20 A Sunday Of Dreams

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


A Sunday of Dreams


It is nothing but your regular Sunday, but it is a Sunday that some people dream off, a blessing to those who are tired. A Sunday after a visit from Mr. Rain at dawn, the breezing summer wind, a Sunday Sakura would love to spend curled over sleeping in her bed, like a cat basking in the light coming in from the window.   


Too bad for her, her body made it known it needed sustenance, she unwillingly grumbles, rolled over her bed, spread her legs and arms and for a few moment stared blankly to the lights above her.


Moments after when she is sure her brain have gained enough function; she drags her feet to her living room, glancing over her computer setup. All that is missing is a proper gaming chair for the looks to be completed. Today will be a day, spent doing the thing she love to do and that is gaming.


She stretches her arms and let the peace of the morning to envelop her.  She is finally getting use to the place she is now calling her home. It’s weird and she does miss her cat but for some reason this small one bedroom apartment is feeling very much like home. She is glad she took Cakes-san advice regarding the place.


Speaking of the said girl, she only manages to play with her twice since rebuilding her PC, it’s sad that it seems that both she and that girl are busy nowadays. Still she is a friend that Sakura is looking forward to meeting up maybe over coffee talking over their love of games. Thinking of things like this makes her smile, like a flower blooming in the morning greeting the sun.     


As much as she would love to start her day gaming, her stomach protests, she pick up a packet of her favorite snack – umeboshi – thanking Cakes-san once again for recommending a place that offer breakfast as part of the package. She will not need to worry about preparing her own.  


She fished out her phone and smiled spread on her face as she look at her lockscreen. She is greeted by the person she calls the love of her life, of course it’s none other than, Irene.


Unlocking her phone she was greeted by a somewhat stolen shot of another girl, someone who also makes her happy. It’s a picture of a girl brushing her hair over with her hand in one of their “dates”, which is another word for Chaeyeon inviting her to eat lunch together the few times they met at work or at the campus. 


It is a reminder to Sakura of something the said girl asks her to do. Sakura would do it with nothing in exchange but Chaeyeon promised that she can ask her a favor in exchange and she is holding on that promise, she put her phone over her chin thinking of something. Honestly before that she need to tend to two things, her stomach and the favor Chaeyeon ask of her.


The favor is simple, it is wake up the Giant Baby Bunny and make sure she eats breakfast and is taken care of today in the absence of Chaeyeon. Sakura proceed to the neighboring apartment room, unlocking the door with the keycard that was lent to her.


She gently nudges Wonyoung, who is curled up in a ball – hugging a rabbit plushy – looking very much her age despite towering over most of the apartment’s tenants. It is understandable why the girl is sleeping this deeply. One, she is a teenager and well kids this young sleeps a lot and the other she saw how much the trainees, which include Wonyoung, practice singing and dancing from early morning to evening yesterday.  They are preparing a cover of Bae Eunyeong newest song, release earlier this week.


It was such a hard hitting song, with marching weaved into the choreography and beautiful and formation and movement, courtesy of Chaeyeon herself, that Sakura can see how that took a lot from the kid.


She maybe tall but she still is young, it’s quite admirable, Sakura thought.


She smiled over to the precious child sleeping over the bed and with a voice slightly more high pitch but is very gentle she whispered “Wonyoung-ah…”


The tall child – tossed up a bit but then curled up one more time and grumbled. It is a sight that almost melted Sakura’s heart, she maybe tall but she is truly a baby to both Chaeyeon and Sakura’s eyes.  


Sakura’s stomach once again complained about its need and as much as she want Wonyoung to get as much sleep, she had promised Chaeyeon to wake her up. So she pulled her phone browsing over a recording that Chaeyeon promise will wake up the child in no time. She pressed the play button only for it to play;




Sakura was shock, she quickly looks to which file she played and she played the wrong one.  


She facepalmed as she accidentally played her recording of the said girl’s possessed laughter.  Rest assured the recording is taken with consent as Sakura tried to prove that Chaeyeon’s laugh is the most infectious laugh she heard in her life all the while the younger girl argued she sound like she is possessed by 10 evil spirits. 


This time Sakura stared at her phone making sure she has selected the right recording but before she could hit play the girl in front of her rolled up.


“Kkura-unnie.” She yawned. 


“Wonyoung-ah, go wash up quickly then we will go down together and eat.”  She said with a caring smile.


The younger girl nodded, yawned once again and rubbed her eyes.  As ambitious as she maybe, as driven as she maybe, Wonyoung is still very much a child. Sakura understands very well why Chaeyeon is quite protective of her.


The younger lazily stands up and drag her feet on her way to the bathroom, still yawning and rubbing her eyes. Sakura as well stand up and made her way to the couch, on her way there her stomach once again made it known that it needs food and not just umeboshis.


“Yah, Unnie. You go first – Chaeyeon unnie would not like it if you are starving.” Wonyoung lazily drape herself over the older girl that she towers, cutely pouting.


“wae. wae.wae” the cherry blossom shyly reacted.


“Unnie you go first, I promise I’ll be there in no time.” The younger once again repeated cupping the older girl cheeks. She is very much awake now, quickly turning to the place she is headed earlier.


Sakura tilted her head as she watch Wonyoung walk to the bathroom, her every step shows how much she is growing up before their eyes.


“Wonyoung-ah do you miss Chaeyeon?” Sakura blurted out the thought that’s been lingering in her mind as she watch the young girl.   


Wonyoung chuckled. “You are the one who misses her unnie.” She teasingly replied. 


“Am I?” Sakura ask with a cheeky knowing smile that both acknowledge the fact that she misses Chaeyeon and also prod the younger to open up.


The younger girl stared at Sakura’s brown eyes – trying to understand the sort of longing feeling that is lurking in her heart.


She pursed her lips “I do miss her.” She tentatively said. “But she is very busy these days … and - I’m used to it already.”


She look down her feet, flashing back before her eyes are the time’s she was left alone in the place she use to call home, with only music accompanying her and the only contacts she have are those from the screen of her phone. The times before she was here, in her old place with her family.  


“Use to what?” Sakura ask again, raising her eyebrow.


Wonyoung look at her, panic in her eyes, panic for the fact that she inadvertently let something she considers childish and selfish surface. She gulp and tried to divert the conversation, “It’s… it’s nothing unnie…”


“Wonyoung-ah.” Sakura said her voice soft and caring, something that reminds Wonyoung of Chaeyeon and of a somewhat distant memory of her mother.


Sakura gently pat’s her head – tall as she maybe, yes this is still a kid.


“While we are here we will be with you. I , Chaeyeon and everyone here –So don’t be sad. Will be your family and I’m pretty sure she misses you. We will watch her performance together ok. She will be happy to know that you are cheering for her.” Sakura formed probably the longest Korean sentence she ever formed outside of her game commentary, trying to assure the child whose eyes are hovering over uncertainties of life.  


A smile curve on Wonyoung’s lips, there is something about this place that makes her feel accepted and loved. Of Chaeyeon, of Sakura, of Yujin, of everyone else, there is something here. It is something she can’t remember feeling before.   




There it is again – Sakura’s starving stomach.


 “Pfft..Sakura unnie you go first your stomach is really protesting.”  


“Yeah, yeah I’m starving.”


A small packet of silence passes by and as Sakura turned to the direction of the door Wonyoung quietly muttered.  “Bye unnie.”


In which Sakura returned with a gentle smile. “Bye Wonyoung-ah. See you later.”


It’s funny how they are saying goodbye in the morning when they will definitely see each other in about 10 or so minutes again, but it felt just right at that moment.

Sakura took the stairs with no haste evident in her step. She already signed in for a breakfast so she is sure the manager will have a set ready for her. 


After taking a turn to the stairs leading to the second floor she saw Yuri walking by to the direction of the stairs to the ground floor.


Not that long and she heard a voice she was quite acquainted with.


“Yuri-ah!!!” The voice called – it’s the same vocal tone that Sakura have gotten used to albeit today it has sweetness and yearning wove into it that she is unfamiliar with.


The call was enough to stop the younger girl on her steps turning her body to the direction of it, stopping her just a little pass the stairs from the mezzanine leading to the 2nd floor. Yes, just a little over to where Sakura currently is.


The owner of the voice quickly runs to where Yuri is, oblivious of her surroundings. A smiling girl come into view, cupping the younger girl’s face whispering something close to May I and then quickly but carefully putting her lips over that of the other, sharing a short sweet kiss between them.


She let go of her with an endearing grin on her face and a glitter to her eyes that can melt an icecold heart, and for surely melt the heart of the one it’s directed to.


“Hehehehe” She chuckled with a satisfied smile and a visible blush on her face, on their average day it was the younger one who initiates, but today for some reason Yena just feel like doing it – some magic courage potion she drank maybe.


Yuri covered her face, somewhat shock and more like shy. Her ears are turning to bright red, bright enough that Sakura can see it. She quickly turned around and took the stairs to the first floor trying to calm herself.  


Yena look at her with a smile, satisfaction and so much love in her eyes that even Sakura herself can feel and see.  It’s a different side to the duck that Sakura witnessed.


“hmm – ehem” Sakura faked cough to call the mesmerized girl’s attention.


Yena’s eyes widen when it dawned on her that Sakura could have possibly have witness the event that unfolded not long ago. What it is with Yena and her attempt to kiss her girlfriend getting unwanted witness.


“Well that’s…” Sakura muttered covering her lips with her fist trying to hint the fact that yes she indeed witness it.


“You saw!?” Yena asks, and it’s not like that gonna change anything at all.


The older girl chuckled, “Everyone’s knows already.”


“What!?” The younger girl once again ask in shock, this time about the fact that their, her relationship with Yuri is possibly known to everyone in the building when they have not even tell them that.


Sakura could not help but think about how dumb the duck is and how could Yuri possibly fall for her. She watches Yena fidgets in her place as she tries to process the information. She can’t help but roll her eyes over the younger girl’s action. 


She made her way to Yena and messed up her hair. “You two are cute…”  


Sakura could atleast admit that yes those two are a rather cute lovestruck couple. 


“Tell your girlfriend to not forget to return my switch later.”  


Sakura then continue her way to her destination. Heading directly over to the dining table where three set of breakfast meal are covered with plastic wrap. She unconsciously raises her eyebrow upon the odd number of food. One would be for Wonyoung, the other is for her – who is the other one for?


She turned her head to the woman in a nearby table rolling bread dough, she then pointed on the extra set of food in front of her.


“That would be Hyewon’s.” Eunbi answered.


“Ah” Sakura absent mindedly replied, then realizing who it was she asks again “She is here today?”  


Eunbi shook her head. It’s a surprising information, the girl called Kang Hyewon – someone who Sakura have barely interacted with is here today and will join her and Wonyoung for a late breakfast.  Sakura still remembers the first time they met and the girl sort of promise that they will play games when time permits it.


She is rather curious about the said person. Hyewon is a mysterious presence to Sakura, she was always in rush, the few times they interacted alongside Chaeyeon she would disappear as soon as she appear. But then from those few times, she had felt how sweet and genuine girl is affirming all description the others said about her.  


Sakura slowly pulled the plastic wrap over her meal set, as well that of Wonyoung. Eunbi walk over to her and help arrange the plate. Chaewon did as well, arranging the one meant for Hyewon.  


The starving Sakura then pick up one the three breadrolls in the bread basket, immediately taking a bite to satisfy her complaining stomach.


Chaewon notices this and remembers how much Hyewon loves them and so she asks Eunbi.


“Unnie, is there any more breadrolls?”


“Sorry Chaewon-ah, I don’t think there is any extra left.”  Eunbi sadly informed her. Seeing how Chaewon is arranging Hyewon’s meal she aks the red haired girl “Is she going down now?”


“hmm, she is awake now Unnie.” Chaewon contemplated a bit but she is sure that Hyewon have already woken up when she visited her room earlier.


“That’s good then, I have something I want to ask her.” Eunbi mulled.


Chaewon smiled awkwardly to Eunbi, having a bit of an idea what Eunbi want to ask her unnie about.


This silent exchange is something Sakura did not notice. The cherry blossom is currently satisfying her grumbling stomach with some breadrolls, gimbap and japchae.


But she could not help but remark the change in routine of the said girl. “Kang-san doesn’t have work today?”


Chaewon shakes her head to answer question. She let a small smile form on her lips. The weeks of Kang Hyewon running out of the door first thing in the morning, not going back some nights and of her being on brink of breaking down can rest atleast for today. Hyewon is here and is taking a day off just like how Sakura is here too and taking a day off.  


“Well then it’s good she finally get to rest, she looks so dead lately.” Eunbi remarked after noticing the slight change in the girl’s mood.   


Eunbi returned to the dough she left to rise, she relocates them to a different place. Sakura suddenly remembers something while observing her.


“Uhm, Unnie – you uploaded that vid right?”  She asks.


“hmm” Eunbi hummed.


“Oh that vid, It’s been well received. ” Chaewon enthusiastically cut in, gesturing a thumbs up to Sakura.


Chaewon then shift her focus to Eunbi, “You should continue it, you look good in it and what you make looks really delicious.”


“What are you serious!?” The eldest chuckled thinking the idea is ludicrous. “No no no, I can’t do it. Ha ha ha.”


“Why not?” Sakura asks. “I’ll let you borrow my equipment’s Unnie, I’m sure you will do well.”


“That’s seems like a fun idea I’m in.” Yena, who just arrive, said, smirking, and very much aboard whatever plan is being formed right at that moment.  


Hyewon who is right behind her offer her support for the plan as well. “Unnie’s, birthday is near… I think I know what to give you now.”  


“Hey. I don’t like where this is going.” Eunbi rebutted and whatever plans that is she has questions and reservations about it.


Yena immediately shushed her. She crossed her arm and declared proudly.


“This is the start of operation make Eunbi Unnie a Youtube star!”


“YENA!!!” Eunbi growled back to her.


“But seriously unnie, I think it suits you. Think about it. ” Hyewon casually said walking to Chaewons side and gently tickling the younger girl’s cheeks. Say what you

want about her rather emotionless face but Hyewon is always a sincere girl, awkward she may at times but sincere, she always is.


Hyewon then drape herself over Chaewon putting her arms over her neck, effectively back hugging the red haired girl, whispering something to her ears making the younger giggle. Chaewon playfully hits her arm, but the older just tighten her hug and comfortably snuggled in the crook of her neck.  


These gestures are not foreign things for Hyewon to do, infact a lot have been in the receiving end of her hugs. It is just something seems to got crank up,  the fact that Hyewon is ignoring food in exchange of skinship is rather odd.


Yena notices their action and called them out on it. “Hey what is this!?”


Yena knows more than anyone else where these two stand in the friendship-lover scale.


“Why… I just miss my Chaewonie.” Hyewon subtly glared to her duck friend.


MY… hah! Our CEO is leveling up now.”  Yena snickered, remarking how slowly her same age friend is starting to get bolder and bolder in her acknowledgement.


Hyewon ignored Yena and continued snuggling the red haired girl who is currently exhibiting tsundere behavior. Denying things, rebutting things that, dismissing things Hyewon say’s to her while her cheeks are starting to be the same color as that of her hair.


Sakura definitely heard Hyewon whisper “But you like it right?” which the younger sharply denied while hitting the olders arm. Hyewon whisper back “But you do.” and then giving the younger girl a subtle kiss on her ears, turning them to the same color as that of her hair. They are in their own world – in Hyewon’s own world.


Sakura could not help but giggle, she tried to prevent herself from doing so but she failed.   


“Look at them. You two just admit it.” Yena scoffed.


Sakura find this amusing and annoying at the same time, she look at the duck like girl having this urge to in return.


“I don’t know what’s worse you kissing your girlfriend in the hallway or them.” She smirked pointing to Chaewon who is currently mini-punching a laughing Hyewon, who is trying to squeeze her face.  


Yena gasped… mouth agape… and blushing worse than a tomato her face is going full red chili pepper. Sakura cackled at her reaction, quite satisfied at what she accomplished.


She was loud enough to be heard by the highschoolers and the newly arrived Yujin who are doing a project in the common area. They collectively look at the direction of the dining and back to the hamster like girl who is covering her face, her ears looking as red as that of the duck.


The girls have varying reaction, from giggling [Minjoo], to a bit of shock [Hitomi], to a teasing smile [Nako], and an all knowing smirk [Yujin].  All though refrained on any verbal teasing as seeing Yuri, covering her face was enough for them. It’s not like they don’t know, they kinda know and all they need is a verbal confirmation from the two.


In the midst of this commotion, a tall kid then emerges from the upper floors and proceed to walk to the dining area where the unnies are gathered, starving for food. She caught them teasing a pouting Yena, who looks more and more like a duck to Wonyoung’s eyes. Surprisingly for her the duck is not responding to any of the teasing and instead is standing there, stiff and shy like teenager caught by her friends sending a love letter to her crush.


Curious about the situation she asks innocently, “What’s going on?”


Sakura answered absentmindedly “Nothing.. it’s just that Yena and Yuri-ah…”


Lucky for her she recognizes the voice and figured out that it’s Wonyoung. All of them currently in the table look to her direction, yes including Hyewon who is getting fed by Chaewon.


Protect the Innocence at all cost.


Sakura thank her quick thinking that she did not blurt out anything unnecessary and Yena thank Wonyoung mentally for ending her torture.


Too bad for them though, Yujin who is Yena’s roommate, run to Wonyoung’s direction shouting,


 “What’s going on? What’s going on is that Yena Unnie and Yuri Unnie are officially dating!!! Wooohoooo!!! Yujinie won!!!”


And for all the things that is holy, Yena wanted to hide, anywhere will be fine – maybe to the laundry room, it’s near. In the same breath Yuri is wishing she is buried under the pillow of the seat she is seating. Anywhere will be fine for the two.


In the midst of this Yena want to ask,


What is with Yujinie won!? What does it mean?


When everyone recovered from the moment of shock, here comes the puppy putting her arms over the giant bunny with an all innocent smile showcasing her dimples.


“I won, Wonyoung-ah.”


Wonyoung rolled her eyes “Yeah- got it, what do you want?”


“You.” The puppy said shocking the Unnies but Wonyoung scoffed instead.


“You, I want to ask you something. A favor, a favor for school.” The puppy continued, so that is what she means.


“You see, I need something from Haeun. I could hardly talk to her so please….”


“Did you do something that annoyed her again?”


Yujin aggressively shake her head, like a dog shaking water of her body. A response that made Wonyoung chuckle because for sure, the puppy annoyed her chibi dance machine friend.  She is quite relived but a wee bit disappointed about Yujin’s request for a reason she could not understand.


“Also treat me to some ice cream, buy me ice cream for everyday of this week.”




“I won.”


While they are debating about what Wonyoung will pay for losing the bet, Yena could no longer hold it.


“What does this mean?”  


“Ahahha Unnie we just bet on something.” Yujin replied.


“You bet on…?” Yena ask pointing to herself in disbelief and quite honestly betrayed.


Yujin nodded with that innocent seemingly harmless smile that Yena could not bring herself to chastise her.


For now Yena quietly accepted her fate, she watch the two youngest whisper to each other, barely making out what they are saying, giggling but she is sure that that conversation includes her.  


She is conflicted but is relieved. It is just a matter of time after all. She and Yuri don’t need to hide anymore.  


She eyed her good friend who is happily eating. She has a bright aura today, visibly happy and Yena is happy to see that smile – but the flirting could go away though. Hyewon eventually returned her look, locking to each other eyes – communicating something only the two of them could understand for now.


It is a small gesture that Eunbi and Sakura caught, though they did not say anything about it and instead they put on a smile.


Sakura eventually invited Wonyoung to finally eat, while Yena sat on one of the empty chairs eating some snacks.  They are what could be called the late breakfast crew.  Talking about random things but mostly trying to fulfill the need of their body for fuel.


Yena herself brought out her switch and started playing Super Smash Bro, making Hyewon ask if they plan to play game later, if they could play together and if Sakura plan to play the MMO game she mentioned before.  


Sakura answered that she have not played the game while she is in Korea and that she and her reason to check the game have migrated to a different game, though both have rarely played together recently. Hyewon urge her to play – so that maybe she can see that friend, Sakura did not pay attention as to why and just take it as Hyewon being Hyewon the caring person she heard about.


Eunbi approach the table, taking off her apron, noticing that the trio’s talk doesn’t include going out or any sort of indication they will step out anywhere today. A special note to Hyewon as well, who have been very busy about matters that Eunbi have a very vague idea about. She thought Hyewon would love to hang out somewhere with Chaewon – but seems that was wrong.


“Are you not going out? No plans?”


“Unnie, I just want to lock myself in my room and hide from humanity today.” Hyewon whined, she said it pleading eyes, asking to let her hide in a cave for the foreseeable future.


“Mood.” Yena added.


The conversation made Sakura think of something. She turned to the girl besides her who is quietly eating. “Wonyoung-ah how about you?”  


“I’ll help them I guess.” The youngest pointed to the group of girls doing some sort of props and the likes in the common area.


“Are you sure? I’ll accompany you here.” Screw gaming even if she loves it, this kid is her priority for now.


“Nah unnie, enjoy your day off. Yujin is fun to be with. I’ll just hang out with them. They can use another hand… Just don’t forget your promise that we will watch Chaeyeon unnie later. “ The younger said quite convincingly.


“Ofcourse I won’t, it is Chaeyeon we are talking about. I have not missed a stage yet.”  Sakura proudly proclaimed, holding both of the younger’s hand with a bright smile.


Wonyoung embrace her, something that at first caught Sakura off-guard but she eventually welcomed it. They both value the same person, in different way, and later they will watch her, slowly reach her dream. 


It is a heartwarming scene that made everyone around the table smile.  


Speaking of Chaeyeon, it is not only the two of them who want to watch her. Eunbi would love to as well.


“Oh, where will she be?”


“Inkigayo, Eunyeong sunbaenim will have two stages today – she will be on both.” Wonyoung answered.


“Oh, yeah – I remember Kaeun is really happy about the comeback results.” Hyewon casually muttered, while downing a slice of cake given to her by Chaewon.


“Kauen!? as in President Lee?” Sakura exclaimed.


“No way, it’s our president right, unnie?” Wonyoung chimed in.


Hyewon waved her hand and continue eating.


“No…no... it’s a friend.” She tried to relay over, full of cake, she is on her second slice now and Chaewon just watch over her with her head over the table.  


It’s not that Hyewon wanted to lie, and half of it is true. It is that rare occasion that her brain cell functioned and thought that it will be awkward for these two to know that she has connection to their company president let alone have direct investment to the company making her pretty much their boss in a way. Even Chaeyeon did not know of such detail.


Wonyoung believe her lame excuse, Sakura on the other hand have reservation. Would it really be farfetch for this girl, who from what she has learned is a probable heir to a large corporation to have connection to her current company president? It is a legitimate question and if Sakura only know she is not that far. She chooses to stay quiet for now and attend to Wonyoung’s needs.


Once Wonyoung is done – she excuse herself and head over to the group in the common area, happily offering them help.


Satisfied with what she saw, Sakura proceed to help the unnie group to clean up the kitchen. Afterwards they all retreat to their room. Chaewon and Hyewon together, Yena saying a brief goodbye to Yuri after giving her a short peck to the temple, Sakura to her room after saying a few reminder to Wonyoung and Eunbi to the manager’s office.  


Inside her apartment room, Sakura prepared snacks – some drinks and debated over whether to film something for her gaming channel or not.  She chooses not to for now, she plans to enjoy this rare Sunday off without the anxiety of a camera staring at her face.


It is a small joy of Sunday morning, calm and relaxing, just what she wanted. A small packet of loneliness lingers over the fact that the person she would want to spend it is not here. What would it be if she could invite her over a cup of coffee, a walk in the park or a movie? She smiles over her rather silly thoughts.


She can’t blame her though, not when that person is doing her best to achieve her dream. She will watch her later. She had watched her before and the joy of watching her move smoothly does things to her, like sending her hearts to do backflips that she can never do physically even if she try, like providing life support to those butterflies that have learned to thrive inside of her, like making her lost her breathe at the same time giving her life.  Chaeyeon was that and a bit more, in a way she can’t define yet, just thinking about her makes Sakura smile.


The bright light of her computer greeted her, staring over her monitor, she lingered over the icon of the game that she and Cake-san started to migrate over. Cake-san was not very fond of it as far as she can remember. It’s abit of knowing they actually have very different game preference, Sakura likes action and fps kind of games that keeps her blood pumping on the other hand Cake-san is more into strategy and RPG game preferring solo over party.  She chuckled, it’s too few of an interaction they have since she arrived and they start to switch over to a different game to interact but it’s fascinating to learn they actually differ in terms of game preference.


Remembering Hyewon’s urging she launch the game. She immediately saw a private message notification coming from the person she calls Cake-san, wondering over whether Kang-san has some sort of predictive power.


Cakes4Hye: Hello…


Something strikes her though and it definitely is not the awkward sounding greeting. She is trying to pin in out, and it’s there somewhere in the tip of her tongue. She never paid attention to it. Cake-san changed her IGN when she switched over.  It is just she come to notice the last part of her new name, the characters form the word Hye.


Ok.ok. that is impossible, this can’t be happening right. There are many Hyes in Korea after all and not just that Hye she is thinking about.


39Saku_chan: Long time cakes. Let’s play a match.

Cakes4Hye: No I’m not that good in this game yet.

39Saku_chan:C’mon cakes let’s go.


She brush of the tiny voice shouting in her head and instead invited her friend to play a match with her. They queued in pick their heroes and started the game, putting up her headphones to immerse herself. After about 30 minutes, 28m42s to be exact the game ends with their team winning and Sakura placing 2nd in ranking and Cakes 3rd, not bad.


Sakura thought about it abit, why not invite Cake’s to do a voice chat. Turning on the voice feature of the game will greatly help in strategizing and she can help Cakes to be better in the game. It’s a good idea in Sakura’s mind.  Her ability to speak Korean has greatly improved and she has been conversing in Korean to Cakes right now and Cakes can understand Japanese well, so she is really confident about this. 


39Saku_chan: Cakes you up for turning on the voice chat?

Cakes4Hye: voice chat? another match?

39Saku_chan: yeah, let’s turn the voice chat on.

Cakes4Hye: I don’t think I’m up for another match… also…

39Saku_chan: Nah, you are not that bad. I’ll help you.

Cakes4Hye: …

Cakes4Hye: [writing something]


The conversation does not sound promising at all. Sakura put her hands over her face. Ah she screwed up. She watches as Cakes repeatedly tries to write something and erase it as if mulling over and over what she wants to say. She watches in horror of those blinking dots – thinking of what to send over to other.  Maybe she is shy… wait what if she is not a girl at all – have she ever questioned that part before. Yeah maybe the girl is just shy, Sakura immediately type [You don’t need to if you don’t want to, let’s play another match please Cakes.]   


But before she could send it Cakes4Hye finally send something.


Cakes4Hye: Sorry… I’m not comfortable with voice chat. Are there any games you are into these days, or something you want to try?


Sakura is relieved.


39Saku_chan: Its ok, I’m sorry too.

39Saku_chan: Uhm about games, I like to play spider-man again but I don’t have my PS4 with me.

Cakes4Hye: Oh I have one. I like playing spider-man too.

39Saku_chan: This reminds me would you mind if we have a meet up or something…

39Saku_chan: I trust you a lot, and you recommended me a good place to stay. So…

Cakes4Hye: I don’t mind, we could meet today if you want to. 

39Saku_chan: hmmm… I kinda just want to stay lock in my room, lazy mode.

Cakes4Hye: hahahaha same here.

Cakes4Hye: [writing something]


Cakes4Hye: [writing something]


Sakura watched the blinking dots once again, thinking to herself what could possibly the other person is trying to type.


Cakes4Hye: I don’t think it will take you that far to find me though.

Cakes4Hye: I’ll lend you my ps4.


Sakura was quite puzzle, the voices she tried to muzzle earlier is getting louder again. It can’t be right, but what if.


39Saku_chan: I want to take your offer… but I don’t really know how far you are from me.

Cakes4Hye: [writing something]


There is a bit of pause… it feels longer than it was.


Cakes4Hye: … about a floor - I’m about a floor away.


It is almost a confirmation, almost of who Cakes is, someone who likes cakes, born in 1999, names could possibly contains Hye and about a floor away from her.  It takes Sakura back to the day she arrived to a random comment made by the building’s resident puppy;


 [It’s something Hyewon-Unnie would make.]


Mind you not, this is quite creepy to both of them.


39Saku_chan: …

39Saku_chan: Kang-san!?

Cakes4Hye: [writing something]

Cakes4Hye: Yes.

39Saku_chan: so… um…

Cakes4Hye: I’m sorry…

39Saku_chan: … its ok.

Cakes4Hye: Also can you call me Kang-chan instead. I like it better… please.


So it was really her.  Sakura’s jaw drop, putting her hand over – there is this chill that passes by.  She stared to the screen for quite a while. She drank some soda before she put her hand over the keyboard. 


It looks like it is not only her who is tentative, the other person – Cakes – Kang-san, have not send anything after that.


It’s like they are waiting on who will move first. They ended up sending something simultaneously.


Cakes4Hye: Do you still want to play spider-man?

39Saku_chan: Let’s play another match Kang-chan.

Cakes4Hye: …

39Saku_chan: …


Sakura cackled over their exchange and she somehow feel someone is laughing in the floor below her, the room where Kang-chan resides.  


39Saku_chan: I’ll go over but you need to play a match with me again.

Cakes4Hye: game.


They play another match but sadly their team lost.


The cherry blossom then fulfilled her promise. She walks down to the hallway of the second floor that she rarely visits. Facing the door of a room whose owner is mostly not around. She was about to ring its bell when the door flew open, with a happy jumping Hyewon welcoming her.


“Kkura-yah!!! Kkura-Unnie!!!” She shouted, engulfing Sakura with a hug.


It is the signature Hyewon-hug that Sakura has heard. It’s warm and she does not hate being on the receiving end of it. Well until her eyes landed on the red haired girl inside the room glaring at her. In the end Sakura just quietly chuckle.


She spends the rest of her morning with the two of them, mostly with Kang-chan playing spider-man in her ps4.  


Later after lunch Yena come over to join them and so the quite room became rowdy. The room Sakura thought was once lifeless is full of life. There is laughter, a lot of teasing and murder threats. Ok throw the later one away but they have been rather loud and lively.


Sakura thought it would not be bad to truly befriend this girl full of warmth. She hope they could play together again like this.


The Cake-san in her mind was no different from this girl, her infectious laugh second only to Chaeyeon, her warm hugs and her rather genuine personality was everything she imagined.


Somehow though she could not help but think there is a wall the girl put over between herself and everyone else including Chaewon. Like a circle over the ground that she does not want you to cross – but is something she wants to go over. Sakura can’t help feel that.


This is the same girl she saw bawling out after getting hugs, the same girl she heard pleading to her best friend to be heard, the same girl who have hard time letting her emotion shows.


She feels warm, she is warmth – Hyewon is the embodiment of warmth – Sakura wonder though why does it feel as if there is coldness inside the younger that is longing to be melted.


In the end time pass by and they all decided to go to the first floor common area and join the other. Eunbi provided some free snacks – not really that free – and they all plop in front of the large T.V.


Today is a day they will be witnessing together a person they know well in some of her first steps toward her dream. 


They all tuned in to the music show that airs in Sunday afternoon. Watching acts after acts, different groups they cheered for.  There she flashed on the screen, the stage they are waiting for, Eunyeong’s.


Wonyoung and Sakura cheered for her loudly, her being a company mate. Both are waiting for someone else though. There she goes strutting, serving as the main dancer paired to the solo act, wearing a fitted black trousers, a black see through blouse in contrast of Eunyeong’s white outfit. The first stage includes several set of almost paired dancing and for each move Chaeyeon make they would cheer loudly. When that one move where she lifts up Eunyeong legs up as part of the choreography and they all gasped. Too y. Too Powerful. Just too much Chaeyeon. 


That was just the first stage. They get a bit reprieved, by having another group performing before the next stage which is the title song. It is evident how much money went into promotion of this comeback. Hyewon is quite happy – both for Chaeyeon and Kaeun as well as herself. They are doing well and the song is in top 10 of the most important chart, and they scored two stages.


Eunyeong title song played and her signature march like intro came in, and there came in the dancers, Chaeyeon being one of them and then the main act Eunyeong herself. In this sort of here comes the queen entrance. The fanchant is loud but all their eyes are on Chaeyeon and how happy she is to finally be dancing – the dance she choreographed herself.   This is her dream afterall – and she is at its door.


That was well conveyed to those who are on the other side of the screen, especially those in this apartment somewhere in Seoul just below the Han River.


 They watch in awe, they know it, that smirk, the facial expression. It gives everyone something, a glimpse to their dream for the younger ones, hope to the one who is supporting in shadow, happiness to those who are cheering upfront.


After the stage ended, the fever like dream state subsided. The girl’s then gushed over the net, searching naver, and joining in twitter praising the said stage. It was amazing to say the least and they are not the only who think so. It was not only Eunyeong too that got notice, considerable number of people is searching about a certain back-up dancer and they are more than please to know that.


This is a Sunday of dreams; a weekend off that Sakura does not regret spending with these people, in this family like atmosphere. A Sunday she spent, watching the person that makes her heart flutter runs to her dream, it was somehow perfect, almost perfect.








Later that night, Hyewon gently approach the manager’s office.  

“Unnie.”  She quietly called her attention.

“Oh – Hyewon. Have a seat. ” Eunbi welcome her with a genuine smile.

“uhm about the…” The younger tentatively tried to convey, failing to fully form the sentence.

But it was enough for the older to understand what she meant “Are you sure about it?”

“It will probably be after her graduation, yeah we might... I’m just telling you ahead, in case things happen and we need to... I mean earlier.” For some reason whatever it was, she was talking about Hyewon is having hard time fully saying it, she looks down to her feet.

Eunbi knows exactly what she is talking about. They have a conversation about this before.  “I understand.”

Hyewon is having a hard time but she tried, tried looking to Eunbi directly to her eyes, giving the older update to another news.

“uhm also about … I’m sorry.” She tried to say, failing once again. Tears almost falling but in typical Hyewon manners she manage to will them back in.

Eunbi face became serious, she put her arms over the table and put her head over the back of her hand, “So… it’s really them, I mean your family.”

Hyewon can do nothing other than nod.

“I will, try to do something about it. I know how important this place is to Grandma. ”

“This place is important for me too but you don’t need to tax yourself more than you already do. I’ll do something about it myself. Between you and me, don’t shoulder this alone.” 

Whether she want to admit it or not the place have become important to Kwon Eunbi herself. She reach out her hand over to that of the other girl, reassuring her that atleast for this matter she is not alone.

“Thank you unnie.”




Hello I manage to update ^-^. I spend alot of my energy during the 2Won Yulyen chapters that the next chapters kind of felt lame and not very enjoyable to write... and I can't proceed somehow there is something missing. Took a bit of break and reasses my story.  I hope I manage to do it with this chapter. Originally I want to stay within < 5000 but ended up writing a long one again. Next one I'll try to keep about that number so it be more manageable to update.

Edit: I forgot even though I like to play games... I can't play FPS / can't also watch much as I get dizzy so i just invent an fps game for this one - I don't have much experience for it.

As you notice I again added some kind of post script thing. These are bits of story that are probably be for some other arc but have different character focus. For this one take it as an intro to Eunbi's arc.

I hope you catch some bricks I threw from wayyyyy back ^-^ and enjoyed Cakes here.


Next chapter will be taking around the time of Chuseok - the transition between summer to fall and it's mostly Minjoo - i think...  


Sketches: I know this is a Sakura's chapter but I only manage to draw Chaeyeon.

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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1762 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??