24 The Distance Between Our Fingertips

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


The Distance Between Our Fingertips


Changes in routine are something Minjoo of yesterdays does not welcome with much enthusiasm. This one changed though, even if it seems drastic, it does not feel that way to her. It feels all natural – like it’s natural for her to wake up for an early morning trip to a room just one floor below her. A change brought by her own clumsiness, as she trip over the stairs one morning. Something’s in life does work in strange way or maybe it is just the fates that works in strange way. The girl who lives in room besides the stairs saw what happened, she drag her to their room to give her a first aid. 


Nonetheless it’s a change in routine that she brought in herself and welcomed. What can she do when that chuckle is so addicting? She does not mind waking a bit earlier just to hear them chime for her and her alone.


She does come to question herself from time to time, like right now as she traces the spine of the girl in front of her while she lied curled on the bed. Questioning if what she is doing is selfish - wanting that laughter to be only for her and because of her. Laughing silently to herself as that thought passes by her mind.


Quietly giggling as the urge to poke and tickle the girl in front of her increases. It is a thought that amuses her, and she let herself indulge it, resulting into fits of laughter from the other. Laughter that almost made the other girls eyes disappear, laughter that also made her chuckle and her heart to beat a little bit faster.


Watching the girl who is now facing her, laughing and then burying herself to her chest, made Minjoo realize that there are things she did not expect doing that she is now doing and she does not hate it. She never expects herself to be the one to tease someone first, to indulge her own silly thoughts, but here she is enjoying the result of such action. Here she is welcoming a laughing Hiichan to her embrace.


She continue to be amused by herself and her action, like right now flicking the hair roller on the other girls bangs, it's something she does not expect herself to do.  


“You look like broccoli with that.” She giggled and ofcourse that was met with a glare from the other, who growled back to her. “Minjoo-yahh!!!”


She can’t help but laugh, she is not lying, Hitomi does kinda resemble a broccoli with the hair roller, a cute one at that [if broccolis can actually be cute]. The other girl looks so much like a baby, that she just can’t help herself – with the round eyeglasses, the hair roller, the smooth skin and those fluffy cheeks she wants to pinch right now.


She really can’t help herself and those things that pinches her heart and whatever that is going on in her guts.  She is well aware of that. She loves it when Hitomi get a bit pissed off, she loves it when Hitomi laughs, when she is mischievous, when she talks about her dream. All those side she loves, yes even the little monster that Hitomi does not like much, she love that too, because all of those makes up for who Hitomi is. That growl, the pissed off pouting face, A+, absolutely lovely – just the way she likes it.


“Minjoo!!! Hiichan is not broccoli!!!” Hitomi whined and Minjoo thinks something just hit her heart. She laughs it off and hugs the whining girl who subsequently attacks her with tickles.


When the teasing and tickling subsided, Minjoo found herself with her head over Hitomi’s shoulder, cuddling her as they sit on top of her bed facing the door, her arms around her waist. She pulled her closer to her embrace, and the younger pats her hair, both forgetting time.


“Do you have something planned tomorrow?” Minjoo asks.


“I have an audition callback... but... I can just not go there if you want.” Hitomi replied, leaning more into Minjoo’s embrace.


Minjoo being Minjoo would not want the other girl’s chance to her dream go just because she selfishly asks her to spend time with her.


“No no no, Go for it. It is your dream – ill cheer for you.” She told her, taking of her hand and waving it in front of her – dashing the younger’s chance to say no. She instead asks her for a different time. “Then how about this afternoon or maybe during the break?”


Hitomi chuckled upon hearing her suggestion. “But we already always meet during afternoon break.” Hitomi said, eyeing the other girl with playful suspicion. She crossed her arms and continued. “What is it? What are you planning Mingurii? Confess now.” She declared.


“I don’t really have any plan… I … I just want to see you.” Minjoo said averting the other girls gaze.


“Really?” Hitomi ask, crouching just a bit to meet Minjoo’s eyes.


“Really.” Minjoo replied back, beaming. “So… is this afternoon fine?” She once again asks.  


“Yup, let’s talk about it during the break.” Hitomi replied, reaching to the other girls hand.


“Yey!!!” Minjoo exclaimed. It surprise Hitomi, well one of the many little surprises she is getting from her. This reaction is really cute, that she just stared and look at her, her eyes beaming appreciating the beauty that is in front of her. She lunges forward to attack her with a hug, resulting to healthy dose of laughter from both of them.


How many times have she said it herself, Minjoo is a goddess, an angel. That she is lucky to have her as a friend, to be able to talk to her, to share secret time with her. No matter what the circumstances that brought them together, she is happy to meet her, to know her and to be with her. 


“Ehem. In case you two forgot we still have school today.” A cute but cheeky voice casually broke their moment, telling them that yes they still have class to attend today, after all it’s still Friday and cuddling could probably be postponed ‘till later.


From the open door of her room, the owner of the voice stand, suspiciously looking at them with her arm crossed, her eyebrows raised and a smirk painted on her lips.


 Hitomi quickly fixes her position. “Oh you’re right I’ll get ready now, Mingurii too.”


“Uh, yeah. Later Hiichan, Nako.” And so does Minjoo who quickly climbed down the younger’s bed, hastily bid goodbye to both of them.  


Nako, her roommate, the person who promised to pursue her dream with her here, stares back at her. She walks slowly to the door of her room, still arms cross and with a smirk that spells I caught you.


“Date?” The smaller girl asks as she leans on Hitomi’s door frame.


“No.”  She denied.


“Who are you lying to?” Nako scoffed. 


This puts her into defensive, as she try to explain their situation “Ehhh.. I don’t think she feels that way about me. We just talk because … we went to the same experience, liking the same person – you know the story.”


Nako can’t help but roll her eyes, fool them not. Everyone in the apartment, one way or another have sense the tension between these two.


“You two are too oblivious.”  She mumbled under her breath, it was just loud enough for Hitomi to know she is saying something.


“What?” Hitomi ask, because as much as she heard Nako mumble she could not make out what the other girl said.


Nako just sighed, giving up on her teasing as its putting more stress to her than the other.


“Nah, don’t worry I’ll tell them you two are going out on a date this afternoon, so you go on and enjoy.“ She said one last time before turning towards her own room.


“No no no don’t!” Hitomi run to her door to try catch up the smaller girl and beg her not to, because for sure they will be tease non-stop especially by a certain mischievous singing hamster and her duck unnie.


Nako quickly dismissed her. “Whatever. Just get dressed so we can eat. Eunbi-unnie baked us some cinnamon bread rolls.”


After they finally get dressed, they quickly went down to the common kitchen.


Minjoo arrived earlier than the two of them and took the available chair on the side, opposite of Eunbi.  Yujin quickly shuffled over to her left to be beside Minjoo, while Hitomi took the chair on Minjoo’s right and Nako has no choice but to take the seat that Yujin previously occupied which is just in front of Eunbi.


Nako just rolled her eyes at the curious arrangement. Just to be clear she has no problem sitting in front of Eunbi, she had made peace with her rejection and it’s not like her crush will just die that easily. As mature as she seems to be, her feelings are persistent. 


The arrangement she is talking about is this, Yujin sitting on Minjoo’s left side, Hitomi on her right and beside Hitomi- on her right is Chaewon sitting with Hyewon on the short end of the table. It is a curious arrangement of tangled web that she has watched and observes all throughout her stay here.


Thankfully she is not alone in this observation; the woman in front of her curiously perks her eyebrows at their direction. As for the others Wonyoung is too busy eating her meal set of sausage, vegetable omelet and kimchi fried rice. Chayeon and Sakura are too busy giggling with each other and so is the couple opposite of them; Chaewon is busy making sure Hyewon is getting her fill. Nako gulp at the amount of food on the older girl’s plate. She sure eats a lot she mutters to herself.


On the other hand the seemingly always goofy duck unnie of hers are also paying attention to those in across her, Nako was not sure if it’s because Minjoo sit on the chair across her or if it’s because Yujin is her roommate and sort of a close dongsaeng she take care of.


Notes taken, it’s not like it’s the first time Nako observe this regarding Yena. The girl is just good at hiding her concerns with laughter, too good infact that Nako sometimes worries about her. Ah concerns of an observant 17 years old.


Nako sighed and took a bite of her scrumptious perfectly baked Cinnamon Bread Roll. She knows what will happen next, Yena will try to lighten up the building friction in the air.


“Ey!!! We are complete once again!!!” The duck happily announced rubbing her palms together, Nako just nod her head blurting I knew it to herself.


“I think we are due to some celebration.” She added as she glances to the direction of their manager.


“If you are willing to pay for it, I’m good.” The eldest simply stated – though she did get the girl’s cue. 


“But it really is surprising to have you here today, Hyewon.” She said to the girl on the short end that is far from her.  “Though if I say so you look like you could use some rest, still gorgeous as ever.” She continued.


Such declaration resulted in a sharp death glare from a certain red head sitting beside Hyewon. If the chopsticks she is holding are knives she would have thrown it to their manager’s direction.


“Don’t worry unnie, these are just because of the paper I’m writing and few deals I have to close, I’ll be able to rest this coming week and beside I only need food. ” The hamster like girl said as she gobbled another bite of the cinnamon roll, all while making this dance like movement of happiness. Nako does sometimes envy her unnie’s view of the world.  


“That’s good.” Their manager replied as she gesture a thumbs up to the said girl. She then shifted her attention to Hitomi who is currently whispering something to Minjoo.


“How about Hiichan? Tomorrow is your birthday, right? Do you want to request anything?” She asks her.


“Ah unnie, thank you but I don’t think it’s needed. I’ll be up early tomorrow for an audition and it might take awhile.”  Her fluffy cheek roommate full of hopes and dream calmly explained.


“Oh, then how about this afternoon?”


Nako almost spit out her drink at their manager’s suggestion. The older girl glances to her silently asking her if she is ok.  She composed herself. “I don’t think Hiichan is available this afternoon.” She quickly said not failing to notice the girl on her right side flinching.  


“She and Minjoo have plans later, am I right Hiichan?” She continued, this time leaning to the table to take a good look at her roommate and the girl beside her, whose eyes are both wide in shock. Who would not be? She just exposed them.


“Is that true, Hiichan? Minjoo?”  Eunbi ask teasingly to the two girls. Now that Nako thinks of it everyone seems to be pairing up. Weird.


Minjoo look down to her lap while Hitomi squeezed her hand that is on top of the table, “I .. I invited her for something… but...” Minjoo tried to say.


“Oh then the two of you enjoy your date. Maybe we should just get some cake for dinner.” Eunbi once again suggested.


Hyewon is very happy hearing this news and quickly pulled out her phone. “Hiichan, how ‘bout a Strawberry Peach Cake, is that good?” She asks the mochi cheeks girl.


To all this commotion and discussion about Hitomi’s small birthday celebration, Nako did not fail to notice the unhappy soul beside her. Her kindred spirit in terms of love, both is an unfortunate soul falling in the trappings of an unrequited love.


At first the girl flinch with her news, next she saw her face turn sour, then she became dejected and now she is comforting her soul with food, shoving them to . Quite a difference from when she shuffled the seat to be beside Minjoo. Just earlier the girl is a lively puppy, being entertained, smile on her face, dimple showing and getting head pats from the girl she like. Too bad their level of care falls in different spectrum.  


Nako felt guilty so she pats the tall girl on the back, urging her to lean on her a bit, trying to see if such action is enough to send support to a fellow human who falls in love with an unbreachable wall. The girl glances to her direction with glassy eyes, Nako once again internally sighed, how many times is that today? She fed the younger girl whatever left of her cinnamon bread, and like the pup she is she ate it and also like the pup she is she put her head over hers as a support. If the younger was not slightly broken hearted she would have hit her with an uppercut the second she attempted what she did.


She will let this transgression pass because she could almost hear the puppy whimper. Really the idea of forming a small support group in name of unrequited love is getting more and more appealing, she might aswell do it.


The highschooler’s where then bus out to school by Hyewon in her car. Who, even if she is tired, is quite lively today, you could not even sense a spec of tiredness with how professional looking she is. They totally look like they are getting drop off by a CEO to their school, oh wait they are.


Nako laugh to herself when she realizes that fact. Their unnie have not disclose anything but she already have sense it – she is just not sure what exact position but she is sure this unnie is running a company in the background. She then glances at the two oblivious being on her right, another incoming eyeroll – she is getting headache with how many times she has done that today and it's still morning.


She smiled seeing those two get comfortable with each other. Hitomi leaning with her head on Minjoo’s shoulder while they hold hands and laugh, Minjoo even bop Hiichan’s nose. Nako smirk at what she witness, though she tried to play it cool. In her opinion Minjoo really did change and so is Hitomi. As far as the person she knew them when she met them, them now is somewhat different people but still the same. How should she say it, a positive change for both, they are both … glowing … if that is the word she is looking for, she just can’t pin point what exactly changed.


Minjoo bid goodbye to Hitomi after saying a few words to her of possibly their plan later. This made Yuri and Nako exchange some knowing looks and a bit of elbowing, teasing Hitomi once she finally joined them.


Minjoo laughs to herself watching her friends get along well with each other. She finally decided to enter her school with Chaewon who playfully poke her cheeks. They have been together at school more openly lately, well as much they can manage to see each other. As weird as it sounds, getting rejected had done her good with her relationship with the older. The events of the past few months seem to have shape a good portion of herself.


“You two look good together.” The older said as she felt an elbow to her side.


“Ah Unnie-yah~” She whined rather cutely, making the older laugh and subsequently hitting her shoulder.


The older really found it amusing and the school body found such sight a blessing to their eyes. Who would not? The Ice Princess sort of melted and School Goddess is smiling brightly. Everyone seems to collectively get hit by cupid’s arrow. 


“Yujin!!! Go Yujin!!!” The older suddenly shouted as she spotted her friend.


It is not only Minjoo who change; Chaewon too definitely became louder, less cold and a lot freer at school. The older quickly bid her goodbye running to her friend on her way to their classroom.


Today started good for Minjoo and she hope that it will continue to be good as days go by. She smiled brightly as she entered the classroom. Yewon, her friend welcomed her with a hug.


“Looks like something good happen to our Minjoo.” Choyeon teased.


She laughs at her observation and the fact that her friend still manage to say that while genuinely trying to  answer her forgotten assignment.


“Is it that cute dancer?” Yewon cooed.


She averted her teasing and tried to hide the blush forming on her cheeks. Her friends are already very familiar with her friends from the apartment. Afterall they attend a school that is just beside theirs, they even have hang out a couple of times, all being same age friends.


“No, I don’t trust that one yet. Those cunning eyes cannot be trusted – beside she turned you down before.” Choyeon blurted, putting her pen on top of her pouting lips and crossing her arms, a definite sign that she is joking  just to get a rise from Minjoo.


“Choyeon-ah! I told you nothing of that happened.” Minjoo quickly denied, because really nothing like that happened – only the rejection part is true – but it’s not Hitomi who did the rejecting.


Still though for whatever reasons the rumor persist that she got rejected by a dance major student. Everyone have their suspect and Choyeon’s suspect remains the same person, yes it is the chubby cheek Japanese exchange student. Choyeon squinch her eyes to tease Minjoo more, though she was subsequently hit by Yewon and was ask to stop teasing Minjoo and finish her assignment instead.  


On the short break before the fifth period, Minjoo headed out to the back of the building, a place that has become familiar to her. This is the place where she and a certain mochi cheek Japanese exchange student had a heart to heart talk – that one day in late August.


She saw her there sitting on the bench under a small tree. She carefully walks as to not call attention to herself. The girl she is meeting have not notice her yet, she was busy watching something on her phone, most probably a choreography video.


“Is that for tomorrow?”  She innocently ask.


“Minjoo!” Hitomi’s reaction made her chuckle, she look like she saw some ghost suddenly appearing. She sat beside her and put her head over the Japanese girl’s shoulder to see what she is watching and she is right it’s a dance practice video.


“You really work hard.” Minjoo said.


She reached for her hand and asks her, “Is there any place you want to go?”  


Hitomi put down her phone and tilted her head looking directly at Minjoo’s eyes, thinking hard on where she wants to go.




Hitomi is dumbfounded over herself. For all the things she could think of she thought of cheese.


“Oh, you want to eat cheese – cheese hotdog?” Minjoo once again ask putting Hitomi’s hands to her cheeks. Honestly Minjoo does not know where she is getting the courage to pull these gestures.


“…yeah.” The other girl replied, averting the older one’s gaze. The more she stared at those the more she gets lost.


“I remember there is this food stand at that mall, they said the cheese hotdog there is good. Also we can get some bubble tea while we are at it.” She blurted while trying to sweep Hitomi’s bangs to the side.


The mochi just nods enthusiastically, she really find it cute, she find her cute. Right now she is just getting sweep by a lot of things, a lot of things she wants to do. Making Hitomi sort of flustered is on top of that list right now – she still could not understand where she is getting this.


Hitomi side-eyed her, then she laugh and finally she look back to her with a cheeky smile as she intertwine their finger.


“Minjoo-yah you're really planning something, aren’t you?”  


“Is it bad?” Minjoo ask as she gazes upon at their joined hands.


“No it’s not.” The strawberry hearted girl replied. They look into each other eyes, both with a smile.


Times seem to slow down under this tree, where they first shared the contents of their heart, at that moment, where they just smiled to each other.


“I need to go now.”  The smaller girl muttered, she stand, still not letting go of the other girl’s hand.


“See you later, Hiichan.”


“You too, Minguri, see you later.”


Minjoo could not wait for the end of school day to come. She could not wait to get out of school to meet her. She sat there in their club meeting room hoping for their president to finally dismiss them and when he did. She is very happy though she only showed it with a relieve smile, still very much the way of Minguri of yesterdays.


She needed to make a last minute arrangements after a surprise club meeting was announce and now here she is rushing to the gate. She refuses to ruin her day with the unexpected change, but right now all she wants is to be with her. She could not make her wait any longer, it’s unfair to the other.


When the Japanese saw her, her eyes brighten up. She quickly walks to her side and apologize. There are things that change and stayed. She still the same kind hearted Minjoo, who hates it when she inadvertently do something that will inconvenience other.


They had a change of plan, things did not go the way she wanted it, once again, but unlike before she is willing to make the best out of this. Strolling instead to a place much nearer their apartment building, buying cheese hot dog and bubble tea along their way and staying to that park not that far from their place.


As they sat in one of the benches she looks up to the golden leaves of the trees and the dimming sky, feeling the cold breeze that has come their way.


Fall has arrived in Seoul.


What do they say about fall, in terms of beauty it might as well be a second spring, a spring for the leaves. Both are beautiful aesthetically, both are about things that ephemeral, but can she say that both also make for a charming scene for her beating heart.


“Sorry, it did not go the way I wanted.” She apologizes.


“It’s ok, sometimes it’s good to embrace the unexpected.” Hitomi replied.


Yeah embracing the unexpected, like this unexpected thing that has bloom within their hearts.




“Let’s eat.” Hitomi added as she excitedly takes out the cheese hotdog and happily biting it.




Minjoo did the same – they talk about trivial things, but not the thing she wanted to talk.


Fall is also about changes right? Preparing yourself for another year, for a new beginning.


What are they though – spares, spares who found each other.  Heck maybe that is what the fates wanted. They have shared too much heart ache of not being the chosen one by the one they fall in love with, that the fates pitied them and paired them up instead.


Be it unexpected or cliché, she would not change it. She likes this feeling – it’s not just pinning and hoping - getting some rewards is nice too.


She sip the last drop of her bubble tea, glancing to the girl beside her, who had finish her Lemon Yoghurt drink minutes ago.


The strawberry girl glances back to her.  “Should we go now?”


“Can we go walk around for a bit?” She requested, standing not breaking their hold. It was just like earlier except the position is reversed.


Their hold eventually broke, as Hitomi put her hand inside the pocket of her coat as she shivers due to passing breeze, the Japanese walks ahead of her as she follows her, humming alongside the wind.


People admire her, her ethereal beauty to be exact but this time she is the one admiring. Those cheeks, those eyes closing to feel the wind, her hair and the hand she wants to hold.  In the midst of the moment she feels she got lost, lost in the sea of things flowing inside her.


What was she planning again?


She wants to say something; she wants to say that, to say it properly, to convey it properly.


“Hii-chan.” She muttered.


There are things that have change about her. Things like this she does not see herself of yesterday’s doing.  When did she start getting brave – getting used to the unexpected?


She thinks it was that time; she should thank her, that pup, that kid. She should thank Yujin for making her get used to sudden changes, to chaos, for storming into her life and making her see the world pass her routine, for showing that you can say something aloud. She owes it to her, the person she considers her younger sister.


You really could learn from anywhere, including and maybe especially to those younger than you, a different point of view.


The other girl looks back to her as another cold breeze pass by between them.




It was not only her. The other girl too is also nervous. It was not only her who wants to say something; the other girl too, wants to say something.


Fall, it’s like spring. Like the beauty of the blooming flowers of spring that makes people let out their feelings, maybe fall can do that too. What can you say about the falling golden leaves in an afternoon, is not it perfect for such occasion?


Both of them too, think it is perfect – but both of them too, feel nervous.


Heart beats, heat creeping up their cheeks, eyes lock to each other.


It may seem fast from the outside looking in, the way they fallen for each other. The circumstances too are quite odd, not the way you think people would plant the seed of blooming feelings but that was what happened.


Going back to that afternoon, where both let go of their love – they inadvertently found each other. With that question – they both ask and both answered.


“Have you – like someone who likes someone else?”


“It hurts?”

“It hurts.”


And today they are facing each other, and once again, probably going to ask the same question too, once again. 


For others it may seem fast but not for them – it was enough –enough for them to know what this is, what they want to say, what they want to ask.


Hitomi fiddles with the inside of her coat pocket, not sure if she should take her hand out or not. She looks to her side, averting the intensity of the other’s gaze. She really wanted to take out her hand, to reach to the hand of the one in front of her but for some reason it feels there is a distance.


There is always a distance, even when they intertwine their fingers – there always seems to be a distance, that those hold can’t break. For how sure she is right now of what she is feeling, she is not sure the other feels the same. This is true to both of them.


Miru is right, you don’t know until you gave it shot and she is glad she did. It is nice to know that for once atleast she has a chance, for once there is a chance this could be returned. She had it enough with unrequited love, playing cupid, and matching the once she like to the person they like. So it was really nice to know this time, this time at least – she has a chance, a chance to take those hands as hers.


She looks back to her eyes, then back up to the sky, trying to find the moon – it was crescent.


Trying to find the word to convey what she wanted to say. Koi. Aieru. Suki. Tsuki.


“The moon – it’s beautiful... isn’t it.” [Tsuki ga Kirei]


Hitomi quietly chuckled what a way to start this – but by saying those words in a way that someone like Minjoo would not understand the nuance. Why the word for this feeling in her native tongue sound so heavy and yet its alternative does not seem to convey what she currently feels.


Minjoo too, look up to the sky, finding the moon, its sharp crescent shape mesmerizing.


“It is.” She replied, she then look to the person in front of her and smiled. She understands what she said but not the nuance of it, not knowing that the other had opened her heart to her, already.  


 She look to her, the shorter girl still has her hands in her pocket, fiddling, her eyes to the ground, her lips pursed.


“But I think you are more beautiful.” She said to her – it was how she sees her.


Those words she just heard, she feels there is something more to it. It is not just about the moon. It feels like an opening – she has a chance.


Are they going way too fast? Maybe? There are people who have waited for a long time to say it, there are those who took a long time to realize it, there are those who stayed quite hoping to say it. She was once one of those. She waited hoping for timing; waited for so long she lost her chance.


Not now, not today – she will take her chance. This part of her changed; the her of yesterday would probably not going to do this but the her of today, will.


“Hitomi… Hii-chan.” She called to her – reaching out her hand to her.


Hitomi finally pulled out her hand out of the pocket of her coat and tried to reach out to the other, for some reason, due to uncertainty, she stop mid-air, leaving a tiny distance between their fingertips.


In that distance is fear, in that distance is guilt, in that distance- uncertainty.


That distance – the distance they have to break. The pain of previous love not returned. She looks to their hands that do not seem to want to touch, not yet maybe. Not yet until they have conveyed the things they have not been able to say to the memories of their previous love and the things they want to say to the moment of their present love.


The things they want to take shot of, a chance of.


Hitomi took a deep breathe, she breaches and closes that distance between their fingertips. That symbolic wall of the words she failed to say before and of the words she will try to convey today.


She took her chance and finally said it, but so does Minjoo.






They both chuckled, saying those words with the language of the other. It does not matter what language they used – what matters is that finally they both took their chance. They have change, by meeting each other, by those events that pulled them closer, by falling for each other. They have become a tad bit braver.


To all the chances they let go and to the one they took. They are taking this time to say the things they want to say, exchanging between each other – Hitomi took the first words and Minjoo returned it.


“I’m glad I met you.”


“I think I have fallen for you.”


“I like you.”


“I really, really like you.”


“I love you.”


When Hitomi said those words, Minjoo pulled her closer to herself for an embrace.


“Hnngg…I’m glad I took this chance.” She whispered.


“I’m glad, I did too.” Hitomi whispered back.


“Uhm so… we?”




It was sort of awkward, once again laughter filled the air, their forehead touch, smiled curled on their lips. Minjoo kissed the shorter girl’s forehead, happy to say she have her in her hands.


She was about to say something, when the younger’s phone buzz. She quickly read the message; it was from Nako asking their whereabouts.


“Should we go now?” Hitomi cheekily asks tapping her phone to her chin as she glance back to Minjoo.


Minjoo want some more time with her – to seal today, her hold of Hitomi’s hand tightens.


She is still shy, sometime timid and a lot of times unsure and tentative. She tried to find the words she wants to ask but before she could find them Hitomi beats her timing.


“Minjoo. Can I?” She whispered sounding a bit mischievous, tiptoeing just to reach her ear.


Like Minjoo, Hitomi is still the same, cute but has a mischievous streak, playful but thoughtful.


She nodded and leans forward to meet her lips. Unlike the distance between their fingertips, they easily broke this barrier. Hitomi smiled through their kiss, happy she got a wonderful gift.


It did not last that much longer as another buzz interrupted them, breaking their moment, for now though it was enough.  




“Green tea.”


They giggled the flavor of those bubble teas and maybe flavor of the lipgloss.  Sweet.


“Let’s go, Nako is going crazy.” Hitomi muttered.


Minjoo chuckled and hold her hands once again; they walk hand in hand not saying much to each other. They have conveyed their words and now have its reward, it was enough.


Hitomi just finish washing up for the night, she was on her way to her bedroom. Yet a certain pang that is clutching her heart just won’t let go. It was guilt. She knows that today, with her and Minjoo, confessing their feelings to each other, someone became a collateral damage. It was just like how they are, few months ago.


She heard the door of their apartment open and waddling to the room is her roommate carrying a box of snacks – smells very much like the cheese balls that she love.


“Hey, Hiichan let’s talk.” Her tiny roommate commanded her. She slump herself to the couch of their living room, putting the snacks on the table.


She had known Nako has this side, after all their first actual meeting is the shorter girl threatening someone with the pointy end of an umbrella. Still that contrast makes her chuckle, the same way how her savage side makes the shorter girl amused.


“So you and Minjoo?” Nako ask as she plop a cheese ball to .


“Hmmm.” Hitomi hummed as she took the space beside her.


“So that means yes.” The shorter girl muttered. Hitomi just nodded back to her, taking some cheese balls to herself.  


Nako side eyed her friend. “Ah I see, so Yujin?”


It’s not like she is against this development, opposite of it she is really happy, she just want to make sure everything is fine.  That this friend of hers can move forward to this love without guilt.


“yeah… uhm.” Hitomi replied, unsure, guilty, fiddling with the couch pillow.


“Minjoo probably did not know about this, but you and I do know about it.” Nako muttered as she lean back to the couch, gobbling another cheese ball.


The pain of being observant and perceptive, she already somehow knew this will happen.


Hitomi who is leaning forward, took a peek to her direction and was about to say something, instead of letting her talk she smacks her back hard.


“What the hell, Nako!!!” Hitomi growled.


“Language.” Nako chastised her and hit her back once again.


Nako really did go crazy, Hitomi can’t help but mutter. “What is this dwarf’s problem?”


“I heard that.” And yes aside from being observant she hears anything about her height.


The shorter girl leans towards Hitomi, face closing hers with threatening look in her eyes and then she subsequently shove a cheeseball to when she tried to say something back.    


“Listen. Don’t think much about Yujin’s situation. It’s you that matters. You and Minjoo like each other so it’s good. That’s enough for now, that is what is important. Even if you did not confess, Yujin’s situation will not change and you will just end up miserable. So know what? live your life. I’ll handle Yujin.” Nako stated, making sure Hitomi heard each and every word she uttered.  


“ah--” Hitomi tried to say something again and once again Nako did not let her.


“One more word and I’ll smack you again. Just eat.” She said as she pushes the box closer to her side.


Nako knows - one more word from Hitomi, might result once again to crippling doubts. She needs her to be happy as they stay here, running towards their dream, cheering for each other and being each other support. She kind of feel somewhat guilty too – she let Hitomi wander on her own, when she herself chases for her own heart, still better late than nothing, they still have a long way after all.   


Hitomi retreated to her room after they both finish the cheese ball, slumping, sliding down her door. Thinking about Nako’s words, is it really ok? She had hurt someone again for being selfish, but she can’t let this one go – because for once she was chosen.


She clenches her chest – trying to null the conflicting feelings brewing inside it, tears knocking on the window that is her eyes. Her phone suddenly lit up and there is a message from the person who somehow caused this – both the happiness of love and the pain of guilt.


Minguri🐸: [Picture attached]

Minguri🐸: The moon is really beautiful, isn’t it?


She smiled – those are the same word, she said earlier, this time it was written in the language of the other, attach with the picture of the crescent moon. In her native tongue those words can also mean I love you.  The other girl probably does not know about that.


🍓StrawberryTomi🍓: it is, but I think you are more beautiful.


This time she sent back the words, the other said to her.


Minguri🐸: I search about the words you said.


Hitomi tilted her head as she tried to comprehend her girlfriend’s reply.


Minguri🐸: I love you too. I just want to say it back.


When did that girl become like this? a she has become bold.


Minguri🐸: Also Happy Birthday My Strawberry Peach. 😘

🍓StrawberryTomi🍓: It's not my birthday yet…

Minguri🐸: I know but I will say it every hour till it’s your birthday. I want to be the first one to greet you.


Hitomi look away from her phone, and slowly walk to her bed, diving face first into it.


She re-read her message, getting constricted and tears flowed out of her eyes. She bawled out, she is happy – really happy. So this is what it feels to be the one, to have someone.


🍓StrawberryTomi🍓: Minjoo

Minguri🐸: Hiichan?

🍓StrawberryTomi🍓: Thank you, thank you for choosing me.

Minguri🐸: Thank you, for choosing me too.

🍓StrawberryTomi🍓: Also the moon, I think you are prettier than the moon, you are my moon. The moon is beautiful because it’s you.


The moon and the chances they did not take and the one they took. The words of yesterday left unsaid, and the words of today they conveyed. The changes they accepted, the unexpected things they faced that was what brought them together. That was what brought them to today.




  • First I hope you still read this fic despite the pairing not being what most thought it would be. If you notice - the tags i only added pairing when they are mentioned in the story. As I stated in the foreword - no exact pairing... I did it so im free to try things.
  • I really look forward to writing this one - my build up was longer and  it feels disconnected. I will be saying more about the overall story on the upcoming break.
  • the theme is changes and chances, this was harder to write - i need to crosscheck alot of things, from as early as chapter 4.
  • Playing Really Like You at midnight on loop help me finish this.
  • This pair is meant to contrast the other in how it was put together. Somehing i want to try.
  • I will ramble things on the break for this part - we entering 3rd part? Where the future of each one of them become clearer.
  • I want to feature them more [Sakura, Chaeyeon, Yujin, Nako, Wonyoung] - they all have their arc.

If you have question please ask, I'll answer them. I read all the comments. ^-^.

Apologies in advance for the amount of typos this might contain.

No sketch again, I'm sorry i finish this at like 1am.

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Thank you!
Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1762 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??