12 The Summer the Cherry Blossom Bloomed Unexpectedly

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


The Summer the Cherry Blossom Bloomed Unexpectedly


In a breeze, just like how she felt like a flower being blown by the wind, she landed in Korea.  She took an 8:20 am flight from Haneda and in two and half hour she arrived at Gimpo. It took less than 30 mins to get to her first destination, even with some stops along the way.


It’s one of the buildings in Hongdae, a four storey one, smack dab in between a family restaurant and a five storey office building. It has a very modern look, a combination of layered dark grayand lighter gray for the outside wall with strategically placed orange bar accents. The logo of a giraffe standing tall is proudly displayed along with the words Kirin Ent at the entrance. It’s quite different than their office in Tokyo, there is a different aura surrounding it.


The driver of the van that was tasked to fetch her asks her if she want to be drop off at the building entrance. She barely understood it, she tried to clarify what was being ask with a combination of some Korean, Japanese and body language.  All she get is  “go inside the building by front door”, so she get off the van and taking her hand carry, at first confuse but she manage to compose herself, entrusting the rest of her luggage to the van. Now she is standing in front of this building.


Composing herself to look presentable for the people she will meet even after the almost three hours of travel from a different country.  She manages to gain enough confidence to finally take a step. Sakura might be the definition of a radiant beauty, she has the look of confidence in that loose polo blouse that she matched with a ribbon and form fitting jeans. On the contrary she is rather shy and somewhat awkward. Well she falls to the category of people called geeks and nerds and a good number of her kinds are shy awkward people, that side just does not show if one just simply look at her.


She walks inside just like that, struggling at opening the front door but quickly recomposing herself once inside. She walks to the reception area and ask the receptionist about Ms. Kim Hyunah, it took a bit while before they understand each other. After a confirmation that Ms. Kim will be there soon and meet her for a luncheon, she then decided to explore the place first on her way to the employee lounge.


On why she decided to do so, she has been curious at one of the nearby room from the reception. It’s the left room on the hallway on the way to the employee lounge. There is something that calls her name there. It is maybe the muffled music that is barely audible to anyone, save for her ears that seems to tune in to it, but it’s mostly the barely visible figure moving with so much ease to that music that captivated her eyes.


The hallway is barely two meters in width and along its wall are posters, of what she thinks are artists under the company. One of these posters is of a girl in old style military uniform and an electric guitar slung on her shoulder falling to the side and the words “General Eun” emblazoned in it. The girl on the poster look cute but definitely charismatic – it’s a contrast in style. The next poster is simply a girl sitting beside a piano with an acoustic guitar on her side, she is in a simple white shirt and peach short, the overall theme is pastel and it gives sort of warm homely feeling. Her name is written in hangul which Sakura tried to read its Ha – Hae? Yoon? She is unsure but that’s how she manages to read the Korean letters on it.  While admiring the posters her attention once again gets caught by the muffled music and movement that is coming from the room on her left side.  


About half of that room’s wall, from floor to about Sakura’s chest, is covered with wood panel, above that, three fourth of a meter is frosted glass with clear stencil of the company’s name and logo and wooden panel again on top of it. Through this clear gap in the glass she watches the woman sway her body to the music with so much ease.


She has her blond hair up in a ponytail and is wearing a black cap, an oversize white t-shirt with the front side tuck into black jeans. Her round face and sharp focused eyes are stunning and drawing Sakura more closely in hopes of seeing her clearer.


Case in point she somewhat feel like a stalker, she chuckled at that idea.  What she gonna do, seems like her curiosity is getting the best of her, or is it really her curiosity or is it just her heart. She remembers her from the photo that President Lee happily showed her, her name is Lee Chaeyeon something she could not get off her head, but that’s a different side to her and this side is fascinating too.


It’s so fascinating she ended glued there for awhile, peeking on that glass wall. Whatever Sakura is doing is not making much sense to even herself. She watches her every movement and they are to her description is like watching feather dance to the wind, for every hand movement, fancy foot work, hip sway and drop elicit some kind of admiration from her.


The blond girl did a low drop then slides to an almost split and using the power of her legs stand up and did a body wave then she points her hand up high and did a pose with so much authority, Sakura almost thought her heart jump out through the glass. Ok, Sakura calm yourself, girl.


She was so focus on watching her movement that she did not notice that the girl is with someone in that room. The other girl is also very good in dancing – graceful and y, she is about two palms shorter than the blond one.


It is this time that Sakura notice that they are playing and stopping the music and going through different movement suggestion, counting and trying to string all the movements to one cohesive piece. They must be choreographing – right now they are weighing the option between two different kinds of walk to what seems like the bridge. One is ier the other one is more authoritative and powerful.


At this point Sakura’s internal checker called to her from within and told her to get hold of herself. She slaps her face with both her hands to wake up, she peek one more glance through that clear part of the glass wall and… Sakura’s eyes pop-up and she feels heat running up to her cheeks all the way to the tip of her ears.


Yes our dear Cherry Blossom, she did notice you – mayhaps because you are creepily looking through that wall - and yes she did smile at your direction, making her eyes go into full crescent moon shapes.   The sight of it did send your heart into palpitations, yes that loud beats did truly come from your chest, nothing out of the ordinary it is just, you know, your heart performing different kind of flips.


Sakura cups her face whose faint reflection on the glass wall is indeed showing that she is looking like one heck of a tomato.  She quickly bowed to apologize as the two girls inside look at her rather curiously; the blond has a smile that is up to her ears, while her companion is seemingly teasing her.


Seeing that smile again she quickly turns away for the sake of her heart but before she truly goes pass the dance practice room she threw one last glance – she can’t help it okay. Well what did she see, the blond laughing at her friends teasing, it’s as if she can hear that laugh, it’s so cute and endearing that it feels her heart kind of stop beating along with the time. 


The cherry blossom is feeling all kinds of emotion sprouting from her chest - waiting to explode and before she truly lost her sense of the world she retreats to the employee lounge.   


She plop herself on the couch, look up at the ceiling and put her hand up on her chest to feel her beating heart. Is it really possible to have a crush on someone based on one picture you have seen a week ago, for that person smile to be plastered on your mind? It’s a question Sakura is trying to answer.


There are times in the past she clearly knew she have felt something for someone but it never this strong. It started off as mild curiosity, she found her smile really cute, her eyes charming and overall she found her beautiful. There is something there that wants her to see her in person, to touch her. 


It is still summer today – in this part of the world atleast - not the season one associate with this kind of emotions, the honor belongs to spring. Spring is the season of blossoming feelings, of falling in love. With the ethereal beauty of cherry blossoms, which she was named after, falling and being blown by the wind or the variety of flowers blooming as the winter thaws, along that slow creeping warmth signaling the end of cold winter days, the symbol of new beginning and for a lot the symbol of new love.


For Sakura – spring was never been that kind of spring. It may be the season she was born, right when the Cherry Blossoms, Sakuras in her language, is in full bloom, the reason why she was named after it. But Sakura never felt that kind of blooming feeling, not on spring, and if she ever felt something close she views it with mild curiosity. She tried to pry it open but it remain as a bud – it sprouted but never bloomed as if it forgot that spring has come its way until it dies down again because winter was once yet knocking on its door. 


That is her relationship with the season that marks her birthday. Who would have thought that at the heat of summer – when it would suddenly rain out of nowhere –something will bloom? The cherry blossom that remained unbothered as everything around it sways to the wind with their ethereal fleeting beauty during spring found its way in the middle of summer finally ready to bloom. 


Yes at summer, the time where many of the couple who were whisked with spring fever found their love to be nothing but fleeting feelings just like the cherry blossoms that flew with the wind. The season where sad break up songs get in between bright happy songs just like how rain would suddenly come despite the heat of the sun, that kind of summer. Yes summer, its summer – when her heart seems to find spring.  This summer perhaps that one stubborn cherry blossom finally bloomed.


She closed her eyes as she tries to interpret the blooming feeling. She drifted off to sleep – a very light one, where she does not feel like she is sleeping at all but she is definitely atleast half-asleep. She is barely aware of three towering figures paying a visit to the lounge giggling, teasing and laughing at each other. She does not even know if they are real or if she is pretty much in a dream world.


She heard them saying “Yeppeuda, yeppeun, yeppeuda” which she understand means beautiful, is it directed to her direction, she does not know. 


“Is she our new Unnie?” One of them asks.


“Miyazaki?... Miyawaki..” Another one tried to recall.


“She is so pretty.” Another one giggled.


“This is wrong why we are watching her sleep.” Someone reasoned.


“Why is her eyes open is she really sleeping?” Another asks.


“Wonyo, why are you taking picture?” Another said.


“If it’s really is Miyawaki-Unnie, I’ll use it against Chaeyeon-Unnie.” A Mischievous one answered.


“Hey, I don’t think that is a good idea.”  The short haired one intervened.


“Let her Jennifer, this is good.” The more mischievous one said, full of confidence and sinister intention.


“Don’t call me Jennifer!” The reasonable one retorted. 


“Sorry Jen-Unnie. ”  The seemingly youngest quickly apologize with a small teasing thrown into it.


“arghh.. ok let just go, we might wake her up.” the reasonable kid ushered.


That’s all the vague recollection of happenings she can remember. She immediately woke up and no one is in the lounge, she is wandering how long have she been sleeping. Not that long really, to be fair it’s just less than 15 minutes.  She put up everything of those as something from a dream, yeah she thinks it did not happen or that one of those giggling voices is going to be one of her floormate.


Since she just woke up she feel a sudden need to use the washroom, which she quickly find the way into because of those helpful wall signs.  She went there quick, did her business and freshen up aswell. When she was about to step out, she caught a glimpse of someone with blond hair and cap, leaning on the wall near the doorway, talking to someone on her phone. This is Sakura we are talking about she is one heck of a coward sometimes, especially in terms of love.


She just waits there, inside - near the doorway but unseen to the blond girl. She is unintentionally eavesdropping, it’s not like she understands the conversation much as it is in pure Korean – she could make out something but a lot of it is guessing.  This is what she can make of it, all are just Chaeyeon’s part of the exchange.  


“Is Hyewon unnie ok?”

“Still level 1?”

 “I see..”

 “Well we need to be careful; we don’t want a repeat of last year.”  

 “I understand, we just gotta watch a bit.”

 “Has she eaten yet?”

 “It’s hard, we don’t have Chaewon to check on her.”

 “yeah, I know.. Chaewon is pretty much in foul mood aswell.”

 “I’m worried about … Unnie since she locks herself… not even eating.”  

 “Never really seen them fight…”

 “Please do check on her, atleast for today.”

 “I’ll trust you…. atleast today. Duck…. Unnie.”

 “hahaha, yeah… yeahh , I would not call if you actually replied in our GC.”


At the conclusion of it the blond girl is laughing, her laughter made her world stop. Its take her a few more moments till she realizes that the girl have already left. Now that the course is clear and she herself decided to go back to the lounge. She sits back at the very comfortable couch, opposite of where she was earlier, and pick up one of the magazines. She decides to flip through it to kill time.


All it took is about five page of flipping when the lounge door opens, a tall, y woman approached her, apologizes and introduce herself, “Ms. Miyawaki, I am so sorry it took awhile for me to come down and meet you.”  After a brief pause she continued “I needed to make a call to President Lee earlier regarding some matters. By the way I am Kim Hyunah, President Lee’s – I’m the OIC of Kirin Ent, while she is away. ” She offered her hand to Sakura. 


Sakura stared at her or more like she is looking up to her. In addition to being tall, the woman in question is also wearing heels, so Sakura is literally looking up to her.  She know figure out why the place is named Kirin Ent.


“Is this place full of beautiful people?” She asks herself. Well obviously it is, it is an entertainment agency after all.


Sakura is quite glad that the OIC is normal, after spending the past year with their quite wacky though equally beautiful branch head – Miho - having a normal acting boss is a sight to behold. Ms. Kim is wearing a very business looking outfit that still can pass as casual. She is in a gray blazer with tiny plaid pattern over a black crewneck shirt tuck into a form fitting dark colored jeans. Really normal looking in contrast to that time their Japanese branch head decided to cosplay as Lory Takahada from the anime Skip Beat.


“ummm, Ms. Miyawaki?” Ms. Kim called her name, after she got lost in thought and just stand there.


“Go..gomenasai…” She quickly apologizes and immediately bowed awkwardly. She took the handshake offer with both her hands. This made Ms. Kim chuckle.


“Is there something wrong, Ms. Miyawaki?” Ms. Hyunah then inquired.


“No … nothing.” She answered, it is then that Sakura notice two other women with Ms. Hyunah. She quickly bowed to them and the other two did the same to her.


“This is Ms. Park Jieun, my secretary and the other one Is Ms. Shin Suhyun – she will be your manager.”


“You can just call me Suhyun, nice to meet you Ms. Miyawaki.”  Ms. Shin said slightly bowing. 


“I hope we have good time together, please take care of me.” Sakura deeply bowed to her, which elicited a heart fluttering reaction to Suhyun. Ms. Suhyun then asks if she could hug her which Sakura accepted.   


“Ms. Shin is also assigned to Haeyoon, so there are times you will be accompanied by someone else.”  Ms. Hyunah informed her.


“Hai.” Sakura attentively replied.


Ms. Hyunah then talks to the other woman with her, Ms. Park Jieun. She asks her about other particular schedule for that day, she informed her that other than a 4pm meeting she is free most of the day. Ms. Hyunah dismissed both of them, in which time Sakura learned that Suhyun had to attend a schedule with Haeyoon for that day.  She still wonders how many beautiful people are there in the company, maybe all of them.


“We are just waiting for one more person.” Ms. Hyunah informed her and motioned for her to sit.  


Sakura was still in the motion of sitting when the lounge door opens once again. As soon as she saw who it is her heart race once again. How can someone look so cool while opening a glass door? She looks at her stunned at her presence that she accidentally blurted “Jjaeyeon!” yes with Jj and not Ch.


Dumb, Sakura is dumb. She want bury herself right there and then. But then she can’t help it, the woman standing in front of her is definitely 1000% more stunning in person than what the camera has captured.


“Ah Ms. Miyawaki. ” The Jjaeyeon said when she seems to recognize her. Sakura does not know that underneath that seemingly cool presence is a panicking Chaeyeon just trying to play things cool.


“Yo… your…cousin.. I mean President Lee.. told me.. you.” Sakura said in broken but understandable Korean while pointing to Chaeyeon then herself then Chaeyeon to try and make her message more comprehensible. Chaeyeon shook her head to let her know she did understand what bob haired girl said.


And in Japanese “I..I see, Kaeun-unnie…..Then atleast let me introduce myself formally…this time.” Chaeyeon said flustered, her cool façade quickly deteriorating.


“I’m Lee Chayeon, one of your apartment mates, if you have any problem with – with anything you can call me.” She continued trying to calm herself by looking at things around but somehow her eyes still landed on her beautiful face and it lock in to her captivating eyes.


For Chaeyeon it’s hard to tell if she likes or has a crush on her, she has always been panicky in front of beautiful women, it is just extra today.  For one she caught the girl watching her and Eunchae create the choreography to Eunyeong’s comeback song.  There is also the fact that to “research” she watched some of her vids, she find her humour to be of the same wavelength as her. She watched several of them that Wonyoung, the giant baby she is taking care of, is teasing her about having a crush on the Japanese. Nope she can’t admit that yet – it is more plausible this is just her general behavior in this situation.


*coughs* Hyunah tried to call for their attention. Why? Because they have been staring at each other for cat knows how long that Hyunah felt she is watching some cheesy romcom. 


 “I think it’s about time we go for lunch.” Hyunah invites them to finally eat.


“Hai!” the other two answered simultaneously and both looking like freaking tomatoes.


Even though she is amused, Hyunah also would like to curse the stars as it seems she will be a third wheel in a blooming romance. 


Hyunah took them to the nearby restaurant but excuse herself for a moment to talk to someone in another table. Chaeyeon and Sakura did not notice who she was talking to as they are busy being their awkward selves. Hyunah did quickly return to them and ask them what they wanted to order, which the two could not seem to decide so she just ordered for all of them.


She ordered bossam-jokbal platter and fried chicken plate, kimchi stew for soup, jjapchae and kimchi as side dishes, some songpyeon and an order of smoked salmon – just in case. It sounds overwhelming but they are welcoming someone so a small feast is appropriate.


While waiting for their order, Chaeyeon opened a conversation with Hyunah.  Telling the older to ask her cousin to make her promotion permanent, ask when her cousin will comeback. In which Hyunah informed her that the president will be back by the 22nd of the month for a meeting with Ms. Shiroma and Ms. Kang the next day. She also informed her that she is meeting Ms. Kang later that afternoon. It’s a name that Chaeyeon noted sound familiar, but she dismissed it, it’s unlikely that it’s that one unnie that is locking herself up in her room because she had a fight with her bestfriend. No matter how rich that girl is she can’t see it being her, someone from her family though is a possibility.


The conversation then shifted to the choreography Chaeyeon is making alongside Eunchae for Eunyeong’s comeback. Chaeyeon told her that choreo is almost done and that they can teach it to the dancers by midweek, Hyunah then informed her that Eunyeong is free the next day and will join them to give her input and help, which Chaeyeon duly noted.


With the mention of blond dancing and choreographing Sakura muttered a barely audible praise to her “Your dancing… good.”


Chaeyeon is flustered and she realizes that they probably have neglected their guest from their ealier conversation she awkwardly thank her and tried to hide her blush. Hyunah just rolled her eyes – making sure to note the details so she can share it to Kaeun – who aside from being her boss is pretty much her friend as well.   

The awkward atmosphere was cut off when their food finally arrived. Everything was just what Hyunah wants to eat with the exception of smoke salmon that she ordered just for Sakura. Chaeyeon this time made sure to pay attention to the Japanese and made sure to not neglect her presence one more time. 


In Sakura’s opinion the food at the table is quite mouth watering but she is tentative about trying the kimchi stew, it’s very red and she is afraid it is spicy.  She can’t handle spice that much. On the other hand Hyunah offered her to try kimchi and out of respect she did. At first its spicy but it also has a layer of sweetness. She thought she could not tolerate it, she did manage to get used to it and soon enough she enjoyed the taste and spice aswell.  


That gave her the courage to try the kimchi stew – turns out Hyunah ordered an extra spicy one and that did not end well. She quickly asks for water and Chaeyeon is there to help her, even before Hyunah noticed. When was no longer burning they laugh at the matter like they are old friend. Hyunah just silently watch them, trying her best to be as invisible as possible.


Sakura just stick with food that does not scream spicy –It means anything that is not bright orange red. Chaeyeon this time is determine to make sure she is able to eat with no more incidents. She feed her chicken, and made sure that it will not fall of when she is eating. She even wipes out the crumbs that are at the side of her lips much to the enjoyment of kids that is just few tables away from them.


In the short time that they have spent, their idea of each other was solidified. There is a difference between admiring someone from a picture or a video and meeting them in person. There is this “what if they are not what my brain tells me is them”, “what if my idea of them is nothing but just an idea?” those kind of fear. Luckily though for both Sakura and Chaeyeon the image they have created of each other is exactly who they are – atleast it appears to be for this short amount of time they have spent.


Indeed even if the time they spent together is relatively very short – right now clocking at about 45 minutes, they have been comfortable enough to start asking about some more personal stuffs – like their hobbies, favourite foods and types of movies they love to watch. It’s like they are on a date, and if Hyunah is not there it probably count us one. Hyunah choked on her food and the other two did not even flinch, how much she wish she could video the entire thing and send it to Kaeun as a revenge.


Their conversation continued and they will be attending the same university. This made Chaeyeon happy except it immediately got dashed when she also learned that Sakura is in Computer Science faculty which is quite far from hers, the Performance Art Department. It also made her tad bit jealous that Hyewon will be closer in proximity to the Japanese in their campus. As her faculty, Literature, is nearer to Sakura’s.  She tried to hide this but Sakura catch on it and assured that she will try to see her even if it’s far at which point Hyunah fake cough as she is getting creeps out of the whole situation.


The two, for a good 20 minutes maybe, their whole lunch, was so unaware of their surroundings. They did not even notice the kid few tables away from them taking a video of the whole thing.  Don’t worry it’s not Wonyoung, it’s Doah doing it using Wonyoung’s phone. The kid has that prankster side to her.


Hyunah notice them though and signals them to stop, Doah does not want to; until Hyunah again mouthed that they will pay for their own meals. Hyunah have promised the company will pay for it earlier when she approached their table. The threat made her stop; she wants the free meal to stay free. Yunjin sighed and tried to hide her face, Doah is mischievous kid and even if she is the oldest of the three of them she have hard time controlling her.


Chaeyeon finally notices them. She waved at them and pointed to Sakura who Wonyoung is. Sakura smiled at them, the girls smiled and wave back to her. She feels she recognizes them somehow.


They all decided to go back to the company and the trainees joined them. Sakura is astonished to see how tall they are. Doah is about her height but the other two they are about as tall as Hyunah if Hyunah is not wearing heels. Sakura ask Chaeyeon how old they are and is shock to know that Wonyoung is 13, 13 freaking years old. How? She asks herself. Ok its Kirin Ent, fine.


After some last minute reminder Sakura can finally see her apartment and rest. Chaeyeon is there to help and accompany her. It did not take long and she is finally at 48Diamonds apartment. Chaeyeon gladly pick up her luggage from the van and tried as much to not have Sakura carry anything.


When they opened the main door they are greeted by some of the tenants plop up at the common area, snacking and watching something on the TV. Chaeyeon gladly introduce them. Yujin is the one who have her head on Minjoo’s lap, Minjoo is the one on the far side of the long couch. Yena sits with her legs up on one on the smaller sofa directly in front of the TV, while she gently caresses Yuri’s hair. Yuri is sitting on the floor just in front of Yena.


“Oh! Chaeyeon.” Eunbi called on the blond girl as she exits the kitchen. Following her is a petite girl carrying a tray of freshly baked biscuits and juice.

“Is it Ms. Miyawaki?” She asks.


Chaeyeon shook her head, and introduce the girl beside her to Eunbi and Nako. Everyone welcomed her warmly; they even invited her for some afternoon snack session, which she accepted. She might be a bit tired but somehow she wanted to learn about people she will be with.  After getting her luggage stored in her room up the third floor, she joined them alongside Chaeyeon.  


It was a pleasant afternoon, she was sharing things and answering question, trying her best to communicate in Korean, occasional Japanese and body language. Minjoo for one is interested about her game broadcasting work as the girl dreams of being a broadcaster. Yena shared that she also goes to the same University, while Yujin blurted about Hyewon being a gamer too.


“Hyewon unnie loves game, she have PS4, PC with this shining keyboard and let me borrow her Switch” Yujin boasted.


Sakura’s face lit up upon knowing about it and was eager to meet the said girl “Jinjja!!!” she exclaimed. “Sugoi, I want to meet her. “  She added excitedly.


Obviously as happy as Chaeyeon is at how comfortable the Japanese is with the other, she is starting to feel something pricks her heart she dismisses that.  Since there is other pressing matter specially that that person was mentioned.


“Hyewon – she is still in lock mode….” Yena muttered, everyone eyed her – they try not to talk about that. “She have not eaten yet, will she even come down? “ She continued, annoyed but worried at her same age friend. “It’s been what? two days!” she exclaimed – she really went there, as much as she is a happy-go-lucky duck; She also has her limit and checking on Hyewon’s well being and attending to Yuri’s needs is eating her up emotionally too.


The atmosphere soured that they did not notice a figure slowly climed down the stairs, looking rather pale but is wearing semi-casual business attire. She picks up cookies from the newly refilled tray that Nako is carrying. Nako just stared at her and smiled – a smile of relief that this person seems ok now.


Sakura is clueless to what is happening; she just said “Ah…” to everyone’s relief.   


Sakura tried to continue in hopes of getting the mood back up “That reminds me… mmo game friend… Korean” trying to describe her Korean online game buddy. “I think. She leaves near … not sure. – Funny game name – cakes. Call her Cake-san.”


“Cake-san?” Hyewon asks and all eyes look at her direction, shock – like they saw a ghost once again.


“hi…hiii.” She awkwardly said as she bites another cookie.


“This is Sakura… Hyewon Unnie. She loves games too.” Chaeyeon said, introducing the two to each other.


“Cake-san?” Hyewon ask again directly to the Japanese. She could not let that go.


“Hai… this game Cherry World Online.. cakesforme something. Warrior Mage. ” She answered excitedly. It’s only the two of them that understand that – it’s alien language to everyone else in that room.


Hyewon is shock, happy and worried all at the same time. She even forgot she still have things to deal with. There is a high chance her favourite gaming buddy is in front of her, 39Saku_chan is in front of her.  This is making her really excited but she does not know how to say that it is her, she is 99cakesforme.


“That name sounds like something Hyewon-unnie will make.” Yujin butted in giggling.


Hyewon glared at her, but the kid did not notice that. Indeed it is a name she will make; in fact it is her probably, the game, the class, the name… she wanted to say that’s her and introduce herself – she was about to do exactly that when – two other people descended from the stairs.


It’s Chaewon holding Hitomi’s hand. Chaewon promised her that she will tour her today, she would like to go with Nako but Nako have been busy lending a hand to Eunbi. She is very aware of the situation, whatever was supposed to bloom she had squashed it that day– that is what she believe.


“Hello…” Chaewon said.


Hyewon look down upon seeing her, and her lips – a habit she does when she is nervous. Chaewon went pass her and goes straight to Sakura to introduce herself, Hitomi followed and introduce herself to her in Japanese. Hyewon stared at them on the verge of crying which Chaewon took notice.


“So you can actually manage yourself.” She scoffs – pointing at the fact that Hyewon on her own is standing there out of her room after a breakdown - without her help. Deep inside it annoys her that the girl does not seem to need her anymore and she is masking it with this kind of sarcastic tone.


Hitomi tug her shirt so she will not say anything she does not mean to say. That is how aware she is, she is pretty willingly playing the role of pawn for now. She has heard about two’s friendship from the other and she will be sad if something so beautiful will just end up in that way.


Chaewon smiled to her and touch her cheeks. “You promise me will go the park.” Hitomi said with a cute smile – dragging Chaewon to the door.


“Unnie, we will be sure to get back before dinner.” She informed Eunbi.


Hyewon look at the ceiling, trying to will the tears back, she succeeded in a way.  Minjoo heaved a deep sigh and look down biting her lips in frustration, Yujin clasp her hand to comfort her.


The atmosphere is again sour, to Nako it looks like chess game between five people with different stakes. Who would win – Chaewon,Who wants to forget Hyewon? Hyewon, Who wants to get her bestfriend back? Minjoo, Who wants Chaewon to finally acknowledge her as an option? Yujin, who wants Minjoo to see her as more than a little sister?  Or Hitomi, who surprisingly threw her name in the field so she can see the two childhood friend back together? As much as Nako do love watching drama, she hopes this gets resolve soon, for the sake of Eunbi who have been worrying alot.


There is an uneasy silence that engulfs the room until Hyewon breaks it, “Unnie, I gotta go too – probably going to eat out.” She informed Eunbi.


“Oh, ok… be careful. Will you be back tonight?” Eunbi asked.  


“Yes.” Hyewon answered with a soft smile. She then hugs her and apologized about the problem she caused. Afterwards she walk to Sakura, she crouches and holds her hand and said in sweet soft voice that she can’t wait to play games with her soon. Her attire and the time she left was duly noted by Chaeyeon but she once again brushed of the possibility that it is Hyewon that Hyunah is meeting, and is the person investing heavily to Kirin Ent.


With Hyewon leaving and sweet gesture the atmosphere is sort of lift up. Chaeyeon keep Sakura entertained so that she does not feel the burden of the whole thing. She informed her that the two friends have sort of misunderstanding, that everyone is cheering for them to sort it out, and to not worry about it. Their interaction did not escape the other – they just smiled and secretly tease Chaeyeon about it.


Another day is about to pass by at 48Diamonds. The heat of summer is exhausting; the rain suddenly coming is infuriating. Love blooms, love die, dream soars and dream dies – opportunity closes and another opens – such is life. All 12 are now here what course will their life take while they live in this apartment and share their life with each other?


Notes: I tried to finish this earlier but I always get but my sched is wack. Im the kind that want to go type continuosly and have hard time coming back when disturb. Lots of things happened last week. Could not find time to just sit down - tried writing pieces of them but it did not sound well.

On that this Chapter Closes the Introduction chapters by introducing Kirin Ent Korea. Damn it they are tall there lol. Aside from Kirin Ent, we also got glimpse of what Hitomi is thinking of this polygon - my poor strawberry. Also that polygon - In a way I dont think I'll write them in a way that they stray to who they are in real life. I planted some seeds here I hope you all notice. I like to plant them ahahah. Yes Chaeyeon has no Idea about Hyewon and so is everyone else. ^-^.

Ill upload the relationship chart sometime tomorrow and CH 13 is about the same age friend [Hyewon and Yena] hanging out. The theme of the next arc is probably Moving to achieve ones Dream - dont know how many chapters lol, so i'll once again update the title - because I can't seem to stick with anything lol.

Lastly - Thank you for reading/ subscribing/ upvoting this story. This is my first story , it turned quite ambitious - I started with barely a plot now I have a timeline. I am still sloppy at alot of things but I am really happy. Thank you very much for giving this story a chance.   

Sketches: Sorry this the only thing I can draw today.

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??