11 The Angel Has Fallen

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


The Angel has Fallen


She struts down the airport as if she owned the entire place. y, elegant, confident are the words that best describe her. Wearing a pair of expensive shades, a branded flower patterned dress with a black sash belt fashioned into a ribbon, white overcoat and let’s not forget the matching stiletto, one can’t help but feel intimidated by her presence.


If she have the choice today she would of use her family’s private jet, no luck as it being used by her father for a business trip. She instead came to Korea on a first class ticket. Make no mistake it was cozy but still if you have a private jet it better be used. 


There is an upside to flying this way though - she flew solo, none of the annoying bodyguards and assistants that always get in her way tag along. The added freedom is welcome. Her heart is already anticipating her meeting with someone special, and she could use every degree of freedom she could squeeze for that.


She is well on her way when she noticed two poor lost souls or that is what she wants to call them. They are definitely not Korean and as she passes by them and overhears their conversation she confirmed that they are just like her, Japanese. She overheard a certain tidbit of information that she would in 1000 simulation of that event have hope she did not, because she would rather ignore those two.


Well she tried her best... And for some reason a gnawing guilt is growing deep in her heart. Why does it feel like a certain angelic being is getting on her ears – reminding her to help? For her it’s annoying how that person somehow had that kind of influence over her, what do they call that whipped.  


She turned around back to where two seemingly panicking being are, they are currently fiddling with their phone seemingly waiting for someone to reply or contact them. Communicating in their mother tongue she asks them, “Do you need help?”


The other two just stared at her with their mouth open and eyes in shock, they look more like scared intimidated bunnies. She removed her sunglasses and whip her hair to face them properly, the action seem to make the other two more suspicious of her. Ok she partly regrets her action now and definitely regrets even turning back except the angel prodding her are still loud and clear in her ears.   


Well she is here face to face with them might as well really try, so she asks something more specific this time, “I heard you two earlier, talking about 48Diamond apartment, right?“


“You see my friend. I think lives nearby that place. Are you having trouble reaching them?” She continued.


The fluffy cheeked one nodded to her, still looking visibly suspicious of her.  Curse her sharp eyes and cat like features that she’s out here looking like she has underground connections, not that far off though.


“We just want to make sure we are getting off at the right station.”  The smaller of two replied in very guarded tone.


“Ah, ok,ok – I understand.” She said, more like she understands why the two are so guarded around her.


“I know, you don’t trust what I said so guess.” She continued surprise at her own patience because normally she probably would have walked away two minutes ago.

She pull out her phone, a rose gold iPhone 8 plus, and dialed someone, she then put it in loudspeaker and after a couple of rings it was answered.


“Hello ~ Miru – yah~” a sweet voice was heard.


“Kang-chan.” She said back, in a way that every sort of intimidating aura have seemingly vanished. Her tone made the other two girls visibly more comfortable around her. 


“The place you are staying – your apartment its 48Diamonds right?” She asked with a cheerful tone in Japanese.  


“Yeah – why you ask? Do you wanna visit? I don’t think it’s a good idea because-“ The girl on the other side ask full of curiosity.


“No it’s not that.” She snaps immediately, she does not want to hear certain someone name yet.


“Do you expect someone new to arrive there?” She continued.


 “uh? yeah, two Japanese students. Eunbi-unnie even prepared a feast for them. ” The girl on the other line replied.


“ok,ok…” She interjected, making sure the two girls hear the information clear as she hold the phone in front of her.


“Chaeyeon said she will pick them up. “  The other girl continued.


The mention of Chaeyeon, the name of which the two Japanese girls recognize, admittedly made their guard to go down and start trusting the intimidating woman in front of them.


“Is there a problem?” The girl on the other line asks.


“You see, I found two kids here who seem lost.” She informed her.


“Hehehe… So Miru is doing something good.” The other girl teases her.


“*sigh*, could you tell me her full name?” She asks again, either way she starting to feel itchy about this doing “good thing” thing.


“Sure, it’s Lee Chayeon.” The other girl happily obliges.


“There , There, Miru you did well today.” The other girl added after sensing her frustration.


“Allright.” She said curtly.


“I’ll give your contact to them ok.” She added.


“Sure~~ ” The other girl affirmed.


 Miru is satisfied with the result of her call, her mood and demeanor brightened. Hearing the other girl, Kang-chan as she calls her, voice is therapeutic.  She unknowingly smiled as she put her phone away.


“Tha-Thank you.” Two cute voices cut into her thought. They both bowed before her to show their gratitude.


“Its fine.. it’s fine.” She muttered, she really getting itchy about this doing the “good thing” stuff, it’s an allergy maybe.


She pulls a business card out of her branded shoulder bag – wrote a something on the back side and handed it to the other two.


“Here… I’m Shiroma Miru.” She said quickly trying to return that intimidating aura back.


 “My friend - Kang Hyewon, I wrote her contact at the back.”  She added.


“Thank you very much.. Im Yabuki Nako.” The cute girl in long sleeved blue shirt said, extending her hand to the intimidating but rather kind stranger.

“and I’m Honda Hitomi” The other one followed and did the same.


Miru awkwardly accepted the hand shake offered to her and she now is sure the other have zero clue on who she is even after getting her business card. Maybe it is a good thing that, that is actually the case.


“Really, thank you very much.” The two bowed again to her to show how grateful they are of the help.


“Allright, Allright. I hope you get there safe.” She said, trying to get the conversation to finally finish. She really is getting weird feeling about this helping people thing.


“Do you know where the train is?” She asked with slight concern, though she all awkward here.


“Yes.” The two girls replied quickly


“ok.. uh…bye” She said and she turned around and hastened her steps.


She did saw the other two bows slightly to her direction again before turning their attention to the card she gave them. She glance back one more time in their direction and saw their eyes widened in shock , they probably now realized the card they are holding is from none other than the heir of White Castle Conglomerate, SHIROMA FREAKING MIRU.


After exiting the departure area, Miru is immediately met by Hyewon’s personnel. They are assigned to assist her for today and maybe until her stay last. Hyewon always make sure her guests are well taken care of.  


She is well on her way to Gangnam but all that doing good things earlier is making her queasy. Lo what she even sneezed, twice, she now wonders if the two kids she helped earlier is talking about her.  To calm her down she asks to be taken around places to do some shopping.


She bought a lot of things, clothes, shoes, just stuff to calm her nerves. It’s not like she can’t get them on Japan, ok some of the styles are more prevalent here than there but this is more shopping to relieve stress than shopping because she needs too.  


Who is Hyewon to her though, life is tricky you see. Hyewon is one of the possible heir of Kang Enterprise one of the biggest conglomerate in South Korea, to be truthful she is the heir apparent – first in line – if we talk in terms of royalty. But as Miru learned from her interaction with her, that Hyewon have zero freaking interest in taking over the company nor her family trusts her ability to do so, so they just let her be.


It’s about two or so years ago, she met her at one of her family gathering, she is stunning – in her off shoulder red dress. Miru is immediately smitten but as proud and confident looking she is, she also get shy – she tried to approach her slowly that night. Usually that is not her way, she would always go first and introduce herself directly to the “heirs” and “scions” of businesses to build connection, but that night she is careful to the point she is content to just stare at a distance.

Hyewon who that night, from time to time would look like a terrified deer, noticed her slowly approaching. She smiled to her in a very assuring friendly manner and as Miru come to know she is pretty inside and out a true angel. Best to say that Hyewon have a found a place in her heart.


If you ask her to describe herself in contrast to Hyewon, she would say she is a seductress, someone straight out hell and born out of greed and no, make no mistake it’s not bad nor she think it is bad. She owns that persona and wears it proudly. It’s what you need to survive in a position where people are out to get you and wants you to fail, a position where you can’t even trust your very own family.


That day though, she can’t breathe nor have the courage to touch Hyewon, to take the hand the younger girl offered her in fear the she will stain her. How? How can a being like her exist in a world where green and greed flows it its veins? That is the mystery that is Kang Hyewon.


Her thought is cut off when her car pulled over the hotel she will be staying. One of the grander hotel Hyewon’s family owns. At the lobby she is met by Mr. Han, one of Hyewon’s trusted people. Let us get this straight, Mr. Han is Hyewon’s personnel not her families but hers. His loyalty is to the young scion and not to her family. The same is true to all the people that have assisted Miru that day, they are all under Hyewon, that is an important distinction.


 Mr. Han handed her key to the room where Hyewon is. This is something Hyewon’s family will not find that strange, they are more than happy that one of their potential heirs, the one they don’t have much hope other than get her to marry another scion, has build a great friendship with another heir. This is all positive in their view and Hyewon is clear to mingle without raising alarms, truthfully, Hyewon have been able to do a lot of things without raising alarms – because they just let her be.


She immediately proceeds to the said room and once the bell-hop has unloaded all her belongings and left, she decided to explore the place. It is what she expected it to be, the window overlooks the city and the living room is placed well to enjoy the view.


She indeed is enjoying the view but not of what is on the outside of the window, not of the city, but of the girl peacefully curled, sleeping on the sofa. She sits beside her, watching her beautiful face, once again afraid to touch, afraid that she might taint her. She could not help it, she brush her fingers over her sleeping face, taking everything in. How she wishes she could be hers but she know deeply the sleeping girl’s heart belongs to someone else, even if she does not know it herself.


The girl flinches, Miru drew her hand away quickly. She watches over the girl – woman – who just woke up.


“Miru-ah~~” The just woken up girl said sweetly.


“How long have you been here?” She added.


“I just arrived.” Miru replied.


Just like before, we gotta remind you, Hyewon runs on instinct most of the time, like now when she hug Miru, playfully pokes her cheeks and look into her eyes. The two just ended up teasing and giggling each other like teenage kids and well they are both not that far remove from when their ages still have teen in it.



And we know exactly where that is from.  


“Let’s go eat. I want some gopchang. ” Miru said hearing how hungry the other girl is, is there even a time she is not.


“Let’s go!” Hyewon replied, happily throwing her arms up like a kid. 


“Before that let’s fix you first.” Miru reminded, as she hold her hand and quickly cup her cheeks to remind her to fix her make-up first. 


“hehehe” Hyewon chuckled. 


She then look softly deep into Miru’s eyes, pursed her lips wanting to say something. 


“You know I met Kaeun at the apartment.” She finally said after some moments.


“Oh…” is the only thing Miru can reply.


“She did not recognize me immediately, she did figure it out.” Hyewon continued.


“The world is really small.” She added, as she lays her head comfortably into Miru’s shoulder.


 “Indeed.” Miru muttered as she pats the girl’s head.   


While they freshen up they talk about Kaeun some more. Kaeun is Miru’s business partner in Japan and Hyewon upon learning about the Korean branch reach out to her and for some reason invested to her company as well. The three of them have met in a lot more formal settings, so the meeting between Hyewon and Kaeun when the later accompanied Wonyoung to their apartment is a bit shocking to both. Though they just both chuckled that instance and had some sort of silent understanding about the situation. Hyewon presence made Kaeun more comfortable on leaving the youngster in their care. She even mention that Kaeun plans to have one their Japanese web channel host to also be at the apartment once she transferred. Even with that said, Miru, Kaeun and Hyewon, all three has yet to meet together, formal or casual setting.  


Hyewon drove them to, according to her, underrated gopchang place that she frequent. She parked her Black 2018 S560 Mercedes Benz smoothly. In a way you might wonder “Can she even drive?” Why, yes she can.


Miru teases her about the car, stating that she thought her family would have gifted her, the more expensive Mercedes Benz AMG S65 Luxury Sedan for her birthday. Hyewon just laugh and pointed out that this was no gift but something she bought herself, and it is still is an S-Class Mercedes Benz Sedan.


Once inside they choose one of the tables near the corner and quickly made their order. Three order of gopchang, obviously two of them is for Hyewon, two order of pan fried rice and stew to accompany them. Miru added some soju and beer to go along their food. Both of them might be super rich but they enjoy this kind of places to eat more than eating in high-class restaurant as both feel constrained in those settings.


They talk some mundane things about their life, their family – their ventures, most of the time they spent eating. Nothing can go in between Hyewon and her love for food, so she gonna be eating gopchang, channeling Hwasa in every bite. Miru just giggle at how Hyewon annihilate their food, in between grilling the intestines, stuffing the fried rice down and treating the stew like its juice, that is just her. There is no trace of the heir of some big company in her every action – it is just Hyewon and soon enough she will be Hyewon, her own person. Miru enjoyed every bit of watching her eat; maybe that is really the magic of mukbang.


Miru drank the two bottle of soju she ordered and some of the beer, Hyewon barely touch hers and instead opt out to drinking water. She gonna drive them and is just being responsible, on Miru’s part though alcohol is helping her to be calm.  


After having their fill of food, I mean after Hyewon clean the gopchang they ordered, they left. It was already dark so Miru ask Hyewon to accompany her to a club. Hyewon obliges, making sure to contact Mr. Han to send a replacement driver, as Hyewon know well enough she might end up drinking aswell.


The place is not something Hyewon fancies, the different colored lights and the generally dimmer setting is not something she is into. The remixes of song playing are not much for her either, though she admits the DJ does know how to keep things interesting. People dancing to the beat of music, slow or fast, the somewhat chaotic atmosphere is probably the reason she is not fond of going to such places. Is not that she have not gone into one, she did and infact together with Yena and their joined university circle, it is just...she just don’t enjoy it much.


The two went straight to the bar, the bartender ask for their drinks – Hyewon went for a  mojito, while Miru opted for Piña Collada, Hyewon though ordered another one a soju-mix cocktail.


Miru left her side knowing that Hyewon does not enjoy mingling much in such environment. Hyewon just watch her enjoy herself dancing with strangers. Hyewon just is not in that mood, though mostly a very welcoming person and someone who introduce herself first to people she want to befriend, the environment is just not that for her.


She drinks there quietly, throwing glances on Miru making sure she is still in her line of sight. In her fate a very flirty couple decided to sit beside her. She looks at them rather curiously – she was pretty much lost in thought thinking of nothing that she barely recognizes the buzzing phone on her purse. 


She looked at it and it was Chaewon who is calling her, she want to curse herself, she forgot their deal to call each other if one is not gonna make it home – and she for sure will not gonna make it home.


She answered the call “Hello, Chaewon?”


There was a bit of silence afterwards the girl on the other line asks, “Unnie?”


“Chae-” She was about to explain the situation when someone took her phone from her.


She looks at the culprit and it’s Miru, grinning at her. 


“Hello.” Miru teasingly said in a sultry voice to the caller, she knows very well who it is.


“Miru!?”  Hyewon said her voice rising abit.


“Sorry but Kang-chan will be mine tonight.” Miru said again this time teasing her.


“Miru-chan.”  Hyewon said in slightly pleading tone, asking Miru to end the prank as she tries to grab her phone back.  


“You promise me you’ll accompany me tonight.” Miru added further teasing Hyewon as she keeps her phone away from her reach. 


The poor phone ended up invading the space of the couple beside them as they passionately kissed.


 The two just look at them and decided to settle on their own seats, Miru ask for a gin-tonic from the bar tender. Hyewon on the other hand just quietly drink her remaining drink and visibly upset and sulking.


 Miru look at her with puppy eyes and said “Forgive me tonight.” While she sport the cutest pout Hyewon saw.


Hyewon smiled at her antics and that was a relief for Miru. They drink some more until Hyewon notice her companion is starting to slur and looks visibly drunk. Surprisingly Hyewon does have high alcohol tolerance.  A secret shared between her and Yena and their secret drinking session that they call Hyung time, whenever that happens.


“I think we should go home now, you’re already drunk.” She said to other girl.


Miru surprisingly agreed, for Hyewon that is a plus she seems a lot easier to handle than a drunk Yena for one. Hyewon is also somewhat tipsy so she dialed the number of the replacement driver Mr. Han send for her. She can’t trust herself to drive at this state.


They walk outside and sat at a bench near the parking lot while they wait.


“Kang-chan…” Miru whined to call her attention.


“hmmm” Hyewon hummed in response.


Miru leaned and put her head on Hyewon’s shoulders, looking at a distance she said, “I will never be able to defeat that girl right?”


“What you mean?” Hyewon responded, she look at her drunken companion, all confused.


“I mean. ” Miru stated. She lifts her head up and faces Hyewon, she leaned and quickly close the gap between them and captured her angel’s lips. She wants to savor this moment but she knows Hyewon would not respond to her.


“this…” she added, once she returned the distance between them.  


“You are drunk.” Hyewon just look at her blinking. Thinking that this is one of the drunken things she need to handle, like the last time she listened to Yena whine about her growing feelings for a certain someone.


“I maybe am, but it’s what I need.” Miru sighed, she fixes her seat and look up to the sky for a moment and then back to Hyewon who is observing her.


She looks deep into the Hyewon’s eyes, she feel that her tears wanted to burst out but she held on.  


“It’s what I need. I love you and… I mean it, every letter of it. I love you since first time I saw you.” She said, summoning all her power to say it. Thanks to alcohol she finally said it; she reached out to her angel’s hand.


“But I know I am not the person in your heart. You have not notice it yet but I know who is there.” she continued, as she point out and poke the other girl’s chest, pointing out the place she wanted to be but can never be.


“Miru?” Hyewon said, she now understand what Miru want, there is truth in alcohol, but she- cant, she does not feel the same way and she feel very guilty.


Miru shushed her before she can say anything anymore, “shhh.. you don’t need to worry , I will not force you to love me back nor I expect you too. I just… I just need to say it for once”.  


With it, Miru feels she can finally move on.


“Let’s go, I think the driver is there.” Miru stand up and tried to smile as if nothing happened, she offered her hand to Hyewon who reluctantly accepted it. They walk hand in hand to the younger’s car. In the back seat they sat awkwardly barely uttering another word to one another.


The confession sobered her up but it also tired her – so she fall asleep, barely aware that they made a quick stop over at a convenient store where Hyewon bought some hung-over cure.  


Hyewon on the other hand as soon as she got inside the car, during her short trip to the convenience store and back is thinking deeply. She knows Miru would not want to bring the thing up again so she played along.  She is thinking if she unknowingly led the older girl, she purse her lips and sighed as she looks over the sleeping girl beside her. 


They went back to their suite quietly. They can pretend but they know full well what happened. Hyewon quickly went to shower, she have bought some clothes earlier that morning. Miru decided to rest and unpack her luggage, quickly trying to find a pair of sleep wear she wants to give to Hyewon.


It just a pair of pajama with fruit patterns, she have weird taste sometimes. She called to Hyewon and left it at the counter near the sink, she glance at the translucent shower door and swears the girl, even with how much she eats, has amazing body.  She left and slumped back at the sofa, trying to sober up some more.


Hyewon step out from the shower, she did indeed wear the pajama and had the bath robe over it. This made Miru smile; she then took her turn to shower while Hyewon went to their shared bedroom.


Miru thought Hyewon went to sleep but when she walks in to their bed room she found her sitting on the side of the bed watching something on her phone.  


“Not sleeping yet?” She asks, as she took of her robe revealing the see through camisole underneath it.   


“I’m not sleepy.” Hyewon answered as she glance to her a bit and back to her phone.


“Despite how much you have drink?” Miru questioned while she approach the bed walking so damn ily which she just do naturally, Hyewon just smiled back to her.  


“What are you watching?” Curious, Miru ask.


She crawled to her side and took a peak of what Hyewon is watching and ofcourse true to her personality she found her watching an Idol Anime. She kinda wants to mentally face palm but she love the girl allright.


“Don’t tell me this is the reason you invested on Kaeun’s company?” She asks in disbelief.  


“Maybe.”iIs Hyewon’s reply, she pats Miru’s head as the other leans on her shoulder.


“Well that’s just so you.”  Miru stated.


No amount of y lingerie, laced underwear and seduction skills will be able to take Hyewon’s heart.  


“I had the courage, when I somehow figured your preference.” Miru said, it’s easy to do so, one only need to look at Hyewon’s figurine collection and the number of female characters she has and her general demeanor to get sort of grasp in what part of the scale she lies.


“I thought maybe I have a chance.” Miru continued.


“I’m sorry..hnngg” Hyewon replied on the verge of crying, it also hurt to reject someone, specially someone you know.


“hey hey hey don’t cry.” Miru quickly said, cupping the younger cheeks.


“Just do this for me, figure your heart out.” She continued while pointing to Hyewon’s heart once again.


She then lean back and tried to change the topic “Speaking of which… why did you bought that company?”


“Which?” Hyewon quickly try to clarify.


“Green Scape Architecture. ” Miru stated.


“It’s Chaewon’s.” Hyewon quickly informed her.


“It’s her family’s.” Miru throw that fact back to her.


“I know, but we know...” Hyewon said understandably as if stating something obvious to both of them.


“Their business chain is already in shambles. They are on their last leg. Did she even know that?” Miru threw her head back and said mockingly letting some anger and jealousy flow into her words as she asks that.  


Hyewon shake her head in return, acknowledging that Chaewon is in the dark about the matter.


“Why are you doing this much?” Miru tries to interrogate her, wanting to understand her reasoning.


“I don’t want her fall with them and get hurt.” Hyewon answered sincerely.


“hmmm…, I see.. and” Miru sarcastically interjected.


“I just want to ensure she have something to return to.” Hyewon continued.  


“So is all the purchases and expansion you are doing all for her too?” Miru again inquires her reasoning for all the move she been doing this past year.  


“Some of them…” Hyewon answered tentatively.  


“Some!?” Miru inquired with heavy amount of sarcasm.  


Hyewon did catch on Miru’s tone and all she could say back is some sort of admittance, “I don’t know, I don’t want her to be away.”


“and.. do you…are you planning to build an empire on her name?” Miru ask again, this time in more sincere tone fascinated at what the younger will do for a love she have not even recognize yet.


The question was met by silence, Miru climb down the bed and proceeds to walk by the glass window. Still close enough for her to hear Hyewon quietly muttered “… I guess.”


She just sighed and said to herself “You really truly love her and for everyone’s sake I hope you figure that out. “  


Miru sat on the luxurious winged chair beside the bed overlooking the window. She watched as the city went to sleep. Hyewon watched her and she slowly drifted to sleep as well, being greeted cheerfully by the sun when the morning arrived.


She walks out of bedroom when very awake Miru sitting on the couch with her knees up greets her. She is wearing a pink hoodie with the hood up and the brand ANGEEBEE written on it. She asks her if it was from that designer friend, Murase Sae, clothing line. Miru confirmed that it indeed is.


 Hyewon quickly change into white shirt, jeans, sneaker combo, and pack her worn out clothes to the paper bag that have come along her newly bought outfits. She bid goodbye to Miru, hug her but with clear understanding between each other that the two of them will remain friends. They would probably see each other again soon but together with Kaeun for a business meeting.


Hyewon drive quietly, she have not eaten yet that morning and plans to eat at the apartment place. She message Eunbi and Chaewon that she will arrive soon and in no time she indeed is at the apartment.   


She pulled her car to park; she is probably the only one who will use the parking area.  


Nako, Hitomi and Minju is there watching as the strange black luxury sedan parks. They just arrive as well from their brief trip to the convenient store.


Hyewon get out of the car and walk towards them, joking once again why they look like they saw a ghost.  She introduces herself to the two new faces that she recognizes must be Nako and Hitomi. The other two are glad to meet their angel. Minju smiled and Hyewon offered her a hug – it was just like their everyday.


“Unnie, we are eating breakfast now.” Minju said. Hyewon walk with them and gladly joined everyone at the table to eat.


“Chaewon!“ She greeted excitedly as soon as she get to her seat and saw red brown haired girl.


Chaewon is visibly annoyed upon seeing her, and immediately excuse herself and run to the second floor.  Hyewon followed knowing how upset the girl is. This shocks everyone, one day, one night, what happened? So even if they don’t like it they inadvertently eavesdrop.


“CHAEWON!!!” Hyewon called to her.


“GO AWAY FROM ME!!” Chaewon shouted back.


“Did you get it? The box, my gift?” Hyewon asks rather calmly.


“What box, I threw it!!!” The younger said back, mockingly.


This annoyed Hyewon who could no longer contain it and she let her voice rise more than she wished,  “Chaewon, what’s your problem!?”


“What’s my problem!? You are my problem!” Chaewon answered firmly in anger pointing to Hyewon.


“You said you are kidding about going to a club but that is exactly where you are! What? Flirting? Kissing? with that Miru? ” She continued, spilling all the things that is eating her up since last night, she know very well she does not have any right to be angry about the matter.  


“What the…Chaewon!” Hyewon was about to chastise Chaewon, but the younger quickly turn around and walk to her unit.


“What? Are you going to tell me it’s not true? ” Chaewon said full of sarcasm while she open the door of her unit.


The question was met by silence from Hyewon’s side.


“See…” Chaewon stated mockingly.


“I have enough, Unnie.” She continued, exasperated, wanting to get away.


“What am I to you!? I’m nothing...” She stated, clumps are forming in , her head is very heavy as the heat rises and her eyes are watery.  


Hyewon runs to her as soon as she saw the tears forming – but the door closes right on her face.


“Chaewon… wait!! its not!!”  She desperately tries to reach her from that close door banging her fist on it but all she heard is a lock and sobbing.


“it’s not what you are thinking.” She continued desperately hoping the girl on the other side can hear her.


“atleast open the box for me…”  She pleaded; she banged her head on to the door, the tears she desperately tried to hold back, flowed freely.


She has no appetite anymore so she goes to her room to suffer the consequences of her action. People call her an angel, but she herself does not accept that, today she has hurt two people dear to her heart– that definitely is not an angelic thing to do. She is no angel that is what she believe and if she is she have fallen long time ago. 


For those who have known them and have been with them the longest in the apartment, Chaeyeon and Yena, this is definitely weird. They have not seen them fight nor fight this way and those revelations are totally shocking. Yena on any other day would joke about the tea being hot but not today, this is serious and they knew full well their hamster unnie is in crisis.  They are all secretly eavesdropping from the stairs. 


Minju though become very fidgety, the box the two are talking about is right now sitting on her desk. She saw Chaewon throw it earlier, sensing it might be important she pick it up planning to later return it but now knowing who it was from she became anxious, she became conflicted.


The right thing to do is to give it to her unnie, but part of her heart is seething because that part wants Chaewon to herself. Based on what she heard she does not think her Hyewon-unnie deserves her, she might aswell try take her herself... but then will she ever be the choice? This morning the red brown haired girl is paying extra attention to the newly arrived fluffy cheek girl, that just make her heart ache.


These thoughts send shiver down her spine, she never in her life thought that she will think this way or feel this way. She quickly excuses herself and run to her room to pick up the box, what will she do with it, is the question.



It became so long also angsty - I am sorry, I'll try to reign in my writing. I don't want to cut it. Since this goes like a day in.. but this one is a day and a night in the life of Kang Hyewon and Shiroma Miru. Did you manage to see that Kaeun->Miru->Hyewon connection , I promise to put a relationship chart. I matched this to CH.10. What do you think of Hyewon now? There are hints to Yena storyline here too. Please do not put much importance on the box XD ahahha. 

And why would I let the Christmas VLive live down, but then :] - I am probably setting someone to hurt - don't kill me. Chaewon is loved ... i guess.

Forgot I think everyone can figure out who Mr. Han is connected to. ^-^.

Next chapter I promise is fluff and flowery as Sakura touch down to Korea.

PS. I have snatch some night part time jobs :< i will still try once a week.  I need money specially when I just spent them ordering multiple version of JP CD T_T.

Sketches: Miru

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1762 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??