19 To Dream, To Love and To Live

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream

Hello: The number on the title pertains to their International Age.


To Dream, To Love and To Live

Between 14 and 15 there is 19 and Life



Soft music hums in the background and from far above the apartment’s atmosphere resembles that of a café. Its overall feeling is lighthearted. The air is filled with chuckles, short banters, of longing glances and sounds of kitchen utensils moving around. It is that kind of atmosphere that makes you smile and makes you remember the glimpses of happiness that sometimes only last in moments.


The kitchen is buzzing as food and drinks are being prepared.  Three pairs of hands busily readies various sweets, foods and beverages for today’s celebration.   Their goal is to make everything ready before the youngest ones arrived.


Someone new joined them in the kitchen courtesy of Chaeyeon who invited the said girl with a bob-cut hair and face that does not seem to come from this world. Eunbi glances to her direction. The girl is busily sprinkling baker’s sugar on top of her strawberry cream puff. It makes you want to put a camera right there and capture the moment.


Eunbi smiled admiring her, both her face and her work.


“Sakura-san, thank you for helping us today.” She told her.


“No problem Unnie beside I am getting paid for this. I can’t really consider it helping.” The girl replied.


Eunbi chuckled “It still is helping, atleast I don’t need to hire someone else and you are pretty good, Chaeyeon was right to recommend you.”


Hearing her name made the girl who is currently deep frying fries to smile something that the other two could not see as her back is facing away from them, though she knows that Eunbi is now looking at her direction.  


“Hyewon really went all in for today.” The eldest said.


Chaeyeon replied "Yeah I don’t think this is that much for her – she really enjoys these things.”


“Is not these just an excuse for her to eat cake.” Eunbi commented resulting for all three to cackle.


Laughter filled the air.


It’s true though, it pretty much is an excuse for their resident glutton to eat her favorite food without much guilt. It is not like that ever stop the said girl on consuming anything she likes.


They miss her, her presence, with her on the table it makes eating so much enjoyable and that has been somewhat lacking with her frequent absence.


 “Kang-san is really busy right? I don’t see her much.” Sakura commented wishfully.  


It is a shame, the days since Sakura been there. The said girl have only pop up a couple of times and it’s mostly grab and dash, grab a couple of food and dash out as quick as possible as if she being chased by something. It does concern them – most specially her same age friends and most notably Chaewon. She would have this sad look on her face whenever the said girl dash out barely saying good morning to them.


“Do you think she can make it today?” Eunbi asks hopeful that the person who funded today’s event will be there to enjoy it. 


“I think so… She said she will try. ” Chaeyeon mulled she is not sure about that but given how hard Hyewon in making sure she keeps her promise, she is just as hopeful as Eunbi.


Both have let a small smile curled on their lips remembering the warmth that is Kang Hyewon.


A few moments later the door rings catching everyone’s attention. What would it be other than one of the following the chicken or the pizza. It was actually both the chicken and the pizza as two delivery man stands in the other side of the door. Eunbi greeted them with a bright smile as she took the deliveries.


If you are asking what all of this is for – today is none other than the birthday of the apartment youngest tenants and tomorrow is the birthday of the other.  A rather fun factoid that amused Hyewon very much that she declared a celebration is due before bolting out of the door for one her grab and dash appearances. Let’s say that left everyone startled but also made both Yujin and Wonyoung to jump out of their sit and dance.


Both will arrive much later, Wonyoung will probably report to her company before heading back to the apartment with her friends while Yujin will finish out her basketball practice.


It is a good way to know who Wonyoung’s friends are.  Call it being over protective if you want she is still is the child’s guardian and her mothering side is just always on when it comes to the said girl, it does not matter if that girl towers her for a good six centimeter. 


Soon enough the highschoolers come rushing in, arriving together is not surprising what is surprising is that they are a lot noisier today than they are on a typical day. If you think they are talking about something that is pretty profound nope they are just talking about what kind of ice cream flavor is the best. Who would have thought there would be a team mint choco, one who would defend strawberry to death, another debating the merit of cotton candy (is not that just sugar) and one who meekly tries to make other listen to her and her love of chocolate?  


It’s quite fascinating to see in perspective of the unnies who are busy in the kitchen. Sakura commented that they are really cute making Chaeyeon chuckle. Maybe having school side by side each other and living in the same apartment made them close and Sakura is somewhat relive that her two compatriot fit in seamlessly with the others. Their banters have taken away the stress from the older ones.


“I’ll just put toothpaste over Minjoo’s ice cream and give it to you. I don’t think you will even know the difference.” Yuri declared.


“Why does it need to be my ice cream…” Minjoo cutely whined.


“Do it and you’re dead beside what is so good with cotton candy that’s just sugar!” Chaewon retorted.


Yuri answered back. “and mint-choco is pretty much just toothpaste.”


“It’s not!” Nako defended.


 “Me and strawberry would like to live in peace.”Hitomi declared while she distances herself holding the tub of strawberry ice cream.


Then there is Minjoo pleading to them. “Please leave my ice cream alone.”


This is the talk that the older girl’s witness. It is cute but they are getting quite heated and very noisy. Eunbi does not need that at this time.


“Hey hey, kids enough.” She said firmly making them shut up right there.


Both Chaewon and Yuri turned their heads to her and simultaneously they said. “Yes old hag!”


Eunbi visibly sighed and internally facepalmed. The girls have gotten closer to her with the time she spent managing the apartment but they have gotten too close that they now can confidently call her old hag and why of all things old hag. She wants to tell them to remember that she is their Unnie, though she knows the two are just having fun teasing her.


She will let it pass seeing the mischievous grin on those faces, retorting will only add to their victory. These two afterall are the opposite side of the same coin. She is actually relived that they all get along well now.


Eunbi then felt someone embracing her, she look beside her and she met a pair of puppy eyes.


“Unnie~~~” The younger girl said.


It sound so soft that Eunbi feels like her heart melted and her worries flew away. For her, Nako is the best kid that comes to live in her apartment. She is sweet, reliable, mature for her age and cute. A ball of fluff so to speak.


Chaewon and the rest put the cakes they were assigned to buy as well as the tubs of ice cream on the table


“Hyewon Unnie asks us… so we bought some.” Chaewon informed Eunbi, her face brightening up upon saying the name. Who would have thought it is the same grumpy teenager earlier hell bent in defending Mint Chocolate Ice cream.


Ofcourse the change of mood did not escape the girls most specially the mischievous Yuri.


“Hey~~ is that a blush I’m seeing.” Yuri said poking Chaewon’s cheeks resulting in an intense glare from the later.


Chaeyeon who is currently transferring the fries to a plate let out a chuckle and commented “You probably miss her more than us.”


“uh.. yeah… I…“ The red brown haired girl shyly admits – no point in denying. Their relationship has change quite a bit and the others have caught up to that fact despite the older girl being barely there in the apartment nowadays.


Yuri pulled out her phone and again . “Hehehe Chaewon-unnie is blushing.”


Chaewon gave her another death glare, like that is going to work against the mischievous kid who has adapted some of Yena’s habits. 


Hitomi just watch them while she quietly sips the grape juice she bought earlier.


“Yuri-ah.” Chaewon firmly said “One more and I’m going to tell them what you and Yena unnie are upto.” She scoffed, matching the threat with an all knowing grin.


“Wha..what!?” Yuri was taken aback. She have not … they have not told anyone that she and Yena are officially dating. The only person who knows that is Hyewon but by the looks of it Chaewon seems to know about it as well. She gulped trying to find a way to respond.


Chaewon on the other hand double down on her threat, she closed her distance to her and get as close as possible to her face staring her down while whispering “You know last week. Hyewon-unnie has told me something about you and Yena-Unnie.”


That confirms Yuri’s suspicion, Chaewon knows about it –about the fact that she and Yena is officially a couple. It is not that she does not want to tell them, she is just not ready to tell them yet.   


The mischievous hamster is cornered thankfully she heard the voice she loves so much.


“I heard my name. What is this about?”


Yuri turned and quickly run to her embrace “Yena Unnie!”


Yena welcomed her and gently kiss her temple a gesture that has been increasingly common between the two of them.


Truth be told everyone have an idea that something have change between them. They have gotten calmer actually and the flirting have tone down considerably but the gesture and glances have started to feel different. It’s not the wanting kind of touches anymore, though occasionally there is still those, but nowadays it’s the I’m with you kind you kind of touches that they seem to give each other.


Yena felt that the others have been staring to them for a while now she fake cough and call their attention.  


“ehm.. I think we should decorate the living room. I bought some decorations.” She said raising the bag of decorations she bought.


Hitomi clap her hand and tell them that Minjoo or Minguri as she calls her bought some decorations aswell.


Yena put the other bag she have on the table. Eunbi eyes widened when she recognizes the content, yes of course they are cans of beer and some soju. She glared and Yena as soon as she hid the alcohol, Yena just smirked back to her. 


Nako and Hitomi exchange some knowing glances before they split up, both mouthed ganbatte to each other as Nako decided to join Eunbi in the kitchen.  They have been sharing these little secrets between them, giggling to each other as they try to live in a different country experiencing new things as they clumsily chase their dreams and their love blooms. All of them quickly change out of their uniform before joining in the preparation.


The group only has short of 30 minutes to prepare the decoration. They sloppily put the Happy Birthday banner on the wall, while they drag the rolling white board that Eunbi use as a reminder board to draw and write some messages for the celebrants.


It’s not the best but it will do, they manage to pump up some balloons and put some ribbons around the word Happy Birthday pinned on the wall.


They are about to finish cleaning up the stuff they used when a loud bang was heard. Or more like its Yujin coming in as the big loud puppy that she is.


Everyone look to her direction and then back to what they are doing, which is cleaning up the place and preparing the food. They all pretend that they did not see her.


“Not even a happy birthday guys.” She whined.


And once again everyone just look at her and then back to what they are doing.


“Why are you all like this?” She said fake crying.


A few feet behind her is Wonyoung face palming and beside Wonyoung is a girl video recording what Yujin is doing.


“You see, she is like this here.” Wonyoung pointed out to the other girls that accompany them.


“We already know.” A girl with somewhat sleepy deadpan expression said.


“Well I kinda expect but not to this extent.” Another girl nonchalantly said pointing and side-eyeing the big puppy, she is wearing the same tracksuit as that of Yujin.


“This is amazing.” The girl who is video recording commented.


“Damin!!!” Another girl hit her arms to stop recording.


The residents have not finish the preparation but everyone went on continue what they are doing. It’s sort of a quick unspoken let’s prank Yujin that everyone agreed right on the spot. Looking at her reaction Yena and Chaeyeon broke character. The dumb duck and the bird the simultaneously start laughing. Yena rolled to the floor and start hitting it and Chaeyeon filled the air with her laughter that sounds like she is being processed, everyone else was infected by it.


And for the guest they are confused and as for Wonyoung she wants to hide somewhere this is just too embarrassing for her. But it was what they needed to break the ice between them.


Chaeyeon and Minjoo run to their respective charge. Chaeyeon bear hug her Pretty Giant Baby and tried to lift her up.


“Happy Birthday!!! Wonyoungie!!!”


“Unnie~~~ Please I am not a baby…”


 On Minjoo’s side she just cups Yujin’s face and gently greeted her.


“Happy Birthday Yujinnie.”


“Unnie – It’s still tomorrow.”


“But we are celebrating today. So Happy Birthday Yujin, be it today or tomorrow.”


Yujin gently tilted her head and let herself melt on Minjoo’s hand. Heat creep up to her cheeks, warming up her heart as well. It’s that obvious crush that most of the resident knows and most of the guest caught up to well except probably Minjoo.


“Unnie, my gift?” She asks the older, grinning and letting her beautiful dimples show.  


Minjoo was about to say something when Yujin disappeared in front of her after she was tackled by Yena. The duck tickled her as she rolls on the floor looking like a big puppy.


“Our puppy is growing up huh.”  


Yujin giggled, totally relax, totally childlike. It was somewhat admirable and Yena envies that about the younger. That innocence, that sparkle, it is something that she is slowly losing. She wants to protect that too, both she and Hyewon wants to protect that about the younger.


She hugs her and made pouty lips pretending to kiss the younger on the cheeks. The younger pushed her face off away from her.  All of this is amusingly being recorded by the girl called Damin.


Everyone laugh at their interaction, it was a good way to break the ice between the two groups. Eunbi observes the guest that arrived along with the celebrants. She quickly recognizes those who come with Yujin and who are with Wonyoung.


The two celebrants introduce their companions. Wonyoung went first introducing Lee Haeun the one she jokingly uses as armrest, Damin or Kang Damin the one who is recording and Yoon Eunbin the super pretty and cute as button kid who jokes along with Damin. Looking at them it feels you are rolling into one whole Team Kawaii, they are all cute in different ways.  


There is a small detail they pick up and that is the fact that Damin is a Kang. They poke some joke about her being rich like the one Kang they know. Though they all agree that there are many Kangs in Korea and this one is probably just a coincidence. Damin just played along, smiled sheepishly and nods to them because she might not be rich “rich” but her family is somewhat well off.


Then its Yujins turn she first introduce the one with the same tracksuit as her, she has round face and is shorter than Yujin. Her name is Cho Gahyeon, their team shooting guard, she is the sanest looking one out of the group. The other two on the other hand are already talking to Minjoo and Hitomi, they already know them so it’s not that hard to have get along. The fluffy cheek one is Minami and the one who have a deadpan expression is Erii, both are wearing t-shirt with Team Snack in Your Area emblazoned on it.


Sakura and Nako are delighted to know them, well them being Japanese and all. They greet and chatted in their own language.  Yujin cough to call their attention reminding them that she is the one who invited them. She has this somewhat jealous tone that Erii did not fail to notice and about.


Yujin look around and she knows someone is missing. She invited the two Japanese for one reason to surprise her Hyewon unnie. The unnie she adores very much in an older sister kind of way.


“Where is Hyewon Unnie?”


Chaewon took a deep breath and calmly informed the disappointed Yujin “She is not here yet. Hopefully she will arrive soon.”


 She forced a smile and pat Yujin in the head to make the tall kid relax.


Then they suddenly heard someone stumbling.  In her hands are two paper bags of what looks like her gifts. 


“Hey.” She meekly said.


The girl looks like she is going to fall at a moment’s notice. 


“Ah sorry.” She muttered as she slowly made her way to them, or more to someone.


 She made her way to her home, mayhaps seeking its comfort. It as if she is not seeing anyone other than that person.  


She leaned to her and embraces her, the red haired girl that she calls her home. It’s an embrace seeking comfort and assurance.  


“I miss you…” She whispered




 “Hyewonie!?” “Hyung? Are you ok.”


Everyone is shock at her sudden appearance, both guest and tenants. They are all concerned.


Hyewon let herself fall into Chaewon’s embrace, letting the younger to support her weight and mumbled. “No I’m hungry and tired.” She whined.


Admitting her current state, any other time she would cry as that what she does when thing get too overwhelming but it’s not the time or place to do so. She wants to stay strong a little longer.


The moment let silence slip in to what is supposed to be a celebration until a cute voice break into that.


It sound reluctant but the source tried her best she gently called to the older girl “Kang-chan.”


Hyewon’s ears perked as she recognizes the voice, it’s like she was given an energy shot. Her eyes brighten up and she quickly turned around to face the girl who called her name.


“MINAMI!!!” She shouted as she run to her and hugs her happily. It’s been awhile since she met them – she truly misses Team Snack specially this kid. She pinches her cheek as she usually does and chuckle to herself.


Everyone around is confuse, by the way, except Erii who is just as happy as Minami on seeing their Onee-chan.


 “Yow.” She mumbles.


“Erii yah~” Hyewon turn her head to her to acknowledge her presence.


“Why are you two here?” She asks her. Erii pointed to Yujin who shyly fiddles with the hem of her tracksuit beside Minjoo. Hyewon smiled – she is really thankful. She have a bit of idea how they became friends but she did not expect the three to be close enough for Yujin to invite them over.


She once again face Minami, she really, really miss her. She has not turned up personally to any of their meeting and chat just does not compensate to physical interaction.


Minami tilted her head to Kang-chan’s hand gently and cutely saying “Minami miss Kang-chan.”


“Kang-chan miss Minami too.” Hyewon responded.


Let’s not say a shock Chaewon is watching everything unfold with agape. Not knowing what is happening but is also lowkey jealous. That side has not shown up recently but really she wants to run and back hug the older girl. But she can’t just do that and interrupt their moment, not when her most precious person looks so happy. Not when the older’s eyes pinned to that cute girl she calls Minami with so much endearment. Chaewon’s heart is aching so she put her hand over her chest.


“How are you my child. Did you miss Mom?” Hyewon gently said to the younger girl. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. 


Wait what did she said actually? Mom? Whose Mom? What actually is happening, everyone observing is confuse. Half of the guests are like we just come here to eat what is this K-drama unfolding over here.


Even with so much chaos, everything still makes sense to three people, Minami, Erii and Hyewon. They sorta considers themselves close as family.


Hyewon then switched her attention to Erii.


“I’m sorry if I’m always taking Aunty’s time from you all.”


Erii replied “Onee-chan, It’s ok we understand. It’s work and Mom does not seem to mind at all. Also here.”


She pulled out a shirt from her bag with the words Team Snack in your Area and at the back is Hyewon’s nickname in the team “Kang-chan” and below it the word writer.


“Ah it’s cute.”


It was and is a sappy reunion that the others don’t even know how to react to the scene that unfolded in front of them, especially that one kid with Wonyoung who was not even sure if she will introduce her herself to the girl who just arrived.  


Hyewon noticed her eventually, “Damin!?”


The girl awkwardly wave to her “He..hello.. Unnie.”


Hyewon did not elaborate further she had figured out that Damin probably was invited by either one of the two. She just went up to her and pats her head. Hyewon’s tone became more mature and commanding.


“How’s your mom?”


“Good… And you?”




That is one clear answer of what state Hyewon is currently in and that state is hungry. Everyone left out a chuckle, including Hyewon herself.


“I guess that answered it… Ah... Damin – please whatever you have heard, stay away from it ok.”


She smiled a pained pleading one that only she and Damin understand. The other figured the two are somewhat connected and the joke about Damin being part of Kang clan earlier turns out to be true.


Hyewon turn around, that was the last bit of energy she have. She stumbles back to Chaewon’s arm. They panic a bit but all she was mumbling are different kind of food so they bring her to the kitchen and open a box of chicken for her.


She gladly indulges on them, stuffing herself in every bite – looking like a hamster that has not eaten for days.


Eunbi then called the other’s attention, she asks Yujin and Wonyoung to get change which Yujin protested but Eunbi insisted. It is an excuse so the other two can be a way for a little bit of time. Everyone understood the signal for something including the guests.

Yena the sounds and the rest entertain the guests. That is what Yujin saw as she and Wonyoung disappear to the upper floors.   


“You really are an annoying puppy. What a fraud.” Wonyoung scoffed, elbowing Yujin.


“And you are a tsundere like your Mom.” Yujin said back and the Mom she was pertaining to is Chaeyeon.


“I’m not and beside you are annoying unnie.” The younger one retorted punching Yujin in her arm.


Yujin just laugh it out. Their dynamic have evolve to something like this.


“I’m Unnie now. I like the sound of that.” Yujin chuckled holding her arm that was just punch by Wonyoung.


Wonyoung rolled her eyes.


“What’s with that?” Yujin ask with a smile that made her eyes almost disappear. She squeezes Wonyoung’s cheeks in a mix of playfulness and plain appreciation.


“Ah-Yujinnie~~” Wonyoung tried to mutter.


“Nah call me Unnie, I’m older.” Yujin giggled not letting go of the younger’s face.


“Unnie---”   Wonyoung relented.


Yujin then let go of her face and hold her stomach laughing.  “Hahaha Yujinnie is fine.” 


“Nah Yujin!”  Wonyoung somewhat angrily grumbled.


She turned around intent on finally going to her room on the next floor. She was about to take a step felt something was touching her cheeks.




Right in front of her face is a cute white blushing cartoonish bunny plushy with a pink bow and holding a heart that says “To My Dream”. 


Wonyoung awkwardly accepted the gift not knowing how to react to the gesture.


“Tha… Thanks… but you did not even bother to wrap it.”


Yujin chuckled at her observation.


“I just bought it today…” She said.


She gestured to Wonyoung to press the middle part of the bunny. Wonyoung followed and put the bunny plush near her ear as she press the button, frankly expecting the older to prank her but instead she was surprised by her message.


                To the aspiring Idol Wonyoungie may you reach your dream.    


She look at the older girl standing in front of her, with smile that can cure the any illness in the world, with dimples that deep as well and sparkling eyes. She felt the burning of her cheeks, she put the arm that is holding the plushie over her cheeks to hide it and also hide the tears forming on her eyes.


Who would have thought the girl who turned 15 today, internationally speaking, is the one who can give her the biggest push she needed. Truthfully she is asking herself if the dream she is chasing is worth it, is it worth it being away with her family to reach the top. She does not now yet, how can she – she is only been in this world for almost 14 years. So between that and this, what lies in between and what lies ahead?


Is this what they called admiration – having a crush? She does not know either all she know is her heart is beating fast for the first time in her life and she is confuse what it is about. Clumsily learning things like how kids do.


“Happy Birthday~~” Yujin gently said cutting in to Wonyoung’s thought. All Wonyoung can reply is a simple nod.


She then pursed her lips and awkwardly said “allright, message me if you are ready. Let’s… Let’s go down together, I feel they are planning something…”


They both turn around and Wonyoung was quite confused on what just happened but she knows one thing she is grateful to the girl who is just one year older than her.


So she turns around once again and chase the girl and put a cap a top of her head. It’s not really a hard feat considering she is actually a centimeter taller than her.  Yujin is rather surprise.


“Here’s my gift, Happy Birthday. ”




Wonyoung runs back to the stairs leading to the third floor leaving the other girl confused.


Yujin pulled the brim down and chuckled at what just happen. She is glad that she made a friend, one that is close to her in age and one that she can play around and banter with like a same age one. 


The cap maybe a bit mundane but it was well thought out, it’s dark blue with an embroidery of a puppy on its side, a puppy that have always symbolizes Yujin.  


After they have quickly change into more comfortable clothing but something befitting a small party they met each other near the stairs of the second floor. They then quickly creep down highly expecting some surprise from those they left behind.


Music blasted around the first floor common area – after Red Velvet’s Power Up finished, Twice Dance the Night Away started playing. The two celebrants landed their foot on the first floor expecting everyone to suddenly pop up and shout but nothing of that happen.


They walk abit more looking around hand in hand, trying to see where the others hid. Yujin scratched her head because no-one seems to be around despite some plates of unfinished food lying. 


They are in front of the white board when the lights turned off, shocking both of them.


“I know you guys are around!”  She shouted but no one answered.


How the other’s pulled this elaborate prank at the span of the two of them changing their clothes is a mystery. Both know the others are around because they are hearing giggling but it still quite unnerving.  Yujin with Wonyoung clinging to her arms walk towards the sofa expecting some of them hiding behind it, then suddenly, simultaneously.  


The lights turned back on, confetti pop and flew, and everyone shouted.




What the heck is twin towers though, that is not important because despite knowing a surprise is coming the other’s still manage to shock the two of them.


Eunbi and Nako then walk with the cakes while everyone sings Happy Birthday. Yuri even put on a show by belting the song for cat knows why.


Yena put on party hats over their head and ask them to wish one after the other.  


For Yujin it is a wish of the heart, hoping that she will get notice more than as a sister by the person she knew she loved. Despite having very little idea of what that word is at this point.


For Wonyoung it is a wish for a dream, hoping that some sign will let her know that the path she have chosen is the right one. That being here away from her family is worth it chasing a dream, taking a shot jumping to an industry that will eat up those it does not like.


After they quietly said their wish, Yena took hold of being the MC and ask everyone for a message as they give both of them a seat.


It does not matter if they know them for years, for months or for a week. A message must be said and if gift is available be given.


The messages range from silly;

 “Let’s go to amusement park once again, your treat.”

 “I want to know you more.”

“You are really cute.”

To a bit funny but threatening;

“I don’t like you much but I respect you. Brat.”

“Captain you are doing well but I did not know you are a one big puppy.”

“To my giant friend please stop making me your armrest, I love you.”

To heartwarming;

“Youngie shines brightly! Let’s be friends forever. ”

“Wonyoung-ah I will support you till you reach your dream. Fighting!!!”

 “Yujinie if you are having a hard time – you know where to find me. Unnie will try her best to be with you. ”

To wishful;

                “Let’s see each other on stage in the future.”


To an unspoken one, which is just a hug.  The sender of it has not much energy for anything. She handed them her gifts which are still in paper bags. For Yujin a cool khaki colored double ed coat that scream expensive and for Wonyoung a brandname make up set.


The two of them hugs her once again, the whole celebration was due to her and for the two of them it is enough and now they are even receiving expensive gift. It is too much.


It is not the cost that counts it is the warmth that counts. Hyewon knows one thing and that is what the other two feels being away from their families at such a young age for a chance to a dream.  She was there before and so is the other two now. That is why she took a liking to Yujin and later Wonyoung.


Honestly most of them here in this apartment are chasing their dream even with how much those dreams differ. There are those ones who are there to make their passion their future, there are those still seeking to know what they want and there are those like Hyewon who only dream of finally being embrace by the warmth of a home.


Be it chasing, or seeking, or building it …. Dreams, it is what they share.


Yena is the right MC for this situation when she felt that atmosphere turned sober she quickly crack a joke announce the next phase of their party. Which is an invitation for everyone to start eating and partying, also commencing an impromptu dance off. 


So it is back, Nako and Sakura fought over which song they should play next– should it be Twice or Red Velvet. Eunbi won and she just her played mix playlist and added those requested by Nako and Sakura into it.


Yena started dancing to this song called Pick Me with a Korean title Naekkoya, the Japanese first thought it was about cats.  Yuri joined her to be embarrassing together, afterwards they lipsync over Davichi Nostalgia but it was overly exaggerated that resulted to everyone just laughing.


When Sorry not Sorry played Chaeyeon took over the center and dance like a feather, to the delight of Sakura who shouted.




 When the ash blonde haired girl did her signature kick move.


Eunbi then joined her. Who would have known their apartment manager can drop it off to dance? Gahyeon the guest also joined and did her freestyle, she dance really well to the shock of Yujin. Haeun even noted this and ask herself why the hell that girl did not apply to her dance club.


Instruction then played and Haeun let go of her worries, the chibi dictator let herself dance to the rhythm.  Chayeon admires the movement of the younger and they have a small dance off in the center.


On the side Nako notices Hitomi who seemingly wants to join the fun but is reluctant. She pushed her just in time when Touch by Little Mix played. She dance gracefully showing the talent she have, she did not even notice that they left her alone there. She even made a back flip that was applauded and cheered by all. Then Handclap plays and almost all join in the fun of the song just clapping and dancing. Well almost all, except Hyewon and surprisingly Damin who joined them for a bit of time earlier. 


They stayed in a corner talking about something. Worries evident in the older’s eye while the younger one tries to assure her of something. The only person who notices this is Erii. She might look like she is bored or has a deadpan expression on her face but she is highly observant. She is pretty much a cat, who sees thing but does not do much about it if she feel not up to it. She just took note of this detail, especially on how much Hyewon is trying to drown everything by eating.


Boombayah then blasted from the speakers and even with how traumatic it is listening to their Naamin play the song over and over again for her Saxophone arrangement to the point they know evey line of it. Erii thought it is a chance to atleast distract the older girl. So she run to her and grab her arm and then she run to Minami and grab her’s aswell.


Then she shouted “For Naamin Onee-chan!!!”


She awkwardly lead the dance and the other two awkwardly followed – they went to hell with this might aswell go back again is what Erii is thought. Worth a shot, I guess. The others joined in too, they are not even following the dance and the only one who did the choreography properly is Chaeyeon and Haeun. They all just dance the way they wanted, they all love the silliness, the lightheartedness.


Vary Very Very played next and they urge the celebrants to dance to it. Wonyoung dance the choreo cutely and on point but they are surprise that Yujin can dance to the song. Is there anything that kid can’t do is Yena’s comment as she urge everyone to cheer for the two. Halfway to the song, Minjoo and Hitomi joined in the dance.


Chaeyeon then pushes Sakura to do it too and even Eunbi and Yena joined it and for some reason they are all in sync. It’s as if they practice this dance together.   Not really but it is such an amazing sight to watch.


In between dances, singing and eating the two celebrants found themselves in a dream like environment where future and present merge.


Yujin clings on to Minjoo. She feels a lot of things, confusing things. Can you really tell love at 15, is it love or just admiration, just plain old crush, something that will pass in time? Yujin knows it is not that anymore. Her heart aches whenever Hitomi would joke around Minjoo, or whenever she would move those stray hairs out of the girls face, or when the fluffy cheek girl lays her head onto her shoulder. It hurts, it aches.


It’s the same ache she felt when she read the message Hitomi sent her that day where she rushed out of her practice to wait for her outside the gates to cheer her up.  In between wanting the older to be happy and wanting all her attention to her. She does not know much about it, who does at that age? Clumsily she discovers her heart, clumsily she is discovering love.


At 15 Yujin started learning about this kind of love, the kind that brings you both happiness and pain.


At 14 on the other hand Wonyoung slowly learns what it is to dream. What it is to be supported on your way up. She learned the feeling of finally being cheered along, the vision of the future. The vision contained in one tiny bunny plushy she put beside her bed. At 14 she also started learning of things she thought she would not feel yet, having a crush.


What was different between those two, 14 and 15 is one year that much of a distance, does turning a year older change your perspective? Is there a different point of view between her a 14 year old to Yujin a 15 year old? No one can answer that but themselves, but age is just a number, people changes and people experience things differently. At 14 someone may have experience the hardship of the world at 15 someone may have just started exploring it.


But for them today is the day they understood what it is to dream and to love.


The party has died down and the guest has one by one bid their goodbye. Hyewon has arranged for some of them to be pick up by her driver and be sent home safely.  Haeun, Eunbin, Damin, Gahyeon, Erii and Minami all exchange numbers and promised to greet each other if ever they saw one another in school.


Haeun and Gahyeon left ahead of the others, while Eunbin waits for Damin. Eunbin have noticed that Damin was not much there since she met her far cousin, a connection the other girls just learned today.  Normally Damin would play of with her flirting and all but she does not responded much to that today.


“Damin-ah are you ok?” She asks her as they head out of the door.


“Uhm.. Yeah… I guess.” Damin answered glancing back to the girl in white shirt and blue jeans slowly waking towards the kitchen looking for a red brown haired girl.


“I think…” She mulled, but instead of letting words get in the way she instead let her action do it.


She is concerned, very concerned. Her and the older girls family are far but not that far, they are consider a branch family but have no rights to inherit, but they have a close connection to her due to her mother being close to the older girl’s mother. Resulting to the older girl sometimes seeking guidance from her family, the details are rather vague but she knows the battle the older is facing. Her face may not show much but inside there is turmoil.


“Unnie!!! Hyewon-Unnie!!!” She shouted. The older turn around to face her.


She hug her with all her might hoping the energy of a 14 year old is enough to support a struggling 19 year old facing life almost alone. Damin was quickly followed by Erii and then Minami. They embrace her giving her their all hoping it’s enough.  All have vague idea of what she is facing.


Hyewon have not cried about her burden, even though she believe that you need to cry it out to feel better but she could not bring herself to do so nowadays. Crying for her is a luxury that even with how much money she has she can’t seem to buy.


Sometimes you need something so those tears can finally go and let the flood flow and it took two more bodies for her to let it out  she stumbled on her back lying down the floor staring at the ceiling after Yujin and Wonyoung joined in.


At that moment she cried, this time not for Chaewon, this time for herself. Tears just flowed out like flood gate being opened – it’s been awhile. It’s been awhile since she felt this, but its good it’s as if slowly the thorns prickling her heart are one by one remove easing her pain. She put her arm over her eyes and sobs. She did not know how much she needs it, how much she needed to cry. It’s been hard; these last two weeks have been hard. 


The other watch over quietly not knowing what to do, Chaewon rushed over her side. Her heart getting crushed over the sight of the love her life crying over something she does not know or understand. The feeling of helplessness seeing her crumble but having no clue of what action to take is painful.


“Unnie?” She muttered, she hold her hand and squeeze them, and with her thumb trace gentle circles hoping that it’s enough.


“Don’t worry, it’s nothing.  You guys are heavy I can’t breathe.” She chortled, laughing at silliness on how she cried but somehow suddenly felt happy. 


All it took is a hug, a hug that she freely gives but rarely receives. A hug maybe is all that she needed, a hug that assures her that there are people there supporting her.


Who would have known the girl that freely gives warm hugs would one day need them for herself.


“I’m ok.”  She sat up and the kids have removed themselves from the pile up.  


“Damin, thank you. … All of you thank you. ” She muttered wiping her tears, she then turn her attention to Damin again. “Take care of yourself, remember what I said. Also I can do it – I’m strong. You see I’m strong and I’m big now. Tell Auntie not to worry, tell Auntie to tell Mom that I’m doing well. Tell her. ”   


It was at 19 that Hyewon learned what it is to live for herself, it was at 19 with the support of a bunch of 15 and 14 year olds that she learned to face life for her own good.


She turn her body around to face Chaewon, she hug her this time she is smiling, but also she let herself fall to her side as exhaustion engulf her body. But today happiness is there for a moment – may it last – is her wish.


To iterate today, at 14 Wonyoung learned how it is to dream, at 15 Yujin learned what love maybe is and at 19 Hyewon learned how to live for her own happiness.




 To dream, to love and to live.



••• ••• •••


“Want to go to the rooftop, Unnie?” Yena elbowed Eunbi.  “I mean you know those beers can be put to good use.” She added as she drank the last bits of alcohol from the can she sneakily opened.




Hello - I jsut want to put a little insight on how I write. I come up with the titles first lol - they all act as small summary but sometimes I change them after writing. So that is why I title drop in the story because the title is mostly the theme. Just wanna say the title pertains to their international age. I hope you enjoy the easter eggs. ^-^.

For: clarification - Damin and Hyewon are cousin on father's/grandfather's side a far one but still connected but they are more closer to their mothers side - as their Mom's are friend so just imagine how that happen. So yeah we see here Hyewon breaking down - you will see a glimpse of that here and there - i hope you get the biggest reason why. I wanna hug her.

Wonyoung's Journey is starting too - The next 5 are probably tackling different part of that journey. Next one is something like Sakura perspective but it also includes a lot of the other ones chilling out most probably. Some character that will be focus on the next 5 are not in order. (Chaeyeon, Sakura, Minjoo, Yujin, Eunbi, Yena)

I did finish trying to make a rough overall timeline and we are just 1/3rd of the way there. O=O it is so long why did I !?



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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1762 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??