” Yena whispered sincerely.


Normally you are going to say – you are my world but there is no use to lying or saying something fancy, both of them knows their world revolves around something else, that something is their dream, their passion and both of them are the type that will not give up their dream for love, they are that kind of stubborn.


“It’s the same for me, Unnie. When I sing or when I’m with you I am really happy.”


It’s that conflicting thing, in this slow dance against fate. They may not be each other’s world but they are the core that makes those worlds rotate. Yena to Yuri’s world, Yuri to Yena’s world, they understand that very well.


They understand very well what they wanted, Yena tried to say it “I…”


But maybe just how everything else today, it’s probably best to allow action express what her voice can’t say. She feels the heat that spreads to her cheeks, she let her eyes wonder to younger’s eyes, to her lips and to her eyes again. Tears welling up – she holds her everything in her hand and she is going to take it.


Crying because you're happy, laughing because you're sad;
It's because your heart has surpassed yourself


After one gentle deep breath, she closed the tiny distance that exist between them. Her lips are soft, she was welcomed gently, and the younger return the favor equally. This is a year worth of waiting though and it was the younger who deepened it further just wanting to make sure that this is real and this is happening. And the world truly stops for them till breathlessness caught up to them.


“I love you.” Yena muttered. She took one of the younger’s hand that is over her neck, she clasped and kissed them. “Yuri-yah can you be my…” and the dumb duck is back and could not find the word she needs as she once again get lost on her eyes, plans really rarely go perfectly. Yuri playfully finished it for her “girlfriend?”


Yena nodded and let her forehead touch hers as they once again dance on ice. “Please be my girlfriend?”


Yuri did not need to answer it with words she kissed her once again. If only these moment could last, if only can forego of tomorrow and just live today.


Just a little longer is fine, a little more is fine, just a little longer is fine,

So Just a little longer is fine, a little more is fine; let's stick together, just a little longer


And just how they became aware of the song that is playing on the background – and how the lyrics they can’t understand seem to mirror their wish. The world starts spinning again all they want is just a little more time.


“I love you” They whispered.


For now maybe this is enough.  They swayed and glided for one more round on ice before they decided it’s about time to leave.


They walk hand in hand, returning the borrowed boots and turning off the lights. Not minding some of the details that happened today, like how there is suddenly a background music and how there are more lights on than they can remember turning on.  Those details are lost as they are both got lost in their own little world, fingers interlock, smile on their face. 


The bright sun greeted them once they step out of the door where they came in. Yena is satisfied with how today went. They would have kissed one more time when – a familiar voice interrupted them.


“ehmm… Just wanna remind you that I’m here and you ask me to pick you up.”


 It’s Hyewon beside her car waiting for them.  It’s been awhile since they saw her face, by awhile about four days or so.


“Hyewon Unnie!”  Yuri for sure missed her as she run to hug Hyewon, Yena won’t admit it but she does get jealous when Yuri clings on to Hyewon.


“Yul!” Hyewon enthusiastically returned the younger’s warm welcome, “Tell me did the duck did something stupid?” She jokingly added throwing a very knowing look to her friend standing awkwardly behind.


“Alot.” Yuri chuckled.


“Hahaha I see - Let’s go I’m hungry.” Hyewon urge, even if she ate snacks earlier those are not enough she needs more.


It’s both their first time to ride this car, it’s the shining luxury car that occupies the parking lot of their apartment building. This is also the first time they rode a car that Hyewon personally drive, she usually have a driver to do that for her. Hyewon already lock up the place where they are going to eat, it is the same place she took Chaewon for breakfast earlier this week.


“Hyung, been awhile.” Yena tried to start a conversation with her same age friend.


“Yeah.” Hyewon replied shortly. Trying her best to focus on the road, she knows the duck is just fishing out something to on. 


“So what happened?” Yena inquired once again, they both know what she is talking about.


“Nothing.” Hyewon will not give her that.


Yena still insist. “Eh, Princess Radish Wrap seemed to soften up. You sure nothing hap-”  


Hyewon suddenly stop the car resulting for those in the back to get jerk forward thankfully there are seatbelts. She glared over to her duck friend from the rear view mirror, an angry Kwangbae is scary and Yena made the sin of insulting Chaewon, the love of her life.


Yena quickly apologize. “Ok sorry.”  


She is not gonna cross that line but still she is curious, both Hyewon and Chaewon disappeared for two nights and she is dying of curiosity so she tried her luck one more time. “Seriously, not gonna say anything? And here I’m under the impression things have progress. Yah Kwangbae really is a coward.”


Hyewon have enough of her teasing.   


“Yul, do you mind if I throw your girlfriend down the middle of Hangang.” She looks at the rear view mirror to her other passenger.


“No..no. Unnie.” Yuri replied, her face heating up, turning it close to the shade of gochujang. 


Yena’s eyes widened after catching up the word Hyewon used.


“Wait.. how!?”


“Well it’s not like – I’m sitting in the control room the entire time.” Hyewon nonchalantly explained. She did feel like intruding but she gotta do her best for her ungrateful friend who right now she wants to throw down the river.  


“You!?” The revelation that Hyewon possibly witnessed everything made Yena blushed profusely. Her cheeks, her ears all turning to same gochujang shade, their youngest passenger had.


“Hey, I even made sure you have music and that the lights come on at the right time. You could thank me atleast.” Hyewon added.


That made sense, how the hell did that music come from and the fact that the music that played are in Japanese and sounds like anime OST’s should have tip her off that her rich seemingly sophisticated but weeb and glutton of a friend is somewhere there watching them.


Hyewon just smirk at their reaction. The rest of the ride went rather quietly as her passenger hold hands and sit there at the back stiffly frozen and all red. 


“Looks like we are here.” She called to snap them back to reality.


They ate almost the same order she had earlier that week. Waffle, pancakes, salad and sausages, Yena’s weird habit of eating with two forks surface and they for that. Yuri though took a picture of the dumb Duck with the two forks to serve as her good luck charm. Hyewon joke that it is not gonna work and it will just going to bring her bad luck instead.


After having their fill, mostly just satisfying Hyewon’s stomach they sent Yuri off to her audition and bidding her goodluck.


“Dream for me, Yuri-ah!!! Do your best!” Yena shouted to her. Yuri did get a bit embarrassed but it is one of the reason she love her. Dream for me and I’ll dream for you – if they can do that hopefully they will get to the place they are aiming for.  


Hyewon sent her a more subtle fist pump in comparison to Yena’s. They wave her goodbye and two same age friend went on their way.


“Want to talk?” Hyewon ask, looking at her friend by that rearview mirror.


She knew Yena would need it. There is a reason why she picks them up personally than sending her driver like she did earlier. She knows Yena would want to talk about something afterwards.


Yena returned her question “How ‘bout you?”


“I might share something. I guess.” Hyewon replied.


She drove her to a park overlooking Hangang. They sat on that patch of green grass beside a tree with some snacks, beer and soda in tow and a box of chicken on the way. Hyewon choose to drink the soda and let Yena indulge herself with beer. Perhaps it is still early but sometimes that is what you need.


“So.” Hyewon prods “You got what you wanted now.” 


She leans back to the tree watching the people going by their day, couples, families on picnic, people walking their dogs, friends playing, of your normal weekend beside Hangang. She took a sip from her soda waiting for her friend to respond only for the said friend changing the topic back to her.


“I thought you are busy.”  


Maybe she is not ready to talk about it yet. She sat beside her and glance back to her friend whose eyes seemingly watching everything and nothing at the same time. She took a deep breath and pursed her lips – and took a jab at continuing the conversation.


“Well I am. I just gave myself a day off.” She snickered.


“Should I thank you?” Yena chuckled.


“Up to you. Give me that.” Hyewon reached for the unopened sandwich that Yena have been holding for a while now.  


“You are unbelievable.” Yena commented, stretching her arm as far as she can so the sandwich she is holding will not get snatch, the hood of her black hoodie coming off her head. It is no use though as Hyewon still manage snatch the sandwich leaving Yena shock in the process.


“Hmmm… Now, Spill it.” Hyewon asks after she happily opened the said packet.


The younger one huffed “You first…”


“What do you want to hear?” Hyewon replied.


Yena raised her eyebrow to her friend who is happily munching the sandwich that was supposed to be hers. She does not need to expound what she was talking about so why is this weeb trying to act all innocent on her. 


Hyewon glance back to her, “Nothing interesting happened, if you count almost getting my face hit by a flying something I guess that probably counts as interesting.”


Yena is stunned. Hyewon might have said it nonchalantly as she can but the element of annoyance is evident in her tone. That only means one thing.


“Hmm.. You met your folks?”


“My father. ”  Hyewon gritted her teeth. “He figured out what I’m doing. wanted me to transfer everything to his name.”


“Language.” Yena have heard her curse several times but it still as foreign sounding coming off her angelic face.


“When did we ever worry about that?” Hyewon laughed.  


As much they joke around, Hyewon and her family is always a touchy subject. Yena knows as much what they can do.


“You ok?”  She asks just making it clear to Hyewon that she has her back.


Hyewon played with the soda can and its remaining content while she looks for an answer.


“Well, I did get scared… But I am not that kid anymore. “


“Is this all for her?”




That is the firmest “No” Hyewon said, when ask that question. She usually answers in a mix of “maybe”, “I don’t know” or “yes” but it is a “no” this time.


“It is just me being selfish. Maybe.” There is an element of acknowledgement here, at this point Hyewon have come to admit that part of what she is doing all along is for herself. “That is what I’m scared of.”


The vision that she might became just like her father scares her very much. It is too heavy of a subject for her to continue.


“You?” She asks Yena, it is the duck turn to spill it out.


Yena knows she can’t run from her question anymore.




“Your brother? Honestly I thought you will go there after you broke up with Juri.”


Yena playfully hits Hyewon’s shoulder after she mentioned her ex.


“I’m not sure when, but I plan to go there eventually.”


It’s always in the plan; it is not even a secret between the two of them. That fact would not even affect their friendship but it will for sure affect something else.


“And” Hyewon muttered she paused, drank whatever left of her soda, before continuing. “You are going to leave her behind? You and Juri do really have a lot in common, I guess.”


Yena heaved, Hyewon do know her well to know where it stings.


“We… Yuri knows – our relationship is a matter of moment.” Yena mulled, taking another sip from her beer.


“She knows? Or you just assumed?”


Hyewon really… Yena glared to the girl beside her who just took a handful of chips.


“You really have ways in destroying the mood.” She commented.


The girl beside her chuckled, “The only thing I’m good at.”


“Ahh I don’t know!” Yena exhaled, she put her hoodie back up to her head and pulled it down to her face.  


“Are you regretting your decision?” Hyewon gently inquired.


She sighed, she know what she witnessed. “You look so in love back there, you know.”


“You really did watch us…” Yena said in disbelief.


“Unfortunately.” Hyewon answered nonchalantly.


Yena sighed in defeat “I love her.. but why do I need to leave her. Why can’t I commit to stay here instead.” She buried her head on her knees. “Why did I… why am I stupid. Did I just string her in so I can be happy before I go. I’m afraid I would, no I will eventually hurt her. Hyung… Hyewonie.”


Hyewon caress her back gently so she can feel at ease and be able to let her worries out. “She is the reason why I’m still chasing after it, she is my reason. But I will be the reason she will get hurt. I’m… I’m selfish. ”


“We both are…” It is the truth is not it? and maybe it is no different to Hyewon herself.  


Hyewon lift up her soda can to and is disappointed to know that nothing is left anymore. She glances over to the sobbing girl beside her. She hugs her – she had no idea what to do or say to help her alleviate her worry other than give her some assurance.


“I will not question your decision, but then I don’t know if I can clean your mess afterwards.”


And even that she is not sure if she can pull it off.


“Please.” Yena pleaded.


Hyewon took a deep breath.  “I’ll try.”


It’s the only thing she can say. She changes her position to face her asking Yena to lift her head, wiping her tears. “For now, maybe you should enjoy your moment together. Enjoy it while it last.” She smiled.  


“Yuri plans to be a singer right? We know the industry will not be kind to the two of you if you... It’s a matter of who will go first and even if you decided to stay. You might just regret it.”


There is also that reality, and that word.




“They are starting to pile don’t they?”


“And we are still just 20. ” 


They do really; It does not matter if you do it or not. You are bound to regret something. It does not matter how young you are, 20 may be young – in fact 19 internationally is young. Regret piles up as you age.  


Yena look sincerely to Hyewon “We are not meant to be aren’t we?”


Asking that question more to herself than to the other. Maybe she and Yuri are not meant to be at all and all they can do is dream and ask for the years that they can spend together to last a little longer.


“Who knows. Things can still change.”  The older girl replied playfully poking her friend’s nose, just so maybe it can lighten up the mood.


If Yena could really wish for time to slow down and for things stay a little longer, just a bit more, she would. But time even if it feels that it stops for you it really does not, because time never waits for anyone.


In front of Han River, the summer wind blows, sweeping things it can along the way. If only it can carry away with it their worries.


Yena asks breaking the silence that engulfs them. “Are you not going to drink?”  


“No can do. I’m going to pick up Wonnie later.” The other girl replied with such a bright smile. The happiness of knowing you can spend time with the one you love for just a bit more.  


Amused by her the sudden change of expression, Yena once again inquired. “Are you sure the two of you have not made it official?”


“No.” Hyewon answered shortly drifting her eyes somewhere hoping that the answer was something else.


“After all I did to help you. It is still no.” Yena teased.


“This duck.” Hyewon gasp in disbelief at her friend boasting. “Hitomi and Miru did a better job than you. I’m annoyed at Miru but…. I do wish I’m as brave as you.” Well there is that.


“Look at that, what a change - you use to deny it.”  Yena smiled cheekily and ruffled Hyewon’s hair, like telling Hey! Good Job”.  Hyewon just got annoyed at her and snatch the beer can from her hand and tried drinking its content.  


Yena watch in shock and reminded her why she said she is not drinking. “You’re driving…“


Unfortunately or rather thankfully the can is almost empty, the two same age friend cackled at that revelation lifting up the clouds that was above their heads in that moment.


If only moments like this can last,

Mou sukoshi dake de ii.

Just a little longer is fine.





Like I said above partly fueled by Yuri singing Naindemonaiya. If you could read the last line and play her version over it - that's what I did and you bet I teared up lol. 
Honestly I'm just looking for a song to use, amazing how kimi no nawa soundtrack lined up down to the month. I did some research and learned some useless info lol, like 25th of August is a full moon :3 - the day this was set. Now I can hide :D Reality strikes people. I hope you like some HyeNa friendship bonding moments.

Next chapter I promise would be really fun and maybe some crack. It's Hitomi scheming again, Miru baby sitting and a cameo that will play a part for another story that is not for the one you think. XD

Shout out to: All_eyes_on_you for correctly guessing that Yena plays Ice Hockey. 

I really want to hear from you, feel free to comment. I know I have flaws in my story.
I am on twitter. :) I am not fun to follow though [@kaichimoo]. I saw some doing tags so maybe - if you want i think you can use #EverydayAsWeDream.

Last: Get yourself a wingman like Kang Hyewon. :3 who did it better Hitomi or Hyewon lol.

Sketch: A different style today :) the rooftop scene.


Naindemonaiya Lyrics Translation by Chicken Wings [Link]  Anime Lyrics dot Com [Link]

Sparkle Lyrics Translation by White Skies [Link]







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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1762 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??