14 Monday Blue;S Track 01: Playing Cupid

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Monday Blue;S Track 01

Playing Cupid



Today will start earlier for Eunbi, she suddenly felt she became a parent to seven kids, nine if you count the same age friend that is still tethering the line of adulthood. 4:30 is way early to be up and she can use a couple more hours of sleep.  


Eunbi understands one thing though and that’s Korean education system is bonkers. Surprisingly her tenants seem to come from families that at least give them some leeway. Half of them are in a Performance Arts Highschool, one of the two middle schoolers seems to be going that way too, the other middle schooler is in athletic path so her only concern are the two who are attending a more standard highschool. Thankfully none of the two seems to be attending Hagwons, those late night schools; she used to attend those and its nightmare for her.


They are some of the luckier ones and this understanding is something her grandmother made sure she knows. The old lady called her not long ago and made sure she understands why they offer breakfast and dinner like it’s an inn, originally it’s suppose to be that way, a bread and breakfast kind of deal, until the she change it to be a student apartment. Her grandmother made it clear it’s for the student’s well being. She wants to provide a warm place for them, like it’s their home and to her grandmother’s word the warmth she failed to provide to her own children when she herself was blinded by the system.  Eunbi sort of in away was part of that cycle, so she understand the sentiment albeit that made her tiny bit jealous.


 She did some stretch out routine and some small exercises to wake herself up. Now it is time to check how many of them signed for breakfast, for this she made a laminated chart with their name and room numbers. She briefs them last Saturday how this will work, they just check on the row of their name if they want breakfast and dinner. They already paid for it as part of the rent, and one of them paid so much that she practically more than doubles the budget, still Eunbi tries to stay on budget based on how much each paid for the food.  


Looking up the chart seems she needs to make it for all. Sakura has a note that she will be up way later than the others and Hyewon has no check for dinner so the girl is probably once again out for some business. For some reason the later seemed to matured this past week and is sort of worrying her. No time for that now, it’s time to start cooking.


For today its rolled omelet, kimbap, bread rolls, kimchi fried rice with stir fried cucumber and seasoned bean sprout as bancham. She thought hard if she going to serve soup for the morning but erased that idea, if Chaeyeon would want to make one later she can, the girl is a much better cook compare to her.


She starts by preparing the dough for bread rolls and pre-heating the oven. The bread rolls prove to be a hit so she bakes it every other day in the morning. For the menu each one gets a bread roll, except for Hyewon who has the right to get three, a bowl of fried rice, a slice of rolled omelet, a small serving of their chosen bancham and a soup if there is any. Anyone who wants extra breadroll need to pay additional for it, this is still business afterall. The kimbap is for those who want to bring something for lunch.


Eunbi is too immersed in making the dough that she did not notice the small figure that approaches her from behind. Someone tenderly embraced her and it did give her heart a jolt. If she has nine kids this one is her favourite.


“Unnie~” The small figure gently said.


“Oh, Nako. It still too early, why are you here?” She asks even though she knows why already.


“I want to help you.” Nako cutely said, she smiled and added “Just making sure you are ok now. No more crying?”


“hahha, of course, I’m fine now.” Eunbi laughs.  


“Can I help you?” Nako asks and Eunbi can’t say no to that smile but she still tried persuading the other to sleep a little more “Are you sure you don’t want to spend a bit more time to sleep?”


Nako nods back to say that she would rather help Eunbi than sleep. These are some little pleasure in life that she enjoys, spending early morning with her crush. Not that she will say that out to the world, for now she will hide it as simple trying to help her favorite Unnie.


 Eunbi relented, she always find herself weak from the younger cuteness attack “If you don’t mind can you help with the kimbap.” The younger diligently followed.


Nako only has been here for more than just a week and the two of them somehow strike a friendship. Perhaps Eunbi found her kindred spirit in the form of the younger girl who is currently diligently slicing the carrots for the kimbap. Watching her put a warm smile on her face and lately it is what completes her morning. She would steal glances to refill her energy gauge; she needs that because unlike Nako she wants to sleep a bit more.  


Minutes later Chaeyeon joined them. She commented that it tends to get hectic during school days and asks “Soup, Unnie?”


“If you want to make one, I think there is still some soybean sprout. “  Eunbie replied.


“I’ll get to it.” Chaeyeon happily followed, not minding the new addition to the kitchen staff. 


While she is preparing the stock for the soup Eunbi ask her to later cook the fried rice while Eunbi will do the omelet. Unlike Nako, Chaeyeon is an employee thus Eunbi tend to be a bit more direct in commanding her on what to do. The three happily prepares breakfast hoping to finish before the rest rise up for the morning.


It’s about 5:30 when a yawning duck climb down the stairs dragging a sleepy puppy. They are wearing tracksuits for their morning run. The residents of room 203, both athletes would jog together in the morning. Yena the duck being the older is surprisingly the more diligent one, while Yujin tends to follow what she does. Their run takes 30 minutes and they started earlier today maybe due to the fact that Yujin, a middle schooler, is back to school.  


Around 6:10 the lot have climb down one by one to join them, most of them already in uniform. Hitomi and Minjoo lend a hand in setting the table. Chaewon help as soon as she arrives while Wonyoung is still too sleepy to function. Hitomi is eyeing the bread rolls and ask for extra to bring in for lunch, while Yuri straight out sleep with her head on the table. The athlete duo has also comes back from their run with Yujin running straight to their room to get change while Yena joined in the breakfast table.  


Yena cheekily smiled at deeply asleep Yuri, she crouches and slowly inches by her side and pokes her cheeks to her satisfaction and to everyone’s amusement. Except that what happened next is far more amusing, Yuri being half awakened by the action and still very much in dreamland grabs her face and almost succeeded in kissing her, almost. She timely put her palm in front of her face and pushed the younger away. Yes she would like to get a taste of those lips but not in this way, her heart could barely survive. 


“Wow, Yena you can stop cars with your face.” A teasing voice comments on how red her face is. Yena look at her and in front of her is the middle ground between Angel Hyewon and Alter Hyewon.


“You..you look –ehm- professional.” Pointing at her friend, the girl is wearing a white Commes des Garcon white long sleeve dress shirt, tuck into black slacks – rather than blue jeans and paired with Dr.Martens flat monk shoes. It’s not the combination of clothes that give it that mood. It’s the air around her; she has this I’m the boss aura going on today. 


Before Hyewon could say anything back a half asleep Yuri hugs her and as she usually do when awake tries to kiss her, which she surprisingly allowed. She just chuckles at the younger girl’s half asleep action. After Yena, Hyewon is probably the next unnie Yuri adores. Or in the words of the rest of the house Yuri just have something for people born in 99.


Yuri was rather surprise that this time in her dream, her Hyewon Unnie – did not block her kiss. She always tries to kiss her near the lips and the older would, in dream or real life, block without fail – so this is surprising. Dream Hyewon just smiled to her and said “Look at her she adores me this much.”


Except that was not from Dream Hyewon it is from the Real Hyewon smiling at her brightly. Yuri quickly turn around, not knowing what to do, she looks like a tiny puppy who have her wish unexpectedly granted. She goes back to her seat and covered her face and look at Hyewon with puppy eyes. Hyewon chuckles in return and smiles. She can understand how her duck friend has fallen beak over feet for the younger.


After the short commotion, Hyewon is comfortably seated ready to dig in – because believe it or not any version of Hyewon loves food. Eunbi also commented on her looks. “You up for an interview? An internship?” She asks.


“No, Unnie – just some business.” Hyewon quickly replied.


Chaewon’s ears perk up after hearing that some business part. She has a lot of things she wants to say but hold it of – it helps that Hitomi squeezed her hand under the table to calm her down.


“You look like a CEO today unnie.” Yujin commented as she took the seat beside Minjoo and opposite of Wonyoung. They put the two long tables together so they can get this Hogwarts feast sort of feel according to Yuri and Minjoo.


Hyewon tensely smiled and nod to her, a detail that did not escape Chaewon’s eyes. That smile is the smile when the older does not want to lie but can’t divulge information. That tips her of, that CEO line might have grain of truth in it. That pisses her of too, she thought that the older does not want to get involve or play in her family’s game.


What change? Chaewon won’t lie she is noticing this for a while now it is just that the detail is extra infuriating today, before she let things like this slide, now it annoys her even more. The pattern been there before but it is more prevalent when summer vacation started. Specially that time, August 1st ,when the older girl failed on her promise for the first time and instead just sent her a red rose and bracelet with engrave message in the inside rim, the very bracelet she is wearing today, the very bracelet that is taking the brunt of her anger.


She is hiding it well under the table but Hitomi who sits beside her notices it. Once again Hitomi squeezes her hand to call for her attention and smiles to her. This soften her expression a bit, Hitomi have that effect on everyone.


Hitomi feels eyes are glaring at her direction. It is Yena who is sitting opposite of her. It’s a look that is saying “I thought you are on our side, Cheeks.” She smiles back to her with her lips pursed and trying to suppress her rather amusing dark side that wants to shout. “I do what I want to do, you useless Duck Unnie.”


It’s not like Hitomi changed her side, it just that she did not declare direct alliance to the mission of the duck. She rather do her thing alone it just happen that it somewhat aligns to what the duck wants. Still she really rather do things her own way – it’s a competition for her now, who can make the Wons reconcile first and Hitomi knows she has the upper hand.


 There are 11 of them at the table, for those who came before the Won’s civil war it still very unusual to see the two sitting so far from each other. The atmosphere is still pleasant except for some secret message passing and glancing here and there. Yena and Yuri are still flirting, Yujin is still a puppy in love with the unaware Minjoo, Chaewon is beside a happily eating human except it’s not the usual one,  Chaeyeon is forever babying Wonyoung and Eunbi would throw a joke or two. Hyewon, right now is the odd one out. Even the absent Sakura fits like a glove in the setting, she found a dynamic between babying Wonyoung herself, praising how pretty Minjoo is or to just to plain bicker with Yena.


Nonetheless Hyewon still found joy in food, and she still stuffs herself with kimchi fried rice and ate three whole bread roll, got her share of kimbap and finished the rolled omelet in one go. She more than ever looks like she is preparing for a battle and is trying to cheer herself up with the only other thing that can do it, FOOD.


Chaewon watches her and deep inside she wanted to cry for her. She knows how brave the girl can get and she sees her conflict plays, from her gestures, the small fist pumps and the way her lips curled. There is almost no trace of the Hyewon she babies, the Hyewon unnie she wanted to stay forever innocent. More than all the things she wanted to do, the things she wanted to shout, to ask for an explanation, for clarification, the one thing her heart truly wants to do is to cry for her so that Hyewon could aswell for herself.


Hitomi pays great attention to Chaewon. She tries hard so a smile will not betray her and for that she hugs the girl out of the blue and pats her. Yena hissed at her action but Hitomi pays no mind, this game is her to dictate the flow.   


This glaring matchup is disturbed when a wild Sakura appeared and offered them her homemade onigiris. Hitomi and Nako gladly accept, it’s a taste of home to them and they are glad they have a Japanese Unnie to talk too.


“Unnie, unnie can I have one?” An excited Yena asks. Sakura offers the container to her and when she is about to pick one she move it away and chuckled.


“Unnie!” Yena cried and this resulted to everyone’s laughter. In the end Sakura relented and let Yena have one, she smirks though when she pick up one that has her favorite ingredient inside.


“Miyawaki-san.” A gentle voice called to her, she has the breakfast set quickly ready and pulls the chair for her.


“Sakura-chan is fine.” She said coaxing the other to just call her by that.


“but…” Chaeyeon tried to reason but Sakura just smiles and gently says her name “Chaeyeon-chan.”


 Everyone giggles and whistles, except Yena who is dying at the sourness of umeboshi – she swears she is not gonna trust food from Sakura anymore.  


“Kkura-chan.” Hyewon offers her a hug “Chae is just a bit shy. She’ll get to it eventually. ” she added. She might not use to it yet but Hyewon hugs is a welcome change. She hopes they could play game together soon, once her PC finally arrives maybe.  


The school kids all prepares to leave by that point leaving only Eunbi, Chaeyeon, a dying Duck and Sakura at the table. Hyewon offered the middle schoolers a ride that they gladly accept – who would not want to get sent to school by a Class S Mercedes Benz.


Before they leave, she for one last time tried to talk to Chaewon. She holds her by the wrist. “Are you free tomorrow?” She asks with a look in her eyes, praying that hopefully the girl will relent.


Chaewon quickly pulled her wrist away and bluntly declined, she is as stubborn as ever. She immediately joined Hitomi and the others. Hitomi for her part looks back at a dejected Hyewon. 


The highschoolers left together their school is afterall just beside each other. It’s quite common for some of the students to have friend that are from the other school.


Yuri, Nako and Hitomi attend UBN Performance Arts Academy while Minjoo and Chaewon attend Woollim Highschool. At UBNPAA, Yuri and Nako majors vocal so their room is on the further end while HItomi majors in Dance so her room is closer to Woollim High, a detail she will gladly learn later.  Classes start at 8:00 am for both. Hitomi and Chaewon walk together while Minjoo, Nako and Yuri follow behind. The Koreans are telling them what time they will meet up later.  The two Japanese are quite happy that despite them being exchange students they have fellow students they can now call friends.


The two Woollim students bid goodbye to the three UBNPAA students. Before they could step inside their school Hitomi pulled Chaewon to her side and whispers something to her.  Chaewon seems to be holding her tears but Hitomi clasp her hand tightly and gently touch the bracelet on her hand. She smiled to her as if assuring things will be ok, she then let her go. Hitomi pass by Minjoo and nods and wave to her direction. Minjoo can’t deny that she is somewhat jealous of Hitomi.  


Chaewon and Minjoo might be apartment mates and yes don’t be fooled they get along well…. at the apartment.  At school they get rather awkward, they are in different cliques and are separated by a year. Chaewon is a senior while Minjoo is a sophomore and they share very little in common inside the school. That did not stop Minjoo to fall for the older. She is pretty and she knows that behind that icy demeanor is warm hearted person. 


She the goddess of Woollim high, whose admirer’s spans two schools and maybe even beyond. She that was once mistaken as being from UBNPAA Acting Department, yes she, she had a long standing crush to Woollim High’s Ice Princess.   She hates that the one place where she is with Chaewon without the others she can’t even talk to her.  


Once they get pass the gate, they just waves each other a very unnoticeable goodbye and quickly join their squads. It’s not like it is a secret to their friends that they know each other, it is pretty well known except that whenever they are together in the open … people tend to talk about them making it very awkward for the two. Sometimes she wishes she can summon Hyewon’s unbothered attitude of the world.  


Minjoo is quickly welcomed by her school friends Choyeon and Yewon. They did meet up during summer break but spending the whole day with them is still different. They tried to catch up to each other.


There is a short program that morning and Minjoo and Yewon being from the school broadcasting club MC’d the event. In between getting back to class, catching up and casually chatting and dreading school works as they just got back from vacation, Minjoo spend her morning till early afternoon well in company of her friends.


Monday is sort of a weird day is not it? It marks the starts of work day – the end of weekend and today the end of vacation. Today started good for her, the apartment is very lively except there is small looming grief surrounding some. Before school she got reminded that she never is part of the choices of the person she likes, that a certain strawberry jump ahead of her in the race to thaw the ice princess’ heart. She also learned that for all the thing she try she can never, never hold grudge against anyone.


It’s good that she is with her school friends now. Choyeon is doing some funny expression using her inborn burning eyes while Yewon is forever being the sweetest girl to Minjoo. Seeing the two side by side according to Choyeon is a photographer’s dream and proceeds to take a selca of the three of them to post on her instagram. Talking to them makes her forgot of the things that are clouding her heart.


It was around the second to the last period, the assigned teacher is not around so it was turn to a self-study class instead. Minjoo excuse herself to get some drinks, Yewon offered to go with her but Minjoo waves it and said she would get the drinks on her own and ask the two what they wanted but they did not said any. Yewon knows its Minjoo’s code word for I need some alone time to recharge. Yewon lets her, as for Choyeon as much as she wants to tag-along she is still deep copying Minjoo’s summer homework.   


She was out to the nearest vending machine on the second floor and bought herself a can of oolong tea. She savors the moment and does not feel like going back yet so she went to the other end of the building. Even if teachers saw her they will probably just remind her to go back, she is such a good student after all. She leans beside the window that is overlooking sort small garden below. That one is one of those places that student rarely frequent for some reason. Too secluded maybe, still there is a bench there and a non-functioning fountain with a weird angel statue that is solely for display.


There is sort of a myth about the fountain. They said that if you are hurting and you sit there and wish for it, that happiness might befall you. Minjoo smirks, she might be a bit romantic at heart but that’s quite far fetch still the place frequent visitor are either broken hearted souls or student badly in need of consoling.


She was about to leave when she spotted a familiar figure approaches the place. It’s Chaewon who looks like fighting an internal conflict within. She is caressing the bracelet that is given to her by their Hyewon-unnie, she took it off and read the message inside the rim. That puts the girl on the verge of crying, she then hold it tight in her hands as if praying and hoping that she and the person that gave it to her will get back to the way they used to be. Such a stubborn kid, she is.  


That bracelet was very rarely worn by her, but seeing her action – Minjoo concluded that it is very important one, maybe just as important as the content of the black box. Minjoo’s heart tighten, she decided to go where Chaewon is. She bought a can of cold green tea on her way.  


She have watch this place from the vantage point of the second floor a lot of times before but it is still the first time she wanders of here, and walks it’s ground. She quietly approached Chaewon. The older did not notice her presence, not until she offers her the can of green tea. She vaguely smiles to her and sits carefully beside her. Minjoo could not smile much herself, not when on her beloved face are traces of tears.


“Minjoo!?” The girl finally acknowledges her presence and took the can she was offering.


Minjoo points out the place where she was earlier “I saw you from there.”


“I see.” Chaewon mumbled as she tries to wipe her tears with the back of her hand. Minjoo duly offers her handkerchief. “Thank you.” Chaewon said, trying to hold her tears from coming out.


Chaewon ways of speaking is short, direct and sometimes blunt and even now that does not change. Minjoo looks up the sky and muse if this is what Monday brings, somehow everything seems blue, not the kind of blue that makes you happy, it’s the kind that clouds your heart. The 20th of August is blue.


She looks at the girl beside her who just quietly sits there. “That seems very important to you?”


“Ah this, it’s nothing.” Chaewon denies as she put the bracelet back on. She quickly stands and is about to leave but Minjoo summoning all the courage she can summon grab her right hand.


“I know it is not my place to say this but… I think you should talk to her, unnie.” Minjoo said firmly. It is all the strength she has, she look into her eyes, trying to coax the other girl.     


No!” Chaewon shouted back at her, she does not want to talk to her yet.  


“But you know you want to. What do you get dragging it this long?” Minjoo continued rather calmly, not letting go of Chaewon’s hand. Such tragedy it is, that now that she is holding her hands it is to convince her to talk to the person who will probably take her away.


“Why do I need to!? She is the one in the wrong, Minjoo. Does she even need me!? No! She can do what the hell she wants, I don’t care. She can continue playing that game with her family – I won’t care anymore!”  Chaewon bawled out.


“She might not, unnie… But you do, you do need her.” Minjoo muttered on the verge of crying, she continue “Maybe, maybe just stop being stubborn for once.”


“Why do you even care? You and Hitomi too! Why!?” Chaewon blurted out, snatching the hand that Minjoo is holding and using that same hand to push Minjoo away.  The push was not really strong but it’s enough nudge for her tears to flow out. Chaewon look guiltily at her but she could not process it much, her mind is clouded by a lot of things, anger mostly. 


“Why? ” The older desperately asks again.


“Because… unnie….” Minjoo look at the person that fills her heart, she knows tears are falling freely from her eyes, she could not help it. Maybe it safe to say it now “because…. I love you.” she tried, but all of those words are muffled and barely even coherent to the other girl who just look at her confuse as to why she is crying.


“Minjoo?” Chaewon asks her in concerned voice.


“Unnie, I just want ... I just want you to smile again, to be just like before. Not this. I don’t want you to cry anymore. Because… because you are important to me.”  Minjoo said this time a lot clearer “But you are right, I should have not meddled in between you and unnie. I’ll… I’ll go now… I’m sorry.” She continued, yet all she wanted to say is “I’m sorry, I love you.”


She slightly bows to the older and slowly walks a way, trying to wipe her tears with the back of her hand. Her handkerchief is with Chaewon right now. Hopefully it will be happy and serves its purpose unlike her.


Chaewon is left there hanging, and yes she is one stubborn human. She hits her head with her palm for how stupid she acted, Minjoo is due for an apology from her, it’s something she rarely does. Truthfully she might be stubborn but she went in this place for one reason that is to find courage.


Hitomi whispered something to her earlier that made her think. She is still at the point where she can’t trust Hyewon but she can get the truth about the situation some other way. Hitomi offered that way and maybe even if it might give her more pain, maybe it is worth the shot.  She quickly message Hitomi for the information she needed.


Minjoo went around the school by the back of the building straight to a place that joins Woollim High and UBNPAA. The place is not fenced for some reason yet very few students on both sides found their way there. It’s perfect for a Minjoo who need to sort herself out.


What Minjoo did not notice is a certain strawberry hearted person is nearby that place. That person also at first did not notice Minjoo. She wanders of that place out of her breaktime, being new and all she tried exploring her school, this place is near her Department’s building. Right now she is ruffling her hair and summoning the power of strawberries in making sure she is doing the right thing, while she tries to think on how to answer the message she received.  


It’s not long when she notices that she cross the imaginary line between UBN and Woollim, she look around to make sure she knew how to go back and that is when she notices a dejected girl sitting in one of the bench that surrounds a small tree. Imaginary line or not, Hitomi did not care much – she is concerned about the girl sitting on that bench.


She might like playing this game but casualties like this are things she did not account for. She is still not sure of it but she feels Minjoo got into whatever she tried prodding Chaewon into. It’s a mix of guilt and genuine concern. She approaches her and offers her the small packet of tissue she had on hand.


“Thanks…” Minjoo muttered before she realizes it is Hitomi in front her.


Hitomi smiles and quietly sits beside her, she then playfully sways her feet up and down and threw a glance to her with sad look in her eyes, “Is this – uhm – about Chaewon?”She asks her after trying to piece the words she wants to use. Unlike Nako, Hitomi still struggle a bit with the language.


Minjoo was about to ask how she knows about it when Hitomi pointed out to her phone. “I’m messaging… Chaewon-chan.”


That makes sense, Hitomi became a lot closer to the older girl in span of a week compare to Minjoo who have been there for like two years. “I’m… I’m jealous of you.” she said, not hiding it much.  


Hitomi looks at her with one of her I know it already glances.


Minjoo sighs “I never had a chance to be that close to her.”


“But you can.” Hitomi interjects.


Minjoo shakes her head in response “I can’t. Not when Hyewon-unnie is here, not when you are here.”


Hitomi listens to her rant attentively and allow Minjoo enough space to blurt out her feelings.


“I tried, I tried to tell her but I can’t even do it properly.” Minjoo sobs “I don’t think I can even win against Hyewon-unnie at this point.”


Hitomi holds her hand, this allows Minjoo to feel comfortable enough to let it all out, “For a bit while, I want to be a selfish, I thought when they fought that I have a bit of chance but instead she found you.” After a deep sigh she continued “I thought I can do it, be selfish… You know that box that Chaewon-unnie threw away, I found it.”


“Box?” That is news to Hitomi, she is trying to find that box too to no avail.


Minjoo did not hear her, she continues her cries “I kept it, thinking I can give it back to her then that happened and then I said I’ll throw it…”


Minjoo pulls her hand of Hitomi’s hold and buried her face in her palms “But Hyewon unnie… she is frantically searching the basement, All those trashes – all night. I tried to ignore her… but I can’t. She did it until morning. I just have too – I gave it back to her.”  


Minjoo remembers that night, it’s the first time she saw the older girl searched for something like her life depends on it, remembering it she bawls out further “How could I, I can’t keep it – not after seeing her like that, not after reading her message, not after learning about that. I can’t win against her.”


She continue to sob, Hitomi embraces her and let her head rest on her shoulder. She understands this feeling she has been there before. In her opinion Minjoo is such a kind person and she tries to say it the best she can, “Minjoo-chan. You am—Tenshi-desu –ah Angel, Minjoo-chan you are an angel.”


Hearing that Minjoo smiles. Hitomi can understand a lot more Korean than she can speak but still she tries her best to express herself.


“It’s hard right?” She asks.


Minjoo hums in return,“Honda-san.”


“Hii-chan.” She said firmly, curse that eensy-weensy monster inside of her, no time to be formal.


Her response made Minjoo chuckles abit, she starting to get Hiichan. The girl is cute and sweet but also rather firm and has somewhat of savage side inside, such a contradiction that exists.


“Hii-chan have you…?” Minjoo asks, resting her head on the Strawberry’s shoulder for comfort while holding her hands.  “Like someone.. umm who like someone else?” Hitomi continue the sentence for her.


Minjoo nods so Hitomi answers with her still limited Korean vocabulary “hmm… back in Japan – Cheerdance team member.”


She puffs her cheeks cutely. It made Minjoo melt inside a bit. “I like her, Miu-chan. Ahh but she likes this girl from… other club, Goto-san.” Hitomi narrated her misfortune “I ended helping them… to be uhmm together somehow.”


That’s what she is, mostly the cupid – the unintentional cupid. Her sister is wrong it is not that she does not dwell in matters of love, is just that whenever she dips her toe – the other person always end up having someone they like instead. All Hiichan can do, and all Hiichan became is the cupid to the point she gained the reputation of being that girl that grants your love. That was before but now she intentionally dipped her toe and played the cupid game.


“It hurts?” Minjoo ask her lifting her head and points to Hitomi’s chest.


“It hurts” Hitomi answers also pointing to her chest, she smiles to Minjoo which the other girl returned, they are having this sort of understanding that they experience the same thing.


It does not matter the slight language barrier, they delivered the message somehow. Hitomi is not gonna lie, she thought she has a chance with Chaewon. She like her the first time she saw her that time they went to fetch them. She tried her best to impress but it went away as quickly as it arrived. Curse her ability to understand situation so well. Right in the car, with the exchanges she found the connection between Chaewon, Hyewon and Miru, but unlike before she intentionally played cupid this time.


Hitomi is lost in her own thought when Minjoo ask for a rather weird request “Can I… poke your cheeks?” It took awhile for her to process it “hmm….” She agreed nonetheless, it seems her cheeks are popular in Korea.


Minjoo gently pokes them and melted inside. Who would have known cheeks is all she needs to somehow numb the pain of her broken heart. They bid goodbye to each other and jokes that they will get in trouble because both their last period class started. Hitomi said she will try to reason that she got lost while Minjoo hopes that her good student standing can buy her some good luck points.


Hitomi slowly walks to UBN direction, while occasionally stealing glances to Minjoo. She can’t understand it so she crouches in nearby tree and tries to sort things out. She shuffles the group chats she is in. Maybe it would not harm to play cupid to another couple and sent a message to someone she knows that can atleast distract Minjoo for abit.


She then went back to read Chaewon’s messages, she does not know if she should be happy that her plan somehow succeeded, nonetheless she will leave this one to fate. She opened another one, this time it is a chat exchange in Japanese, she informs that person that Chaewon might be coming for her, and the person thanked her.


She put her phone on her chin and thinks some more, she hopes that her assessment of that person is correct. She will feel very guilty is something bad happens to Chaewon, right now she can only trust that the person will inform her of things that will happen.


On the other side, Minjoo returns to her classroom after quite awhile, just after she washes her face to try minimize how much she cried. Her friends are already worrying about her and Yewon even made way to the vending machine and place she frequents but she did not found her there. The worry intensifies when they saw how red her eyes are. Choyeon is ready to go to battle but Minjoo laugh it off and tell her to calm down. Both are asking her what happens she said it is nothing and she is fine now. Yewon is very suspicious – she told her she accepted her fate about something.


Her good student karma points paid off as the last period once again became self-study period. In that period to though – rumor rumor rumor, gossip gossip gossip fly off, that Minjoo got turned down by someone from UBN. Who is their question? Who can turn down the goddess of Woollim High? Apparently it is a new girl from the dance department.


Minjoo chuckles off the crazyness of the gossip but that just made everyone more suspicious. So suspicious that Hitomi feel some chill getting sent to her, well that is her karma also paying off. Probably the fate does not want her playing that way.


End of the day quickly went and just like they promise earlier, Yuri, Nako and Hitomi will meet Chaewon and Minjoo at the gate. Minjoo chats and walk with her friend to the gate. It’s the first day since school is back so everyone is seemingly catching up and expected to be noisier. Except for Minjoo’s horror, a tall child was embarrassingly jumping at the sight of her and shouting her name. She is pretty and could pass as a highschooler but deep inside still very much a middle schooler or more properly a puppy.  


“Minjoo –unnie!!! Minjoo-Unnie!!!” She shouted while waving to her.


Minjoo kinda wants to disappear; she face palmed not wanting to admit she knew this girl. It is not just her, Nako, Yuri and Hitomi tries to pretend they don’t know her either. Hitomi is regretting her earlier decision, her luck is bad lately it seems.


Minjoo’s friends are curious about the girl, they heard about her before but this is the first time they see the kid that Minjoo is looking after so they drag Minjoo to the gate.


The girl quickly gave her a chocolate bar and Pringles – Minjoo loves snacks. “Hitomi-unnie told me you are sad.” Yujin said with puppy eyes, and smile showing her dimples.


On the other hand, Minjoo glance to the three UBN students coming their way, specially to the fluffy cheeks one who is pretending she have nothing to with this. Hitomi knows she is busted, so she just smiled a sneaky smile.


Choyeon thought that Hitomi is the rumored girl and tried to confront her to Hitomi’s confusion, Minjoo explained the situation and they laugh it off, Choyeon quickly apologizes. And somehow due to Hitomi’s action, Nako, Yuri, Yujin and Hitomi met Choyeon and Yewon. They gladly introduce themselves and bridge a gap in Minjoo’s circle of friends.


They are still waiting for one more person, which Hitomi already know will not come. They were about to message her when they heard three people calling for Minjoo.


“Minjoo!!! Kim Minjoo!!!” The beautiful girl known as the Chinese Empress of Woollim calls for her. Everyone around is bless having them together in close proximity of each other.


The girl is Wang Yiren, right behind her is a girl with a beautiful eyes smile – it is her bestfriend Minyoung – who is being followed by a bit scary girl, the cold Ko Yujin. This three knows Minjoo and Chaewon are from the same apartment place.


They are running towards her with Chaewon’s belongings. “Do you know where she is?” Minyoung asks.


Everyone is confused, well except Hitomi who became alarmed, based on the last message she receive Chaewon is on the way to the person she told her to go.


“She just disappeared; she did not attend the last period too.” They said, worry evident on their face.


Hitomi’s phone buzzed, and she secretly reads the message, relieved as it inform her that the girl they are looking for is right now at the door to the room of the person she is messaging.  


Hitomi borrowed a tiny bit of courage from her dark side. “Could you trust me on this one?” She said in almost perfect Korean. “I .. know where she is.. uhm she is safe.” She continued, trying to search for the words she needs to use. Minjoo yanks her shoulder to Hitomi’s surprise “Where is she?”


“I can’t tell yet. Trust me. Messaging her.” she said pointing to her phone and showing Minjoo, Chaewon’s last message to her informing her where she is going and asking for her to tell her good luck.   


With it Minjoo and the other heaves a sigh of relief, they are still worried and so is Hitomi. All they can do now is hope that wherever the stubborn girl is right now, that she is safe. It is rare for that kid to be reckless.  


Hitomi might have dipped her toes a little too much. Maybe she can borrow some more from the eensy weensy monster inside of her, a bit more savageness and yness to handle the upcoming situation. She is playing cupid dangerously, she is playing a little too well even for her taste. That is all she can do, continue to play ‘till she is sure that she won the game.  At what stakes she does not know either.


Notes:  This has alot of character jumping. About the name of the friends I randomly put in the whoever PD48 participant is in the same age.

Also yes Eunbi did not count Sakura and Chaeyeon to her "kids" She should though - Eunbi you have 11 kids not 9. I am really trying to get close to what SK as a setting in my writing, so the breakfast and school setting, im trying to get close as possible T_T it's hard.  I'm too ambitious in my first attempt.

Yeah I made an initial mistake but I am instead going to use that as plot point. [evil laugh]. This Ch is part of Won's story, but if changes view a bit it is also Minjoo and Hitomi's. I want explore Hitomi's side too :3 . She reminds me alot of the MC of a manga I read before [Eensy Weensy Monster], the MC there is cute but also has a savage side hahaha.

Edit: I like how when the polygon works a bit differently :> I just can't see Minjoo betraying anyone.

I hope I answered some of the questions, satisfactorily. Track 02 will continue what happens on this Monday before Chaewon's birthday - girl is being reckless and Hitomi gotta be nervous in what she is doing.

Thank you very much for reading, for subscribing and upvote.

Sketch: The sketch took abit while. Seems that I can;t get the feeling back and ended up sabotaging several attemps. This is all I can do today.

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Thank you!
Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1752 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??