23 Dream of Me

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Dream of Me

Sighs. Footfalls. Leaves. Winds.


They are the chimes that fill her ears.


A chuckle, a laughter, a voice – that husky voice, is the music she forever longed to hear.


Her face that is painted in orange and pink of the afternoon sky, the perfectly sculpted profile and that jaw that captivates her breath, the smiles that curve on those soft lips that she loves to kiss – those things that she wants to be hers… forever.  


Her mesmerizing eyes that looks to her direction with curiosity, those eyes that she wants to only look at her in that way… for eternity.


Right in front of her is her everything, everything she could wish for. Those smiles, the twinkling eyes, her face lit up by the afternoon sky – a perfect canvas, a masterpiece and she is lucky if she says so herself, to have her – in her hands, to have hold her – in her hands, to be just right there with her holding … her hands.


She is her everything… and she will be lying not to admit that indeed Yuri have become her everything. Everything that is beautiful, everything that is lovely, everything that is admirable, everything that can be gone in a blink of an eye.


The worries that she has, as she watch her sway, as she watch her spin, as she listen to her hum, they are gone – flying along the wind that breezes pass by along the whistle of those notes she sang.


She stops walking and admired her, a fleeting moment of happiness.


She wants to reach to her and touch her delicate skin once again. The corner of her lips curve, knowing that her everything is there – right in front of her, humming to the winds, throwing a few teasing glances and if she does really wish to reach her? She can, because she is just right there in front of her, the best gift she could ever wish for.


She chuckle, reminiscing the day – before she was here in this moment, watching her everything be everything to her and more.


Today, she spent it with friends, mostly the one in the apartment for a fun bowling game, in a place reserve in advance for them.  With a few notable absences, Wonyoung is out practicing at her company, Nako is out due to an audition call back and Chaeyeon is still part of the dance team backing up Eunyeong’s promotions.


Eventually, three teams were formed with wildly different dynamics.  Team Dog, consisting of Yujin, Minjoo and Hitomi, which Yena still question how that much tension was contained relatively well. Team Duck with her, Yuri, the love of her life and Hyewon, her forever annoying glutton of a friend who will probably one day throw her out to Hangang and Team Bunny with Manager Eunbi, the bane of her existence – Sakura, and The Frosty Princess of Mint, Chaewon.


It is probably the funniest team compositions she has seen with odd amounts of infighting. There is Team Dog with two hyper competitive member and one who probably wish she in a different team – or maybe not. Yujin is pretty much the epitome of perfect athlete with good control and lo and behold she is hitting the pins pretty good, but she does get into boasting and theatrics for the sake of theatrics resulting to some guttered balls. And who would have thought Hitomi is someone who is very competitive. She fused her little monster to herself, for someone who has not played bowling – hitting a strike on their second throw and consistently hitting 8 pins and up, she does learn quickly. Then there is Minjoo who would throw the ball timidly and it will roll rather slowly on the frame and hit atmost 3 pins or the gutter resulting to her other two member to scold her and hug right afterwards.


It is a scene that makes her giggle. Honestly, if there is no other team, Yena would think Yujin and Hitomi are competing against each other and it’s hilarious to watch. No matter how she looks at it Yujin and Hitomi is not just competing in bowling but also for Minjoo’s attention aswell. She does wonder how Minjoo feel though, but then one look at that girl’s eyes and Yena knows who she have chosen. She probably needs to open her door to the other one in case that person come running for comfort –the least she could do.


The other team – the one on her right, Team Mother Bunny – they call themselves. If you ask her it is more apt to name them Team Killer Bunny because any way you look at it both Eunbi and Chaewon seems willing to kill anyone coming their way or if not each other. Funny enough their other member just eats popcorn as she watches the other two bicker, punch each other, and throw death threats to each other. Sakura probably wishes she is at home playing video game before she needs to leave for work but here she is enjoying watching her team mates be on the verge of stabbing each other. It is all good though, their team even with those bickering or maybe because of it, is hitting their shots quite decently. Decently as in they hit 4 straight strikes in between Chaewon and Eunbi’s attempts. Even Sakura is netting them some good result about 5 or 6pins with some guttered balls. The cherry blossom made sure she knows how much pins she had hit more than her.


 And then there is her team – which involves two bluffers and biggest bluffer of them all, herself ofcourse. She could not understand, for whatever reason she just ends up throwing the bowling ball like its softball. One time it even went to the other lane to the amusement of Sakura and to the dismay of Chaewon, who only calmed down after getting hug by a laughing Hyewon. That was scary she straight up going to be a fried duck if not for her friend intervention.


Their team, they don’t really have much chance, her strategy is summed up as zero or hero and Hyewon would rather eat, laugh or flirt with Chaewon any combination works. To be heck if you ask Hyewon – and the score won’t lie, her awkward release actually netted them more points than Yena’s canon ball. The only one doing anything remotely normal in their team is the love of her life. Girl scored a strike on one her turn – and where did she run to, straight to her waiting arm. Proud and happy, she even forgets where they are and straight up kiss her, well a quick peck.


It is good that it’s only them there that they don’t need to hide their relationship to them. Outside of teasing and side comments about being single and alone or all of them being the 7 extra wheels to their date, everything was good. Inside the walls of that bowling alley – her heart flew, happiness filled her in and another moment was added to the stacks she wanted to keep forever.


That spur of the moment kiss is all she wished for, just pure happiness. Them being to caught up in the moment forgetting everything that exist around – just for a few seconds. It was the gift she did not expect to received but gladly accepted. Heck they lost the game, Eunbi’s team won but if she looks at it in a different angle it does not matter at all. She won the best gift and that is having Yuri by her side and being surrounded by people who accepted them and share their happiness.


And her happiness is here right in front of her, watching the setting sun. That image she is trying to etched in the depths of her mind – in the pit of her memory. Afraid she will forget, afraid she will lose, and afraid she will be gone.  


Conflicting emotions clawing its way to her heart, for each glimpse of happiness fear lingers. The fear that what this moment is, for what today is – will gone like sand blown by the wind. The fear that those things are not going to be lost because of someone or something, because all those fears, she will be its forebearer.


But for every time those thoughts pay a short visit she would then get reminded by that girl’s smile that yes – it’s moments like this that she is living for.  If time won’t relent - she would at least want these memories to be painted, carved, tattooed in her mind so that even if it’s painful, she could remember it - her - these moments.


She tilted her head and squeezed her hand that is intertwining hers.


“Where are you bringing me?” She innocently asks, smile curve on her lips.


“It’s a secret.” The younger teasingly answered, putting a finger over her lips to playfully hushing her.


She pouted through it making her chuckle.


“Nah – just follow me. “ The other assured her.  Oh, how much she wishes she could just follow her, forever, to eternity, to wherever she wishes to go.


“I know we’re in Hangang but I don’t think much visit this area.” She curiously observed.  


“Exactly, that is why it’s perfect!” The younger exclaimed, looking to her with such confident grin.


She turns around and continued almost humming to herself “I discover a good place here. We are almost there.”


Yena could not help but be curious what the girl have prepared for her. “Something fancy?”


The younger chuckled at her suggestion. “Hold up… you are taking too many chances on that.”  


Oh if she only knows, how much Yena want to tell her that her chuckles and laughter are such music to her ears. That for everytime she hears them, it sent her heart to tumble and be reminded that there might as well be literal butterflies living in her stomach.


And Yuri does not need to worry because for her, this is already special, them just walking in a park overlooking the Han River, in a part where very few find their way that it might as well be only them there. 


She swayed her arm upwards prompting the girl she is with to spin. Quite like an unrehearsed dance, a bit clumsy but it was enough to captivate her. The black beret hat that frames the younger’s face, her brown flowing hair and those lips that she want to capture right now, all of those brings smile to her face. She grins knowing she was there in front her, knowing that she can touch her if she just extend her hand, she – her – the person that defines her everything right now.


 Why is it so hard breath in moments you wish to last forever?


Maybe because you know time won’t relent and that the wish is all for naught. That all you can do is bid for a few more seconds, just mere seconds – just so it could last a little longer.


“Could we just stay here?” She asks her, pulling her a little closer to her side – stopping just a little short of a step right in front of her.


All that is in Yena’s eyes is appreciation, an appreciation of what she has right now. Yet in her smile is an ambiguous feeling – ambiguously brewing within the depths of her heart.  She wants to embrace her but her body won’t follow what her heart commands.


“Why?” The younger ask her, browse furrowed confuse as to why.


“I think we are already in a perfect place.” She chuckled hoping her voice won’t betray her. Hoping her intent to buy some more seconds – so she could stay looking at her – for a little longer will not be reveal through her voice.


“C’mon just a few more steps and we are there.” The younger whined, not aware of the complex emotions brewing within the older girl’s heart, as she gently tugged her arm.


And how could she know, when Yena does not know what they are either.


To the world she is the happy virus, ace of her hockey team, and to some she is even an inspiration. Her laughter does mask a lot of things. For each fleeting moment that elicits laughter there would be a sudden prick of emptiness in her heart.


Laughter, goofiness, silly antics are what defined her existence to other. Not here though, she is none of those, she is but a girl in love watching the girl she love being bathe by the light of the setting sun. Here being filled with inexplicable happiness as she watches her different facial expressions.


“Unnie~~ Let’s go.” The younger girl urged and Yena could not help but let a chuckle out. She finds the younger girl’s pout cute and endearing that she can’t help but to just so she could see it.


Yuri is tugging her arm but she is will not move, instead she stands there firmly smiling. 


“Unnie~~” Yuri once again whined.


“We are already in a perfect place.” She once again said gently almost whispering, locking her eyes to that of the other, hoping that the feeling that is filling up her heart will reach her through her eyes. 


The younger stop tugging her arm and instead stand firm facing her, facing those eyes that are looking to her intently. She reaches out to her free hand and hold it gently the same way as her other hand. She looks down to them and back up to her, back to those eyes that watch over her. 


Yena gasped, for a moment she forgot to breath.


How many times have that happened today – too many to count, Yuri is pretty much a health hazard to her. Those eyes looking to her like a sad pleading puppy it is a direct shot to her heart.


As both of her hand is holding both of the younger’s – using one of them without breaking their hold she brushes some stray hairs, an excuse to brush her fingers across her cheeks.


She grinned. “Anywhere with you is perfect place. As long as you are there its perfect, so here is a perfect place because of you, because you are here.”


And it’s the younger turn to gasp. She averted her gaze as her a visible blush start creeping up on her cheeks juxtaposed to the color painted by the setting sun.


Yena do know how to be cheesy when she wanted, she know the words she can use when she want to tease. Those words she just said though, those are from the bottom of her heart – it is what she truly felt, it is her reality. Anywhere is a perfect place as long as she can spend it with her, be it a matter of minutes or hour, as long as she could see her, be with her and touch her. That’s how much she affects her.


“oh,ok we will stay here.” The younger relented, pulling down the brim of her cap to hide her blush.


Yena looped her right arm to the younger’s shoulder and tug her close to her side. They lean on the railings and watch the sky slowly turn dark. The younger leans her head over her shoulder, a small action that made her heart skip. They always do, those small things, they are enough for her to miss a beat.


She gently caresses her face and pulled up that beret off her head, much to the younger’s protest. Yena place the hat on top of her head, with a teasing grin but the eyes looking down to the younger are full affection, the arm that supports the younger are full of love, holding her with intent of not wanting to let go just yet, not yet.  She caresses her shoulder tracing circles over, calming ones as they watch the sky slowly turn to black.


“We can’t really see the sunset here but the clouds are beautiful, aren’t they?” She muttered.


The younger hummed, she is there basking in the warmth of the older’s embrace. It’s a good counter to the winds that starting to get colder and it’s addicting in a way she just wants to be there. She put her arm over that of the older’s back pulling herself closer to her.


“They are and the colors are pretty.” She replied pointing out the beautiful blend of orange, pink and violets that spreads over the sky.


“But nothing is as pretty as you.” Yena nonchalantly commented much to the younger’s surprise.


“Unnie!” Yuri whined, playfully hitting the older, trying to cover up her embarrassment and therefore her ever reddening cheeks.


Yena chuckled, she is quite satisfied with the younger’s reaction.


“I’m just saying the truth. I rather look at you than the clouds – and the sky, because you are my sky.” Yena proudly declared.


“Where are you getting these words?” The younger ask this time covering her face.


Yena smiled, a satisfied smile, admiring the younger. She would be lying if she said she is not embarrassed with her words, she just can say them with confidence, but that heat that spreads over her cheeks up to her ears – they are not lying.


She pulled up the cap she just earlier stole and put it back to that of the younger’s head. She gently pries the younger’s hand off her face, and she is not lying she rather watch Yuri.


“I don’t know where I get them, all I know is that whenever I look at you I suddenly find words – ah then it is actually because of you I find these words.” She muttered.


Yuri tried to hit her with one of her hand but she misses. Yena cackled at her attempt.


“This is unfair – it’s your birthday yet I am the one who is getting complimented.” Yuri muttered in frustration.


“Is there anything wrong with that?” Yena can’t help but enjoy her reactions it just makes her giddy for some reason.


“But I’m supposedly the one who should surprise you and make you flustered.” Yuri pouted looking to her side then back to Yena who is currently sporting a stupid grin.


“I make you flustered?” Yena ask, acting surprise.


“arghh.” Yuri huffs – frustrated at the turn of events, she just can’t protest much fearing she might ruin the day for the older.


Honestly she does enjoy the compliment, it would be better if she could give them equally in return because this person in front of her deserve everything, even with how stupid looking that grin is.  She can’t help but let a smile spread on her face upon that stumbling on that thought, how can she when the older’s laughter fills the air. It is her symphony alongside its rhythm her heart beats. She continues to try playfully hitting her while she harmonizes with her laughter but much to her surprise she got pulled to her embrace, one hand on her back and the other cradling her head.


The laughter suddenly stops. There is only the sound of wind, of leaves and her beating heart.


Yuri’s heart bounce in every direction it can – trying to breach the cage it’s currently in. Her face is hot, her ears are the same. She nuzzled her head at the crook of the older’s neck as her embrace tighten. She is equally puzzled and surprise.


She is the one who is supposedly pulling surprises today but here she is the one receiving them.


“But you being here, in this place with me is enough.” The older whispered to her ear – somewhere along those lines are traces of uncertainty.


Yuri tried to shift her head to look up and see her face but she was prevented from doing so by Yena’s ever tightening embrace. There is always something she can’t figure out, but it’s there, its there whenever she hold her this way – she can’t help but notice it.


She hummed, closed her eyes and let the warmth embrace her, with her free hand she reach up and traces the jawline of the person she love.


“You know sometimes it feels like you hold me like I’m going to disappear.” She sighs; guess she point out what that weird feeling is afterall.


“I don’t like that.” She continued still tracing lines over her lovers jaw down to her neck and stopping just short of her shoulder.


She hates that she sometimes feel this way, that Yena does not seem to trust her to stay by her side.


“It’s not that… I’m sorry that I am making you feel that way.” The older replied, apologetic, she traced the length of her face down to her lips.


No matter what though the feeling remains, Yuri can’t shake it off, she closed her eyes. The older’s embrace won’t loosen up, but its gentle, making her feel as if she is something fragile, that if the hold ever loosen a micrometer of distance she will slip by and be gone. Despite that gentleness she is starting to despise it. It is not what she wanted, she wants to tell her she will be there as long as she wishes her to be, that she will not be gone in a blink of an eye.


She feels a gentle kiss touch her temple. She glance up to her and watch her eyes stare of to the distance. The older cradles her in her embrace, she slip her arms to the her back returning her embrace hoping that by doing so the older would know that she will always be there.


Minutes ticking by – but she will not exchange this moment for anything.  


Yena close her eyes when she feels those arms envelop her. She let a smile curve on her lips, and worries to subside for a moment.


She wants to tell her more than an apology. It’s annoying how her concerns and worries have manage to reach that of her love but for how good she is at bluffing she can’t lie to her nor to herself.


Because yes here she is holding her as if she will be gone, as if she will slip by like the wind but the truth is, the truth that she hates to admit is – she hold her this way afraid that if she loosen up it was her who will be gone. She is clinging to her this way – silently begging not to be let go.


She gotta admit it – she is her everything and more, more than just her world. She is the core that makes her go, makes her move, make her smile. The core that is the center of her being, the one that make her chase her dream, the same dream that she is afraid will put her far away from her.


It is not the younger that she is afraid will be gone, it is her – herself that she is afraid will be gone. The one who will let go and she don’t know if she can face that reality.


And for now all she can do is live by what her friend suggest;


Live by the moments you spend together.


After all from the very beginning this love, this relationship is all about moments rather than time. She wanted to apologize, that all she can do – hopefully one day, when that day comes she can say it whole heartedly.


I am sorry for making you feel this way. I am sorry that I am hurting you.

I am sorry that I will be hurting you. I am sorry it is me who will leave you.

I hope you would know, that all I wish and hoping for, is for my feelings to reach you.

Beyond distance, beyond words, beyond action, I love you.

I might hate to admit it – but you have become my world.

I love you. I hope you know that; I hope you won’t forget that.


“Unnie!?” Yuri’s voiced pierce through her thoughts.  


 “Why are you crying?” The younger ask in panic, cupping her face as she gently caressing her cheeks, trying to wipe the tears with her thumb.


“ehhh…” She was shock when she notices what happened, she quickly let go of her embrace, putting a bit of distance between them as she wipe the tears with her palm. “I’m just happy. Be..be.. because you’re here.” She chuckled.


Yuri then closes that distance quickly pecking her nose.


“Really?” She hums eyeing the older suspiciously and mischievously.


“Really.” Yena answered, standing firm – looking the younger in the eyes down to her lips back to her eyes, hoping that the younger did not notice her gulping just a few seconds ago.




To think she will be save by her grumbling stomach.


Both of them cackled. They let their laughter fill the air as they hold hand. They let their forehead touch, placing a soft kiss over the younger’s. This time she is a lot calmer and a lot surer of her action. Yes, these moments she wants to store forever, no not want, that is silly if you want something you do it yourself so instead of wishing she rather do it. She will paint, carve, and tattoo these moments in her memories.


“Let’s go I saw convenience store there – let’s go get something to eat.” She urges the younger, this time she is the one leading the way.


The younger let go of her hand. She quickly turns around and looks at her curiously. Yuri smiled to her and tilted her head. “Before we go is there anything you want. Something you want to wish.”


“ehehhe me!?” Surprise at her question she awkwardly laugh.


“hmm I wonder…” She said in her usual goofy tone, crossing her arm, cupping her chin and looking up to the sky – and the stars that are starting to shine its lights.


She thinks of it hard, she return her gaze to the younger who have her eyes lock on hers. Mesmerizing eyes, cute, like a hamster that she wants to tease and spoil. She looks deep into those brown eyes, her foolish smile fading as she opens and closes , wanting to say something but continually failing.


“Yuri-ah…” She finally uttered a word her name.


“Yes.“ the younger answered, brows once again furrowed, curios and worried.


A faint smile made its way back to Yena’s lips. Like a wish to the wind she spoke gently of the words she longed to say “Yuri – ah… would you dream of me?”   


A strong breeze of cold air passes by bringing in silence. Both of them stared intently at each other watching their flowing locks dance to wind.


She once again spoke not to the wind this time but to the girl in front of her. 


Her love.


“Dream of me. Yuri-ah.” 


Maybe this is all she wishes for today, because she makes her go around and dream, she is her everything, she essentially have become her world. It is not Dream for Her anymore but a hope that she will Dream of Her instead.


“Of course I would!“  The younger proudly shouted running and jumping into her arms. 


“I already do, what do you think I do? I think of you when I wake up, I think of you when I sing, I think of you before sleeping, I dream of waking up with you. Of course I would and already do dream of you.” She muttered cupping and squeezing the older cheeks as she declare her love with words.


Even how embarrassing it is for her to listen to her own words but if these words will thaw the concerns the older has, she is willing to say it again, even sings it for that matter – she will do it over and over again. If it is what it takes for those concerns that from time to time will ghost over the older’s face, those concerns that sometimes shows in her touches. 


“What do you think…I do?” She whispers trailing – almost on the verge of crying as she pulled the older’s face close to her, letting their forehead and nose touch.


Yena touches her face, close her eyes for a little bit and smile. She opens them locking them to those brown orbs that are looking at her intently at that very close distance.  The younger smiled back to her. It is enough for them to know what their heart wants. The younger slide her hands around her neck, while she cupped her chin to tilt her lips close to hers.


That tiny distance they have, disappears. Their lips clashes - soft, tender, sweet, some cotton candy maybe mix with some peach. Another moment she carved in her memory. For each touch a new layer is painted, for each smile a new memory carved.


They walks quietly, hands intertwined towards the convenience store not far by. They bought some ramen, bread bun and sat at the table outside the store, one overlooking the Han River and the cityscape of Seoul. They watch and admire the city lights as well as the stars fighting over those bright lights trying to shine and show how beautiful they are up in the sky.


“Happy Birthday.” Yuri whispered, poking the older with a simple rectangular box with golden yellow ribbon. 


“You already greeted me earlier.” The older chortled.


“Why? I can’t greet you again?” Yuri huffs, sometime she does question how she has fallen inlove with her.  What can she do – it just happens and she does love her even if she acts dumb sometimes. She shove the box she is holding to the older’s hand.


“and what is this, is this proposal?” Yena sheepishly asks. Yuri can’t help but roll her eyes.


 “Please just open it.”  Sometime she is really done with her antics but she loves her all the same. “They are just bracelets, ok.” She added – pouting, averting their gaze.


The older open the box and inside are two button locked leather bracelet.  She inspected them and notice’s some of the details, like on one end it has a duck doodle engraved on it and on the other end a hamster or that one of them says Yuri’s and the other Yena’s  on the inside.  


With a sheepish grin she asks, “Couple?” 


“Couple.” The younger answered, quickly pulling one of them, the one that has Yena’s to herself.


The younger looks down and pursed her lips “You don’t like it?” she asks.


“I like it, I like it very much.” Yena quickly assured her. “Where did you get this?” She curiously asks.


“uhm on some kind of workshop…” The younger replied.


“Then that makes it better. They are the result of your hard work.” She says with a proud smile, reaching to Yuri’s hand the one that is holding the other pair, gently planting a kiss on them, then looking to her with a sheepish smile.  


She would have lean and plant another kiss on her lips, not caring where they are when out of the blue the convenience store staff excuses herself – on her name tag it says Byul. Yena stared at that tag for quite a while.


“uhm excuse me…” Byul, the staff said as she put down ice cream and some soda in front of them.  


“I don’t think we bought any of this.” Yena stated, not hiding her annoyance.


“Oh no you didn’t, I know. That unnie over there did. She thinks you two are a cute couple so…” Byul does not mind the seemingly rude and cold welcome, instead she matter of factly told them the truth like it’s nothing and shrug it off.


“Well I agree with her. I gotta go. Enjoy.” She continued, smiling to them widely enough for her nose muscle to scrunch.


The two of them look over to the direction of the woman who bought those treats. They watch Byul walks to the store until they heard the woman call her name.


“Byul.” The woman with shoulder length hair called to her, she is wearing a suit and sophisticated eyeglasses, with somewhat fluffy cheeks. She looks like a high ranking office lady in contrast to the convenience store staff – but the way she called Byul is soft and sweet.  


They watch them seemingly tease each other, in a way that mirrors them. Both of them chuckled and enjoyed the free food that was given to them. In a night late in September, they sat there, admiring the Han River, the city scape of Seoul, the star and the moon fighting over for light, together creating memories of the moment they longed to last just a little longer


Later that night in her room, just after shower, Yena slowly pulled her drawer open. Inside is her passport and inserted in it is a roundtrip ticket with the destination set from Gimpo to Ontario International Airport and back.


And just in time she received a call, she pick it up and lay on the bed looking up to the ceiling.


“Hello, Oppa.”


On the other line is her brother. They talk about their plans, reminding her to work on her papers so that when the time comes she can quickly migrate with them eventually, so that their family can be finally together. Asking her what she wants to do on her upcoming vacation there and general things. She smile and laugh with him. She is happy she will see them again but pangs of guilt creep up in her chest.


She will be there for a short vacation soon, on the ticket the departure date is set on October 20 and the return date on October 28. It only means one thing, she will miss it - she will miss her beloved’s birthday.


She closes her eyes willing her tears to go back.


[Yena are you ok?]

"I am fine Oppa, don’t worry. I’m just a bit tired."

[Oh, then please rest well. Good night ducky.]

"Ugh Oppa, don’t call me ducky."


"I need to go now – there is a big puppy jumping to my direction right now."



Yena cuts her call as she welcome her young but tall visitor, her roommate to be exact who come to her pouting.


“What is Yujinnie’s business with this Duck?”


Yujin grumbles and then tickles her sides.


Yena spends the rest of her night playing and talking with her, atleast for awhile she can forget that guilt that took a residence in her heart.



Notes:  Edit Prev Note is too long and done with eyes begging sleep.

  • Ch23 : Continuation of Yena's storyline -- a slightly separate but still deeply intertwine story to that of Yuri. There is also Yuri's which will be visiting in future.
  • Title is From IZOne Chu and also a throwback to CH 17
  • Writing this made me realize YulYen story is affected by music for this chapter its Mamamoo's Paint Me and a cover version of it. There is another song that embodies the whole story.
  • convenience store Byul is reference to Cabbie Au by @FakesIzone over on twitter. She is talking to Kim Yong Sun, same one that Hyewon knows.
  • Saw a polaroid set that made me laugh - cause it got most of the ship in the story lmao.
  • Ch24 - i wanna say who its about but for now secret... ^-^.
  • Ill talk more about it in the break... if you have question feel free to ask.

Sketch : [Not really] i needed some sort of zen time... so i decided to pull my watercolor and instead try it.



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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??