28.2 Extra: Day of the First Snow Part I

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


Day of the First Snow Part I

These are stories from the other girl's that happened on the day of the first snow. 2 of 6.



From Today Onwards With You

[Chaewon and Hyewon]

Her eyes flutter open. It’s still rather early to be up, as early as in it’s not even four o’clock yet. She yawned and stretched her arms, looking at her side clock and grinning at the same time.  

Waking up is hard, waking up at a time your suppose to be sleeping is next level difficulty yet today she beat her alarm.  That’s the first time in her life she beats the alarm. She can’t hide her excitement and nervousness. Today is a big day if she says so herself – what she will learn in the next few days might have an effect in the trajectory of her life.

Flicking on the light, she looks around her room. It’s not that messy – just an open luggage down the foot of her bed and some yet to be pack item.  Chaewon yawned then she drudgingly drags her feet to the shower.

Truth be told there is a lot to take from all that has happened since the end of last week. CSAT took ton of her energy but she is confident she did well, she’ manage to lock in herself and not worry of other things for the duration of it.

When it finally ends, she confronted her best friend. Giving herself barely anytime to rest her brain. She did not take any excuse and demanded explanation right there, dragging the older to her room as soon as they step foot inside the apartment, ignoring the questioning looks of those who witness it.

It’s truly a draining day, both just slump down to sleep to whatever comfortable position their body manages to get and that’s them sprawled on floor beside her bed, not even on the bed. Both are just too exhausted that day, partly because of crying, partly because trying to process the information and partly because all the things that happened that day.

She learned a lot, about her family, Hyewon buying one of their businesses, her ventures, the state of Mint Group and Kang Enterprise. She learned a new side to the older, things that made her fall harder. That night is a tiring experience and as much as it seems the older is good in business pitches, she did have trouble truly expressing herself.

The next day came and they woke pretty late and messy. Who would not be after all that crying and explanation in addition to the exhausting exam? Messy is the logical conclusion. Their friends seem to have different idea on what transpired, giving the two of them some funny looks. It’s a misunderstanding that she is too tired to correct and Hyewon is too unbothered to try correcting so the looks continued for a good portion of the day ‘till Hyewon gave them her death glare.

That was last week, back to today, she’s still pretty sleepy. Too sleepy that she stub her toe as she step out of the shower. What a pretty great way to get that sleepiness out as she cursed every living being that she can curse and yup she for sure is very much awake now.

She picks up a high neck white blouse and over it a pink hoodie paired with jeans and then she picks up her hooded duffle coat. She then surveyed her open luggage and quickly threw in it the ones she yet to put in. She then checks her shoulder bag and made sure her passport is inside, as for the ticket, her ticket is still with the older.

“Wonnie!!! Are you ready? We need to go now.” Hyewon shouted from her living room, entering her apartment by a spare keycard that she lent her.

 “Coming, just a second”, Chaewon rolled her eyes.

Hyewon herself doesn’t like early morning schedule, nor is she also the kind that likes to nag people for being slow. The older preferred to live in a freer kind of existence, not bound by time. Ofcourse as she explained, things have change, there are responsibilities that needs to be fulfilled and one of the older’s best quality is that she will do her best to fulfill such. That includes disciplining herself about time.

She steps out of her room, dragging her luggage, containing clothes enough for a weekend stay.

“Are you ready?” The older ask her once again.

That question is not about whether she is now ready to go, which she is. That question is about something else. Is she, Kim Chaewon, ready to participate and meddle in this business.

She gulped, look at her hand holding her luggage and look back to her bestfriend, her love, the one person she would love to spend the rest of her life with. The older tilted her head, questioning her. She clenches her luggage handle.

Her love has, for a long time, carried this burden on her own. For a long time, her bestfriend – her beloved, was all alone facing these giants that are their very own family. All for what? For her sake? All she wishes now is to support her, help her, and be there for her.  

Someone wise said relationship is built on equal footing, on understanding, on trust, on faith that one will be there when the other needs it. She would want to be that person – starting today, she would try, and she will become that person.

She looks back to the older and nods and true to her personality she answered. “I am.”  

The older reach out to her hand and squeeze it, she smiled gently to her. “It will be fine.”

She brushes the stray hair out of her face and kisses her forehead, making her heart skip a beat and blush to betray her face.

Upon stepping out of the apartment building, they where welcomed by their favorite driver. He helps them load their luggage into the trunk of the white BMW that use be their go to car.  

Hyewon observe the younger looking around, “Wonnie? Is there anything wrong?”

“Ah nothing unnie, I just notice Chaeyeon-unnie’s car is not here.” The younger pointed on the free space that used to be where the Hyundai Elantra is.

“Ah, I saw her earlier when I went down. She said she’s going to pick Sakura-chan.”

Hyewon shivered from the cold wind, she wonder’s when it started getting that cold. She pulled her hand out of her trench coat and offered to the younger to take as they entered the car. Once secured in their seat she once again observes the younger – who is somewhat lost in her thought.

“It’s going to be fine.” She whispered caressing the younger’s hand.

“We’re going to see her, right?”

“Yes, I know it’s been rough between you and Miru-chan but trust me on her. She can explain more on my ventures as she’s one of my trusted partners.” Hyewon looks to her with concerned eyes.

“ok.” The younger pursed her lips and nod to her.

Hyewon squeezes the younger’s hand and lift it to her lips, kissing the back of it gently, hoping that such action will help alleviate the nervousness the younger feel.

The way to Gimpo airport is fast, 10mins from their place. In no time they are stepping out of their car, unloading their luggage. They need to be early for her to meet CEO Kim, for a meeting before their respective flights.

She gave last minute instruction to her driver. Then she feels something cold touching her face. She looks up and sees the snow coming down from the sky like there are fireflies flying around. Though not much a believer of myths, Hyewon does appreciate the beauty of something such as a snowfall but she hates the hassle of snow though.

She smiled opening her palm to the sky, letting those cold bits touch her skin. Something childish, something innocent, it’s something she still can appreciate.  

She looks to the younger girl who is a few steps ahead of her, pre-occupied by the sudden snow. To Hyewon the younger at that moment is just sublime. The snow glowing around her, those ones landing on the tip of her nose, the one that landed on her finger tips. Each one that Hyewon watches makes her see and realize the things that she loves about Chaewon.

She felt it was right, the time is right, her courage amplified by the first snow she feel she can say it now.

She called her name, and the younger turn around at that moment she said, “I love you.”

As much as she lucks out of getting the first snow amplifying her courage, she has the crappiest luck in timing it seems. A bus pass by as Chaewon turn around, right at the moment she got courage to say those words. Hyewon could not help but sigh, she cover her face with her hand to hide how flush her face is.

“Unnie?” Chaewon replied her brows furrowed.

“I-its nothing, l-lets go.” She walks towards the younger.

Chaewon started to turn around to the direction of the airport when Hyewon tap her shoulder so she look back to her, only for her to be engulfed by the older girl’s embrace.

“Remember, you’re the most important person to me.” The older whispered to her ears.

Hyewon tightens her hug, this time not because she feel Chaewon will disappear but because she is thankful, she have her in her arms now, helping her traverse the future. From today onwards she swears to be with her, always.

Chaewon buried her head on the older’s shoulder, returning the embrace. Hiding the creeping heat on her cheeks, thankful she have a cap on to hide her ears.  She smiled. She might not have heard her words earlier but she has read her lips, and that’s all the assurance she needed. One day too she will say it back and she will make sure it will be heard.





On Thin Ice

[Minjoo and Hitomi]

Its Minjoo’s usual early morning trip, as such she found herself walking down the second floor corridor. She stops at the door that has been familiar to her. It’s been easy knocking on that door, spending early morning in that room but Minjoo is standing motionless, tentative and partly unsure if she’s going to buzz the bell.

In the end she pressed it and she is immediately welcome by a tiny smiling figure that is the epitome of cute. Everyone likes them some cute Nako in the morning, welcoming you with a smile.

“Ah Minjoo.”  

Minjoo step inside and awkwardly smiles at Nako, this made the smaller girl raise her eyebrows.

“If you’re looking for Hii-chan, she just went out. Maybe she is the kitchen with Eunbi-unnie.” Nako explained.

“Ah-ok… I’ll go check on Yujin then.”

“Oh Yujin, don’t worry about her, I’ll wake her up soon.” Nako eyed Minjoo suspiciously, knowing full well what the girl want to do.

“I-I see. I’ll just check on her later… and uhm tell Hitomi I-I…”

“I will tell her, don’t worry.” Nako pursed her lips nodded to her.

Minjoo was about to turn around when Nako reach out to her hand. “Minjoo-chan.”

Minjoo looks back to the smaller girl, who is holding her hand. She in about to ask why but Nako beat her to it.

“I know you and Hii-chan have-uhm- misunderstanding lately. I know it’s not going well between the two of you. But please have patience with her, Hii-chan – you see Hitomi she’s just scared.”

Nako hold Minjoo’s hand with both of her hands. She preferred not to go in between them but those two are both somewhat oblivious to their own troubles – both have hard time expressing what they truly meant.  She looks deep into the taller girl’s eye asking her the best she could with no words, to have patience with her room mate, before finally letting it go.

“I – I’ll try. Nako-chan.” Minjoo said, she took a deep breath and look away from Nako’s questioning eyes. “It’s been tiring lately. I’m trying to understand her. I don’t know what she is scared of. How would I? If she’s not telling me what’s hurting her. Why can’t she tell me? It’s painful to see her on the verge of crying but somehow… somehow it’s more painful when I see her turn around and lock her door instead of telling me. ” Minjoo exhaled and covered her eyes with her hand. “Am I weak? That’s why she doesn’t trust me? There’s nothing more I want to see but for her smile to be back.”

Nako did not expect this at all, mediating is hard honestly, she scratches her head and sighed.

“Minjoo, I think Hii-chan , she doesn’t want you to see her cry but I know one thing for sure she cares for you… a lot. ”

Minjoo wants to say something but hold back, words she did not let out of her teeth, words like I hope she let me take care of her. Instead she just purse her lips gave Nako a little not before turninh around.

Nako sighed again and covered , when she saw the door open, she feel like she seeing the last threads hanging between Hitomi and Minjoo. She did her best to make a final plea, from when taller girl step out of their room, it will be up to Hitomi to patch things up.

“Minjoo-yah, Please. Don’t let go of her hands yet.”

Minjo nods back to her without looking and finally left their room. Don’t let go of her hands yet. Those words resonate to her more than she could imagine. 

She walk back to the stair and contemplated going to the first floor and see if Hitomi is there but decided other wise. She climbs back to the 3rd floor where her room is, but instead of going to her room she went straight to the stairs leading to the rooftop. Right now ranting to nothing but air would probably be a nice idea.

It does not matter if she is only wearing a hoodie and its cold, like freaking cold, almost 0 c cold. Why? Because it’s cold inside, she feels cold.

She is thinking of those hands again, the fingertips that she manage to grab that day, the courage it took to say those words. Did they rush things up? Maybe? Maybe because they fear of losing chances that they rushed ahead without thinking and that’s why now they are here, failing to communicate and hurting.   

She opened the door to the third floor and shiver she did – today is too cold. She looks up to the sky and saw the snow falling down, she look ahead of her and she saw her. There standing in the middle of the rooftop is Hitomi, in her white & black padded jacket, hands on her pocket looking up the sky, tears falling down her cheeks.

It’s really pains her to see the person she fall in love to be broken in this way. Right now Minjoo just want to hug her. She runs to her, in her hoodie, despite how cold it is. If she could make Hitomi see how much she cares for her, for her to realize that she is strong enough to be her support, maybe they could still mend things up.

She hug her tight, this is the first snow right, they are under the first snow and if the saying is true – can she believe it? Should she? They say if you’re with your love witnessing the first snow together, it means that the two of you will last for a long time. Minjoo have no other wish right now but that.

“Minjoo.” Hitomi muttered when realize the taller girl is hugging her. Trails of tears are still visible on her cheeks. The cold has almost no effect on her, but this warmth she welcomes it.

“Joo, it’s cold here. You’re not wearing enough. What if you catch cold?” She reminded her, pushing her a bit to create a separation between them. The taller girl traces her tears laden cheeks with her thumb pinching her cheeks. Hitomi let her, she miss that.

They have been sort of walking in thin ice regarding their relationship sometimes avoiding each other all together. Hitomi blames herself for that, if she could only be stronger as not to get eaten by her own insecurities. If only those things don’t make her lash out to the person that made her heart calm and erratic at the same time. For all the things really, the one thing she is currently afraid of, that is losing Minjoo.

That one day there will be no more Kim Minjoo, greeting her good morning. That there is no one making her laugh with her silly animal impersonation, that one day there is none of those. That’s a reality that is so close to happening and it scares the out her.

“Won’t you tell me?” The older girls whispered, her voice trembling.

Hitomi wanted to say it, she is scared. Why is she too weak? Why can’t she handle her own problems? She averted her eyes from Minjoo’s gaze.

“I-its nothing. I-I’m just in that mood right now.” Hitomi wipe her tears.

 “Le-let’s go back inside, you might catch cold.” Hitomi pulled Minjoo’s hand to lead her to the door.

“Hitomi. Hiichan!” Minjoo raised her voice, stopping Hitomi on her track.

“Are you really not going to tell me? Why? Is it really nothing, you’re crying it’s not nothing can’t you trust me?” 

Hitomi looks back to her, letting herself get absorb by her beautiful eyes – but she still is a coward. She can’t say it, why? It’s because she want to run away from it. There is a wall between them and that wall is Hitomi’s. She retreated to that corner of her brain – running away once again looking down to the ground, “it’s nothing, nothing that concerns you.”

She felt Minjoo’s hand on her face, making her look up to her.  Why is she such a weakling? she once again ask herself. She gritted her teeth; she doesn’t want Minjoo to see her this way. She swipe Minjoo’s hand away from her face.

“Please. Let this be, leave me alone.” That pesky little monster giving her trouble again, but is it really that tiny thing that lurks in her heart that said it.  

“Fine!” At this point Minjoo have enough, she can’t understand Hitomi and every time she tries she just got push away. She rushes to the door slammed it close. 

Hitomi saw Minjoo’s tears, she hurt her… again. That’s seems the only thing she is good at lately, hurting the person she profess to love. She wants to call and run after her, but Hii-chan is a coward, who only knows how to run away.

She touches that door, she knows at the other side is a crying Minjoo and on this side is a crying Hitomi. She doesn’t know what is happening to her.

It started when she learned Nako got accepted in an agency. She is happy for her but that triggered something. It triggered her insecurities. Things like what if she is not good enough; that she lacks a lot, that there is no chance a good company will accept her. The reality that her dream is crumbling and the more the school year is nearing its end, the truth this might be her last month here, and that against her will she might need to give up her dream and go back home.

She’s scared you see. She doesn’t want to go home yet. If she can, she wants to stay here.  If she can she wants this to last, yet here she is pushing Minjoo away. She wants to be strong, maybe she could try. Like everyone else she wants someone to be there for her too, but she is afraid to open up.

Hitomi went down much later, she already change in her uniform and only took a gimbap as breakfast. She apologizes to Eunbi for skipping, sensing that she might not be feeling well their manager pack her excess bread so she can eat later.

Things got awkward between her and Minjoo, she just nods to her, while the later try to ignore her presence. These are duly noted by everyone – and Yujin did not pass the chance to glare at her. Hitomi accepted that, it is her fault.

The four of them same age classmate rode the bus today. She is thankful that Yuri and Nako did not pry much about her and Minjoo.

They walk to the school side by side but not speaking words to each other, when they arrived at the school. Minjoo still continue to ignore her as they approach the gate of their school. Minjoo is about to head to her school gate and Hitomi watch her turn around in that direction.

She bit her lips; Eat all your pride Hii-chan, she said to herself. Before she knows it she reaches to the taller girl’s hand to the shock of their friends. “uhm, later. See you later… and sorry I’m sorry”, she whispered. 

Minjoo tried to pry her hand away but Hitomi’s hold is stronger, she looks at the Japanese eyes, maybe there is still a chance – because right in those eyes she feels her sincerity.

“o-ok.” She nodded and quickly turns to her school’s gate when she felt Hitomi’s hold loosen. 

That afternoon, Minjoo found herself walking, hands in the pocket of her padded coat, to a familiar place again. In the bench under the small tree beside the border of their school, she saw Hitomi sitting there snacking on some bread.

Minjoo will say she is lying if that simple sight of her just casually eating did not make her smile. She quietly sat beside her and put her head over Japanese shoulder. The Japanese cradled her head with her free hand. Minjoo reach to those hand and hold them tightly, for awhile they let silence speak for itself.

The snow has stopped falling earlier. It still cold but their intertwined fingers is enough warm for the two of them.

Hitomi open and tried to say something and failed. She puff her cheeks, its something that Minjoo find cute. Hitomi clenches her fist, berating herself for once again failing to speak.

Words are not her strong suit, heck it is with words that the tiny devil relishes itself, it gets her in trouble. It’s words though that she needs to say, because sometimes action alone can’t convey things clearly, sometimes action needs words to be clear.

She looks at Minjoo, who is observing her, locking her eyes to her. She can do it, she said to herself. Little Monster don’t fail me. She pleaded to it and took a deep breath.

“Minjoo-yah”, she muttered, the other girl simply hummed.

“About this morning, I’m sorry.” She continued, prying away her gaze from Minjoo.

“It’s ok.” Minjoo lift up the smaller girl’s hand near her cheeks, leaning into it.

“It’s not fine, Min. I always… I always end up hurting you.” Hitomi put her free hand on Minjoo’s shoulder, her voice trembling, almost begging Minjoo to be angry at her. “Shout at me, be angry at me, I deserve it.”  

Minjoo is lying is she said she is not annoyed or angry at the other girl but she love her just as much. She kisses the back of other girl’s hand. She can forgive a lot but even then she is almost at her limit. Thin ice, threading on thin ice, they are.  

“Then tell me what’s hurting you? Can you trust me with it?” That’s what she wanted right now, to be trusted.  

Hitomi partly looks deep into her eyes for a moment before taking it away and instead looking to the ground. She then pulled her hand away from Minjoo, she pursed her lips and gritted her teeth.

“So you won’t tell me. Why? Can’t you even trust me? Aren’t we supposed to be helping each other? Supporting each other? I see it hurting you – and you know what? It hurts me to see that it hurts you yet I don’t what it is because you won’t tell me. ”  

Hitomi looks back to Minjoo, her eyes trembling, confuse. In her unconscious way of protecting herself she ends up hurting her again. In those eyes she love, the tears that are falling on the way side. Hitomi clench her chest. She tries again, but she can’t. She is scared, scared to be seen weak, scared that her vulnerabilities will be out in the open and that she will get hurt.

She tried but the words that come out of are not the words that she wanted to say. No, it’s not from the eensy weensy monster, that one is an honest fellow. This is from that little Hitomi cowering in the corner, running away, not wanting to deal with the burden of her emotion spilling out in the open. Afraid that if Minjoo see all of those, the scared her, that she will go and leave her.

“Do I need to?” Is what she said, cold as cold as the temperature.  

Minjoo is visibly aghast at her words, that thin ice broke under her feet, and she plunge into the cold water.

“Allright, fine, you don’t need to.” She huffed. “Fine! You know what? we don’t need to continue this thing anymore.” Minjoo put her hands over head, messing her hair.

She gritted her teeth and stand up turning away from Hitomi who tried to reach her hand.  

“Don’t talk to me… for awhile. L-let me sort this out. I – I think let’s just end this.” Minjoo is shock at the words that come out of . She puffed to her cheeks and let her breath form mist into the air she looks up and it seems snow will start to fall down again.

Those myths aren’t real, it seems. She tried to will her tears to go back. She wipes them with the back of her hands and walk away.  This is the end. They may have really rush things up and they aren’t ready for serious relationship after all. What’s love? Is that even love?

Hitomi watches her turn around and walk away. She looks at her hand that failed to reach those of the other. It’s the end, in the end she lost her. She slammed her head on those palm, she too stand and face the opposite direction.

She took one step toward her school. Is it really the end?  Is it? Back there at the park, the night of the crescent moon, it’s the taller girl who reaches out her hand for her to take and now she let go of those hands.  

Should she let her walk away? Should she walk away? She looks at her feet. Is it really the end? Could she do something? Be true to herself for once.

She put her fist to her chest and looks back – the girl she love have not walk that far away yet. She could reach her and physically she could. This time thanking that little monster for being reckless, she turns around and run toward the other girl. Hugging her from behind, encircling her hand on her waist and burying her head on her back.

She tightens her hug. Minjoo tried to remove her hand but gave up when she heard the sobs of the younger girl.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I can’t say it, I’m sorry I’m a coward. Don’t leave me. I love you, don’t leave me.”

“But Hii-chan.” Minjoo gritted her teeth, can she continue this relationship at this state.

“Minjoo I’m scared, I’m scared I’ll wake up one day and I’m back in my room in Tochigi. Where even if I walk kilometers I won’t see you, I don’t want to lose you or be away from you, but I’m failing. Everyday I’m failing. All I have is two months to get accepted in. If I failed, I’ll be going back and I don’t know if I can start again. It scares me. It scares me I’m failing in my dream and I’m failing you.” Hitomi wailed, after all this is what she cared for. She doesn’t know when her dreams and Minjoo became almost equal but it did and she wants to stay for her dream and for her, and just like how her tears began to roll down her cheeks the snow began falling down the sky.

Minjoo turn around to face her. This is all she needed, it really hurts seeing her cry but she is somewhat relieved, Hitomi is thinking about her all this time, she should have not said those words, she hurt her too.

She pulled her closer, letting their forehead touch.

“I’m sorry.” Minjoo whispered.

“Why are you saying sorry? I’m-”

Minjoo quickly shush Hitomi, “I’m sorry for saying those words, I won’t say those again, I wont leave you.”  Minjoo pulled her closer to her and cradle Hitomi in her arms like she is the most delicate thing in the world at that moment. She landed a quick peck on her temple.  

“I- I think we need to go back to our class.” Hitomi sniffled, her eyes red, her cheeks red.

Minjoo chuckled, “yeah.” She then leaned and pecks the smaller girl’s lips.

“Yah Minjoo.” Hitomi puffed her cheeks in fake annoyance, and then smiled. Her girlfriend, for how innocent she looks, is a one brave smooth soul.

Minjoo hid her face with her hand, Hitomi grinned, letting her prankster side takeover. She removed Minjoo’s hand, and pulled her head down, fully intending to kiss her. Minjoo very much oblige, leaning down to meet the smaller girl’s lips, smiling through it, losing sense of time and getting reminded only by the school bell.

They both smiled. Maybe this time they can trust the first snow.

“See you later.” Hitomi turn around to go back but Minjoo still have her hands.

“Hitomi, if there is anything that worries you don’t be afraid to tell me. I’ll be here, always.”

Hitomi nods to her, this time she knows they can do it. That wall around her – she’s proud to say, it’s not Minjoo but her who broke it. Being willing to reach out, to cry out and to lean on, learning to communicate even your insecurities, learning that and knowing someone will be there for you, it’s part of making a relationship work. That’s something they learned today.  

That evening, room 201 is pretty quite. Nako opened the door and was greeted by her room mates open room. Ok she’s not the kind that is nosy – but she did peak over the open door. She smiled to see her room mate, sleeping, cuddling with her girlfriend.

Nako let a sigh of relief, happy that those two seemed to have talked their problem out.  

“Unnie!” Nako flinch and quickly look at the doorway, she kind of forgot to lock her door and came in the big puppy.  

She looks back to Hitomi’s room and to Yujin. She run to the younger girl and immediately tried to shove her out.

“Yujinie, just wait for me in your room, I’ll help you with your homework.”  

Yujin pouted through gap in the door, “Let me change first, you stinky pup!”

“Nako-chan, is that Yujin?” Minjoo asks, yawning. Hitomi followed her and gently hugs the taller girl from behind.

“Yep. She’s just being annoying pup like always.”

“Sorry ‘bout that I’ll talk to her, sorry if you’re the one looking after her while Yena-unnie is not here. I should check on her more.”

“It’s ok, Minjoo-chan. She maybe an annoying pup but her energy is contagious.” Nako is not lying, she think Yujin’s energy helps take some of her tiredness off.   

“Nako-chan did you cry?” Hitomi innocently ask after seeing Nako’s red eyes. She then leans on Minjoo’s shoulder.

For Nako these two is making her feel so lonely and single right now, so she’s gonna escape.


She quickly runs to her room and on her way, she for sure heard Hitomi sneezing.

Karma b*tch, She snickered.  Ok that’s a lot of sneezing, did savage berry caught cold.

Nako turns around and peek out of her door only to witness Minjoo babying, Hitomi.  Ah what did I worry about again? They sure patch things up. She smiled and finally closes her door.



  • Hello this is an Extra for Chapter 28. I just thought that this will serve as transition point for everyone - so am not sure if I count them as extra lol.
  • These are just 2 of 6 story there are 4 more extra left. They will be probably shorter here except for one.
  • the ones left are Yena & Yuri, Eunbi, Nako & Yujin, Wonyoung's. ^-^.
  • Not all story will be about love - some(2) will take on different road though.
  • I hope you track who are under the snow in this extras.
  • BTW unfortunately for Hitomi and Minjoo they both caught cold. 🤣
  • After the extras the next chapter 29 - is about Wonyoung.
  • Do leave a comment about this extras - I might think doing some extra for some occasion [christmas/new year/ valentines].



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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1752 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??